import cherrypy import urllib from import raises from urllib import quote from Test_controller import Test_controller from model.Notebook import Notebook from model.Note import Note from model.User import User from model.Invite import Invite from controller.Notebooks import Access_error class Test_notebooks( Test_controller ): def setUp( self ): Test_controller.setUp( self ) self.notebook = None self.anon_notebook = None self.unknown_notebook_id = "17" self.unknown_note_id = "42" self.username = u"mulder" self.password = u"trustno1" self.email_address = u"" self.username2 = u"deepthroat" self.password2 = u"mmmtobacco" self.email_address2 = u"" self.user = None self.user2 = None self.invite = None self.anonymous = None self.session_id = None self.make_users() self.make_notebooks() self.make_invites() self.database.commit() def make_notebooks( self ): user_id = self.user.object_id self.trash = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"trash", user_id = user_id ) self.trash, commit = False ) self.notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"notebook", self.trash.object_id, user_id = user_id ) self.notebook, commit = False ) note_id = self.database.next_id( Note ) self.note = Note.create( note_id, u"

my title

blah", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, startup = True, user_id = user_id ) self.note, commit = False ) note_id = self.database.next_id( Note ) self.note2 = Note.create( note_id, u"

other title

whee", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = user_id ) self.note2, commit = False ) self.anon_notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"anon_notebook", user_id = user_id ) self.anon_notebook, commit = False ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook.object_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 0 ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook.trash_id, read_write = True, owner = True ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.anon_notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False ) ) self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook.object_id, read_write = True, owner = False, rank = 0 ) ) self.database.execute( self.user2.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook.trash_id, read_write = True, owner = False ) ) def make_extra_notebooks( self ): user_id = self.user.object_id self.trash2 = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"trash", user_id = user_id ) self.trash2, commit = False ) self.notebook2 = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"notebook", self.trash2.object_id, user_id = user_id ) self.notebook2, commit = False ) self.trash3 = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"trash", user_id = user_id ) self.trash3, commit = False ) self.notebook3 = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"notebook", self.trash3.object_id, user_id = user_id ) self.notebook3, commit = False ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook2.object_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 1 ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook2.trash_id, read_write = True, owner = True ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook3.object_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 2 ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook3.trash_id, read_write = True, owner = True ) ) self.database.commit() def make_users( self ): self.user = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), self.username, self.password, self.email_address ) self.user, commit = False ) self.user2 = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), self.username2, self.password2, self.email_address2 ) self.user2, commit = False ) self.anonymous = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), u"anonymous" ) self.anonymous, commit = False ) def make_invites( self ): self.invite = Invite.create( self.database.next_id( Invite ), self.user.object_id, self.notebook.object_id, u"", read_write = True, owner = False, ) self.invite, commit = False ) def test_default_without_login( self ): path = "/notebooks/%s" % self.notebook.object_id result = self.http_get( path ) headers = result.get( "headers" ) assert headers assert headers.get( "Location" ) == u"http:///login?after_login=%s" % urllib.quote( path ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s" % self.notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == True assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == True assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_viewer( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=viewer" % self.notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == False assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == False assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_collaborator( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=collaborator" % self.notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == False assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == False assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_owner( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=owner" % self.notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == True assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == True assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_viewer_with_viewer_access( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=viewer" % self.anon_notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == False assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == False assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 0 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 0 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert not result.get( "recent_notes" ) assert len( result[ "invites" ] ) == 0 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_collaborator_with_viewer_access( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=collaborator" % self.anon_notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) # even though a collaborator preview is being requested, this user only has preview-level # access. so read_write should be False on the returned notebook assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == False assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == False assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 0 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 0 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert not result.get( "recent_notes" ) assert len( result[ "invites" ] ) == 0 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_owner_with_viewer_access( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=owner" % self.anon_notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 2 ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 2 ].read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 2 ].owner == False assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == False assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == False assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 0 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 0 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert not result.get( "recent_notes" ) assert len( result[ "invites" ] ) == 0 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_as_preview_viewer_without_login( self ): path = "/notebooks/%s?preview=viewer" % self.notebook.object_id result = self.http_get( path ) headers = result.get( "headers" ) assert headers assert headers.get( "Location" ) == u"http:///login?after_login=%s" % urllib.quote( path ) def test_default_as_preview_collaborator_without_login( self ): path = "/notebooks/%s?preview=collaborator" % self.notebook.object_id result = self.http_get( path ) headers = result.get( "headers" ) assert headers assert headers.get( "Location" ) == u"http:///login?after_login=%s" % urllib.quote( path ) def test_default_as_preview_owner_without_login( self ): path = "/notebooks/%s?preview=owner" % self.notebook.object_id result = self.http_get( path ) headers = result.get( "headers" ) assert headers assert headers.get( "Location" ) == u"http:///login?after_login=%s" % urllib.quote( path ) def test_default_as_preview_viewer_without_access( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() self.login2() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=viewer" % self.notebook2.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"access" in result.get( u"error" ) def test_default_as_preview_collaborator_without_access( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() self.login2() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=collaborator" % self.notebook2.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"access" in result.get( u"error" ) def test_default_as_preview_owner_without_access( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() self.login2() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?preview=owner" % self.notebook2.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"access" in result.get( u"error" ) def test_default_with_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, self.note.object_id ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == True assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == True assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( "notes" ) assert len( result.get( "notes" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_with_note_and_revision( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s&revision=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, self.note.object_id, quote( unicode( self.note.revision ) ), ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == True assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == True assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( "notes" ) assert len( result.get( "notes" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert result.get( u"notes" )[ 0 ].revision == self.note.revision assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) == False assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_with_note_and_previous_revision( self ): self.login() previous_revision = self.note.revision self.note.contents = u"

