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import re
import cherrypy
import smtplib
import urllib
from pytz import utc
from nose.tools import raises
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from Test_controller import Test_controller
import Stub_urllib2
from config.Version import VERSION
from model.User import User
from model.Group import Group
from model.Notebook import Notebook
from model.Note import Note
from model.Password_reset import Password_reset
from model.Download_access import Download_access
from model.Invite import Invite
from model.Tag import Tag
from controller.Users import Invite_error, Payment_error
import controller.Users as Users
class Test_users( Test_controller ):
RESET_LINK_PATTERN = re.compile( "(https?://\S+)?/r/(\S+)" )
INVITE_LINK_PATTERN = re.compile( "(https?://\S+)?/i/(\S+)" )
def setUp( self ):
Test_controller.setUp( self )
Users.urllib2 = Stub_urllib2
self.username = u"mulder"
self.password = u"trustno1"
self.email_address = u"out-there@example.com"
self.new_username = u"reynolds"
self.new_password = u"shiny"
self.new_email_address = u"capn@example.com"
self.username2 = u"scully"
self.password2 = u"trustsome1"
self.email_address2 = u"out-there@example.com"
self.user = None
self.user2 = None
self.demo_user = None
self.group = None
self.group2 = None
self.anonymous = None
self.notebooks = None
self.session_id = None
def make_users( self ):
notebook_id1 = self.database.next_id( Notebook )
notebook_id2 = self.database.next_id( Notebook )
trash_id1 = self.database.next_id( Notebook )
trash_id2 = self.database.next_id( Notebook )
self.database.save( Notebook.create( trash_id1, u"trash" ) )
self.database.save( Notebook.create( trash_id2, u"trash" ) )
self.notebooks = [
Notebook.create( notebook_id1, u"my notebook", trash_id = trash_id1 ),
Notebook.create( notebook_id2, u"my other notebook", trash_id = trash_id2 ),
self.database.save( self.notebooks[ 0 ] )
self.database.save( self.notebooks[ 1 ] )
self.user = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), self.username, self.password, self.email_address )
self.database.save( self.user, commit = False )
self.anon_notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"anon notebook" )
self.database.save( self.anon_notebook )
self.startup_note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>login</h3>",
notebook_id = self.anon_notebook.object_id, startup = True,
user_id = self.user.object_id,
self.database.save( self.startup_note, commit = False )
self.group = Group.create( self.database.next_id( Group ), u"my group" )
self.database.save( self.group, commit = False )
self.group2 = Group.create( self.database.next_id( Group ), u"other group" )
self.database.save( self.group2, commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( notebook_id1, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 0 ), commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( trash_id1, read_write = True, owner = True ), commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( notebook_id2, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 1 ), commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( trash_id2, read_write = True, owner = True ), commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_group( self.group.object_id, admin = False ) )
self.user2 = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), self.username2, self.password2, self.email_address2, rate_plan = 1 )
self.database.save( self.user2, commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_save_group( self.group.object_id, admin = True ) )
self.anonymous = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), u"anonymous" )
self.database.save( self.anonymous, commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook( self.anon_notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False ), commit = False )
self.demo_user = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), username = None )
self.database.save( self.demo_user, commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_save_notebook( notebook_id1, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True ), commit = False )
def test_signup( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
def test_signup_with_rate_plan( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
rate_plan = u"2",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/users/subscribe?rate_plan=2&yearly=False"
def test_signup_with_rate_plan_and_yearly( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
rate_plan = u"2",
yearly = True,
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/users/subscribe?rate_plan=2&yearly=True"
def test_signup_without_email_address( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = u"",
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
def test_signup_with_invalid_email_address( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = u"foo@",
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
assert u"error" in result
def __get_recent_user( self ):
return self.database.select_one( User, "select * from luminotes_user order by revision desc limit 1;" );
def test_current_after_signup( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
user = self.__get_recent_user()
assert isinstance( user, User )
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( user.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == user.object_id
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.new_username
assert result[ u"user" ].email_address == self.new_email_address
notebooks = result[ u"notebooks" ]
notebook = notebooks[ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == notebooks[ 1 ].trash_id
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"trash"
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == None
notebook = notebooks[ 1 ]
assert notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"my notebook"
assert notebook.trash_id
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
notebook = notebooks[ 2 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert notebook.revision == self.anon_notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert notebook.owner == False
assert notebook.rank == None
assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ] == []
def test_current_after_signup_with_invite_id( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
invite_id = invite_id,
) )
invite_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
assert invite_notebook_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
user = self.__get_recent_user()
assert isinstance( user, User )
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( user.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == user.object_id
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.new_username
assert result[ u"user" ].email_address == self.new_email_address
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
# the notebook that the user was invited to should be in the list of returned notebooks
notebooks = dict( [ ( notebook.object_id, notebook ) for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] ] )
notebook = notebooks.get( invite_notebook_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.trash_id
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert notebook.owner == False
assert notebook.rank == 1
notebook = notebooks.get( self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"trash"
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert notebook.owner == False
assert notebook.rank == None
notebook = notebooks.get( self.anon_notebook.object_id )
assert notebook.revision == self.anon_notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert notebook.owner == False
assert notebook.rank == None
assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ] == []
def test_current_after_signup_with_rate_plan( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
rate_plan = u"2",
) )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/users/subscribe?rate_plan=2&yearly=False"
user = self.__get_recent_user()
assert isinstance( user, User )
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( user.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == user.object_id
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.new_username
assert result[ u"user" ].email_address == self.new_email_address
notebooks = result[ u"notebooks" ]
notebook = notebooks[ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == notebooks[ 1 ].trash_id
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"trash"
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == None
notebook = notebooks[ 1 ]
assert notebook.object_id
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"my notebook"
assert notebook.trash_id
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
notebook = notebooks[ 2 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert notebook.revision == self.anon_notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert notebook.owner == False
assert notebook.rank == None
assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ] == []
def test_signup_with_different_passwords( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password + u"nomatch",
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_signup_group_member( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"created" in result[ u"message" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user
assert user.username == self.new_username
assert user.email_address == self.new_email_address
assert user.storage_bytes == 0
assert user.group_storage_bytes == 0
assert user.rate_plan == 1
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( user.object_id, self.group.object_id )
assert membership is True
def test_signup_group_member_without_access( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group2.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_without_admin_access( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_without_login( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
) )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_with_invalid_rate_plan( self ):
self.user2.rate_plan = 17
self.database.save( self.user2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_without_user_admin_rate_plan( self ):
self.user2.rate_plan = 0
self.database.save( self.user2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_without_user_admin_rate_plan( self ):
self.user2.rate_plan = 0
self.database.save( self.user2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_without_included_users_in_rate_plan( self ):
del( self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.rate_plans"][ 1 ][ u"included_users" ] )
# first successfully create a group member
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_with_unknown_group( self ):
# first successfully create a group member
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = u"unknowngroupid",
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( self.new_username ) )
assert user is None
def test_signup_group_member_with_too_many_users( self ):
# first successfully create a group member
self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
# then create another, going over the limit of the rate plan's included_users
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup_group_member", dict(
group_id = self.group.object_id,
username = u"kaylee",
password = u"reallyshiny",
password_repeat = u"reallyshiny",
email_address = u"mechanic@example.com",
create_user_button = u"create member",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"additional users" in result[ "error" ]
user = self.database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"kaylee" ) )
assert user is None
def test_subscribe( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/subscribe", dict(
rate_plan = u"1",
), session_id = self.session_id )
form = result.get( u"form" )
plan = self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.rate_plans" ][ 1 ]
assert form == plan[ u"button" ] % self.user.object_id
