This repository has been archived on 2023-12-16. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

1139 lines
39 KiB

GECKO = /Gecko/.test( navigator.userAgent ) && !/like Gecko/.test( navigator.userAgent );
WEBKIT = /WebKit/.test( navigator.userAgent );
IE6 = /MSIE 6\.0/.test( navigator.userAgent );
OPERA = /Opera/.test( navigator.userAgent );
function Editor( id, notebook_id, note_text, deleted_from_id, revision, read_write, startup, highlight, focus, position_after, start_dirty, own_notes_only ) { = id;
this.notebook_id = notebook_id;
this.initial_text = note_text;
this.start_dirty = start_dirty;
this.deleted_from_id = deleted_from_id || null;
this.revision = revision;
this.user_revisions = new Array(); // cache for this note's list of revisions, loaded from the server on-demand
this.read_write = read_write; // whether the user has read-write access to this Editor
this.own_notes_only = own_notes_only; // whether the user only has read-write access to their own notes
this.edit_enabled = read_write && !deleted_from_id; // whether editing is actually enabled for this Editor
this.startup = startup || false; // whether this Editor is for a startup note
this.init_highlight = highlight || false;
this.init_focus = focus || false;
this.closed = false;
this.link_started = null;
this.hover_target = null;
this.hover_timer = null;
this.document = null;
this.iframe = null;
this.div = null;
this.title = "";
// if the Editor is to be focused, create an editable iframe. otherwise just create a static div
if ( ( highlight || focus ) && this.edit_enabled )
this.create_iframe( position_after );
this.create_div( position_after );
Editor.prototype.create_note_controls = function () {
var iframe_id = "note_" +;
if ( this.read_write ) {
this.delete_button = createDOM( "input", {
"type": "button",
"class": "note_button",
"id": "delete_" + iframe_id,
"value": "delete" + ( this.deleted_from_id ? " forever" : "" ),
"title": "delete note [ctrl-d]"
} );
if ( this.deleted_from_id ) {
this.undelete_button = createDOM( "input", {
"type": "button",
"class": "note_button",
"id": "undelete_" + iframe_id,
"value": "undelete",
"title": "undelete note"
} );
} else if ( !this.own_notes_only ) {
this.changes_button = createDOM( "input", {
"type": "button",
"class": "note_button",
"id": "changes_" + iframe_id,
"value": "changes",
"title": "previous revisions"
} );
this.options_button = createDOM( "input", {
"type": "button",
"class": "note_button",
"id": "options_" + iframe_id,
"value": "options",
"title": "note options"
} );
if ( !this.deleted_from_id && ( this.read_write || !this.startup ) && !this.own_notes_only ) {
this.hide_button = createDOM( "input", {
"type": "button",
"class": "note_button",
"id": "hide_" + iframe_id,
"value": "hide",
"title": "hide note [ctrl-h]"
} );
this.note_controls = createDOM(
"div", { "class": "note_controls", "id": "note_controls_" + },
this.delete_button ? this.delete_button : null,
this.delete_button ? " " : null,
this.changes_button ? this.changes_button : null,
this.changes_button ? " " : null,
this.options_button ? this.options_button : null,
this.options_button ? " " : null,
this.undelete_button ? this.undelete_button : null,
this.undelete_button ? " " : null,
this.hide_button ? this.hide_button : null
Editor.prototype.connect_note_controls = function ( store_control_buttons ) {
if ( store_control_buttons ) {
var iframe_id = "note_" +;
this.delete_button = getElement( "delete_" + iframe_id );
this.undelete_button = getElement( "undelete_" + iframe_id );
this.changes_button = getElement( "changes_" + iframe_id );
this.options_button = getElement( "options_" + iframe_id );
this.hide_button = getElement( "hide_" + iframe_id );
var self = this;
if ( this.delete_button ) {
disconnectAll( this.delete_button );
connect( this.delete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "delete_clicked", event ); } );
if ( this.undelete_button ) {
disconnectAll( this.undelete_button );
connect( this.undelete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "undelete_clicked", event ); } );
if ( this.changes_button ) {
disconnectAll( this.changes_button );
connect( this.changes_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "changes_clicked", event ); } );
if ( this.options_button ) {
disconnectAll( this.options_button );
connect( this.options_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "options_clicked", event ); } );
if ( this.hide_button ) {