my title

foo blah" self.note ) result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s&revision=%s&previous_revision=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, self.note.object_id, quote( unicode( self.note.revision ) ), quote( unicode( previous_revision ) ), ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == True assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == True assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( "notes" ) assert len( result.get( "notes" ) ) == 1 assert result.get( u"notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert result.get( u"notes" )[ 0 ].revision == self.note.revision assert result.get( u"notes" )[ 0 ].contents == u'

my title

foo blah' assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) == False assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_default_with_parent( self ): self.login() parent_id = u"foo" result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s?parent_id=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, parent_id ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebooks" )[ 0 ].owner == True assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook" ).read_write == True assert result.get( u"notebook" ).owner == True assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result.get( u"notes" ) == [] assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == parent_id assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert len( result.get( "recent_notes" ) ) == 2 assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( "recent_notes" )[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result[ "notes" ] == [] invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_read_write_false( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, read_write = False, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result[ "notes" ] == [] invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == False assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_owner_false( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, owner = False, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result[ "notes" ] == [] invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == False assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_note( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id notes = result[ "notes" ] assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 note = notes[ 0 ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_note_and_revision( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = unicode( self.note.revision ), user_id = self.user.object_id, ) self.login() notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id notes = result[ "notes" ] assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 note = notes[ 0 ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.revision == self.note.revision user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_note_and_previous_revision( self ): previous_revision = self.note.revision self.note.contents = u"

my title

foo blah" self.note ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = unicode( self.note.revision ), previous_revision = unicode( previous_revision ), user_id = self.user.object_id, ) self.login() notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id notes = result[ "notes" ] assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 note = notes[ 0 ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.revision == self.note.revision assert note.contents == u'

my title

foo blah' user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_different_invites( self ): # create an invite with a different email address from the previous invite = Invite.create( self.database.next_id( Invite ), self.user.object_id, self.notebook.object_id, u"", read_write = True, owner = False, ) invite ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result[ "notes" ] == [] invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 2 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == invite.object_id invite = invites[ 1 ] assert invite.object_id == self.invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_contents_with_duplicate_invites( self ): # create an invite with the same email address as the previous invite invite = Invite.create( self.database.next_id( Invite ), self.user.object_id, self.notebook.object_id, u"", read_write = True, owner = False, ) invite ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 assert result[ "notes" ] == [] # the two invites should be collapsed down into one invites = result[ "invites" ] assert len( invites ) == 1 invite = invites[ 0 ] assert invite.object_id == invite.object_id assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert len( startup_notes ) == 1 assert startup_notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 @raises( Access_error ) def test_contents_without_user_id( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ) @raises( Access_error ) def test_contents_with_incorrect_user_id( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.anonymous.object_id, ) @raises( Access_error ) def test_contents_with_unknown_notebook_id( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) def test_contents_with_read_only_notebook( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.anon_notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ] assert result[ "notes" ] == [] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 0 assert result[ "invites" ] == [] assert notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert notebook.read_write == False assert notebook.owner == False assert len( startup_notes ) == 0 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_updates( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/updates/%s?rss¬ebook_name=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert len( result[ u"recent_notes" ] ) == 2 assert result[ u"recent_notes" ][ 0 ] == ( self.note2.object_id, self.note2.revision ) assert result[ u"recent_notes" ][ 1 ] == ( self.note.object_id, self.note.revision ) assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_updates_without_login( self ): result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/updates/%s?rss¬ebook_name=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, ), ) # still should get the full results even without a login assert len( result[ u"recent_notes" ] ) == 2 assert result[ u"recent_notes" ][ 0 ] == ( self.note2.object_id, self.note2.revision ) assert result[ u"recent_notes" ][ 1 ] == ( self.note.object_id, self.note.revision ) assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_updates_without_access( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() self.login2() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/updates/%s?rss¬ebook_name=%s" % ( self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id, ) # still should get the full results even without access assert len( result[ u"recent_notes" ] ) == 0 assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook2.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_updates_with_unknown_notebook( self ): result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/updates/%s?rss¬ebook_name=%s" % ( self.unknown_notebook_id, ), ) # should return no notes (and not raise an error) assert len( result[ u"recent_notes" ] ) == 0 assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.unknown_notebook_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_updates_with_incorrect_notebook_name( self ): result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/updates/%s?rss¬ebook_name=%s" % ( self.notebook.object_id, "whee" ), ) # still produces results even with an incorrect notebook name assert len( result[ u"recent_notes" ] ) == 2 assert result[ u"recent_notes" ][ 0 ] == ( self.note2.object_id, self.note2.revision ) assert result[ u"recent_notes" ][ 1 ] == ( self.note.object_id, self.note.revision ) assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == u"whee" assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_get_update_link( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/get_update_link?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "notebook_name", ), ( "note_id", self.note.object_id ), ( "revision", str( self.note.revision ) ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"note_id" ] == self.note.object_id assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_get_update_link_without_login( self ): result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/get_update_link?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "notebook_name", ), ( "note_id", self.note.object_id ), ( "revision", str( self.note.revision ) ), ] ), ) assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"note_id" ] == self.note.object_id assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_get_update_link_without_access( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() self.login2() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/get_update_link?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook2.object_id ), ( "notebook_name", ), ( "note_id", self.note.object_id ), ( "revision", str( self.note.revision ) ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result[ u"notebook_id" ] == self.notebook2.object_id assert result[ u"notebook_name" ] == assert result[ u"note_id" ] == self.note.object_id assert result[ u"https_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.https_url" ] def test_load_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == self.note.title assert note.contents == self.note.contents user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_with_revision( self ): self.login() # update the note to generate a new revision previous_revision = self.note.revision previous_title = self.note.title previous_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # load the note by the old revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] # assert that we get the previous revision of the note, not the new one assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.revision == previous_revision assert note.title == previous_title assert note.contents == previous_contents user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_with_previous_revision( self ): self.login() # update the note to generate a new revision previous_revision = self.note.revision previous_title = self.note.title previous_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