def test_subscribe_yearly( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/subscribe", dict(
rate_plan = u"1",
yearly = True,
), session_id = self.session_id )
form = result.get( u"form" )
plan = self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.rate_plans" ][ 1 ]
assert form == plan[ u"yearly_button" ] % self.user.object_id
def test_subscribe_with_free_rate_plan( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/subscribe", dict(
rate_plan = u"0",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"plan" in result[ u"error" ]
assert u"invalid" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_subscribe_with_invalid_rate_plan( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/subscribe", dict(
rate_plan = u"17",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"plan" in result[ u"error" ]
assert u"invalid" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_subscribe_without_login( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/subscribe", dict(
rate_plan = u"1",
) )
assert u"user" in result[ u"error" ]
assert u"invalid" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_subscribe_without_subscribe_button( self ):
self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.rate_plans" ][ 1 ][ u"button" ] = u" "
result = self.http_post( "/users/subscribe", dict(
rate_plan = u"1",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"not configured" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_demo( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/demo", dict() )
assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
def test_current_after_demo( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/demo", dict() )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
user = self.__get_recent_user()
assert isinstance( user, User )
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( user.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == user.object_id
assert result[ u"user" ].username is None
assert result[ u"user" ].email_address is None
notebooks = result[ u"notebooks" ]
assert len( notebooks ) == 3
notebook = notebooks[ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == notebooks[ 1 ].trash_id
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"trash"
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == None
notebook = notebooks[ 1 ]
assert notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id
assert notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == u"my notebook"
assert notebook.trash_id
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
notebook = notebooks[ 2 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert notebook.revision == self.anon_notebook.revision
assert notebook.name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert notebook.trash_id == None
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert notebook.owner == False
assert notebook.rank == None
assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ] == []
def test_current_after_demo_twice( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/demo", dict() )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
user = self.__get_recent_user()
assert isinstance( user, User )
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( user.object_id )
user_id = result[ u"user" ].object_id
assert user_id == user.object_id
# request a demo for a second time
result = self.http_post( "/users/demo", dict(), session_id = session_id )
assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
notebook_id_again = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
assert notebook_id_again == new_notebook_id
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( user_id )
user_id_again = result[ u"user" ].object_id
# since we're already logged in as a guest user with a demo notebook, requesting a demo again
# should just use the same guest user with the same notebook
assert user_id_again == user_id
def test_login( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username,
password = self.password,
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/notebooks/%s" % self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_login_with_unknown_user( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = u"nosuchuser",
password = self.password,
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_login_with_invalid_password( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username,
password = u"wrongpass",
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_logout( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/logout", dict() )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url" ) + u"/"
def test_current( self ):
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( self.user.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ]
assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.user.object_id
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].name == u"trash"
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].rank == None
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].name == u"trash"
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].rank == None
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].rank == 0
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].object_id == self.notebooks[ 1 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].name == self.notebooks[ 1 ].name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].rank == 1
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].owner == False
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].rank == None
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"login_url" ] is None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ]
assert result[ u"groups" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.group.object_id
assert result[ u"groups" ][ 0 ].name == self.group.name
assert result[ u"groups" ][ 0 ].admin == False
def test_current_with_tags( self ):
tag_id = self.database.next_id( Tag, commit = False )
new_tag = Tag.create(
notebook_id = None, # this tag is not in the namespace of a single notebook
user_id = self.anonymous.object_id,
name = u"mytag",
description = u"some tag"
self.database.save( new_tag, commit = False )
self.user.sql_save_notebook_tag( self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, new_tag.object_id, value = u"myvalue" ),
commit = False,
tag_id2 = self.database.next_id( Tag, commit = False )
new_tag2 = Tag.create(
notebook_id = None, # this tag is not in the namespace of a single notebook
user_id = self.user.object_id,
name = u"mytag2",
description = u"some tag 2"
self.database.save( new_tag2, commit = False )
self.user.sql_save_notebook_tag( self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, new_tag2.object_id, value = u"myvalue2" ),
commit = False,
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( self.user.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ]
assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.user.object_id
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].name == u"trash"
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].rank == None
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].name == u"trash"
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].rank == None
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 1 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].rank == 0
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].tags
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].tags ) == 2
tags = result[ u"notebooks" ][ 2 ].tags
assert tags[ 0 ].object_id == new_tag.object_id
assert tags[ 0 ].notebook_id == new_tag.notebook_id
assert tags[ 0 ].user_id == new_tag.user_id
assert tags[ 0 ].name == new_tag.name
assert tags[ 0 ].description == new_tag.description
assert tags[ 1 ].object_id == new_tag2.object_id
assert tags[ 1 ].notebook_id == new_tag2.notebook_id
assert tags[ 1 ].user_id == new_tag2.user_id
assert tags[ 1 ].name == new_tag2.name
assert tags[ 1 ].description == new_tag2.description
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].object_id == self.notebooks[ 1 ].object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].name == self.notebooks[ 1 ].name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].owner == True
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].rank == 1
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 3 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].owner == False
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].rank == None
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 4 ].tags == []
assert result[ u"login_url" ] is None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ]
assert result[ u"groups" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.group.object_id
assert result[ u"groups" ][ 0 ].name == self.group.name
assert result[ u"groups" ][ 0 ].admin == False
def test_current_anonymous( self ):
result = cherrypy.root.users.current( self.anonymous.object_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == "anonymous"
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].owner == False
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].rank == None
login_note = self.database.select_one( Note, self.anon_notebook.sql_load_note_by_title( u"login" ) )
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == u"%s/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s" % (
self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ],
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"groups" ] == []
def test_login_with_invite_id( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username2,
password = self.password2,
invite_id = invite_id,
login_button = u"login",
) )
invite_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
assert invite_notebook_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
def test_login_with_after_login( self ):
after_login = u"/foo/bar"
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username2,
password = self.password2,
after_login = after_login,
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == after_login
def test_login_with_after_login_with_full_url( self ):
after_login = u"http://this_url/does/not/start/with/a/slash"
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username2,
password = self.password2,
after_login = after_login,
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/"
def test_update_storage( self ):
previous_revision = self.user.revision
cherrypy.root.users.update_storage( self.user.object_id )
expected_size = cherrypy.root.users.calculate_storage( self.user )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.storage_bytes == expected_size
assert user.group_storage_bytes == 0
assert user.revision > previous_revision
def test_update_storage_with_unknown_user_id( self ):
original_revision = self.user.revision
cherrypy.root.users.update_storage( 77 )
expected_size = cherrypy.root.users.calculate_storage( self.user )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert self.user.storage_bytes == 0
assert self.user.group_storage_bytes == 0
assert self.user.revision == original_revision
def test_update_storage_without_quota( self ):
self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.rate_plans" ][ 0 ][ u"storage_bytes" ] = None
previous_revision = self.user.revision
cherrypy.root.users.update_storage( self.user.object_id )
expected_size = cherrypy.root.users.calculate_storage( self.user )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.storage_bytes == expected_size
assert user.group_storage_bytes == 0
assert user.revision > previous_revision