disconnectAll( this.hide_button );
connect( this.hide_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "hide_clicked", event ); } );
Editor.prototype.create_iframe = function ( position_after ) {
var iframe_id = "note_" +;
// if there is already an iframe for this Editor, bail
var iframe = getElement( iframe_id );
if ( iframe )
var self = this;
this.iframe = createDOM( "iframe",
// iframe src attribute is necessary in IE 6 on an HTTPS site to prevent annoying warnings
"src": "about:blank",
"frameBorder": "0",
"scrolling": "no",
"id": iframe_id,
"name": iframe_id,
"class": "note_frame invisible",
"onresize": function () { setTimeout( function () { self.resize() }, 50 ); },
this.iframe.editor = this;
// if there is already a static note open for this editor, replace its div with the new iframe
var static_note = getElement( "static_note_" + );
if ( static_note ) {
this.note_controls = getElement( "note_controls_" + );
this.connect_note_controls( true );
disconnectAll( this.div );
var frame_height = elementDimensions( static_note ).h;
insertSiblingNodesAfter( static_note, this.iframe );
// give the invisible iframe the exact same position as the div it will replace
setStyle( this.iframe, { "position": "fixed" } );
setElementPosition( this.iframe, getElementPosition( static_note ) );
// give the iframe the note's current contents and then resize it based on the size of the div
this.set_iframe_contents( this.contents() );
this.resize( frame_height );
// make the completed iframe visible, and now remove the static div
removeElementClass( this.iframe, "invisible" );
removeElement( static_note );
// set the iframe positioning back to standard static positioning and move the note controls
setStyle( this.iframe, { "position": "static" } );
insertSiblingNodesBefore( this.iframe, this.note_controls );
// finally, turn on design mode so the iframe is editable
this.div = null;
} else {
var note_holder = createDOM( "div", { "id": "note_holder_" + },
if ( position_after && position_after.parentNode )
insertSiblingNodesAfter( position_after, note_holder );
appendChildNodes( "notes", note_holder );
var self = this;
this.set_iframe_contents( this.contents() );
setTimeout( function() { self.resize(); }, 1 );
removeElementClass( this.iframe, "invisible" );
Editor.prototype.set_iframe_contents = function ( contents_text ) {
if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) { // browsers such as Firefox
this.document = this.iframe.contentDocument;
} else { // browsers such as IE
this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document;
if ( !contents_text ) {
// hack: add a zero-width space to make the horizontal line under title show up in the
// correct position, even before there is a title
contents_text = "<h3>&#8203;";
'<html><head><style>html { padding: 1em; } body { font-size: 90%; line-height: 140%; font-family: sans-serif; } h3 { padding-bottom: 0.25em; border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; margin-bottom: 0.75em; } a[target ^= "_new"] { background: url(/static/images/web_icon_tiny.png) right center no-repeat; padding-right: 13px; } .diff a[target ^= "_new"] { background-image: none; padding-right: 0; } a:hover { color: #ff6600; } ins { color: green; text-decoration: none; } ins a { color: green; } del { color: red; text-decoration: line-through; } del a { color: red; } img { border-width: 0; } .left_justified { float: left; margin: 0.5em 1.5em 0.5em 0; } .center_justified { display: block; margin: 0.5em auto 0.5em auto; text-align: center; } .right_justified { float: right; margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1.5em; } hr { border: 0; color: #000000; background-color: #000000; height: 1px; } .button { border-style: outset; border-width: 0px; background-color: #d0e0f0; font-size: 100%; outline: none; cursor: pointer; } .button:hover { background-color: #ffcc66; } .revoke_button { margin-left: 0.5em; font-size: 90%; } .admin_button { margin-left: 0.5em; font-size: 90%; } .remove_user_button { margin-left: 0.5em; font-size: 90%; } .text_field { margin-top: 0.25em; padding: 0.25em; border: #999999 1px solid; } .textarea_field { margin-top: 0.25em; padding: 0.25em; border: #999999 1px solid; overflow: auto; } ul { list-style-type: disc; } ul li { margin-top: 0.5em; } ol li { margin-top: 0.5em; } .center_text { text-align: center; } .small_text { padding-top: 0.5em; font-size: 90%; } .radio_label { color: #000000; } .radio_label:hover { color: #ff6600; cursor: pointer; } .indented { margin-left: 1em; } .radio_table td { padding-right: 1em; } #import_notebook_table { font-size: 72%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #999999; } #import_notebook_table td { border: 1px solid #999999; padding: 0.5em; } #import_notebook_table .heading_row { font-weight: bold; } .thumbnail_left { float: left; margin: 0.5em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; border: 1px solid #999999; } .thumbnail_right { float: right; margin: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; border: 1px solid #999999; } .search_results_summary { font-size: 82%; } .invite_status { font-size: 82%; } .invite_link_area { font-size: 82%; margin-left: 2em; } .user_status { font-size: 82%; }</style>' +
'<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type"></meta></head><body>' + contents_text + '</body></html>'
Editor.prototype.enable_design_mode = function () {
if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) { // browsers such as Firefox
if ( this.edit_enabled )
this.document.designMode = "On";
} else { // browsers such as IE
if ( this.edit_enabled ) {
this.document.designMode = "On";
// work-around for IE bug: reget the document after designMode is turned on
this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document;
// move the text cursor to the end of the text
if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
var last_node = this.document.body.lastChild;
if ( last_node.nodeValue == "\n" && last_node.previousSibling )
last_node = last_node.previousSibling;
selection.selectAllChildren( last_node );
} else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE
// TODO: finish this for IE
var range = this.document.selection.createRange();
Editor.prototype.create_div = function ( position_after ) {
var self = this;
// if there is already a static note div for this Editor, connect up the note controls and bail
var static_note_div = getElement( "static_note_" + );
if ( static_note_div ) {
this.note_controls = getElement( "note_controls_" + );
this.connect_note_controls( true );
this.div = static_note_div;
var static_contents = createDOM( "span", { "class": "static_note_contents" } );
static_contents.innerHTML = this.contents();
this.div = createDOM(
"div", { "class": "static_note_div", "id": "static_note_" + }, static_contents
this.div.editor = this;
// if there is already an iframe open for this editor, replace it with the new static note div
if ( getElement( "note_" + ) ) {
disconnectAll( this.iframe.contentWindow );
disconnectAll( this.document.body );
disconnectAll( this.document );
swapDOM( this.iframe, this.div );
insertSiblingNodesBefore( this.div, this.note_controls );
this.iframe = null;
this.document = null;
} else {
var note_holder = createDOM( "div", { "id": "note_holder_" + },
if ( position_after && position_after.parentNode )
insertSiblingNodesAfter( position_after, note_holder );
appendChildNodes( "notes", note_holder );
signal( self, "init_complete" );
Editor.prototype.connect_handlers = function () {
if ( this.document && this.document.body ) {
// since the browser may subtly tweak the html when it's inserted, save off the browser's version
// of the html here. this yields more accurate comparisons within the dirty() method
if ( this.start_dirty )
this.initial_text = "";
this.initial_text = this.document.body.innerHTML;
var self = this; // necessary so that the member functions of this editor object are used
if ( this.div ) {
connect( this.div, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.mouse_clicked( event ); } );
connect( this.div, "onmouseover", function ( event ) { self.mouse_hovered( event ); } );
connect( this.div, "ondragover", function ( event ) { self.mouse_dragged( event ); } );
} else {
if ( this.edit_enabled ) {
connect( this.document, "onkeydown", function ( event ) { self.key_pressed( event ); } );
connect( this.document, "onkeyup", function ( event ) { self.key_released( event ); } );
connect( this.document, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.mouse_clicked( event ); } );
connect( this.document, "onmouseover", function ( event ) { self.mouse_hovered( event ); } );
connect( this.document, "ondragover", function ( event ) { self.mouse_dragged( event ); } );
connect( this.iframe.contentWindow, "onpaste", function ( event ) { setTimeout( function () { self.resize() }, 50 ); } );
