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from urllib import urlencode
from cgi import escape
from Page import Page
from Header import Header
2008-07-28 23:41:34 +00:00
from Tags import Link, Input, Div, Span, H2, H4, A, Br, Strong, Script, Img, P, Noscript
from Note_tree_area import Note_tree_area
from Link_area import Link_area
from Toolbar import Toolbar
from Json import Json
from Rounded_div import Rounded_div
from config.Version import VERSION
from model.Notebook import Notebook
from Page_navigation import Page_navigation
class Main_page( Page ):
def __init__(
parent_id = None,
login_url = None,
logout_url = None,
startup_notes = None,
total_notes_count = None,
notes = None,
note_read_write = True,
start = None,
count = None,
2007-11-10 03:57:27 +00:00
http_url = None,
conversion = None,
rename = False,
deleted_id = None,
invites = None,
invite_id = None,
after_login = None,
signup_plan = None,
signup_yearly = None,
recent_notes = None,
groups = None,
startup_note_ids = [ startup_note.object_id for startup_note in startup_notes ]
def note_controls( note, read_write ):
return Div(
( read_write != Notebook.READ_ONLY ) and Input(
type = "button",
class_ = "note_button",
id = "delete_note_%s" % note.object_id,
value = "delete" + ( note.deleted_from_id and " forever" or "" ),
title = "delete note [ctrl-d]"
) or None,
( read_write != Notebook.READ_ONLY ) and note.deleted_from_id and Input(
type = "button",
class_ = "note_button",
id = "undelete_note_%s" % note.object_id,
value = "undelete",
title = "undelete note"
) or None,
( read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE ) and not note.deleted_from_id and Input(
type = "button",
class_ = "note_button",
id = "changes_note_%s" % note.object_id,
value = "changes",
title = "previous revisions",
) or None,
( read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE ) and not note.deleted_from_id and Input(
type = "button",
class_ = "note_button",
id = "options_note_%s" % note.object_id,
value = "options",
title = "note options",
) or None,
( read_write != Notebook.READ_ONLY or not note.startup ) and not note.deleted_from_id and \
( read_write != Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES ) and Input(
type = "button",
class_ = "note_button",
id = "hide_note_%s" % note.object_id,
value = "hide",
title = "hide note [ctrl-h]",
) or None,
id = u"note_controls_%s" % note.object_id,
class_ = u"note_controls",
def static_note_divs( notes, read_write ):
return [ Div(
note_controls( note, read_write ),
2009-01-07 00:20:04 +00:00
class_ = u"static_note_contents",
id = "static_note_%s" % note.object_id,
class_ = u"static_note_div",
id = u"note_holder_%s" % note.object_id,
class_ = u"note_holder",
) for note in notes ]
static_notes = notes and static_note_divs( notes, note_read_write and notebook.read_write or Notebook.READ_ONLY ) or \
static_note_divs( startup_notes, notebook.read_write )
# Since the contents of these notes are included in the static_notes section below, don't
# include them again in the hidden fields here. Accomplish this by making custom dicts for
# sending to the client.
startup_note_dicts = [ {
u"object_id" : startup_note.object_id,
u"revision" : startup_note.revision,
u"deleted_from_id" : startup_note.deleted_from_id,
u"user_id": startup_note.user_id,
u"username": startup_note.username,
} for startup_note in startup_notes ]
note_dicts = [ {
u"object_id" : note.object_id,
u"revision" : note.revision,
u"deleted_from_id" : note.deleted_from_id,
2008-10-30 22:26:27 +00:00
u"user_id": note.user_id,
u"username": note.username,
u"creation" : note.creation,
} for note in notes ]
root_notes = startup_notes + ( notes and [ note for note in notes if note.object_id not in startup_note_ids ] or [] )
def json( string ):
return escape( unicode( Json( string ) ), quote = True )
if len( notes ) == 1:
title = notes[ 0 ].title
title = notebook.name
if rate_plan.get( u"notebook_sharing" ):
updates_path = u"/notebooks/updates/%s?rss&%s" % (
urlencode( [ ( u"notebook_name", notebook.name.encode( "utf8" ) ) ] ),
updates_path = None
2008-10-30 22:26:27 +00:00
forum_tags = [ tag for tag in notebook.tags if tag.name == u"forum" ]
2008-11-18 21:28:51 +00:00
forum_tag = None
2008-10-30 22:26:27 +00:00
if notebook.name == u"Luminotes":
notebook_path = u"/"
updates_path = None # no RSS feed for the main notebook
elif notebook.name == u"Luminotes user guide":
notebook_path = u"/guide"
2008-10-30 22:26:27 +00:00
elif forum_tags:
forum_tag = forum_tags[ 0 ]
if forum_tag.value == u"blog":
notebook_path = u"/blog/%s" % notebook.friendly_id
notebook_path = u"/forums/%s/%s" % ( forum_tag.value, notebook.object_id )
notebook_path = u"/notebooks/%s" % notebook.object_id
conversion_js = None
if conversion:
conversion_js = file( u"static/js/%s_conversion.js" % conversion ).read()
except IOError:
if notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE:
header_note_title = u"wiki"
all_notes = startup_notes + notes
header_note_title = ( notebook.name == "Luminotes" ) and all_notes and all_notes[ 0 ].title or notebook.name
header_note_title = {
"contact info": "contact",
"meet the team": "team",
"Luminotes user guide": "guide",
"Luminotes privacy policy": "privacy",
