import os.path import cherrypy from datetime import datetime from Product_page import Product_page from Page_navigation import Page_navigation from Tags import Div, H1, A, P, Span, Link, Img class Forum_page( Product_page ): def __init__( self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, forum_name, threads, total_thread_count, start = 0, count = None, ): base_path = cherrypy.request.path updates_path = "%s?rss" % base_path if forum_name == u"blog": full_forum_name = u"Luminotes %s" % forum_name else: full_forum_name = u"%s forum" % forum_name Product_page.__init__( self, user, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, full_forum_name, # note title Link( rel = u"alternate", type = u"application/rss+xml", title = full_forum_name, href = updates_path ) or None, P( H1( full_forum_name ), ), Div( P( base_path.startswith( u"/forums/" ) and Span( A( u"start a new discussion", href = os.path.join( base_path, u"create_thread" ) ), u" | ", A( u"all forums", href = u"/forums/" ), u" | ", ) or None, A( u"subscribe to rss", href = updates_path ), A( Img( src = u"/static/images/rss.png", width = u"14", height = u"14", class_ = u"middle_image padding_left" ), href = updates_path, ), class_ = u"small_text", ) or None, [ Div( A(, href = ( forum_name == u"blog" ) and \ os.path.join( base_path, thread.friendly_id ) or \ "%s?posts=%s" % ( os.path.join( base_path, thread.object_id ), thread.note_count ), ), Span( self.post_count( thread, forum_name ), class_ = u"small_text", ) ) for thread in threads ], class_ = u"forum_threads", ), Page_navigation( base_path, len( threads ), total_thread_count, start, count ), ) @staticmethod def post_count( thread, forum_name ): if forum_name != u"blog": if thread.note_count > 1: return u"(%s posts)" % thread.note_count return None if thread.note_count == 2: return u"(1 comment)" elif thread.note_count > 2: return u"(%s comments)" % ( thread.note_count - 1 ) return None