connect( this.iframe.contentWindow, "oncut", function ( event ) { setTimeout( function () { self.resize() }, 50 ); } );
// handle each form submit event by forwarding it on as a custom event
function connect_form( form ) {
connect( form, "onsubmit", function ( event ) {
signal( self, "submit_form", form );
} );
var forms = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "form", null, this.document );
for ( var i in forms ) {
var form = forms[ i ];
connect_form( form );
// connect each (non-submit) button to issue an event
function connect_button( button ) {
connect( button, "onclick", function ( event ) {
signal( self, "button_clicked", this, button );
} );
var buttons = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "input", "button", this.document );
for ( var i in buttons ) {
var button = buttons[ i ];
if ( button.getAttribute( "type" ) == "submit")
connect_button( button );
// browsers such as Firefox, but not Opera
if ( !OPERA && this.iframe && this.iframe.contentDocument && this.edit_enabled ) {
this.exec_command( "styleWithCSS", false );
this.exec_command( "insertbronreturn", true );
if ( this.init_highlight ) {
this.init_highlight = false;
if ( this.init_focus ) {
this.init_focus = false;
if ( this.iframe )
// special-case: focus any username field found within this div
if ( this.div ) {
var username = getElement( "username" );
if ( username && isChildNode( username, this.div ) )
signal( self, "init_complete" );
Editor.prototype.highlight = function ( scroll ) {
if ( scroll == undefined )
scroll = true;
var self = this;
function do_highlight() {
if ( self.div ) {
new Highlight( self.div, options = { "queue": { "scope": "highlight", "limit": 1 } } );
if ( OPERA ) { // MochiKit's Highlight for iframes is broken in Opera
pulsate( self.iframe, options = { "pulses": 1, "duration": 0.5 } );
} else if ( self.iframe.contentDocument ) { // browsers such as Firefox
new Highlight( self.iframe, options = { "queue": { "scope": "highlight", "limit": 1 } } );
} else { // browsers such as IE
if ( self.document && self.document.body )
new Highlight( self.document.body, options = { "queue": { "scope": "highlight", "limit": 1 } } );
// focusing the highlighted editor before scrolling to it prevents IE from deciding to
// automatically scroll back to the link immediately afterwards
if ( scroll ) {
var editor_node = this.iframe || this.div;
// if the editor is already completely on-screen, then there's no need to scroll
var viewport_position = getViewportPosition();
if ( getElementPosition( this.note_controls ).y < viewport_position.y ||
getElementPosition( editor_node ).y + getElementDimensions( editor_node ).h > viewport_position.y + getViewportDimensions().h ) {
new ScrollTo( this.note_controls, { "afterFinish": do_highlight, "duration": 0.25 } );
Editor.prototype.exec_command = function ( command, parameter ) {
command = command.toLowerCase();
if ( command == "h3" ) {
if ( this.state_enabled( "h3" ) )
this.document.execCommand( "formatblock", false, "<p>" );
this.document.execCommand( "formatblock", false, "<h3>" );
this.document.execCommand( command, false, parameter );
Editor.prototype.insert_html = function ( html ) {
if ( html.length == 0 ) return;
if ( !this.edit_enabled || strip( this.contents() ) == "" ) {
this.document.body.innerHTML = html;
try { // browsers supporting insertHTML command, such as Firefox
this.document.execCommand( "insertHTML", false, html );
} catch ( e ) { // browsers that don't support insertHTML, such as IE
this.document.body.innerHTML = html;
Editor.prototype.query_command_value = function ( command ) {
return this.document.queryCommandValue( command );
// resize the editor's frame to fit the dimensions of its content
Editor.prototype.resize = function ( height ) {
if ( !this.document ) return;
var FRAME_BORDER_HEIGHT = 4; // 2 pixels at the top and 2 at the bottom
if ( height ) {
// if no height is given, get the height from this editor's document body
} else {
if ( WEBKIT ) {
var self = this;
withDocument( this.document, function () {
var body = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "body" );
height = elementDimensions( body ).h;
} );
} else if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) { // Gecko and other sane browsers
height = elementDimensions( this.document.documentElement ).h;
} else { // IE
height = this.document.body.scrollHeight;
setElementDimensions( this.iframe, { "h": height } );