my title

foo blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = self.note.revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) new_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision # load the note by the new revision, providing the previous revision as well result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = unicode( new_revision ), previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] # assert that we get a composite diff of the two revisions assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.revision == new_revision assert note.title == previous_title assert note.contents == u'

my title

foo blah' user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 def test_load_note_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_load_note_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_with_incorrect_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.anon_notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_unknown_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.unknown_note_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_without_notebook( self ): self.login() self.note.notebook_id = None self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_with_summary( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, summarize = True, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == self.note.title assert note.contents == self.note.contents assert note.summary == u"blah" user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_by_title( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == self.note.title assert note.contents == self.note.contents user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_by_title_case_insensitive( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title.upper(), ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == self.note.title assert note.contents == self.note.contents user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_by_title_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_by_title_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_title = self.note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_unknown_note_by_title( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "unknown title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_by_title_with_summary( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title, summarize = True, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == self.note.title assert note.contents == self.note.contents assert note.summary == u"blah" user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_summarize_note( self ): note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( self.note ) assert note.summary == u"blah" def test_summarize_note_truncated_at_word_boundary( self ): self.note.contents = u"

the title

" + u"foo bar baz quux " * 10 note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( self.note ) assert note.summary == u"foo bar baz quux foo bar baz quux foo ..." def test_summarize_note_truncated_at_character_boundary( self ): self.note.contents = u"

the title

" + u"foobarbazquux" * 10 note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( self.note ) assert note.summary == u"foobarbazquuxfoobarbazquuxfoobarbazquuxf ..." def test_summarize_note_with_short_words( self ): self.note.contents = u"

the title

" + u"a b c d e f g h i j k l" note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( self.note ) assert note.summary == u"a b c d e f g h i j ..." def test_summarize_note_without_title( self ): self.note.contents = "foo bar baz quux" note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( self.note ) assert note.summary == u"foo bar baz quux" def test_summarize_note_without_contents( self ): self.note.contents = None note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( self.note ) assert note.summary == None def test_summarize_note_none( self ): note = cherrypy.root.notebooks.summarize_note( None ) assert note == None def test_lookup_note_id( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/lookup_note_id/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "note_id" ) == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_lookup_note_id_case_insensitive( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/lookup_note_id/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title.upper(), ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "note_id" ) == self.note.object_id user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_lookup_note_id_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/lookup_note_id/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = self.note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_lookup_note_id_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/lookup_note_id/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_title = self.note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_lookup_unknown_note_id( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/lookup_note_id/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "unknown title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "note_id" ) == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_load_note_revisions( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 1 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == self.note.revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username def test_load_note_links( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to file' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"embedded image' in html assert u"tree_expander_empty" in html def test_load_note_links_with_new_file_link( self ): self.login() link = u'link to new file' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to note2' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to note2' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note.deleted_from_id = self.note.notebook_id self.note.notebook_id = self.trash.object_id self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to note2' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to note2' assert link % u' class="note_tree_link"' in html assert u"tree_expander_empty" in html def test_load_note_links_with_note_link_to_unknown_note_id( self ): self.login() link = u'link to note2' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to note2' self.note.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note ) link2 = u'link back to note' self.note2.contents = u"


this is a %s" % ( link % "" ) self.note2 ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"link to note2' link2 = u'link to self' external_link = u'link' file_link = u'link to file' self.note.contents = u"


