import os import cgi import time import tempfile import cherrypy from threading import Lock, Event from Expose import expose from Validate import validate, Valid_int, Validation_error from Database import Valid_id from Users import grab_user_id from Expire import strongly_expire from model.File import File from model.User import User from view.Upload_page import Upload_page from view.Blank_page import Blank_page from view.Json import Json from view.Progress_bar import stream_progress, stream_quota_error, stop_upload_script class Access_error( Exception ): def __init__( self, message = None ): if message is None: message = u"Sorry, you don't have access to do that. Please make sure you're logged in as the correct user." Exception.__init__( self, message ) self.__message = message def to_dict( self ): return dict( error = self.__message ) class Upload_error( Exception ): def __init__( self, message = None ): if message is None: message = u"An error occurred when uploading the file." Exception.__init__( self, message ) self.__message = message def to_dict( self ): return dict( error = self.__message ) # map of upload id to Upload_file current_uploads = {} current_uploads_lock = Lock() class Upload_file( object ): """ File-like object for storing file uploads. """ def __init__( self, file_id, filename, content_length ): self.__file = file( self.make_server_filename( file_id ), "w+" ) self.__file_id = file_id self.__filename = filename self.__content_length = content_length self.__file_received_bytes = 0 self.__total_received_bytes = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read self.__total_received_bytes_updated = Event() self.__complete = Event() def write( self, data ): self.__file.write( data ) self.__file_received_bytes += len( data ) self.__total_received_bytes = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read self.__total_received_bytes_updated.set() def tell( self ): return self.__file.tell() def seek( self, position ): position ) def read( self, size = None ): if size is None: return return size ) def wait_for_total_received_bytes( self ): self.__total_received_bytes_updated.wait( timeout = cherrypy.server.socket_timeout ) self.__total_received_bytes_updated.clear() return self.__total_received_bytes def close( self ): self.__file.close() self.__complete.set() def delete( self ): self.__file.close() os.remove( self.make_server_filename( self.__file_id ) ) def wait_for_complete( self ): self.__complete.wait( timeout = cherrypy.server.socket_timeout ) @staticmethod def make_server_filename( file_id ): return u"files/%s" % file_id filename = property( lambda self: self.__filename ) # expected byte count of the entire form upload, including the file and other form parameters content_length = property( lambda self: self.__content_length ) # count of bytes received thus far for this file upload only file_received_bytes = property( lambda self: self.__file_received_bytes ) # count of bytes received thus far for the form upload, including the file and other form # parameters total_received_bytes = property( lambda self: self.__total_received_bytes ) class FieldStorage( cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage ): """ Derived from cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage, which is in turn derived from cgi.FieldStorage, which calls make_file() to create a temporary file where file uploads are stored. By wrapping this file object, we can track its progress as its written. Inspired by: This method relies on a file_id parameter being present in the HTTP query string. @type binary: NoneType @param binary: ignored @rtype: Upload_file @return: wrapped temporary file used to store the upload @raise Upload_error: the provided file_id value is invalid, or the filename or Content-Length is missing """ def make_file( self, binary = None ): global current_uploads, current_uploads_lock cherrypy.server.max_request_body_size = 0 # remove CherryPy default file size limit of 100 MB cherrypy.response.timeout = 3600 * 2 # increase upload timeout to 2 hours (default is 5 min) cherrypy.server.socket_timeout = 60 # increase socket timeout to one minute (default is 10 sec) DASHES_AND_NEWLINES = 6 # four dashes and two newlines # release the cherrypy session lock so that the user can issue other commands while the file is # uploading cherrypy.session.release_lock() # pluck the file id out of the query string. it would be preferable to grab it out of parsed # form variables instead, but at this point in the processing, all the form variables might not # be parsed file_id = cgi.parse_qs( cherrypy.request.query_string ).get( u"file_id", [ None ] )[ 0 ] try: file_id = Valid_id()( file_id ) except ValueError: raise Upload_error( "The file_id is invalid." ) self.filename = self.filename.split( "/" )[ -1 ].split( "\\" )[ -1 ].strip() if not self.filename: raise Upload_error( "Please provide a filename." ) content_length = cherrypy.request.headers.get( "content-length", 0 ) try: content_length = Valid_int( min = 0 )( content_length ) - len( self.outerboundary ) - DASHES_AND_NEWLINES except ValueError: raise Upload_error( "The Content-Length header value is invalid." ) # file size is the entire content length of the POST, minus the size of the other form # parameters and boundaries. note: this assumes that the uploaded file is sent as the last # form parameter in the POST # TODO: verify that the uploaded file is always sent as the last parameter existing_file = current_uploads.get( file_id ) if existing_file: existing_file.close() upload_file = Upload_file( file_id, self.filename, content_length ) current_uploads_lock.acquire() try: current_uploads[ file_id ] = upload_file finally: current_uploads_lock.release() return upload_file def __write( self, line ): """ This implementation of __write() is different than that of the base class, because it calls make_file() whenever there is a filename instead of only for large enough files. """ if self.