This repository has been archived on 2023-12-16. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Dan Helfman 82bf5bca29 Schema and model changes to support invitations and multiple user collaboration:
* added new database table of invited email addresses
 * altered user_notebook table to have a new owner boolean column, indicating whether the user has owner access to the notebook
 * altered notebook and note tables/views to have an additional user_id field to indicate the user that created that revision
 * updated model.Notebook and model.Note to support new user_id field
2007-12-01 01:08:16 +00:00

225 lines
9.0 KiB

import re
from copy import copy
from Note import Note
from Persistent import Persistent, quote
class Notebook( Persistent ):
A collection of wiki notes.
WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile( r"\s+" )
SEARCH_OPERATORS = re.compile( r"[&|!()]" )
def __init__( self, object_id, revision = None, name = None, trash_id = None, deleted = False, user_id = None, read_write = True ):
Create a new notebook with the given id and name.
@type object_id: unicode
@param object_id: id of the notebook
@type revision: datetime or NoneType
@param revision: revision timestamp of the object (optional, defaults to now)
@type name: unicode or NoneType
@param name: name of this notebook (optional)
@type trash_id: Notebook or NoneType
@param trash_id: id of the notebook where deleted notes from this notebook go to die (optional)
@type deleted: bool or NoneType
@param deleted: whether this notebook is currently deleted (optional, defaults to False)
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of the user who most recently updated this notebook object (optional)
@type read_write: bool or NoneType
@param read_write: whether this view of the notebook is currently read-write (optional, defaults to True)
@rtype: Notebook
@return: newly constructed notebook
Persistent.__init__( self, object_id, revision )
self.__name = name
self.__trash_id = trash_id
self.__deleted = deleted
self.__user_id = user_id
self.__read_write = read_write
def create( object_id, name = None, trash_id = None, deleted = False, user_id = None, read_write = True ):
Convenience constructor for creating a new notebook.
@type object_id: unicode
@param object_id: id of the notebook
@type name: unicode or NoneType
@param name: name of this notebook (optional)
@type trash_id: Notebook or NoneType
@param trash_id: id of the notebook where deleted notes from this notebook go to die (optional)
@type deleted: bool or NoneType
@param deleted: whether this notebook is currently deleted (optional, defaults to False)
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of the user who most recently updated this notebook object (optional)
@type read_write: bool or NoneType
@param read_write: whether this view of the notebook is currently read-write (optional, defaults to True)
@rtype: Notebook
@return: newly constructed notebook
return Notebook( object_id, name = name, trash_id = trash_id, user_id = user_id, read_write = read_write )
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ):
if revision:
return "select * from notebook where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote( object_id ), quote( revision ) )
return "select * from notebook_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id )
def sql_id_exists( object_id, revision = None ):
if revision:
return "select id from notebook where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote( object_id ), quote( revision ) )
return "select id from notebook_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id )
def sql_exists( self ):
return Notebook.sql_id_exists( self.object_id, self.revision )
def sql_create( self ):
return \
"insert into notebook ( id, revision, name, trash_id, deleted, user_id ) " + \
"values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % \
( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__name ),
quote( self.__trash_id ), quote( self.deleted ), quote( self.user_id ) )
def sql_update( self ):
return self.sql_create()
def sql_load_notes( self ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of all the notes within this notebook.
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s order by revision desc;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_non_startup_notes( self ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of the non-startup notes within this notebook.
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and startup = 'f' order by revision desc;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_startup_notes( self ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of the startup notes within this notebook.
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and startup = 't' order by rank;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_recent_notes( self, start = 0, count = 10 ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of the most recently created notes within this notebook.
@type start: int or NoneType
@param start: index of recent note to start with (defaults to 0, the most recent note)
@type count: int or NoneType
@param count: number of recent notes to return (defaults to 10 notes)
return \
select, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents,
note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id,
note_current.rank, note_current.user_id, note_creation.revision as creation
( select id, min( revision ) as revision from note where notebook_id = %s group by id ) as note_creation
notebook_id = %s and =
order by
creation desc
offset %d limit %d;
""" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.object_id ), start, count )
def sql_load_note_by_id( self, note_id ):
Return a SQL string to load a particular note within this notebook by the note's id.
@type note_id: unicode
@param note_id: id of note to load
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and id = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( note_id ) )
def sql_load_note_by_title( self, title ):
Return a SQL string to load a particular note within this notebook by the note's title.
@type note_id: unicode
@param note_id: title of note to load
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and title = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( title ) )
def sql_search_notes( self, search_text ):
Return a SQL string to perform a full-text search for notes whose contents contain the given
search_text. This is a case-insensitive search.
@type search_text: unicode
@param search_text: text to search for within the notes
# strip out all search operators
search_text = self.SEARCH_OPERATORS.sub( u"", search_text ).strip()
# join all words with boolean "and" operator
search_text = u"&".join( self.WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split( search_text ) )
return \
select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id, null,
headline( drop_html_tags( contents ), query ) as summary from (
id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank_cd( search, query ) as rank, user_id, null, query
note_current, to_tsquery( 'default', %s ) query
notebook_id = %s and query @@ search order by rank desc limit 20
) as sub;
""" % ( quote( search_text ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_highest_rank( self ):
Return a SQL string to determine the highest numbered rank of all notes in this notebook."
return "select coalesce( max( rank ), -1 ) from note_current where notebook_id = %s;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_count_notes( self ):
Return a SQL string to count the total number of notes in this notebook.
return \
"select count( id ) from note_current where notebook_id = %s;" % \
( quote( self.object_id ) )
def to_dict( self ):
d = Persistent.to_dict( self )
d.update( dict(
name = self.__name,
trash_id = self.__trash_id,
read_write = self.__read_write,
deleted = self.__deleted,
user_id = self.__user_id,
) )
return d
def __set_name( self, name ):
self.__name = name
def __set_read_write( self, read_write ):
# The read_write member isn't actually saved to the database, so setting it doesn't need to
# call update_revision().
self.__read_write = read_write
def __set_deleted( self, deleted ):
self.__deleted = deleted
name = property( lambda self: self.__name, __set_name )
trash_id = property( lambda self: self.__trash_id )
read_write = property( lambda self: self.__read_write, __set_read_write )
deleted = property( lambda self: self.__deleted, __set_deleted )
user_id = property( lambda self: self.__user_id )