Editor.prototype.key_pressed = function ( event ) {
signal( this, "key_pressed", this, event );
Editor.prototype.key_released = function ( event ) {
// if ctrl keys are released, bail
var code = event.key().code;
var CTRL = 17;
if ( event.modifier().ctrl || code == CTRL )
this.cleanup_html( code );
signal( this, "state_changed", this, false );
Editor.prototype.cleanup_html = function ( key_code ) {
if ( WEBKIT ) {
// if enter is pressed while in a title, end title mode, since WebKit doesn't do that for us
var ENTER = 13; BACKSPACE = 8;
if ( key_code == ENTER && this.state_enabled( "h3" ) )
this.exec_command( "h3" );
// if backspace is pressed, skip WebKit style scrubbing since it can cause problems
if ( key_code == BACKSPACE )
return null;
// as of this writing, WebKit doesn't support execCommand( "styleWithCSS" ). for more info, see
// so to make up for this shortcoming, manually scrub WebKit style spans and other nodes,
// replacing them with appropriate tags
var style_spans = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "span", null, this.document );
var underlines = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "u", null, this.document );
var strikethroughs = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "strike", null, this.document );
var fonts = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "font", "Apple-style-span", this.document );
var nodes = style_spans.concat( underlines ).concat( strikethroughs ).concat( fonts );
for ( var i in nodes ) {
var node = nodes[ i ];
if ( !node ) continue;
var style = node.getAttribute( "style" );
node.removeAttribute( "class" );
if ( style == undefined && node.tagName != "font" && node.tagName != "FONT" )
var replacement = withDocument( this.document, function () {
// font-size is set when ending title mode
if ( style.indexOf( "font-size: " ) != -1 )
return null;
if ( style.indexOf( "text-decoration: none;" ) != -1 || style.length == 0 )
return createDOM( "span" );
if ( style.indexOf( "font-weight: bold;" ) != -1 )
return createDOM( "b" );
if ( style.indexOf( "font-style: italic;" ) != -1 )
return createDOM( "i" );
if ( style.indexOf( "text-decoration: underline;" ) != -1 )
return createDOM( "u" );
if ( style.indexOf( "text-decoration: line-through;" ) != -1 )
return createDOM( "strike" );
return null;
} );
if ( replacement ) {
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
var anchor = selection.anchorNode;
var offset = selection.anchorOffset;
swapDOM( node, replacement );
appendChildNodes( replacement, node.childNodes );
// necessary to prevent the text cursor from disappearing as the node containing it is replaced
selection.collapse( anchor, offset );
} else {
node.removeAttribute( "style" );
// the rest only applies to Firefox and other Gecko-based browsers
if ( !GECKO )
// if you're typing the text of an <h3> title and you hit enter, the text cursor will skip a line
// and then move back up a line when you start typing again. to prevent this behavior, remove an
// extra <br> tag when this situation is detected before the current node: <h3><br>
if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) {
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 );
var startOffset = range.startOffset;
var node = range.startContainer.childNodes[ startOffset ];
if ( node && node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.previousSibling &&
node.previousSibling.nodeName == "BR" &&
node.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeName == "H3" ) {
removeElement( node.previousSibling );
if ( node.nodeName != "BR" )
insertSiblingNodesBefore( node, createDOM( "br" ) );
Editor.prototype.mouse_clicked = function ( event ) {
this.link_started = null;
var self = this;
function handle_click( event ) {
// we only want to deal with left mouse button clicks
if ( event.mouse().button.middle || event.mouse().button.right )
return false;
// search through the tree of elements containing the clicked target. if a link isn't found, bail
var link =
if ( !link ) false;
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;
if ( !link )
return false;
if ( !link.href ) return false;
// links with targets are considered to be external links pointing outside of this wiki
if ( ) {
// if this is a read-only editor, bail and let the browser handle the link normally
if ( !self.edit_enabled ) return true;
// otherwise, this is a read-write editor, so we've got to launch the external link ourselves.