def test_load_notebook( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_anonymous( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_demo( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_without_access( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_unknown_notebook( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, u"unknownid" )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_unknown_user( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( u"unknownuser", self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_anonymous( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_demo( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_without_access( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_own_notes( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_own_notes_inherit_anonymous( self ):
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_own_notes_anonymous( self ):
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_own_notes_demo( self ):
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_owner_anonymous( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner_demo( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner_without_access( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner_own_notes( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner_own_notes_inherit_anonymous( self ):
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner_own_notes_anonymous( self ):
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_owner_own_notes_demo( self ):
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_full_anonymous( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full_demo( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full_without_access( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full_own_notes( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full_own_notes_inherit_anonymous( self ):
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full_own_notes_anonymous( self ):
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_full_own_notes_demo( self ):
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes_inherit_anonymous( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes_anonymous( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.anonymous.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes_demo( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.demo_user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes_without_access( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user2.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes_by_another_user( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi from another user</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user2.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_with_unknown_note_id_own_notes( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = u"unknownid" )
# an unknown note id indicates that a new note is being created, which is allowed in a
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_stub_note_own_notes( self ):
# don't fully create a note, but reserve an id for it
note_id = self.database.next_id( Note )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_stub_note_own_notes_inherit_anonymous( self ):
# don't fully create a note, but reserve an id for it
note_id = self.database.next_id( Note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_stub_note_own_notes_anonymous( self ):
# don't fully create a note, but reserve an id for it
note_id = self.database.next_id( Note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_with_stub_note_own_notes_demo( self ):
# don't fully create a note, but reserve an id for it
note_id = self.database.next_id( Note )
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_with_stub_note_own_notes_without_access( self ):
# don't fully create a note, but reserve an id for it
note_id = self.database.next_id( Note )
self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_with_note_id_own_notes_in_another_notebook( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = self.startup_note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id_inherit_anonymous( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.anonymous.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id_anonymous( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.anonymous.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id_demo( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.demo_user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id_without_access( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user2.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id_by_another_user( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi from another user</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user2.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_unknown_note_id( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = u"unknownid" )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_write_with_note_id_in_another_notebook( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = self.startup_note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id_inherit_anonymous( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.anonymous.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = False, owner = False,
) )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_remove_notebook(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id_anonymous( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.anonymous.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.anonymous.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id_demo( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.demo_user.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.demo_user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.demo_user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id_without_access( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user2.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id_by_another_user( self ):
note = Note.create(
self.database.next_id( Note ), u"<h3>hi from another user</h3>",
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
user_id = self.user2.object_id,
self.database.save( note )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_unknown_note_id( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = u"unknownid" )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_read_only_with_note_id_in_another_notebook( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = Notebook.READ_ONLY, owner = False,
) )
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
note_id = self.startup_note.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_load_notebook_anon( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.anon_notebook.object_id )
assert notebook
assert notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
def test_load_notebook_anon_read_write( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.anon_notebook.object_id, read_write = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_anon_owner( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.anon_notebook.object_id, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_load_notebook_anon_full( self ):
notebook = cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user.object_id, self.anon_notebook.object_id, read_write = True, owner = True )
assert notebook is None
def test_check_group( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id )
assert membership is True
def test_check_group_with_admin( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user2.object_id, self.group.object_id )
assert membership is True
def test_check_group_anon( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.anonymous.object_id, self.group.object_id )
assert membership is False
def test_check_group_without_membership( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group2.object_id )
assert membership is False
def test_check_group_without_user( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( None, self.group2.object_id )
assert membership is False
def test_check_group_admin( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id, admin = True )
assert membership is False
def test_check_group_admin_with_admin( self ):
membership = cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user2.object_id, self.group.object_id, admin = True )
assert membership is True
def test_remove_group( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
result = self.http_post( "/users/remove_group", dict(
user_id_to_remove = self.user.object_id,
group_id = self.group.object_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"revoked" in result[ u"message" ]
assert cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id ) == False
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_remove_group_without_access( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
result = self.http_post( "/users/remove_group", dict(
user_id_to_remove = self.user.object_id,
group_id = self.group2.object_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ]
assert cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id ) == True
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_remove_group_without_admin_access( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
result = self.http_post( "/users/remove_group", dict(
user_id_to_remove = self.user.object_id,
group_id = self.group.object_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ]
assert cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id ) == True
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_remove_group_with_unknown_group( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
result = self.http_post( "/users/remove_group", dict(
user_id_to_remove = self.user.object_id,
group_id = u"unknowngroupid",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ]
assert cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id ) == True
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_remove_group_with_unknown_user( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
result = self.http_post( "/users/remove_group", dict(
user_id_to_remove = u"unknownuserid",
group_id = self.group.object_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ]
assert cherrypy.root.users.check_group( self.user.object_id, self.group.object_id ) == True
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_send_reset( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert u"has been sent to" in result[ u"message" ]
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert "<%s>" % self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.support_email" ] in smtplib.SMTP.from_address
assert smtplib.SMTP.to_addresses == [ self.user.email_address ]
assert u"password reset" in smtplib.SMTP.message
assert self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
def test_send_reset_to_unknown_email_address( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = u"unknown@example.com",
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
assert u"no Luminotes user" in result[ u"error" ]
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert smtplib.SMTP.from_address == None
assert smtplib.SMTP.to_addresses == None
assert smtplib.SMTP.message == None
def test_redeem_reset( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
result = self.http_get( "/users/redeem_reset/%s" % password_reset_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == "anonymous"
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].owner == False
assert result[ u"notebooks" ][ 0 ].rank == None
login_note = self.database.select_one( Note, self.anon_notebook.sql_load_note_by_title( u"login" ) )
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == u"%s/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s" % (
self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ],
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"complete your password reset"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"password reset" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert self.user.username in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert self.user2.username in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_redeem_reset_unknown( self ):
password_reset_id = u"unknownresetid"