%s and %s and %s and %s as well" % ( link % "", link2 % "", external_link % "", file_link % "", ) self.note ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_links/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) html = result.get( "tree_html" ) assert u"new titlenew blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username current_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the old title can no longer be loaded result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "my title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.startup == startup assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id if startup: assert note.rank == 0 else: assert note.rank is None # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 2 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == previous_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == current_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username def test_save_startup_note( self ): self.test_save_note( startup = True ) def test_save_note_by_different_user( self, startup = False ): self.login2() # save over an existing note as a different user, supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user2.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username2 current_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username self.login() # make sure the old title can no longer be loaded result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "my title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.startup == startup assert note.user_id == self.user2.object_id if startup: assert note.rank == 0 else: assert note.rank is None # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 2 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == previous_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == current_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user2.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username2 def test_save_note_without_login( self, startup = False ): # save over an existing note supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_save_startup_note_without_login( self ): self.test_save_note_without_login( startup = True ) def test_save_note_too_long( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save over an existing note supplying new (too long) contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" * 962 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_save_note_too_long_before_cleaning( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save over an existing note supplying new contents and a new title. the contents # should be too long before they're cleaned/stripped, but short enough after previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

ha" * 962 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username current_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the old title can no longer be loaded result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "my title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents.replace( u"", "" ) assert note.startup == startup assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id if startup: assert note.rank == 0 else: assert note.rank is None # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 2 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == previous_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == current_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username def test_save_deleted_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # save over a deleted note, supplying new contents and a new title. this should cause the note # to be automatically undeleted deleted_note = self.database.load( Note, self.note.object_id ) previous_revision = deleted_note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the old title can no longer be loaded result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "my title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] == None # make sure the new title is now loadable from the notebook result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.deleted_from_id == None assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id # make sure the old title can no longer be loaded from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_title = "my title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] == None # make sure the new title is not loadable from the trash either result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] == None def test_save_unchanged_note( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # now attempt to save over that note again without changing the contents user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) previous_storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes previous_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # assert that the note wasn't actually updated the second time assert result[ "new_revision" ] == None assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == previous_storage_bytes assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == 0 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id assert note.revision == previous_revision def test_save_unchanged_deleted_note( self, startup = False ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # save over an existing deleted note, supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # now attempt to save over that note again without changing the contents user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) previous_storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes previous_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # assert that the note wasn't actually updated the second time assert result[ "new_revision" ] == None assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == previous_storage_bytes assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == 0 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id assert note.revision == previous_revision assert note.deleted_from_id == None # make sure the note is not loadable from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] == None def test_save_unchanged_note_with_startup_change( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save over an existing note supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # now attempt to save over that note again without changing the contents, but with a change # to its startup flag previous_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = not startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # assert that the note was updated the second time assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id assert note.revision > previous_revision assert note.startup == ( not startup ) if note.startup: assert note.rank == 0 else: assert note.rank is None def test_save_unchanged_note_with_extra_newline( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # now attempt to save over that note again without changing the contents, # except for adding a newline user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) previous_storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes previous_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents + u"\n", startup = startup, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # assert that the note wasn't actually updated the second time assert result[ "new_revision" ] == None assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == previous_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == previous_storage_bytes assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == 0 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id assert note.revision == previous_revision def test_save_note_from_an_older_revision( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note supplying new contents and a new title first_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # save over that note again with new contents, providing the original # revision as the previous known revision second_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision new_note_contents = u"

new new title

new new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # make sure the second save actually caused an update assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision not in ( first_revision, second_revision ) assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == second_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the first title can no longer be loaded result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "my title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None # make sure the second title can no longer be loaded result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note == None # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = "new new title", ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == "new new title" assert note.contents == new_note_contents assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_save_note_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note supplying new contents and a new title previous_revision = self.note.revision new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = previous_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_save_new_note( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save a completely new note new_note = Note.create( "55", u"

newest title

foo" ) previous_revision = new_note.revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = new_note.object_id, contents = new_note.contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = None, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ] != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ] == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = new_note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == new_note.object_id assert note.title == new_note.title assert note.contents == new_note.contents assert note.startup == startup assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id if startup: assert note.rank == 0 else: assert note.rank is None def test_save_new_startup_note( self ): self.test_save_new_note( startup = True ) def test_save_new_note_with_disallowed_tags( self ): self.login() # save a completely new note title_with_tags = u"

my title

" junk = u"foo" more_junk = u"


" new_note = Note.create( "55", title_with_tags + junk + more_junk ) previous_revision = new_note.revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = new_note.object_id, contents = new_note.contents, startup = False, previous_revision = None, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ] != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ] == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = new_note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] expected_contents = title_with_tags + u"foohaxx0r