// note that this ignores what the link target actually contains and assumes it's "_new" link.href );
return true;
// special case for links to uploaded files
if ( ! && /\/files\//.test( link.href ) ) {
if ( !/\/files\/new$/.test( link.href ) ) { link.href );
return true;
// load the note corresponding to the clicked link
var query = parse_query( link );
var title = link_title( link, query );
var id = query.note_id;
signal( self, "load_editor", title, id, null, null, link, self.iframe );
return true;
var link_clicked = handle_click( event );
// if no link was clicked, then just focus the clicked editor
if ( !link_clicked )
// in case the cursor has moved, update the state
if ( this.edit_enabled )
signal( this, "state_changed", this, link_clicked );
Editor.prototype.mouse_hovered = function ( event ) {
// ignore mouse hover events for static div notes
if ( this.div )
// search through the tree of elements containing the hover target for a link
var link =
if ( !link ) false;
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;
if ( !link )
if ( !link || !link.href )
link = null;
var self = this;
var hover_target = link ||;
this.hover_target = hover_target;
if ( this.hover_timer )
clearTimeout( this.hover_timer );
this.hover_timer = setTimeout( function () { self.mouse_hover_timeout( hover_target ) }, HOVER_DURATION_MILLISECONDS );
Editor.prototype.mouse_hover_timeout = function ( hover_target ) {
// if the mouse is hovering over the same target that it was when the timer started
if ( hover_target == this.hover_target )
signal( this, "mouse_hovered", hover_target );
Editor.prototype.mouse_dragged = function ( event ) {
// reset the hover timer to prevent a mouse hover from being registered while the mouse is being dragged
if ( this.hover_timer ) {
var self = this;
clearTimeout( this.hover_timer );
this.hover_timer = setTimeout( function () { self.mouse_hover_timeout( self.hover_target ) }, HOVER_DURATION_MILLISECONDS );
Editor.prototype.scrape_title = function () {
// scrape the note title out of the editor
var heading = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "h3", null, this.document || this.div );
if ( heading )
var title = scrapeText( heading );
var title = "";
// issue a signal that the title has changed and save off the new title
if ( this.edit_enabled )
signal( this, "title_changed", this, this.title, title );
this.title = title;
Editor.title_placeholder_char = "\u200b";
Editor.title_placeholder_pattern = /\u200b/g;
Editor.title_placeholder_html = "&#8203;&#8203;";
Editor.prototype.empty = function () {
if ( this.div )
var node = this.div;
else if ( this.document && this.document.body )
var node = this.document.body;
return true;
return ( scrapeText( node ).replace( Editor.title_placeholder_pattern, "" ).length == 0 );
Editor.prototype.insert_link = function ( url ) {
// get the current selection, which is the link title
if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
// if no text is selected, then insert a link with two zero-width spaces as the title. then,
// position the text cursor between the two zero-width spaces. yes, this really is necessary.
// it ensures that the next character typed in WebKit becomes part of the link title.