__file is not None and self.filename: self.file = self.make_file( '' ) self.file.write( self.__file.getvalue() ) self.__file = None self.file.write( line ) cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage = FieldStorage class Files( object ): """ Controller for dealing with uploaded files, corresponding to the "/files" URL. """ def __init__( self, database, users ): """ Create a new Files object. @type database: controller.Database @param database: database that files are stored in @type users: controller.Users @param users: controller for all users @rtype: Files @return: newly constructed Files """ self.__database = database self.__users = users @expose() @grab_user_id @validate( file_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def download( self, file_id, user_id = None ): """ Return the contents of file that a user has previously uploaded. @type file_id: unicode @param file_id: id of the file to download @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: unicode @return: file data @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the notebook that the file is in """ # release the session lock before beginning to stream the download. otherwise, if the # upload is cancelled before it's done, the lock won't be released cherrypy.session.release_lock() db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id ) if not db_file or not self.__users.check_access( user_id, db_file.notebook_id ): raise Access_error() db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id ) cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Type" ] = db_file.content_type cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Disposition" ] = u"attachment; filename=%s" % db_file.filename cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Length" ] = db_file.size_bytes def stream(): CHUNK_SIZE = 8192 local_file = file( Upload_file.make_server_filename( file_id ) ) while True: data = CHUNK_SIZE ) if len( data ) == 0: break yield data return stream() @expose( view = Upload_page ) @strongly_expire @grab_user_id @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def upload_page( self, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the file upload page, including the generation of a unique file id. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload will be to @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of the note that the upload will be to @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook """ if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id, read_write = True ): raise Access_error() file_id = self.__database.next_id( File ) return dict( notebook_id = notebook_id, note_id = note_id, file_id = file_id, ) @expose( view = Blank_page ) @strongly_expire @grab_user_id @validate( upload = (), notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), file_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def upload( self, upload, notebook_id, note_id, file_id, user_id ): """ Upload a file from the client for attachment to a particular note. The file_id must be provided as part of the query string, even if the other values are submitted as form data. @type upload: cgi.FieldStorage @param upload: file handle to uploaded file @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload is to @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of the note that the upload is to @type file_id: unicode @param file_id: id of the file being uploaded @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook or note @raise Upload_error: the Content-Length header value is invalid """ global current_uploads, current_uploads_lock uploaded_file = current_uploads.get( file_id ) if not uploaded_file: raise Upload_error() current_uploads_lock.acquire() try: del( current_uploads[ file_id ] ) finally: current_uploads_lock.release() if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id, read_write = True ): uploaded_file.delete() raise Access_error() content_type = upload.headers.get( "content-type" ) # if we didn't receive all of the expected data, abort if uploaded_file.total_received_bytes < uploaded_file.content_length: uploaded_file.delete() raise Upload_error( u"The file did not complete uploading." ) user = self.__database.load( User, user_id ) if not user: uploaded_file.delete() raise Access_error() # if the uploaded file's size would put the user over quota, bail and inform the user rate_plan = self.