" assert note.object_id == new_note.object_id assert note.title == new_note.title assert note.contents == expected_contents assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_save_new_note_with_bad_characters( self ): self.login() # save a completely new note contents = "

newest title

foo" junk = "\xa0bar" new_note = Note.create( "55", contents + junk ) previous_revision = new_note.revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = new_note.object_id, contents = new_note.contents, startup = False, previous_revision = None, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ] != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ] == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = new_note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == new_note.object_id assert note.title == new_note.title assert note.contents == contents + " bar" assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_save_two_new_notes( self, startup = False ): self.login() # save a completely new note new_note = Note.create( "55", u"

newest title

foo" ) previous_revision = new_note.revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = new_note.object_id, contents = new_note.contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = None, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) previous_storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes # save a completely new note new_note = Note.create( "56", u"

my title

foo" ) previous_revision = new_note.revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = new_note.object_id, contents = new_note.contents, startup = startup, previous_revision = None, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ] != previous_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username assert result[ "previous_revision" ] == None user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # make sure the new title is now loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_title = new_note.title, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note.object_id == new_note.object_id assert note.title == new_note.title assert note.contents == new_note.contents assert note.startup == startup assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id if startup: assert note.rank == 1 # one greater than the previous new note's rank else: assert note.rank is None def test_save_two_new_startup_notes( self ): self.test_save_two_new_notes( startup = True ) def test_revert_note( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title first_revision = self.note.revision original_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) second_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision # revert the note to the earlier revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != first_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != second_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username current_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == second_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes assert result[ "contents" ] == original_contents # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 3 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == first_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == second_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 2 ].revision == current_revision assert revisions[ 2 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 2 ].username == self.username def test_revert_note_by_different_user( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title first_revision = self.note.revision original_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) second_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision self.login2() # as a different user, revert the note to the earlier revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != first_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != second_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user2.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username2 current_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == second_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes assert result[ "contents" ] == original_contents # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 3 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == first_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == second_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 2 ].revision == current_revision assert revisions[ 2 ].user_id == self.user2.object_id assert revisions[ 2 ].username == self.username2 def test_revert_note_without_login( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title first_revision = self.note.revision original_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) second_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision # revert the note to the earlier revision, but without logging in result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = first_revision, ) ) assert result.get( "error" ) # make sure that a new revision wasn't saved result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 2 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == first_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == second_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username def test_revert_deleted_note( self ): self.login() # delete an existing note first_revision = self.note.revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = self.database.load( Note, self.note.object_id ) second_revision = note.revision # revert the note to the earlier, non-deleted revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != first_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].revision != second_revision assert result[ "new_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "new_revision" ].username == self.username current_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == second_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes assert result[ "contents" ] == self.note.contents # make sure that the reverted note is not in the trash anymore note = self.database.load( Note, self.note.object_id ) assert note.notebook_id == self.note.notebook_id # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 3 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == first_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == second_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 2 ].revision == current_revision assert revisions[ 2 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 2 ].username == self.username def test_revert_note_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title first_revision = self.note.revision original_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) second_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision # revert the note to the earlier revision, but with an unknown notebook result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) # make sure that a new revision wasn't saved result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 2 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == first_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == second_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username def test_revert_unknown_note( self ): self.login() # revert a new (unsaved) note new_note = Note.create( "55", u"

newest title

foo" ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = new_note.object_id, revision = new_note.revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert "access" in result.get( "error" ) note = self.database.load( Note, new_note.object_id ) assert note == None def test_revert_note_to_newest_revision( self ): self.login() # save over an existing note, supplying new contents and a new title first_revision = self.note.revision original_contents = self.note.contents new_note_contents = u"