result = self.http_get( "/users/redeem_reset/%s" % password_reset_id )
assert u"expired" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_redeem_reset_expired( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
# to trigger expiration, pretend that the password reset was made 26 hours ago
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
password_reset._Persistent__revision = datetime.now( tz = utc ) - timedelta( hours = 26 )
self.database.save( password_reset )
result = self.http_get( "/users/redeem_reset/%s" % password_reset_id )
assert u"expired" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_redeem_reset_already_redeemed( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
password_reset.redeemed = True
self.database.save( password_reset )
result = self.http_get( "/users/redeem_reset/%s" % password_reset_id )
assert u"already" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_redeem_reset_unknown_email( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
password_reset._Password_reset__email_address = u"unknown@example.com"
self.database.save( password_reset )
result = self.http_get( "/users/redeem_reset/%s" % password_reset_id )
assert u"email address" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_reset_password( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
new_password = u"newpass"
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ]
# check that the password reset is now marked as redeemed
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
assert password_reset.redeemed
# check that the password was actually reset for one of the users, but not the other
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.check_password( new_password )
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.check_password( self.password2 )
def test_reset_password_unknown_reset_id( self ):
new_password = u"newpass"
password_reset_id = u"unknownresetid"
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
) )
assert u"expired" in result[ "error" ]
# check that neither user's password has changed
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.check_password( self.password )
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.check_password( self.password2 )
def test_reset_password_invalid_reset_id( self ):
new_password = u"newpass"
password_reset_id = u"invalid reset id"
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
) )
assert u"valid" in result[ "error" ]
# check that neither user's password has changed
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.check_password( self.password )
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.check_password( self.password2 )
def test_reset_password_expired( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
# to trigger expiration, pretend that the password reset was made 26 hours ago
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
password_reset._Persistent__revision = datetime.now( tz = utc ) - timedelta( hours = 26 )
self.database.save( password_reset )
new_password = u"newpass"
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
) )
# check that the password reset is not marked as redeemed
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
assert password_reset.redeemed == False
assert u"expired" in result[ "error" ]
# check that neither user's password has changed
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.check_password( self.password )
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.check_password( self.password2 )
def test_reset_password_non_matching( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
new_password = u"newpass"
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user.object_id, u"nonmatchingpass" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
) )
assert u"password" in result[ "error" ]
# check that neither user's password has changed
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.check_password( self.password )
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.check_password( self.password2 )
def test_reset_password_blank( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
( self.user2.object_id, u"" ),
) )
assert result[ "error" ]
# check that neither user's password has changed
assert self.user.check_password( self.password )
assert self.user2.check_password( self.password2 )
def test_reset_password_multiple_users( self ):
self.http_post( "/users/send_reset", dict(
email_address = self.user.email_address,
send_reset_button = u"email me",
) )
matches = self.RESET_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
password_reset_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert password_reset_id
new_password = u"newpass"
new_password2 = u"newpass2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/reset_password", (
( u"password_reset_id", password_reset_id ),
( u"reset_button", u"reset passwords" ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user.object_id, new_password ),
( self.user2.object_id, new_password2 ),
( self.user2.object_id, new_password2 ),
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ]
# check that the password reset is now marked as redeemed
password_reset = self.database.load( Password_reset, password_reset_id )
assert password_reset.redeemed
# check that the password was actually reset for both users
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.check_password( new_password )
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.check_password( new_password2 )
def test_send_invites( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert u"An invitation has been sent." in result[ u"message" ]
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 1
invite = invites[ -1 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == 1
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert to_addresses == email_addresses_list
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id
# assert that the invite has the read_write / owner flags set appropriately
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
def test_send_invites_with_unicode_notebook_name( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
self.notebooks[ 0 ].name = u"\xe4"
quoted_printable_notebook_name = u"=C3=A4"
self.database.save( self.notebooks[ 0 ] )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert u"An invitation has been sent." in result[ u"message" ]
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 1
invite = invites[ -1 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == 1
from email.Message import Message
from email import Charset
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert to_addresses == email_addresses_list
assert u'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' in message
assert u'Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable' in message
assert quoted_printable_notebook_name in message
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id
# assert that the invite has the read_write / owner flags set appropriately
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
def test_send_invites_collaborator( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"collaborator",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert u"An invitation has been sent." in result[ u"message" ]
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 1
invite = invites[ -1 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is True
assert invite.owner is False
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == 1
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert to_addresses == email_addresses_list
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id
# assert that the invite has the read_write / owner flags set appropriately
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is True
assert invite.owner is False
def test_send_invites_owner( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"owner",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert u"An invitation has been sent." in result[ u"message" ]
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 1
invite = invites[ -1 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is True
assert invite.owner is True
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == 1
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert to_addresses == email_addresses_list
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id
# assert that the invite has the read_write / owner flags set appropriately
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is True
assert invite.owner is True
def test_send_invites_multiple( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com", u"bar@example.com", u"baz@example.com" ]
email_addresses = u"Bob <%s>,%s\n %s " % \
( email_addresses_list[ 0 ], email_addresses_list[ 1 ], email_addresses_list[ 2 ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
email_count = len( email_addresses_list )
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == email_count
for invite in invites:
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
assert u"%s invitations have been sent." % email_count in result[ u"message" ]
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == email_count
for ( from_address, to_addresses, message ) in smtplib.SMTP.emails:
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert len( to_addresses ) == 1
assert to_addresses[ 0 ] in email_addresses_list
email_addresses_list.remove( to_addresses[ 0 ] )
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
assert self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
def test_send_invites_duplicate( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com", u"bar@example.com", u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = u" %s N.E. One <%s>,\n%s" % \
( email_addresses_list[ 0 ], email_addresses_list[ 1 ], email_addresses_list[ 2 ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
email_count = len( email_addresses_list ) - 1 # -1 because of the duplicate
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == email_count
for invite in invites:
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
assert u"%s invitations have been sent." % email_count in result[ u"message" ]
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == email_count
for ( from_address, to_addresses, message ) in smtplib.SMTP.emails:
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert len( to_addresses ) == 1
assert to_addresses[ 0 ] in email_addresses_list
email_addresses_list.remove( to_addresses[ 0 ] )
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
assert self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
def test_send_invites_similar( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
# first send an invite with read_write and owner set to False
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id1 = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id1
# login as another user and redeem the invite
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id1,
), session_id = self.session_id )
# then send a similar invite to the same email address with read_write and owner set to True
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"owner",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 2
invite = invites[ 0 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is True
assert invite.owner is True
invite = invites[ 1 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is True
assert invite.owner is True
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id2 = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id2
# assert that both invites have the read_write / owner flags set to True now
invite1 = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id1 )
assert invite1
assert invite1.read_write is True
assert invite1.owner is True
invite2 = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id2 )
assert invite2
assert invite2.read_write is True
assert invite2.owner is True
# assert that the user_notebook table has also been updated accordingly
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
