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2018-01-20 23:48:31 +00:00
# MediaGoblin
A basic container for a private MediaGoblin media server (, including Nginx and uWSGI. Assumes a separate PostgreSQL database for persistence, and an email host for sending email notifications.
2018-01-20 23:48:31 +00:00
Source at
## Environment variables
2018-01-20 23:50:08 +00:00
* `NOTIFICATION_EMAIL`: From address for MediaGoblin notification emails.
* `EMAIL_HOSTNAME`: Hostname used to send outgoing notification emails.
* `EMAIL_PORT`: Port number used to send outgoing notification emails.
* `EMAIL_USERNAME`: Username used to connect to outgoing email host.
* `EMAIL_PASSWORD`: Password used to connect to outgoing email host.
* `EMAIL_TLS_SSL`: "true" or "false" for using TLS/SSL encryption for sending emails.
* `EMAIL_STARTTLS`: "true" or "false" for using STARTTLS encryption for sending emails.
2018-01-20 23:50:08 +00:00
* `DATABASE_URL`: Connection string for database to use for persistence, including credentials. See example below.
2018-01-20 23:48:31 +00:00
## Volumes
2018-01-20 23:50:08 +00:00
* `/app/user_dev`: Location to store user media uploads.
2018-01-20 23:48:31 +00:00
## Ports
2018-01-20 23:50:08 +00:00
* `80`: Only listens on port 80 for HTTP. Intended to be used in conjunction with an external reverse proxy like to provide HTTPS or anything else that's needed.
2018-01-20 23:48:31 +00:00
## Example
docker run --detach --name=mediagoblin \
--env \
--env \
--env EMAIL_PORT=587 \
--env \
--env EMAIL_PASSWORD=pass \
--env EMAIL_TLS_SSL=false \
--env EMAIL_STARTTLS=true \
2018-01-20 23:48:31 +00:00
--env DATABASE_URL=postgresql:// \
--volume /var/lib/mediagoblin/user_dev:/app/user_dev \
--publish 80:80 \