new title

new blah" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, contents = new_note_contents, startup = False, previous_revision = first_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) second_revision = result[ "new_revision" ].revision # "revert" the note to the most recent revision result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/revert_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = second_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "new_revision" ] is None assert result[ "previous_revision" ].revision == second_revision assert result[ "previous_revision" ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert result[ "previous_revision" ].username == self.username user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "contents" ] == new_note_contents # make sure that the correct revisions are returned and are in chronological order result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) revisions = result[ "revisions" ] assert revisions != None assert len( revisions ) == 2 assert revisions[ 0 ].revision == first_revision assert revisions[ 0 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 0 ].username == self.username assert revisions[ 1 ].revision == second_revision assert revisions[ 1 ].user_id == self.user.object_id assert revisions[ 1 ].username == self.username def test_delete_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # test that the deleted note is actually deleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] is None assert result[ "note_id_in_trash" ] == self.note.object_id # test that the deleted note can be loaded from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result[ "note" ] assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.title == self.note.title assert note.contents == self.note.contents assert note.startup == self.note.startup assert note.deleted_from_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_delete_note_from_trash( self ): self.login() # first, delete the note from the main notebook, thereby moving it to the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # then, delete the note from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # test that the deleted note is actually deleted from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "note" ) is None def test_delete_note_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_delete_note_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # test that the note hasn't been deleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id def test_delete_unknown_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.unknown_note_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # test that the note hasn't been deleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id def test_undelete_note( self ): self.login() # first delete the note self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # get the revision of the deleted note result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.trash.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) deleted_revision = result[ "note" ].revision # then undelete the note result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # test that the undeleted note is actually undeleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == None assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id # test that the revision of the note from when it was deleted is loadable result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, revision = deleted_revision, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.notebook_id == self.trash.object_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_undelete_note_that_is_not_deleted( self ): self.login() # "undelete" the note result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) == None # test that the "undeleted" note is where it should be result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == None assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.object_id def test_undelete_note_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_undelete_note_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) # test that the note hasn't been undeleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.trash_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_undelete_unknown_note( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.unknown_note_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # test that the note hasn't been deleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == None assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_undelete_note_from_incorrect_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.anon_notebook, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) # test that the note hasn't been undeleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.trash_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_undelete_note_that_is_not_deleted_from_id_incorrect_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.anon_notebook, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) # test that the note is still in its notebook result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == None assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_delete_all_notes( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # test that all notes are actually deleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] is None result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ "note" ] is None # test that all notes can be loaded from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id assert note.deleted_from_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note.notebook_id == self.notebook.trash_id assert note.user_id == self.user.object_id result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note2 = result.get( "note" ) assert note2 assert note2.object_id == self.note2.object_id assert note2.deleted_from_id == self.notebook.object_id assert note2.notebook_id == self.notebook.trash_id assert note2.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_delete_all_notes_from_trash( self ): self.login() # first, delete all notes from the main notebook, thereby moving them to the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # then, delete all notes from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes > 0 assert result[ "storage_bytes" ] == user.storage_bytes # test that all notes are actually deleted from the trash result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "note" ) is None def test_delete_all_notes_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_delete_all_notes_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) # test that the notes haven't been deleted result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note = result.get( "note" ) assert note.object_id == self.note.object_id result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_note/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, note_id = self.note2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) note2 = result.get( "note" ) assert note2.object_id == self.note2.object_id def test_search_note_titles( self ): self.login() search_text = u"other" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id def test_search_contents( self ): self.login() search_text = u"bla" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id def test_search_without_login( self ): search_text = u"bla" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_search_without_access( self ): self.login2() self.make_extra_notebooks() search_text = u"other" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_search_case_insensitive( self ): self.login() search_text = u"bLA" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id def test_search_empty( self ): self.login() search_text = "" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert result[ "error" ] assert u"missing" in result[ "error" ] def test_search_long( self ): self.login() search_text = "w" * 257 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert result[ "error" ] assert u"too long" in result[ "error" ] def test_search_with_no_results( self ): self.login() search_text = "doesn't match anything" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 0 def test_search_note_title_and_contents( self ): self.login() # ensure that notes with titles matching the search text show up before notes with only # contents matching the search text note3 = Note.create( "55", u"


foo", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id ) note3 ) search_text = "bla" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 2 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == note3.object_id assert notes[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id def test_search_character_refs( self ): self.login() note3 = Note.create( "55", u"

foo: bar

baz", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id ) note3 ) search_text = "oo: b" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == note3.object_id def test_search_titles( self ): self.login() search_text = u"other" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert notes[ 0 ].title == self.note2.title assert notes[ 0 ].summary == self.note2.title.replace( search_text, u"%s" % search_text ) def test_search_titles_without_login( self ): search_text = u"other" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ) ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_search_titles_without_access( self ): self.login2() self.make_extra_notebooks() search_text = u"other" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_search_titles_multiple( self ): self.login() search_text = u"itl" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 2 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert notes[ 0 ].title == self.note2.title assert notes[ 0 ].summary == self.note2.title.replace( search_text, u"%s" % search_text ) assert notes[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert notes[ 1 ].title == self.note.title assert notes[ 1 ].summary == self.note.title.replace( search_text, u"%s" % search_text ) def test_search_titles_case_insensitive( self ): self.login() search_text = u"oTHer" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert notes[ 0 ].title == self.note2.title assert notes[ 0 ].summary == u"other title" def test_search_titles_empty( self ): self.login() search_text = "" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert result[ "error" ] assert u"missing" in result[ "error" ] def test_search_titles_long( self ): self.login() search_text = "w" * 257 result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert result[ "error" ] assert u"too long" in result[ "error" ] def test_search_titles_with_no_results( self ): self.login() search_text = "doesn't match anything" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 0 def test_search_titles_character_refs( self ): self.login() note3 = Note.create( "55", u"

foo: bar

baz", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id ) note3 ) search_text = "oo: b" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search_titles/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, search_text = search_text, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == note3.object_id def test_all_notes( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == 2 assert notes[ 0 ][ 0 ] == self.note2.object_id assert notes[ 0 ][ 1 ] == self.note2.title assert notes[ 1 ][ 0 ] == self.note.object_id assert notes[ 1 ][ 1 ] == self.note.title def test_all_notes_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/all_notes/", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_download_html( self ): self.login() note3 = Note.create( "55", u"


foo", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id ) note3 ) result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/download_html/%s" % self.notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( "notebook_name" ) == notes = result.get( "notes" ) assert len( notes ) == len( self.notebook.notes ) startup_note_allowed = True previous_revision = None # assert that startup notes come first, then normal notes in descending revision order for note in notes: if self.notebook.is_startup_note( note ): assert startup_note_allowed else: startup_note_allowed = False assert note in self.notebook.notes if previous_revision: assert note.revision < previous_revision previous_revision = note.revision def test_download_html( self ): note3 = Note.create( "55", u"