read_write = True,
owner = True,
) )
assert access is True
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id,
read_write = True,
owner = True,
) )
assert access is True
def test_send_invites_similar_downgrade( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
# first send an invite with read_write and owner set to False
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"collaborator",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id1 = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id1
# login as another user and redeem the invite
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id1,
), session_id = self.session_id )
# then send a similar invite to the same email address with read_write and owner set to False
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 2
invite = invites[ 0 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
invite = invites[ 1 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id2 = matches.group( 2 )
assert invite_id2
# assert that both invites have the read_write / owner flags set to False now
invite1 = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id1 )
assert invite1
assert invite1.read_write is False
assert invite1.owner is False
invite2 = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id2 )
assert invite2
assert invite2.read_write is False
assert invite2.owner is False
# assert that the user_notebook table has also been updated accordingly
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
read_write = False,
owner = False,
) )
assert access is True
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id,
read_write = False,
owner = False,
) )
assert access is True
def test_send_invites_with_generic_from_address( self ):
# setting the user's email address to None means the invite will be sent
# with a "generic" From address (in this case, Luminotes support)
self.user._User__email_address = None
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 1
invite = invites[ 0 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
assert u"An invitation has been sent." in result[ u"message" ]
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == 1
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
assert self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.support_email" ] in from_address
assert to_addresses == email_addresses_list
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
assert self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
def test_send_invites_without_login( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_too_short( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_too_long( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"x" * 5001 ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_no_addresses( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"this is not an @email address!" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_without_username( self ):
self.user._User__username = None
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_without_any_access( self ):
self.user2.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_without_read_write_access( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access( self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = False, owner = True ) )
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_without_owner_access( self ):
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_update_access( self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False ) )
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_viewer_with_lowest_rate_plan( self ):
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
invites = result[ u"invites" ]
assert len( invites ) == 1
invite = invites[ 0 ]
assert invite
assert invite.read_write is False
assert invite.owner is False
assert u"An invitation has been sent." in result[ u"message" ]
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert len( smtplib.SMTP.emails ) == 1
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
assert self.email_address in from_address
assert to_addresses == email_addresses_list
assert self.notebooks[ 0 ].name in message
assert self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
def test_send_invites_collaborator_with_lowest_rate_plan( self ):
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"collaborator",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_owner_with_lowest_rate_plan( self ):
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"owner",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_send_invites_with_unknown_notebook( self ):
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
unknown_notebook_id = u"neverheardofit"
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = unknown_notebook_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_revoke_invite( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 1
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"message" ]
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 0
def test_revoke_invite_multiple( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com", u"bar@example.com", u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = u" ".join( email_addresses_list )
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 2
( from_address, to_addresses, message ) = smtplib.SMTP.emails[ 0 ]
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"message" ]
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"invites" ][ 0 ].email_address == email_addresses_list[ 1 ]
def test_revoke_invite_redeemed( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 1
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"message" ]
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 0
assert not cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert not cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
def test_revoke_invite_redeemed_self( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"owner",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 1
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
# as user2, revoke that user's own invite
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"message" ]
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 0
# the user should no longer have any access
assert not cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert not cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
def test_revoke_invite_without_login( self ):
# login to send the invites, but don't send the logged-in session id for revoke_invite() below
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 1
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_revoke_invite_unknown( self ):
invite_id = u"unknowninviteid"
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_revoke_invite_for_incorrect_notebook( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
result = self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 1
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/revoke_invite", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 1 ].object_id,
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert "access" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_redeem_invite( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
) )
# assert that a redeem invite page is returned with sign up / login links
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert result[ u"notebook" ].name == self.anon_notebook.name
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"total_notes_count" ] == 1
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] == False
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == "redeem_invite"
assert u"sign up" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"login" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"invites" ] ) == 0
def test_redeem_invite_unknown( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = "unknowninviteid",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert u"unknown" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_redeem_invite_after_login( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
# assert that access has been granted
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
# assert that the user is redirected to the notebook that the invite is for
assert result[ u"redirect"].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
assert notebook_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_redeem_invite_after_login_already_redeemed( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
# assert that access is still granted
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id )
assert cherrypy.root.users.load_notebook( self.user2.object_id, self.notebooks[ 0 ].trash_id )
# assert that the user is redirected to the notebook that the invite is for
assert result[ u"redirect"].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
assert notebook_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
def test_redeem_invite_after_login_already_redeemed_by_different_user( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"already" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_redeem_invite_already_redeemed( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
result = self.http_post( "/users/redeem_invite", dict(
invite_id = invite_id,
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert u"already" in result[ u"error" ]
def test_convert_invite_to_access( self ):
# start the invitee out with access to one notebook
self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_save_notebook( self.notebooks[ 1 ].object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, rank = 7 ), commit = False )
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
# convert the invite to access for a different user
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
cherrypy.root.users.convert_invite_to_access( invite, self.user2.object_id )
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
) )
assert access is True
notebook = self.database.load( Notebook, invite.notebook_id )
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
) )
assert access is True
notebooks = self.database.select_many( Notebook, self.user2.sql_load_notebooks() )
new_notebook = [ notebook for notebook in notebooks if notebook.object_id == invite.notebook_id ][ 0 ]
assert new_notebook.rank == 8 # one higher than the other notebook this user has access to
assert invite.redeemed_user_id == self.user2.object_id
def test_convert_invite_to_access_same_user( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
# here, the same user that sent the invite is trying to convert it to access
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
cherrypy.root.users.convert_invite_to_access( invite, self.user.object_id )
# assert that the user retains the access they already had
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user.sql_has_access(
) )
assert access is True
notebook = self.database.load( Notebook, invite.notebook_id )
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user.sql_has_access(
) )
assert access is True
# assert that the invite was not actually redeemed
assert invite.redeemed_user_id == None
def test_convert_invite_to_access_twice( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
cherrypy.root.users.convert_invite_to_access( invite, self.user2.object_id )
cherrypy.root.users.convert_invite_to_access( invite, self.user2.object_id )
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
) )
assert access is True
notebook = self.database.load( Notebook, invite.notebook_id )
access = self.database.select_one( bool, self.user2.sql_has_access(
) )
assert access is True
assert invite.redeemed_user_id == self.user2.object_id
@raises( Invite_error )
def test_convert_invite_with_unknown_user( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
self.database.save( self.user )
email_addresses_list = [ u"foo@example.com" ]
email_addresses = email_addresses_list[ 0 ]