__users.rate_plan( user.rate_plan ) if user.storage_bytes + uploaded_file.total_received_bytes > rate_plan.get( u"storage_quota_bytes", 0 ): uploaded_file.delete() return dict( script = stop_upload_script ) # record metadata on the upload in the database db_file = File.create( file_id, notebook_id, note_id, uploaded_file.filename, uploaded_file.file_received_bytes, content_type ) db_file, commit = False ) self.__users.update_storage( user_id, commit = False ) self.__database.commit() uploaded_file.close() return dict() @expose() @strongly_expire @grab_user_id @validate( file_id = Valid_id(), filename = unicode, user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def progress( self, file_id, filename, user_id = None ): """ Stream information on a file that is in the process of being uploaded. This method does not perform any access checks, but the only information streamed is a progress bar and upload percentage. @type file_id: unicode @param file_id: id of a currently uploading file @type filename: unicode @param filename: name of the file to report on @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: unicode @return: streaming HTML progress bar """ # release the session lock before beginning to stream the upload report. otherwise, if the # upload is cancelled before it's done, the lock won't be released cherrypy.session.release_lock() # poll until the file is uploading (as determined by current_uploads) or completely uploaded (in # the database with a filename) while True: uploading_file = current_uploads.get( file_id ) db_file = None if uploading_file: fraction_reported = 0.0 break db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id ) if not db_file: raise Upload_error( u"The file id is unknown" ) if db_file.filename is None: time.sleep( 0.1 ) continue fraction_reported = 1.0 break # if the uploaded file's size would put the user over quota, bail and inform the user if uploading_file: SOFT_QUOTA_FACTOR = 1.05 # fudge factor since content_length isn't really the file's actual size user = self.__database.load( User, user_id ) if not user: raise Access_error() rate_plan = self.__users.rate_plan( user.rate_plan ) if user.storage_bytes + uploading_file.content_length > rate_plan.get( u"storage_quota_bytes", 0 ) * SOFT_QUOTA_FACTOR: return stream_quota_error() return stream_progress( uploading_file, filename, fraction_reported ) @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @grab_user_id @validate( file_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def stats( self, file_id, user_id = None ): """ Return information on a file that has been completely uploaded with its metadata stored in the database. Also return the user's current storage utilization in bytes. @type file_id: unicode @param file_id: id of the file to report on @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: dict @return: { 'filename': filename, 'size_bytes': filesize, 'storage_bytes': current storage usage by user } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the notebook that the file is in """ db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id ) if not db_file or not self.__users.check_access( user_id, db_file.notebook_id ): raise Access_error() user = self.__database.load( User, user_id ) if not user: raise Access_error() return dict( filename = db_file.filename, size_bytes = db_file.size_bytes, storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes, ) @expose( view = Json ) @grab_user_id @validate( file_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def delete( self, file_id, user_id = None ): """ Delete a file that has been completely uploaded, removing both its metadata from the database and its data from the filesystem. Return the user's current storage utilization in bytes. @type file_id: unicode @param file_id: id of the file to delete @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: dict @return: { 'storage_bytes': current storage usage by user } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the notebook that the file is in """ db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id ) if not db_file or not self.__users.check_access( user_id, db_file.notebook_id, read_write = True ): raise Access_error() user = self.__database.load( User, user_id ) if not user: raise Access_error() self.__database.execute( db_file.sql_delete() ) os.remove( Upload_file.make_server_filename( file_id ) ) return dict( storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes, ) @expose( view = Json ) @grab_user_id @validate( file_id = Valid_id(), filename = unicode, user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def rename( self, file_id, filename, user_id = None ): """ Rename a file that has been completely uploaded. @type file_id: unicode @param file_id: id of the file to delete @type filename: unicode @param filename: new name for the file @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: dict @return: {} @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the notebook that the file is in """ db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id ) if not db_file or not self.__users.check_access( user_id, db_file.notebook_id, read_write = True ): raise Access_error() db_file.filename = filename db_file ) return dict()