import os.path import cherrypy from model.User import User from model.Notebook import Notebook from model.Note import Note from model.Tag import Tag from Expose import expose from Expire import strongly_expire from Validate import validate, Valid_string, Valid_int from Database import Valid_id, end_transaction from Users import grab_user_id from Notebooks import Notebooks from Users import Access_error from view.Forums_page import Forums_page from view.Forum_page import Forum_page from view.Forum_rss import Forum_rss from view.Main_page import Main_page class Forums( object ): """ Controller for dealing with discussion forums, corresponding to the "/forums" URL. """ def __init__( self, database, notebooks, users ): """ Create a new Forums object, representing a collection of forums. @type database: controller.Database @param database: database that forums are stored in @type notebooks: controller.Users @param notebooks: controller for all notebooks @type users: controller.Users @param users: controller for all users @rtype: Forums @return: newly constructed Forums """ self.__database = database self.__notebooks = notebooks self.__users = users self.__general = Forum( database, notebooks, users, u"general" ) self.__support = Forum( database, notebooks, users, u"support" ) @expose( view = Forums_page ) @strongly_expire @end_transaction @grab_user_id @validate( user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def index( self, user_id ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the listing of available forums (currently hard-coded). @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of the current user """ result = self.__users.current( user_id ) parents = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.trash_id and not notebook.deleted ] if len( parents ) > 0: result[ "first_notebook" ] = parents[ 0 ] else: result[ "first_notebook" ] = None return result general = property( lambda self: self.__general ) support = property( lambda self: self.__support ) class Forum( object ): DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME = u"new discussion" def __init__( self, database, notebooks, users, name ): """ Create a new Forum object, representing a single forum. @type database: controller.Database @param database: database that forums are stored in @type notebooks: controller.Users @param notebooks: controller for all notebooks @type users: controller.Users @param users: controller for all users @type name: unicode @param name: one-word name of this forum @rtype: Forums @return: newly constructed Forums """ self.__database = database self.__notebooks = notebooks self.__users = users self.__name = name @expose( view = Forum_page, rss = Forum_rss ) @strongly_expire @end_transaction @grab_user_id @validate( start = Valid_int( min = 0 ), count = Valid_int( min = 1, max = 50 ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), note_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def index( self, start = 0, count = 50, note_id = None, user_id = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the current threads within a forum. @type start: integer or NoneType @param start: index of first forum thread to display (optional, defaults to 0) @type count: integer or NoneType @param count: how many forum threads to display (optional, defaults to quite a few) @type note_id: unicode or NoneType @param note_id: id of thread to redirect to (optional, legacy support for old URLs) @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of the current user @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page """ if note_id: return dict( redirect = os.path.join( cherrypy.request.path, note_id ) ) result = self.__users.current( user_id ) parents = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.trash_id and not notebook.deleted ] if len( parents ) > 0: result[ "first_notebook" ] = parents[ 0 ] else: result[ "first_notebook" ] = None anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True ) if anonymous is None: raise Access_error() # load a slice of the list of the threads in this forum, excluding those with a default name threads = self.__database.select_many( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = False, undeleted_only = True, tag_name = u"forum", tag_value = self.__name, exclude_notebook_name = self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, reverse = True, start = start, count = count, ) ) # if there are no matching threads, then this forum doesn't exist if len( threads ) == 0: raise cherrypy.NotFound # count the total number of threads in this forum, excluding those with a default name total_thread_count = self.__database.select_one( int, anonymous.sql_count_notebooks( parents_only = False, undeleted_only = True, tag_name = u"forum", tag_value = self.__name, exclude_notebook_name = self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, ) ) result[ "forum_name" ] = self.__name result[ "threads" ] = threads result[ "start" ] = start result[ "count" ] = count result[ "total_thread_count" ] = total_thread_count return result @expose( view = Main_page ) @strongly_expire @end_transaction @grab_user_id @validate( thread_id = Valid_id(), start = Valid_int( min = 0 ), count = Valid_int( min = 1, max = 50 ), note_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def default( self, thread_id, start = 0, count = 10, note_id = None, user_id = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display a forum thread. @type thread_id: unicode @param thread_id: id of thread notebook to display @type start: unicode or NoneType @param start: index of recent note to start with (defaults to 0, the most recent note) @type count: int or NoneType @param count: number of recent notes to display (defaults to 10 notes) @type note_id: unicode or NoneType @param note_id: id of single note to load (optional) @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ result = self.__users.current( user_id ) result.update( self.__notebooks.old_notes( thread_id, start, count, user_id ) ) # if a single note was requested, just return that one note if note_id: result[ "notes" ] = [ note for note in result[ "notes" ] if note.object_id == note_id ] return result = True @expose() @end_transaction @grab_user_id @validate( user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def create_thread( self, user_id ): """ Create a new forum thread with a blank post, and give the thread a default name. Then redirect to that new thread. @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype dict @return { 'redirect': new_notebook_url } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to create a post @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ if user_id is None: raise Access_error() user = self.__database.load( User, user_id ) if user is None or not user.username or user.username == "anonymous": raise Access_error() anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True ) if anonymous is None: raise Access_error() # for now, crappy hard-coding to prevent just anyone from creating a blog thread if self.__name == u"blog" and user.username != u"witten": raise Access_error() # create the new notebook thread thread_id = self.__database.next_id( Notebook, commit = False ) thread = Notebook.create( thread_id, self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, user_id = user.object_id ) thread, commit = False ) # associate the forum tag with the new notebook thread tag = self.__database.select_one( Tag, Tag.sql_load_by_name( u"forum", user_id = anonymous.object_id ) ) self.__database.execute( anonymous.sql_save_notebook_tag( thread_id, tag.object_id, value = self.__name ), commit = False, ) # give the anonymous user access to the new notebook thread self.__database.execute( anonymous.sql_save_notebook( thread_id, read_write = True, owner = False, own_notes_only = True ), commit = False, ) # create a blank post in which the user can start off the thread note_id = self.__database.next_id( Notebook, commit = False ) note = Note.create( note_id, u"

", notebook_id = thread_id, startup = True, rank = 0, user_id = user_id ) note, commit = False ) self.__database.commit() if self.__name == "blog": return dict( redirect = u"/blog/%s" % thread_id, ) return dict( redirect = u"/forums/%s/%s" % ( self.__name, thread_id ), )