self.http_post( "/users/send_invites", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id,
email_addresses = email_addresses,
access = u"viewer",
invite_button = u"send invites",
), session_id = self.session_id )
matches = self.INVITE_LINK_PATTERN.search( smtplib.SMTP.message )
invite_id = matches.group( 2 )
invite = self.database.load( Invite, invite_id )
cherrypy.root.users.convert_invite_to_access( invite, u"unknown_user_id" )
u"last_name": u"User",
u"txn_id": u"txn",
u"receiver_email": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"payment_status": u"Completed",
u"payment_gross": u"9.00",
u"residence_country": u"US",
u"payer_status": u"verified",
u"txn_type": u"subscr_payment",
u"payment_date": u"15:38:18 Jan 10 2008 PST",
u"first_name": u"Test",
u"item_name": u"Luminotes extra super",
u"charset": u"windows-1252",
u"notify_version": u"2.4",
u"item_number": u"1",
u"receiver_id": u"rcv",
u"business": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"payer_id": u"pyr",
u"verify_sign": u"vfy",
u"subscr_id": u"sub",
u"payment_fee": u"0.56",
u"mc_fee": u"0.56",
u"mc_currency": u"USD",
u"payer_email": u"buyer@luminotes.com",
u"payment_type": u"instant",
u"mc_gross": u"9.00",
def test_paypal_notify_payment( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
# being notified of a mere payment should not change the user's rate plan
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_payment_yearly( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"payment_gross" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"90.00"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
# being notified of a mere payment should not change the user's rate plan
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_payment_invalid( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
Stub_urllib2.result = u"INVALID"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
Stub_urllib2.result = u"VERIFIED"
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_not_complete( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"payment_status" ] = u"NotEvenRemotelyCompleted"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_incorrect_receiver_email( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"receiver_email" ] = u"someoneelse@luminotes.com"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_incorrect_currency( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_currency" ] = u"EUR"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_invalid_item_number( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_number" ] = u"2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_missing_item_number( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_blank_item_number( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_number" ] = u""
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_incorrect_gross( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"8.75"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_incorrect_amount( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"1.99"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_incorrect_item_name( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"super professional"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_invalid_period1( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period1" ] = u"5 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_invalid_period1( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period2" ] = u"7 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_invalid_period3( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period3" ] = u"2 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_missing_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_invalid_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = u"(&^(*&"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_payment_unknown_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = u"1337"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
# being notified of a mere failure should not change the user's rate plan
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_failed_invalid( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
Stub_urllib2.result = u"INVALID"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
Stub_urllib2.result = u"VERIFIED"
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_incorrect_receiver_email( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"receiver_email" ] = u"someoneelse@luminotes.com"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_incorrect_currency( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_currency" ] = u"EUR"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_invalid_item_number( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_number" ] = u"2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_incorrect_gross( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"8.75"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_incorrect_amount( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"1.99"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_incorrect_item_name( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"super professional"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_invalid_period1( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period1" ] = u"5 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_invalid_period1( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period2" ] = u"7 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_invalid_period3( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period3" ] = u"2 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_missing_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_invalid_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = u"(&^(*&"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
def test_paypal_notify_failed_unknown_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_failed"
data[ u"custom" ] = u"1337"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
u"last_name": u"User",
u"receiver_email": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"residence_country": u"US",
u"payer_status": u"verified",
u"txn_type": u"subscr_signup",
u"first_name": u"Test",
u"item_name": u"Luminotes extra super",
u"charset": u"windows-1252",
u"notify_version": u"2.4",
u"recurring": u"1",
u"item_number": u"1",
u"payer_id": u"pyr",
u"period3": u"1 M",
u"verify_sign": u"vfy",
u"subscr_id": u"sub",
u"amount3": u"9.00",
u"mc_amount3": u"9.00",
u"mc_currency": u"USD",
u"subscr_date": u"15:38:16 Jan 10 2008 PST",
u"payer_email": u"buyer@luminotes.com",
u"reattempt": u"1",
def test_paypal_notify_signup( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def __load_admin_groups( self ):
groups = self.database.select_many( Group, self.user.sql_load_groups() )
return [ group for group in groups if group.admin ]
def __assert_has_admin_group( self, exactly_one = False ):
groups = self.__load_admin_groups()
assert len( groups ) > 0
if exactly_one is True:
assert len( groups ) == 1
assert groups[ 0 ]
assert groups[ 0 ].name == u"my group"
assert groups[ 0 ].admin is True
def __assert_no_admin_group( self ):
groups = self.__load_admin_groups()
assert len( groups ) == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_yearly( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"amount3" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"period3" ] = u"1 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_signup_with_existing_admin_group( self ):
self.user2.rate_plan = 0
self.database.save( self.user2, commit = False )
self.__create_admin_group( add_non_admin_user = True )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
# assert that the rate plan of the other user in the group changed as well
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.rate_plan == 1
# assert that a second admin group wasn't created
self.__assert_has_admin_group( exactly_one = True )
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
Stub_urllib2.result = u"INVALID"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
Stub_urllib2.result = u"VERIFIED"
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_incorrect_receiver_email( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"receiver_email" ] = u"someoneelse@luminotes.com"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_incorrect_currency( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_currency" ] = u"EUR"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid_item_number( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_number" ] = u"2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_incorrect_gross( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"8.75"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_incorrect_amount( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"1.99"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_incorrect_item_name( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"super professional"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid_period1( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period1" ] = u"5 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid_period1( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period2" ] = u"7 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid_period3( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period3" ] = u"2 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_yearly_period3_with_monthly_amount( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period3" ] = u"1 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_yearly_amount_with_monthly_period3( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"19.90"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_missing_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = u"(&^(*&"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_unknown_custom( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = u"1337"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_missing_recurring( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
del( data[ u"recurring" ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_signup_invalid_recurring( self ):
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"recurring" ] = u"0"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_modify( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_modify_yearly( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"amount3" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"period3" ] = u"1 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_modify_with_existing_admin_group( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
self.user2.rate_plan = 0
self.database.save( self.user2, commit = False )
self.__create_admin_group( add_non_admin_user = True )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
# assert that the rate plan of the other user in the group changed as well
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.rate_plan == 1
# assert that a second admin group wasn't created
self.__assert_has_admin_group( exactly_one = True )
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
Stub_urllib2.result = u"INVALID"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
Stub_urllib2.result = u"VERIFIED"
