This repository has been archived on 2023-12-16. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

51 lines
1.6 KiB

import re
import csv
from cStringIO import StringIO
from model.User import User
FILE_LINK_PATTERN = re.compile( u'<a\s+href="[^"]*\/files\/download\?file_id=[^"]+"[^>]*>', re.IGNORECASE )
IMAGE_PATTERN = re.compile( u'<img [^>]* ?/?>', re.IGNORECASE )
NEWLINE_PATTERN = re.compile( u'[\r\n]+' )
def export( database, notebook, notes, response_headers ):
Format the given notes as a CSV file and return it as a streaming generator.
buffer = StringIO()
writer = csv.writer( buffer, quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC )
response_headers[ u"Content-Disposition" ] = u"attachment; filename=%s.csv" % notebook.friendly_id
response_headers[ u"Content-Type" ] = u"text/csv;charset=utf-8"
def prepare_contents( contents ):
contents = FILE_LINK_PATTERN.sub( '<a>', contents )
contents = IMAGE_PATTERN.sub( '', contents )
contents = NEWLINE_PATTERN.sub( ' ', contents )
return contents.strip()
def stream():
writer.writerow( ( u"contents", u"title", u"note_id", u"startup", u"username", u"revision_date" ) )
yield buffer.getvalue()
buffer.truncate( 0 )
for note in notes:
user = None
if note.user_id:
user = database.load( User, note.user_id )
writer.writerow( (
note.contents and prepare_contents( note.contents ).encode( "utf8" ) or None,
note.title and note.title.strip().encode( "utf8" ) or None,
note.startup and 1 or 0,
note.user_id and user and user.username and user.username.encode( "utf8" ) or u"",
) )
yield buffer.getvalue()
buffer.truncate( 0 )
return stream()