import re import cherrypy from view.Tags import Html, Head, Title, Style, Meta, Body, H1, Div, Span, Hr, A class Html_file( Html ): NOTE_LINK_PATTERN = re.compile( u']+[?&]note_id=([a-z0-9]*)"[^>]*>', re.IGNORECASE ) IMAGE_PATTERN = re.compile( u']* ?/?>', re.IGNORECASE ) def __init__( self, notebook, notes ): relinked_notes = {} # map from note id to relinked note contents # relink all note links so they point to named anchors within the page. also, for now, remove all # images since they're not presently included with the download for note in notes: contents = self.NOTE_LINK_PATTERN.sub( r'', note.contents ) contents = self.IMAGE_PATTERN.sub( '', contents ) relinked_notes[ note.object_id ] = contents cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Disposition" ] = u"attachment; filename=%s.html" % notebook.friendly_id Html.__init__( self, Head( Style( file( u"static/css/download.css" ).read(), type = u"text/css" ), Meta( content = u"text/html; charset=UTF-8", http_equiv = u"content-type" ), Title( ), ), Body( Div( H1( ), [ Span( A( name = u"note_%s" % note.object_id ), Div( relinked_notes[ note.object_id ], class_ = u"note_frame", ), ) for note in notes ], A( "Luminotes", href = "" ), id = u"center_area", ), ), )