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_incorrect_receiver_email( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"receiver_email" ] = u"someoneelse@luminotes.com"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_incorrect_currency( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_currency" ] = u"EUR"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid_item_number( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_number" ] = u"2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_incorrect_gross( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"8.75"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_incorrect_amount( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"1.99"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_incorrect_item_name( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"super professional"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid_period1( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period1" ] = u"5 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid_period1( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period2" ] = u"7 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid_period3( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period3" ] = u"2 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_missing_custom( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid_custom( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = u"(&^(*&"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_unknown_custom( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"custom" ] = u"1337"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_missing_recurring( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
del( data[ u"recurring" ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_modify_invalid_recurring( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 2
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_modify"
data[ u"recurring" ] = u"0"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 2
def test_paypal_notify_cancel( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def __create_admin_group( self, add_non_admin_user = False ):
group_id = self.database.next_id( Group, commit = False )
group = Group.create( group_id, name = u"my group", admin = True )
self.database.save( group, commit = False )
self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_group( group_id, admin = True ) )
if add_non_admin_user is True:
self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_save_group( group_id, admin = False ) )
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_yearly( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"amount3" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"90.00"
data[ u"period3" ] = u"1 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_with_other_user_in_group( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
self.__create_admin_group( add_non_admin_user = True )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 0
# assert that the rate plan of the other user in the group changed as well
user2 = self.database.load( User, self.user2.object_id )
assert user2.rate_plan == 0
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
Stub_urllib2.result = u"INVALID"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
Stub_urllib2.result = u"VERIFIED"
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_incorrect_receiver_email( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"receiver_email" ] = u"someoneelse@luminotes.com"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_incorrect_currency( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_currency" ] = u"EUR"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid_item_number( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_number" ] = u"2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_incorrect_gross( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"8.75"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_incorrect_amount( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"mc_amount3" ] = u"1.99"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_incorrect_item_name( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"super professional"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid_period1( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period1" ] = u"5 Y"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid_period1( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period2" ] = u"7 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid_period3( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
data[ u"period3" ] = u"2 M"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_missing_custom( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid_custom( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = u"(&^(*&"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_unknown_custom( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"custom" ] = u"1337"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_missing_recurring( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
del( data[ u"recurring" ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
def test_paypal_notify_cancel_invalid_recurring( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.SUBSCRIPTION_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"subscr_cancel"
data[ u"recurring" ] = u"0"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert result.get( u"error" )
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
u"last_name": u"User",
u"txn_id": u"txn",
u"receiver_email": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"payment_status": u"Refunded",
u"payment_gross": u"-5.00",
u"reason_code": u"refund",
u"residence_country": u"US",
u"payment_date": u"20:31:40 Jan 11 2008 PST",
u"first_name": u"Test",
u"charset": u"windows-1252",
u"parent_txn_id": u"parent_txn",
u"notify_version": u"2.4",
u"item_number": u"1",
u"receiver_id": u"rcv",
u"business": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"payer_id": u"pyr",
u"verify_sign": u"vfy",
u"subscr_id": u"sub",
u"payment_fee": u"-0.45",
u"mc_fee": u"-0.45",
u"mc_currency": u"USD",
u"payer_email": u"buyer@luminotes.com",
u"payment_type": u"instant",
u"mc_gross": u"-5.00",
def test_paypal_notify_refund( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
data = dict( self.REFUND_DATA )
data[ u"custom" ] = self.user.object_id
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
# being notified of a mere refund should not change the user's rate plan
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.rate_plan == 1
u"last_name": u"User",
u"txn_id": u"txn",
u"receiver_email": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"payment_status": u"Completed",
u"payment_gross": u"30.00",
u"residence_country": u"US",
u"payer_status": u"verified",
u"txn_type": u"web_accept",
u"payment_date": u"15:38:18 Jan 10 2008 PST",
u"first_name": u"Test",
u"item_name": u"local desktop extravaganza",
u"charset": u"windows-1252",
u"notify_version": u"2.4",
u"item_number": u"5000",
u"receiver_id": u"rcv",
u"business": u"unittest@luminotes.com",
u"payer_id": u"pyr",
u"verify_sign": u"vfy",
u"payment_fee": u"1.19",
u"mc_fee": u"1.19",
u"mc_currency": u"USD",
u"shipping": u"0.00",
u"payer_email": u"buyer@luminotes.com",
u"payment_type": u"instant",
u"mc_gross": u"30.00",
u"quantity": u"1",
def __assert_download_payment_success( self, result, expect_email = True ):
assert len( result ) == 1
assert result.get( u"session_id" )
assert Stub_urllib2.result == u"VERIFIED"
assert Stub_urllib2.headers.get( u"Content-type" ) == u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
assert Stub_urllib2.url.startswith( "https://" )
assert u"paypal.com" in Stub_urllib2.url
assert Stub_urllib2.encoded_params
# verify that the user has been granted download access
download_access = self.database.select_one( Download_access, "select * from download_access order by revision desc limit 1;" );
assert download_access
assert download_access.item_number == u"5000"
assert download_access.transaction_id == u"txn"
if not expect_email:
# verify that an email has been sent to the user
assert smtplib.SMTP.connected == False
assert "<%s>" % self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.support_email" ] in smtplib.SMTP.from_address
assert smtplib.SMTP.to_addresses == [ u"buyer@luminotes.com" ]
assert u"Thank you" in smtplib.SMTP.message
assert u"download" in smtplib.SMTP.message
assert u"upgrade" in smtplib.SMTP.message
expected_download_link = u"%s/d/%s" % \
( self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ], download_access.object_id )
assert expected_download_link in smtplib.SMTP.message
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_success( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_multiple_quantity( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"90.0"
data[ u"quantity" ] = u"3"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_success( result )
def __assert_download_payment_error( self, result ):
assert u"error" in result
download_access = self.database.select_one( Download_access, "select * from download_access order by revision desc limit 1;" );
assert not download_access
assert not smtplib.SMTP.message
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_missing_mc_gross( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
del( data[ u"mc_gross" ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_none_mc_gross( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = None
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_missing_quantity( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
del( data[ u"quantity" ] )
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_none_quantity( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"quantity" ] = None
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_quantity_mc_gross_mismatch( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"quantity" ] = u"2"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_mc_gross_fee_mismatch( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"quantity" ] = u"2"
data[ u"mc_gross" ] = u"61.0"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_invalid_item_name( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"something unexpected"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_partial_item_name( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"item_name" ] = u"ultra LOCAL DESKTOP extravaganza digital download!"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_success( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_invalid_txn_type( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_type" ] = u"web_wtf"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_invalid_txn_id( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"txn_id" ] = u"not even remotely valid"
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_error( result )
def test_paypal_notify_download_payment_missing_payer_email( self ):
data = dict( self.DOWNLOAD_PAYMENT_DATA )
data[ u"payer_email" ] = u""
result = self.http_post( "/users/paypal_notify", data );
self.__assert_download_payment_success( result, expect_email = False )
def test_thanks( self ):
self.user.rate_plan = 1
user = self.database.save( self.user )
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks", dict(
item_number = u"1",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"extra super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 31337 * 1000
assert result[ u"conversion" ] == u"subscribe_1"
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"Luminotes Extra super" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"confirmation" not in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_not_yet_upgraded( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks", dict(
item_number = u"1",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert result.get( u"conversion" ) == None
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert u"processing" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"being processed" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"retry_count=1" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_not_yet_upgraded_with_retry( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks", dict(
item_number = u"1",
retry_count = u"5",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert result.get( u"conversion" ) == None
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert u"processing" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"being processed" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"retry_count=6" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_with_retry_timeout( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks", dict(
