from Page import Page from Tags import Input, Div, Noscript, H2, H4, A from Search_form import Search_form from Link_area import Link_area from Toolbar import Toolbar class Main_page( Page ): def __init__( self, notebook_id = None, note_id = None, revision = None ): title = None Page.__init__( self, title, Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"notebook_id", id = u"notebook_id", value = notebook_id or "" ), Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"note_id", id = u"note_id", value = note_id or "" ), Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"revision", id = u"revision", value = revision or "" ), Div( id = u"status_area", ), Div( Link_area( notebook_id ), id = u"link_area", ), Div( Toolbar(), Div( Div( Div( Div( id = u"user_area", ), Div( Search_form(), id = u"search_area", ), id = u"search_and_user_area", ), Div( H2( A( u"Luminotes", href = "/" ), class_ = "page_title" ), H4( A( u"personal wiki notebook", href = "/" ), class_ = u"page_title" ), id = u"title_area", ), id = u"top_area", ), Div( id = u"notes", ), Noscript( u""" Luminotes is a personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and ideas. It also happens to require Javascript. So if you'd like to check out this site, please enable Javascript in your web browser. Sorry for the inconvenience. """, ), id = u"center_area", ), id = u"center_and_toolbar_area", ), )