from Product_page import Product_page from Tags import Div, H1, Img, A, P, Table, Th, Tr, Td, Li, Span, I, Br, Ul, Li, Script, H4, B from config.Version import VERSION class Download_page( Product_page ): def __init__( self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, download_products, upgrade = False ): MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024 # for now, just assume there's a single download package download_button = download_products[ 0 ].get( "button" ) news_url = u"" % VERSION Product_page.__init__( self, user, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, u"download", # note title Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/MochiKit.js" ), Div( Div( H1( Img( src = u"/static/images/download.png", width = u"181", height = u"41", alt = u"download", ), ), P( """ Install Luminotes on your computer. 60-day money-back guarantee. """, class_ = u"upgrade_subtitle", ), Div( upgrade and Div( P( B( "Upgrading:" ), u""" If you have already purchased Luminotes Desktop and would like to download a newer version, simply follow the link you received after your purchase. """, A( "Check out what's new in version %s" % VERSION, href = news_url ), ), P( u"Can't find your download link or need help? Please", A( u"contact support", href = u"/contact_info" ), u"for assistance.", ), class_ = u"upgrade_text", ) or None, Div( Img( src = u"/static/images/installer_screenshot.png", width = u"350", height = u"273" ), class_ = u"desktop_screenshot", ), P( Table( Tr( Th( u" " ), Th( u"Luminotes Desktop", Div( "version", VERSION, class_ = u"version_text", ), Div( download_button, class_ = u"download_button_area", ), class_ = u"plan_name", ) ), Tr( Td( A( u"Unlimited storage space", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'storage_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"More space for your wiki notes." ), Li( u"More space for your documents and files." ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"storage_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Unlimited wiki notebooks", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'notebooks_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Create a unique notebook for each subject." ), Li( u"Keep work and personal notebooks separate." ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"notebooks_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Friendly email support", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'support_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Fast email responses to your support questions. From a real live human." ), Li( u"No waiting on hold with a call center." ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"support_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Notes stored on your own computer", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'local_storage' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"All of your notes are stored privately on your own computer." ), Li( u"You can also run Luminotes Desktop from a USB drive." ), Li( u"A future release will support optional online syncing." ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"local_storage", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Works without an internet connection", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'works_offline' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Take notes in meetings, in class, or while on the go." ), Li( u"Runs in a web browser, but no internet connection is needed." ), Li( u'Absolutely no DRM. Does not "phone home".' ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"works_offline", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Supported operating systems", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'supported_oses' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( u"Windows XP/Vista, Linux", class_ = u"small_text", ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Fully supports Windows XP and Windows Vista." ), Li( u"Linux", A( u"source code", href = u"/source_code" ), "is available." ), Li( u"Future releases will include Mac OS X support." ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"supported_oses", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Supported web browsers", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'supported_browsers' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), Td( u"Firefox, Internet Explorer", class_ = u"small_text", ), ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Fully supports Firefox and Internet Explorer." ), Li( u"Future upgrades will support Safari, Chrome, and Opera." ), ), colspan = u"2", id = u"supported_browsers", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), border = u"1", id = u"upgrade_table", ), class_ = u"upgrade_table_area", ), class_ = u"wide_center_area", ), Div( u"Don't want to install anything? Need collaboration features? ", A( u"Use Luminotes online", href = u"/pricing" ), u".", class_ = u"small_text", separator = u"", ), class_ = u"upgrade_area", ), Div( Div( H4( u"Is my wiki private?", class_ = u"upgrade_question" ), P( u""" Absolutely. With Luminotes Desktop, your notes are stored locally on your own computer, not on the web. But if you do want to access your wiki both locally and online, a future release will include optional online synchronization. There is also a complete """, A( u"Luminotes privacy policy", href = "/privacy" ), u""" so please check that out if you're interested in how Luminotes protects your privacy. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), H4( u"Are upgrades included?", class_ = u"upgrade_question" ), P( """ When you purchase Luminotes Desktop, you automatically get full access to all future upgrades. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), H4( u"Can I try before I buy?", class_ = u"upgrade_question" ), P( """ Sure! Just check out the full-featured """, A( u"online demo", href = "/users/demo" ), """ to see Luminotes for yourself. The only difference is that Luminotes Desktop runs in a browser on your own computer instead of on the web. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), H4( u"What forms of payment do you accept?", class_ = u"upgrade_question" ), P( """ When you click the "Buy Now" button above, you'll be presented with a simple checkout page. You can purchase Luminotes Desktop with either a credit card or PayPal. It's fast and secure. You do not need a PayPal account to make the purchase. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), P( """ After you fill out the payment information, you will be able to download Luminotes Desktop and start taking notes right away. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), H4( u"What is your refund policy?", class_ = u"upgrade_question" ), P( """ It's this simple: Luminotes Desktop comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), H4( u"What happens to my wiki if I stop using Luminotes?", class_ = u"upgrade_question" ), P( """ There is no lock-in with Luminotes. You can export your entire wiki to a stand-alone web page or a CSV spreadsheet — anytime you like. """, class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), class_= u"wide_center_area", ), P( Table( Tr( Th( u"Luminotes Desktop", Div( download_button, class_ = u"download_button_area", ), class_ = u"plan_name", ) ), id = u"upgrade_table_small", ), class_= u"upgrade_table_area", ), Div( P( Span( u"Have a question before you buy?", class_ = u"hook_action_question" ), Br(), A( u"Contact support", href = u"/contact_info", class_ = u"hook_action" ), class_ = u"hook_action_area", separator = u"", ), class_ = u"center_area", ), class_ = u"wide_center_area", ), ), )