item_number = u"1",
retry_count = u"16",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert result.get( u"conversion" ) == None
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"confirmation" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_without_item_number( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks", dict(
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert result.get( u"conversion" ) == None
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"confirmation" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
download_access = Download_access.create( access_id, item_number, transaction_id )
self.database.save( download_access )
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
access_id = access_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"conversion" ] == u"download_5000"
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"Luminotes Desktop" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"Download" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert VERSION in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
expected_download_link = u"%s/files/download_product?access_id=%s" % \
( self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ], access_id )
assert expected_download_link in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_without_login( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
download_access = Download_access.create( access_id, item_number, transaction_id )
self.database.save( download_access )
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
access_id = access_id,
) )
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.anonymous.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"login_url" ]
assert result[ u"logout_url" ]
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert result[ u"conversion" ] == u"download_5000"
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"Luminotes Desktop" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"Download" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert VERSION in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
expected_download_link = u"%s/files/download_product?access_id=%s" % \
( self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ], access_id )
assert expected_download_link in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_tx( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
download_access = Download_access.create( access_id, item_number, transaction_id )
self.database.save( download_access )
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
tx = transaction_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
redirect = result.get( u"redirect" )
expected_redirect = "/users/thanks_download?access_id=%s" % access_id
assert redirect == expected_redirect
def test_thanks_download_invalid_tx( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"invalid txn id"
download_access = Download_access.create( access_id, item_number, transaction_id )
self.database.save( download_access )
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
tx = transaction_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"error" in result
def test_thanks_download_not_yet_paid( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
access_id = access_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
# an unknown transaction id might just mean we're still waiting for the transaction to come in,
# so expect a retry
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert not result.get( u"conversion" )
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert u"processing" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"being processed" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"retry_count=1" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u'<meta content="2; URL=/users/thanks_download?access_id=%s&retry_count=1" http-equiv="Refresh"></meta>' % access_id \
in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_not_yet_paid_with_retry( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
access_id = access_id,
retry_count = u"3",
), session_id = self.session_id )
# an unknown transaction id might just mean we're still waiting for the transaction to come in,
# so expect a retry
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert not result.get( u"conversion" )
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert u"processing" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"being processed" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"retry_count=4" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u'<meta content="2; URL=/users/thanks_download?access_id=%s&retry_count=4" http-equiv="Refresh"></meta>' % access_id \
in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_not_yet_paid_with_retry_timeout( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
access_id = access_id,
retry_count = u"16",
), session_id = self.session_id )
# an unknown transaction id might just mean we're still waiting for the transaction to come in,
# so expect a retry
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert not result.get( u"conversion" )
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"confirmation" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"<meta " not in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_not_yet_paid_tx( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
tx = transaction_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
# an unknown transaction id might just mean we're still waiting for the transaction to come in,
# so expect a retry
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert not result.get( u"conversion" )
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert u"processing" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"being processed" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"retry_count=1" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u'<meta content="2; URL=/users/thanks_download?tx=%s&retry_count=1" http-equiv="Refresh"></meta>' % transaction_id \
in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_not_yet_paid_tx_with_retry( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
tx = transaction_id,
item_number = item_number,
retry_count = u"3",
), session_id = self.session_id )
# an unknown transaction id might just mean we're still waiting for the transaction to come in,
# so expect a retry
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert not result.get( u"conversion" )
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert u"processing" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"being processed" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"retry_count=4" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u'<meta content="2; URL=/users/thanks_download?tx=%s&retry_count=4" http-equiv="Refresh"></meta>' % transaction_id \
in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_not_yet_paid_tx_with_retry_timeout( self ):
access_id = u"wheeaccessid"
item_number = u"5000"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
tx = transaction_id,
retry_count = u"16",
), session_id = self.session_id )
# an unknown transaction id might just mean we're still waiting for the transaction to come in,
# so expect a retry
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username
assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 5
notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ][ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert notebook.name == self.notebooks[ 0 ].name
assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE
assert notebook.owner == True
assert notebook.rank == 0
assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None
assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] + u"/users/logout"
rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ]
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super"
assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10
assert not result.get( u"conversion" )
assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert len( result[ u"startup_notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.startup_note.object_id
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].title == self.startup_note.title
assert result[ u"startup_notes" ][ 0 ].contents == self.startup_note.contents
assert result[ u"note_read_write" ] is False
assert result[ u"notes" ]
assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].title == u"thank you"
assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].notebook_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id
assert u"Thank you" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"confirmation" in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
assert u"<meta " not in result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].contents
def test_thanks_download_missing_tx_missing_access_id( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"error" in result
def test_thanks_download_invalid_access_id( self ):
access_id = u"invalid access id"
transaction_id = u"txn"
result = self.http_post( "/users/thanks_download", dict(
access_id = access_id,
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert u"error" in result
def test_rate_plan( self ):
plan_index = 1
rate_plan = cherrypy.root.users.rate_plan( plan_index )
assert rate_plan
assert rate_plan == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.rate_plans" ][ plan_index ]
def test_update_settings( self ):
previous_revision = self.user.revision
result = self.http_post( "/users/update_settings", dict(
email_address = self.new_email_address,
settings_button = u"save settings",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"email_address" ] == self.new_email_address
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.email_address == self.new_email_address
assert user.revision > previous_revision
def test_update_settings_without_login( self ):
original_revision = self.user.revision
result = self.http_post( "/users/update_settings", dict(
email_address = self.new_email_address,
settings_button = u"save settings",
) )
assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ]
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.email_address == self.email_address
assert user.revision == original_revision
def test_update_settings_with_same_email_address( self ):
original_revision = self.user.revision
result = self.http_post( "/users/update_settings", dict(
email_address = self.email_address,
settings_button = u"save settings",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"email_address" ] == self.email_address
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.email_address == self.email_address
assert user.revision == original_revision
def test_update_settings_with_invalid_email_address( self ):
original_revision = self.user.revision
result = self.http_post( "/users/update_settings", dict(
email_address = u"foo@bar@com",
settings_button = u"save settings",
) )
assert u"invalid" in result[ u"error" ]
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.email_address == self.email_address
assert user.revision == original_revision
def test_update_settings_with_blank_email_address( self ):
previous_revision = self.user.revision
result = self.http_post( "/users/update_settings", dict(
email_address = u"",
settings_button = u"save settings",
), session_id = self.session_id )
assert result[ u"email_address" ] == None
user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id )
assert user.email_address == None
assert user.revision > previous_revision
def login( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username,
password = self.password,
login_button = u"login",
) )
self.session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
def login2( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username2,
password = self.password2,
login_button = u"login",
) )
self.session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]