foo", notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id ) note3 ) path = "/notebooks/download_html/%s" % self.notebook.object_id result = self.http_get( path, session_id = self.session_id, ) headers = result.get( "headers" ) assert headers assert headers.get( "Location" ) == u"http:///login?after_login=%s" % urllib.quote( path ) def test_download_html_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/download_html/%s" % self.unknown_notebook_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( "error" ) def test_create( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/create", dict(), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ].split( u"?" )[ 0 ] notebook = self.database.last_saved_obj assert isinstance( notebook, Notebook ) assert notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id assert == u"new notebook" assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert notebook.trash_id self.user.sql_load_notebooks() notebooks = self.database.select_many( Notebook, self.user.sql_load_notebooks() ) new_notebook = [ notebook for notebook in notebooks if notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id ][ 0 ] assert new_notebook.rank == 1 def test_contents_after_create( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/create", dict(), session_id = self.session_id ) new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ].split( u"?" )[ 0 ] result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = new_notebook_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 0 assert result[ "startup_notes" ] == [] assert result[ "notes" ] == [] assert result[ "invites" ] == [] assert notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True def test_create_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/create", dict() ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_rename( self ): self.login() new_name = u"renamed notebook" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/rename", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, name = new_name, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result def test_contents_after_rename( self ): self.login() new_name = u"renamed notebook" self.http_post( "/notebooks/rename", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, name = new_name, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] assert == new_name assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_rename_without_login( self ): new_name = u"renamed notebook" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/rename", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, name = new_name, ) ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_rename_trash( self ): self.login() new_name = u"renamed notebook" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/rename", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, name = new_name, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" in result def test_rename_with_reserved_luminotes_name( self ): self.login() new_name = u"Luminotes blog" result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/rename", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, name = new_name, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_rename_with_reserved_trash_name( self ): self.login() new_name = u" trash " result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/rename", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, name = new_name, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_delete( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) # assert that we're redirected to a newly created notebook remaining_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ].split( u"?" )[ 0 ] notebook = self.database.last_saved_obj assert isinstance( notebook, Notebook ) assert notebook.object_id == remaining_notebook_id assert == u"my notebook" assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert notebook.trash_id assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_delete_with_remaining_notebook( self ): # create a second notebook, which we should be redirected to after the first notebook is deleted trash = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"trash" ) trash, commit = False ) notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"notebook", trash.object_id ) notebook, commit = False ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( notebook.object_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 1 ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( notebook.trash_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = 1 ) ) self.database.commit() self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) # assert that we're redirected to the second notebook remaining_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ].split( u"?" )[ 0 ] assert remaining_notebook_id assert remaining_notebook_id == notebook.object_id def test_delete_with_remaining_read_only_notebook( self ): # create a second read-only notebook, which we should NOT be redirected to after the first # notebook is deleted trash = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"trash" ) trash, commit = False ) notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"notebook", trash.object_id ) notebook, commit = False ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False, rank = 1 ) ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( notebook.trash_id, read_write = False, owner = False, rank = 1 ) ) self.database.commit() self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) # assert that we're redirected to a newly created notebook remaining_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ].split( u"?" )[ 0 ] notebook = self.database.last_saved_obj assert isinstance( notebook, Notebook ) assert notebook.object_id == remaining_notebook_id assert == u"my notebook" assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert notebook.trash_id assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_contents_after_delete( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] assert notebook.deleted == True assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_contents_after_delete_twice( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] assert notebook.deleted == True assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_delete_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_delete_trash( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" in result def test_delete_forever( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_forever", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result @raises( Access_error ) def test_contents_after_delete_forever( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_forever", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) def test_delete_then_delete_forever( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_forever", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result @raises( Access_error ) def test_contents_after_delete_then_delete_forever( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_forever", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) def test_delete_forever_without_login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_forever", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_delete_forever_trash( self ): self.login() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_forever", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.trash_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" in result def test_undelete( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) # assert that we're redirected to the undeleted notebook notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ] notebook = self.database.last_saved_obj assert isinstance( notebook, Notebook ) assert notebook.object_id == notebook_id assert == assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert notebook.trash_id assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_contents_after_undelete( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.contents( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) notebook = result[ "notebook" ] assert notebook.deleted == False assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_undelete_without_login( self ): self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"error" ] def test_undelete_twice( self ): self.login() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/undelete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) # assert that we're redirected to the undeleted notebook notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ] notebook = self.database.last_saved_obj assert isinstance( notebook, Notebook ) assert notebook.object_id == notebook_id assert == assert notebook.read_write == True assert notebook.owner == True assert notebook.trash_id assert notebook.user_id == self.user.object_id def test_move_up( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_up", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result notebooks = self.database.select_many( Notebook, self.user.