from Tags import Div, Span, H4, A class Link_area( Div ): def __init__( self, notebooks, notebook, parent_id ): Div.__init__( self, Div( H4( u"this notebook" ), ( parent_id is None ) and Div( A( u"all notes", href = u"/notebooks/%s" % notebook.object_id, id = u"all_notes_link", title = u"View a list of all notes in this notebook.", ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( != u"Luminotes" ) and Div( A( u"download as html", href = u"/notebooks/download_html/%s" % notebook.object_id, id = u"download_html_link", title = u"Download a stand-alone copy of the entire wiki notebook.", ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, notebook.read_write and Span( notebook.trash_id and Div( A( u"trash", href = u"/notebooks/%s?parent_id=%s" % ( notebook.trash_id, notebook.object_id ), id = u"trash_link", title = u"Look here for notes you've deleted.", ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( == u"trash" ) and Div( A( u"trash", href = u"#", id = u"trash_link", title = u"Look here for notes you've deleted.", ), class_ = u"link_area_item current_trash_notebook_name", ) or None, ) or None, id = u"this_notebook_area", ), Div( ( len( notebooks ) > 1 ) and H4( u"notebooks" ) or None, [ Span( Div( A(, href = u"/notebooks/%s" % nb.object_id, id = u"notebook_%s" % nb.object_id, ), class_ = ( nb.object_id == notebook.object_id ) and u"link_area_item current_notebook_name" or u"link_area_item", ) ) for nb in notebooks if not in ( u"Luminotes", u"trash" ) ], id = u"notebooks_area" ), Div( id = u"storage_usage_area", ), id = u"link_area", )