import os import os.path import socket import cherrypy from tempfile import gettempdir username_postfix = os.environ.get( "USER" ) username_postfix = username_postfix and "_%s" % username_postfix or "" # find an available TCP socket to listen on sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) sock.bind( ( "", 0 ) ) socket_port = sock.getsockname()[ 1 ] sock.close() settings = { "global": { "server.socket_port": socket_port, "server.thread_pool": 4, "session_filter.storage_type": "ram", "session_filter.timeout": 60 * 24 * 365, # one year "static_filter.root": os.getcwd(), "server.log_to_screen": False, "server.log_file": os.path.join( gettempdir(), "luminotes_error%s.log" % username_postfix ), "server.log_access_file": os.path.join( gettempdir(), "luminotes%s.log" % username_postfix ), "server.log_tracebacks": True, "luminotes.port_file": os.path.join( gettempdir(), "luminotes_port%s" % username_postfix ), "luminotes.launch_browser": True, "luminotes.db_host": None, # use local SQLite database "luminotes.auto_login_username": "desktopuser", "luminotes.allow_shutdown_command": True, # used to stop the process during uninstall "luminotes.rate_plans": [ { "name": "desktop", "designed_for": "individuals", "storage_quota_bytes": None, # None indicates that there is no storage quota "included_users": 1, "notebook_sharing": False, "notebook_collaboration": False, "user_admin": False, "fee": None, "yearly_fee": None, }, ], }, "/static": { "static_filter.on": True, "static_filter.dir": "static", }, "/favicon.ico": { "static_filter.on": True, "static_filter.file": "static/images/favicon.ico", }, }