-- -- SQLite database schema -- CREATE TABLE file ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone, notebook_id text, note_id text, filename text, size_bytes integer, content_type text ); CREATE TABLE tag ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone, notebook_id text, user_id text, name text, description text ); CREATE TABLE tag_notebook ( notebook_id text, tag_id text, value text, user_id text ); CREATE TABLE tag_note ( note_id text, tag_id text, value text ); CREATE TABLE invite ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, from_user_id text, notebook_id text, email_address text, read_write boolean, "owner" boolean, redeemed_user_id text ); CREATE TABLE luminotes_group ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, name text ); CREATE VIEW luminotes_group_current AS SELECT id, revision, name FROM luminotes_group WHERE (luminotes_group.revision IN (SELECT max(sub_group.revision) AS max FROM luminotes_group sub_group WHERE (sub_group.id = luminotes_group.id))); CREATE TABLE luminotes_user ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, username text, salt text, password_hash text, email_address text, storage_bytes integer, rate_plan integer ); CREATE VIEW luminotes_user_current AS SELECT id, revision, username, salt, password_hash, email_address, storage_bytes, rate_plan FROM luminotes_user WHERE (luminotes_user.revision IN (SELECT max(sub_user.revision) AS max FROM luminotes_user sub_user WHERE (sub_user.id = luminotes_user.id))); CREATE TABLE note ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, title text, contents text, notebook_id text, startup boolean DEFAULT false, deleted_from_id text, rank numeric, search tsvector, user_id text ); CREATE TABLE note_current ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, title text, contents text, notebook_id text, startup boolean DEFAULT false, deleted_from_id text, rank numeric, user_id text ); CREATE TABLE notebook ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, name text, trash_id text, deleted boolean DEFAULT false, user_id text ); CREATE VIEW notebook_current AS SELECT id, revision, name, trash_id, deleted, user_id FROM notebook WHERE (notebook.revision IN (SELECT max(sub_notebook.revision) AS max FROM notebook sub_notebook WHERE (sub_notebook.id = notebook.id))); CREATE TABLE password_reset ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, email_address text, redeemed boolean ); CREATE TABLE download_access ( id text NOT NULL, revision timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, item_number text, transaction_id text ); CREATE TABLE user_group ( user_id text NOT NULL, group_id text NOT NULL, "admin" boolean DEFAULT false ); CREATE TABLE user_notebook ( user_id text NOT NULL, notebook_id text NOT NULL, read_write boolean DEFAULT false, "owner" boolean DEFAULT false, rank numeric, own_notes_only boolean DEFAULT false ); CREATE INDEX file_pkey ON file (id); CREATE INDEX tag_pkey ON tag (id); CREATE INDEX tag_notebook_pkey ON tag_notebook (user_id, notebook_id, tag_id); CREATE INDEX tag_note_pkey ON tag_note (note_id, tag_id); CREATE INDEX invite_pkey ON invite (id); CREATE INDEX luminotes_user_pkey ON luminotes_user (id, revision); CREATE INDEX note_pkey ON note (id, revision); CREATE INDEX note_current_pkey ON note_current (id); CREATE INDEX notebook_pkey ON notebook (id, revision); CREATE INDEX password_reset_pkey ON password_reset (id); CREATE INDEX download_access_pkey ON download_access (id); CREATE INDEX user_notebook_pkey ON user_notebook (user_id, notebook_id); CREATE INDEX file_note_id_index ON file (note_id); CREATE INDEX file_notebook_id_index ON file (notebook_id); CREATE INDEX tag_notebook_id_index ON tag (notebook_id); CREATE INDEX tag_user_id_index ON tag (user_id); CREATE INDEX luminotes_group_pkey ON luminotes_group (id, revision); CREATE INDEX luminotes_user_email_address_index ON luminotes_user (email_address); CREATE INDEX luminotes_user_username_index ON luminotes_user (username); CREATE INDEX note_notebook_id_index ON note (notebook_id); CREATE INDEX note_notebook_id_startup_index ON note (notebook_id, startup); CREATE INDEX note_notebook_id_title_index ON note (notebook_id, title); CREATE INDEX note_user_id_index ON note (user_id); CREATE INDEX note_current_notebook_id_index ON note_current (notebook_id); CREATE INDEX note_current_notebook_id_startup_index ON note_current (notebook_id, startup); CREATE INDEX note_current_notebook_id_title_index ON note_current (notebook_id, title); CREATE INDEX note_current_user_id_index ON note_current (user_id); CREATE INDEX password_reset_id_index ON password_reset (id); CREATE INDEX password_reset_email_address_index ON password_reset (email_address); CREATE INDEX download_access_id_index ON password_reset (id); CREATE INDEX download_access_transaction_id_index ON download_access (transaction_id); CREATE INDEX search_index ON note (search); create trigger note_current_insert after insert on note_current for each row begin insert into note values ( NEW.id, NEW.revision, NEW.title, NEW.contents, NEW.notebook_id, NEW.startup, NEW.deleted_from_id, NEW.rank, null, NEW.user_id ); end; create trigger note_current_update after update on note_current for each row begin insert into note values ( NEW.id, NEW.revision, NEW.title, NEW.contents, NEW.notebook_id, NEW.startup, NEW.deleted_from_id, NEW.rank, null, NEW.user_id ); end;