if ( selection.toString().length == 0 ) {
this.insert_html( '<a href="' + url + '" id="new_link">' + Editor.title_placeholder_html + '</a>' );
var link = withDocument( this.document, function () { return getElement( "new_link" ); } );
link.removeAttribute( "id" );
selection.selectAllChildren( link );
selection.collapse( link.firstChild, 1 );
this.link_started = link;
// otherwise, just create a link with the selected text as the link title
} else {
this.link_started = null;
this.exec_command( "createLink", url );
return this.find_link_at_cursor();
} else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE
var range = this.document.selection.createRange();
// if no text is selected, then insert a link with a placeholder space as the link title, and
// then select it
if ( range.text.length == 0 ) {
range.text = " ";
range.moveStart( "character", -1 );;
this.exec_command( "createLink", url );
this.link_started = this.find_link_at_cursor();
} else {
this.link_started = null;
this.exec_command( "createLink", url );
return this.find_link_at_cursor();
Editor.prototype.start_link = function () {
return this.insert_link( "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=new" );
Editor.prototype.start_file_link = function () {
return this.insert_link( "/files/new" );
Editor.prototype.end_link = function () {
this.link_started = null;
var link = this.find_link_at_cursor();
if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox
this.exec_command( "unlink" );
// necessary to actually end a link in WebKit. the side-effect is that the cursor jumps to the
// end of the link if it's not already there
if ( link && WEBKIT ) {
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
var sentinel = this.document.createTextNode( Editor.title_placeholder_char );
insertSiblingNodesAfter( link, sentinel );
selection.collapse( sentinel, 1 );
} else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE
// if some text is already selected, unlink it and bail
var range = this.document.selection.createRange();
if ( range.text.length > 0 ) {
this.exec_command( "unlink" );
// since execCommand() with "unlink" removes the entire link instead of just ending it, fake it
// by appending a temporary span, selecting it, and then immediately removing it
var span = this.document.createElement( "span" );
span.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
range.parentElement().appendChild( span );
range.moveToElementText( span );;
range.pasteHTML( "" );
return link;
Editor.prototype.find_link_at_cursor = function () {
if ( this.iframe && this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
var link = selection.anchorNode;
if ( !link ) return null;
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;
if ( !link )
if ( link != this.link_started )
this.link_started = null;
if ( link ) return link;
// well, that didn't work, so try the selection's focus node instead
link = selection.focusNode;
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;
if ( !link ) {
this.link_started = null;
return null;
if ( link != this.link_started )
this.link_started = null;
return link;
} else if ( this.document && this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE
var range = this.document.selection.createRange();
var link = range.parentElement();
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;
if ( !link ) {
this.link_started = null;
return null;
if ( link != this.link_started )
this.link_started = null;
return link;
this.link_started = null;
return null;
Editor.prototype.focus = function () {
if ( this.div && this.edit_enabled )
addElementClass( this.div || this.iframe, "focused_note_frame" );
if ( this.iframe ) {
if ( OPERA )
signal( this, "focused", this );
Editor.prototype.blur = function () {
removeElementClass( this.div || this.iframe, "focused_note_frame" );
Editor.prototype.contents = function () {
if ( this.div ) {
var static_contents = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "span", "static_note_contents", this.div );
if ( static_contents )
return static_contents.innerHTML;
if ( this.document && this.document.body )
return this.document.body.innerHTML;
return this.initial_text || "";
// return true if the given state_name is currently enabled, optionally using a given list of node
// names
Editor.prototype.state_enabled = function ( state_name, node_names ) {
if ( !this.edit_enabled )
return false;
state_name = state_name.toLowerCase();
if ( !node_names )
node_names = this.current_node_names();
for ( var i in node_names ) {
var node_name = node_names[ i ];
if ( node_name == state_name )
return true;
return false;
// return a list of names for all the nodes containing the cursor
Editor.prototype.current_node_names = function () {
var node_names = new Array();
if ( !this.edit_enabled || !this.iframe || !this.document )
return node_names;
// to determine whether the specified state is enabled, see whether the current selection is
// contained (directly or indirectly) by a node of the appropriate type (e.g. "h3", "a", etc.)
