from Page import Page from Header import Header from Tags import Link, Meta, Div, A, Span, Ul, Li, Br class Product_page( Page ): def __init__( self, user, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, note_title, *nodes ): Page.__init__( self, ( note_title != "home" ) and note_title or None, # use the default title for the "home" page Link( rel = u"stylesheet", type = u"text/css", href = u"/static/css/header.css" ), Link( rel = u"stylesheet", type = u"text/css", href = u"/static/css/product.css" ), Meta( name = u"description", content = u"Luminotes is a WYSIWYG personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and ideas." ), Meta( name = u"keywords", content = u"note taking, personal wiki, wysiwyg wiki, easy wiki, simple wiki, wiki notebook" ), Header( user, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, note_title ), Span( *nodes ), Div( Div( # TODO make into a table kinda like on the footer of Div( Div( Ul( Li( u"About", class_ = u"footer_category" ), Li( A( u"tour", href = u"/tour" ) ), Li( A( u"demo", href = u"/users/demo" ) ), Li( A( u"faq", href = u"/faq" ) ), Li( A( u"team", href = u"/meet_the_team" ) ), Li( A( u"user guide", href = u"/guide" ) ), Li( A( u"privacy", href = u"/privacy" ) ), class_ = u"footer_list", ), Ul( Li( u"Get Started", class_ = u"footer_category" ), Li( A( u"download", href = u"/download" ) ), Li( A( u"sign up", href = u"/pricing" ) ), Li( A( u"source code", href = u"/source_code" ) ), class_ = u"footer_list", ), Ul( Li( u"Community", class_ = u"footer_category" ), Li( A( u"contact support", href = u"/contact_info" ) ), Li( A( u"discussion forums", href = u"/forums/" ) ), Li( A( u"blog", href = u"/blog/" ) ), Li( A( u"Facebook group", href = u"" ) ), Li( A( u"Twitter stream", href = u"" ) ), class_ = u"footer_list", ), Ul( Li( u"Copyright ©2008 Luminotes" ), class_ = u"footer_list wide_footer_list", ), Br(), class_ = u"footer_column", ), class_ = u"footer_links", ), class_ = u"wide_center_area", ), class_ = u"footer", ), )