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Dan Helfman 2d55455120 Fixed a bug where, after you highlighted a link and clicked the link button
to unlink it, the link info box popped up.
Actually checking in cache changes that were supposed to be in previous
2008-03-10 23:15:33 +00:00

346 lines
9.4 KiB

import re
import os
import sha
import psycopg2 as psycopg
from psycopg2.pool import PersistentConnectionPool
import random
from model.Persistent import Persistent
class Connection_wrapper( object ):
def __init__( self, connection ):
self.connection = connection
self.pending_saves = []
def __getattr__( self, name ):
return getattr( self.connection, name )
class Database( object ):
ID_BITS = 128 # number of bits within an id
ID_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def __init__( self, connection = None, cache = None ):
Create a new database and return it.
@type connection: existing connection object with cursor()/close()/commit() methods, or NoneType
@param connection: database connection to use (optional, defaults to making a connection pool)
@type cache: cmemcache.Client or something with a similar API, or NoneType
@param cache: existing memory cache to use (optional, defaults to making a cache)
@rtype: Database
@return: newly constructed Database
# This tells PostgreSQL to give us timestamps in UTC. I'd use "set timezone" instead, but that
# makes SQLite angry.
os.putenv( "PGTZ", "UTC" )
# forcibly replace psycopg's connect() function with another function that returns the psycopg
# connection wrapped in a class with a pending_saves member, used in save() and commit() below
original_connect = psycopg.connect
def connect( *args, **kwargs ):
return Connection_wrapper( original_connect( *args, **kwargs ) )
psycopg.connect = connect
if connection:
self.__connection = connection
self.__pool = None
self.__connection = None
self.__pool = PersistentConnectionPool(
1, # minimum connections
50, # maximum connections
"dbname=luminotes user=luminotes password=%s" % os.getenv( "PGPASSWORD", "dev" ),
self.__cache = cache
import cmemcache
print "using memcached"
except ImportError:
return None
def __get_connection( self ):
if self.__connection:
return self.__connection
return self.__pool.getconn()
def __get_cache_connection( self ):
if self.__cache is not None:
return self.__cache
import cmemcache
return cmemcache.Client( [ "" ], debug = 0 )
except ImportError:
return None
def save( self, obj, commit = True ):
Save the given object to the database.
@type obj: Persistent
@param obj: object to save
@type commit: bool
@param commit: True to automatically commit after the save
connection = self.__get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( obj.sql_exists() )
if cursor.fetchone():
cursor.execute( obj.sql_update() )
cursor.execute( obj.sql_create() )
cache = self.__get_cache_connection()
if commit:
if cache:
cache.set( obj.cache_key, obj )
elif cache:
# no commit yet, so don't touch the cache
connection.pending_saves.append( obj )
def commit( self ):
connection = self.__get_connection()
# save any pending saves to the cache
cache = self.__get_cache_connection()
if cache:
for obj in connection.pending_saves:
cache.set( obj.cache_key, obj )
connection.pending_saves = []
def load( self, Object_type, object_id, revision = None ):
Load the object corresponding to the given object id from the database and return it, or None if
the object_id is unknown. If a revision is provided, a specific revision of the object will be
@type Object_type: type
@param Object_type: class of the object to load
@type object_id: unicode
@param object_id: id of the object to load
@type revision: int or NoneType
@param revision: revision of the object to load (optional)
@rtype: Object_type or NoneType
@return: loaded object, or None if no match
if revision is None:
cache = self.__get_cache_connection()
cache = None
if cache: # don't bother caching old revisions
obj = cache.get( Persistent.make_cache_key( Object_type, object_id ) )
if obj:
return obj
obj = self.select_one( Object_type, Object_type.sql_load( object_id, revision ) )
if obj and cache:
cache.set( obj.cache_key, obj )
return obj
def select_one( self, Object_type, sql_command, use_cache = False ):
Execute the given sql_command and return its results in the form of an object of Object_type,
or None if there was no match.
@type Object_type: type
@param Object_type: class of the object to load
@type sql_command: unicode
@param sql_command: SQL command to execute
@type use_cache: bool
@param use_cache: whether to look for and store objects in the cache
@rtype: Object_type or NoneType
@return: loaded object, or None if no match
if use_cache:
cache = self.__get_cache_connection()
cache = None
if cache:
cache_key = sql_command ).hexdigest()
obj = cache.get( cache_key )
if obj:
return obj
connection = self.__get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( sql_command )
row = self.__row_to_unicode( cursor.fetchone() )
if not row:
return None
if Object_type in ( tuple, list ):
obj = Object_type( row )
obj = Object_type( *row )
if obj and cache:
cache.set( cache_key, obj )
return obj
def select_many( self, Object_type, sql_command ):
Execute the given sql_command and return its results in the form of a list of objects of
@type Object_type: type
@param Object_type: class of the object to load
@type sql_command: unicode
@param sql_command: SQL command to execute
@rtype: list of Object_type
@return: loaded objects
connection = self.__get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( sql_command )
objects = []
row = self.__row_to_unicode( cursor.fetchone() )
while row:
if Object_type in ( tuple, list ):
obj = Object_type( row )
obj = Object_type( *row )
objects.append( obj )
row = self.__row_to_unicode( cursor.fetchone() )
return objects
def __row_to_unicode( self, row ):
if row is None:
return None
return [ isinstance( item, str ) and unicode( item, encoding = "utf8" ) or item for item in row ]
def execute( self, sql_command, commit = True ):
Execute the given sql_command.
@type sql_command: unicode
@param sql_command: SQL command to execute
@type commit: bool
@param commit: True to automatically commit after the command
connection = self.__get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( sql_command )
if commit:
def uncache_command( self, sql_command ):
cache = self.__get_cache_connection()
if not cache: return
cache_key = sql_command ).hexdigest()
cache.delete( cache_key )
def generate_id():
int_id = random.getrandbits( Database.ID_BITS )
base = len( Database.ID_DIGITS )
digits = []
while True:
index = int_id % base
digits.insert( 0, Database.ID_DIGITS[ index ] )
int_id = int_id / base
if int_id == 0:
return "".join( digits )
def next_id( self, Object_type, commit = True ):
Generate the next available object id and return it.
@type Object_type: type
@param Object_type: class of the object that the id is for
@type commit: bool
@param commit: True to automatically commit after storing the next id
connection = self.__get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
# generate a random id, but on the off-chance that it collides with something else already in
# the database, try again
next_id = Database.generate_id()
cursor.execute( Object_type.sql_id_exists( next_id ) )
while cursor.fetchone() is not None:
next_id = Database.generate_id()
cursor.execute( Object_type.sql_id_exists( next_id ) )
# save a new object with the next_id to the database
obj = Object_type( next_id )
cursor.execute( obj.sql_create() )
if commit:
return next_id
def close( self ):
Shutdown the database.
if self.__connection:
if self.__pool:
class Valid_id( object ):
Validator for an object id.
ID_PATTERN = re.compile( "^[%s]+$" % Database.ID_DIGITS )
def __init__( self, none_okay = False ):
self.__none_okay = none_okay
def __call__( self, value ):
if self.__none_okay and value in ( None, "None", "" ): return None
if value ): return str( value )
raise ValueError()
class Valid_revision( object ):
Validator for an object revision timestamp.
REVISION_PATTERN = re.compile( "^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+[+-]\d\d(:)?\d\d$" )
def __init__( self, none_okay = False ):
self.__none_okay = none_okay
def __call__( self, value ):
if self.__none_okay and value in ( None, "None", "" ): return None
if value ): return str( value )
raise ValueError()