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = True, undeleted_only = True ) ) assert notebooks assert len( notebooks ) == 3 assert notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook2.object_id assert notebooks[ 0 ].rank == 0 assert notebooks[ 1 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebooks[ 1 ].rank == 1 assert notebooks[ 2 ].object_id == self.notebook3.object_id assert notebooks[ 2 ].rank == 2 def test_move_up_and_wrap( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_up", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result notebooks = self.database.select_many( Notebook, self.user.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = True, undeleted_only = True ) ) assert notebooks assert len( notebooks ) == 3 assert notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook2.object_id assert notebooks[ 0 ].rank == 1 assert notebooks[ 1 ].object_id == self.notebook3.object_id assert notebooks[ 1 ].rank == 2 assert notebooks[ 2 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebooks[ 2 ].rank == 3 def test_move_up_without_login( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_up", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ) ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_up_without_access( self ): self.login2() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_up", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_up_trash( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_up", dict( notebook_id = self.trash.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_up_deleted_notebook( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_up", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_down( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_down", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result notebooks = self.database.select_many( Notebook, self.user.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = True, undeleted_only = True ) ) assert notebooks assert len( notebooks ) == 3 assert notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebooks[ 0 ].rank == 0 assert notebooks[ 1 ].object_id == self.notebook3.object_id assert notebooks[ 1 ].rank == 1 assert notebooks[ 2 ].object_id == self.notebook2.object_id assert notebooks[ 2 ].rank == 2 def test_move_down_and_wrap( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_down", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook3.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"error" not in result notebooks = self.database.select_many( Notebook, self.user.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = True, undeleted_only = True ) ) assert notebooks assert len( notebooks ) == 3 assert notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebook3.object_id assert notebooks[ 0 ].rank == -1 assert notebooks[ 1 ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert notebooks[ 1 ].rank == 0 assert notebooks[ 2 ].object_id == self.notebook2.object_id assert notebooks[ 2 ].rank == 1 def test_move_down_without_login( self ): self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_down", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ) ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_down_without_access( self ): self.login2() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_down", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_down_trash( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_down", dict( notebook_id = self.trash.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_move_down_deleted_notebook( self ): self.login() self.make_extra_notebooks() self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/move_down", dict( notebook_id = self.notebook2.object_id, ), session_id = self.session_id ) assert u"access" in result[ u"error" ] def test_recent_notes( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.recent_notes( self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 notes = result.get( u"notes" ) assert notes assert len( notes ) == 2 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert notes[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert result.get( u"start" ) == 0 assert result.get( u"count" ) == 10 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_recent_notes_with_start( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.recent_notes( self.notebook.object_id, start = 1, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 notes = result.get( u"notes" ) assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert result.get( u"start" ) == 1 assert result.get( u"count" ) == 10 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 def test_recent_notes_with_count( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.recent_notes( self.notebook.object_id, count = 1, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) assert result.get( u"user" ).object_id == self.user.object_id assert len( result.get( u"notebooks" ) ) == 3 assert result.get( u"login_url" ) is None assert result.get( u"logout_url" ) assert result.get( u"rate_plan" ) assert result.get( u"notebook" ).object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert len( result.get( u"startup_notes" ) ) == 1 assert result[ "total_notes_count" ] == 2 notes = result.get( u"notes" ) assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert result.get( u"parent_id" ) == None assert result.get( u"note_read_write" ) in ( None, True ) assert result.get( u"start" ) == 0 assert result.get( u"count" ) == 1 user = self.database.load( User, self.user.object_id ) assert user.storage_bytes == 0 @raises( Access_error ) def test_recent_notes_with_unknown_notebok( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.recent_notes( self.unknown_notebook_id, user_id = self.user.object_id, ) @raises( Access_error ) def test_recent_notes_with_incorrect_user( self ): result = cherrypy.root.notebooks.recent_notes( self.notebook.object_id, user_id = self.anonymous.object_id, ) def test_load_recent_updates( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "start", "0" ), ( "count", "10" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) notes = result.get( u"notes" ) assert notes assert len( notes ) == 2 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id assert notes[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id def test_load_recent_updates_with_non_default_start( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "start", "1" ), ( "count", "10" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) notes = result.get( u"notes" ) assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note.object_id def test_load_recent_updates_with_too_small_start( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "start", "-1" ), ( "count", "10" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"too small" in result[ "error" ] def test_load_recent_updates_with_non_default_count( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "start", "0" ), ( "count", "1" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) notes = result.get( u"notes" ) assert notes assert len( notes ) == 1 assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == self.note2.object_id def test_load_recent_updates_with_too_small_count( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "start", "0" ), ( "count", "0" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"too small" in result[ "error" ] def test_load_recent_updates_without_login( self ): path = "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook.object_id ), ( "start", "0" ), ( "count", "10" ), ] ) result = self.http_get( path ) headers = result.get( "headers" ) assert headers assert headers.get( "Location" ) == u"http:///login?after_login=%s" % urllib.quote( path ) def test_load_recent_updates_without_access( self ): self.login2() self.make_extra_notebooks() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.notebook2.object_id ), ( "start", "0" ), ( "count", "10" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"access" in result[ "error" ] def test_load_recent_updates_with_unknown_notebook( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates?%s" % urllib.urlencode( [ ( "notebook_id", self.unknown_notebook_id ), ( "start", "0" ), ( "count", "10" ), ] ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"access" in result[ "error" ] def login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( username = self.username, password = self.password, login_button = u"login", ) ) self.session_id = result[ u"session_id" ] def login2( self ): result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( username = self.username2, password = self.password2, login_button = u"login", ) ) self.session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]