#!/usr/bin/python2.5 import os import os.path import psycopg2 as psycopg from controller.Database import Database from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler def quote( value ): if value is None: return "null" value = unicode( value ) return "'%s'" % value.replace( "'", "''" ).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) class Converter( object ): """ Converts a Luminotes database from bsddb to PostgreSQL, using the old bsddb controller.Database. This assumes that the PostgreSQL schema from model/schema.sql is already in the database. """ def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): self.scheduler = scheduler self.database = database self.conn = psycopg.connect( "dbname=luminotes user=luminotes password=dev" ) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() thread = self.convert_database() self.scheduler.add( thread ) self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) def convert_database( self ): inserts = set() notes = {} # map of note object id to its notebook startup_notes = {} # map of startup note object id to its notebook for key in self.database._Database__db.keys(): if not self.database._Database__db.get( key ): continue self.database.load( key, self.scheduler.thread ) value = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) class_name = value.__class__.__name__ if class_name == "Notebook": if ( value.object_id, value.revision ) in inserts: continue inserts.add( ( value.object_id, value.revision ) ) self.cursor.execute( "insert into notebook " + "( id, revision, name, trash_id ) " + "values ( %s, %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( value.object_id ), quote( value.revision ), quote( value.name ), quote( value.trash and value.trash.object_id or "null" ) ) ) for note in value.notes: notes[ note.object_id ] = value for startup_note in value.startup_notes: startup_notes[ startup_note.object_id ] = value elif class_name == "Note": if ( value.object_id, value.revision ) in inserts: continue inserts.add( ( value.object_id, value.revision ) ) # notebook_id, startup, and rank are all set below since they're pulled out of Notebook objects self.cursor.execute( "insert into note " + "( id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank ) " + "values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( value.object_id ), quote( value.revision ), quote( value.title ), quote( value.contents ), quote( None ), quote( "f" ), quote( value.deleted_from or None ), quote( None ) ) ) elif class_name == "User": if value.username is None: continue # note: this will skip all demo users if ( value.object_id, value.revision ) in inserts: continue inserts.add( ( value.object_id, value.revision ) ) self.cursor.execute( "insert into luminotes_user " + "( id, revision, username, salt, password_hash, email_address, storage_bytes, rate_plan ) " + "values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( value.object_id ), quote( value.revision ), quote( value.username ), quote( value._User__salt ), quote( value._User__password_hash ), quote( value.email_address ), value.storage_bytes, value.rate_plan ) ) for notebook in value.notebooks: if notebook is None: continue read_only = ( notebook.__class__.__name__ == "Read_only_notebook" ) if read_only: notebook_id = notebook._Read_only_notebook__wrapped.object_id else: notebook_id = notebook.object_id if ( value.object_id, notebook_id ) in inserts: continue inserts.add( ( value.object_id, notebook_id ) ) self.cursor.execute( "insert into user_notebook " + "( user_id, notebook_id, read_write ) " + "values ( %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( value.object_id ), quote( notebook_id ), quote( read_only and "f" or "t" ) ) ) elif class_name == "Read_only_notebook": pass elif class_name == "Password_reset": if value.redeemed == True: continue if ( value.object_id, value.revision ) in inserts: continue inserts.add( ( value.object_id, value.revision ) ) self.cursor.execute( "insert into password_reset " + "( id, email_address, redeemed ) " + "values ( %s, %s, %s );" % ( quote( value.object_id ), quote( value.email_address ), quote( value.redeemed and "t" or "f" ) ) ) elif class_name == "User_list": pass else: raise Exception( "Unconverted value of type %s" % class_name ) for ( note_id, notebook ) in notes.items(): self.cursor.execute( "update note set notebook_id = %s where id = %s" % ( quote( notebook.object_id ), quote( note_id ) ) ) for ( startup_note_id, notebook ) in startup_notes.items(): startup_ids = [ note.object_id for note in notebook.startup_notes ] rank = startup_ids.index( startup_note_id ) self.cursor.execute( "update note set startup = 't', rank = %s where id = %s" % ( rank, quote( startup_note_id ) ) ) self.conn.commit() yield None def main(): scheduler = Scheduler() database = Database( scheduler, "data.db" ) initializer = Converter( scheduler, database ) scheduler.wait_until_idle() if __name__ == "__main__": main()