var node;
if ( window.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
if ( selection.rangeCount > 0 )
var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 );
var range = this.document.createRange();
node = range.endContainer;
} else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE
var range = this.document.selection.createRange();
node = range.parentElement();
while ( node ) {
var name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if ( name == "strong" ) name = "b";
if ( name == "em" ) name = "i";
if ( name != "a" || node.href )
node_names.push( name );
node = node.parentNode;
return node_names;
Editor.prototype.shutdown = function( event ) {
signal( this, "title_changed", this, this.title, null );
this.closed = true;
var note_controls = this.note_controls;
if ( this.iframe ) {
var iframe = this.iframe;
this.iframe = null;
disconnectAll( this );
disconnectAll( this.delete_button );
disconnectAll( this.changes_button );
disconnectAll( this.options_button );
disconnectAll( this.hide_button );
disconnectAll( iframe );
var editor_node = iframe;
if ( this.document ) {
disconnectAll( this.document.body );
disconnectAll( this.document );
if ( this.div ) {
disconnectAll( this.div );
var editor_node = this.div;
this.div = null;
if ( !editor_node )
blindUp( editor_node, options = { "duration": 0.25, afterFinish: function () {
try {
removeElement( note_controls );
removeElement( editor_node );
} catch ( e ) { }
} } );
Editor.prototype.summarize = function () {
if ( this.div )
return summarize_html( scrapeText( this.div ), this.title );
if ( this.document && this.document.body )
return summarize_html( scrapeText( this.document.body ), this.title );
return "";
function summarize_html( html, title ) {
var span = createDOM( "span", {} );
span.innerHTML = html;
var summary = strip( scrapeText( span ) );
// remove the title (if any) from the summary text
if ( title && summary.indexOf( title ) == 0 )
summary = summary.substr( title.length );
if ( summary.length == 0 )
return null;
var word_count = 10;
// split the summary on whitespace
var words = summary.split( /\s+/ );
function first_words( words, word_count ) {
return words.slice( 0, word_count ).join( " " );
var truncated = false;
summary = first_words( words, word_count );
// find a summary less than MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH and, if possible, truncated on a word boundary
while ( summary.length > MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH ) {
word_count -= 1;
summary = first_words( words, word_count );
// if the first word is just ridiculously long, truncate it without finding a word boundary
if ( word_count == 1 ) {
summary = summary.substr( 0, MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH );
truncated = true;
if ( truncated || word_count < words.length )
summary += " ...";
return summary;
// return the given html in a normal form. this makes html string comparisons more accurate
function normalize_html( html ) {
if ( !html ) return html;
// remove any "pulldown" attributes, which get added in IE whenever link.pulldown is set
var normal_html = html.replace( /\s+pulldown="null"/g, "" );
// convert absolute URLs to the server into relative URLs. accomplish this by removing, for
// instance, "" from any URLs. this is necessary becuase IE insists on
// converting relative link URLs to absolute URLs
var base_url = window.location.protocol + "//" +;
normal_html = normal_html.replace( '="' + base_url + '/', '="/' );
return normal_html;
Editor.prototype.dirty = function () {
var original_html = normalize_html( this.initial_text )
var current_html = normalize_html( this.contents() );
if ( current_html == "" || current_html == original_html )
return false;
return true;
Editor.prototype.mark_clean = function () {
this.initial_text = this.contents();
Editor.prototype.mark_dirty = function () {
this.initial_text = null;
// convenience function for parsing a link that has an href URL containing a query string
function parse_query( link ) {
if ( !link || !link.href )
return new Array();
return parseQueryString( link.href.split( "?" ).pop() );
// convenience function for getting a link's title (stripped of whitespace), either from a query
// argument in the href, from the actual link title, or from the link's href
function link_title( link, query ) {
if ( link && )
return link.href;
if ( !query )
query = parse_query( link );
var link_title = strip( query.title || scrapeText( link ) );
// work around an IE quirk in which link titles are sometimes 0xa0
if ( link_title.charCodeAt( 0 ) == 160 )
return "";
return link_title.replace( Editor.title_placeholder_pattern, "" );
function normalize_title( title ) {
return title.replace( Editor.title_placeholder_pattern, "" ) || "untitled note";
function editor_by_id( note_id, revision ) {
if ( revision )
var iframe = getElement( "note_" + note_id + " " + revision );
var iframe = getElement( "note_" + note_id );
if ( iframe )
return iframe.editor;
var div = getElement( "static_note_" + note_id );
if ( div )
return div.editor;
return null;