}.get( header_note_title, header_note_title )
own_notebooks = [ nb for nb in notebooks if nb.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE ]
header_notebook = own_notebooks and own_notebooks[ 0 ] or notebook
Link( rel = u"stylesheet", type = u"text/css", href = u"/static/css/header.css" ),
2008-11-18 21:28:51 +00:00
updates_path and \
Link( rel = u"alternate", type = u"application/rss+xml", title = notebook.name, href = updates_path ) or None,
Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/MochiKit.js" ) or None,
Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Invoker.js" ) or None,
Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Editor.js" ) or None,
Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Wiki.js" ) or None,
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"user", id = u"user", value = json( user ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"rate_plan", id = u"rate_plan", value = json( rate_plan ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"yearly", id = u"yearly", value = json( signup_yearly ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"notebooks", id = u"notebooks", value = json( notebooks ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"notebook", id = u"notebook", value = json( notebook ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"parent_id", id = u"parent_id", value = parent_id or "" ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"startup_notes", id = u"startup_notes", value = json( startup_note_dicts ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"current_notes", id = u"current_notes", value = json( note_dicts ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"note_read_write", id = u"note_read_write", value = json( note_read_write ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"rename", id = u"rename", value = json( rename ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"deleted_id", id = u"deleted_id", value = deleted_id ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"invites", id = u"invites", value = json( invites ) ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"invite_id", id = u"invite_id", value = invite_id ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"after_login", id = u"after_login", value = after_login ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"signup_plan", id = u"signup_plan", value = signup_plan ),
Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"groups", id = u"groups", value = json( groups ) ),
id = u"status_area",
Header( user, header_notebook, login_url, logout_url, header_note_title, rate_plan ),
2007-09-27 22:11:16 +00:00
2008-10-27 23:23:27 +00:00
hide_toolbar = parent_id or notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY,
2008-11-18 21:28:51 +00:00
note_word = forum_tag and u"post" or u"note",
notebooks, notebook, parent_id, notebook_path, updates_path, user, rate_plan,
id = u"left_area",
2007-09-27 22:11:16 +00:00
( notebook.read_write != Notebook.READ_ONLY ) and Noscript(
2008-07-28 23:41:34 +00:00
P( Strong(
Luminotes requires JavaScript to be enabled in your web browser in order to edit
your wiki. Please <a href="/enable_javascript">enable JavaScript</a> before continuing.
) ),
) or None,
( notebook.name == u"trash" ) and u"trash_notebook" or u"current_notebook",
parent_id and Span(
A( u"empty", href = u"/notebooks/%s" % notebook.object_id, id = u"empty_trash_link" ),
u" | ",
A( u"go back", href = u"/notebooks/%s" % parent_id ),
id = u"notebook_header_links",
) or None,
( notebook.name == u"Luminotes" and title == u"source code" ) and \
Strong( "%s %s" % ( notebook.name, VERSION ) ) or \
( notebook.name == u"trash" or notebook.read_write != Notebook.READ_WRITE ) \
and Strong( notebook.name ) \
or Span( Strong( notebook.name ), id = u"notebook_header_name", title = "Rename this notebook." ),
id = u"notebook_header_area",
corners = ( u"tl", u"tr", u"br" ),
( notebook.name == u"trash" ) and u"trash_notebook_inner" or u"current_notebook_inner",
id = u"deleted_notebooks",
notebook_path, len( notes ), total_notes_count, start, count,
Span( id = u"notes_top" ),
id = u"notes",
2008-10-30 22:26:27 +00:00
( notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE ) and Div(
id = u"blank_note_stub",
class_ = u"blank_note_stub_hidden_border",
) or None,
2008-11-18 21:28:51 +00:00
( forum_tag and user.username and user.username != u"anonymous" ) and \
2008-11-18 21:31:19 +00:00
P( u"To write a comment, click that large \"+\" button to the left. To publish your comment, click the save button.", class_ = u"small_text" ) or None,
( forum_tag and ( not user.username or user.username == u"anonymous" ) ) and \
P( u"To write a comment, please login first. No account?", A( u"Sign up", href = u"/pricing" ), u"to get a free account.", class_ = "small_text" ) or None,
notebook_path, len( notes ), total_notes_count, start, count,
return_text = u"return to the discussion",
2009-01-22 21:05:18 +00:00
id = u"iframe_area",
id = u"notebook_background",
corners = ( u"tl", ),
id = u"notebook_border",
class_ = ( notebook.name == u"trash" ) and u"trash_notebook_color" or u"current_notebook_color",
id = u"center_content_area",
id = u"right_area",
id = u"everything_area",