-- Delete old demo users. delete from luminotes_user where username is null and luminotes_user.revision < now() - interval '1 day'; -- Delete permissions for users who no longer exist. delete from user_notebook where user_id not in ( select id from luminotes_user_current ); -- Delete trash notebooks of forever-deleted notebooks, and all past revisions of them. delete from notebook where notebook.id in ( select trash_id from notebook_current where id not in ( select notebook_id from user_notebook ) and notebook_current.revision < now() - interval '1 day' ); -- Delete forever-deleted notebooks, and all past revisions of them. delete from notebook where notebook.id in ( select id from notebook_current where id not in ( select notebook_id from user_notebook ) and notebook_current.revision < now() - interval '1 day' ); -- Delete unused next ids, forever-deleted notes, and notes whose notebooks no longer exist. -- Also delete all past revisions of these notes. delete from note where note.id in ( select id from note_current where ( notebook_id is null or notebook_id not in ( select notebook_id from notebook_current ) ) and note_current.revision < now() - interval '1 day' ); -- Delete unused file next ids and files whose notebooks or notes no longer exist. delete from file where ( notebook_id is null or notebook_id not in ( select notebook_id from notebook_current ) or note_id not in ( select note_id from note_current ) ) and file.revision < now() - interval '1 day'; -- Delete old notebook revisions. delete from notebook where revision not in ( SELECT max( sub_notebook.revision ) as max from notebook sub_notebook where sub_notebook.id = notebook.id ) and notebook.revision < now() - interval '1 week'; -- Delete old group revisions. delete from luminotes_group where revision not in ( SELECT max( sub_group.revision ) as max from luminotes_group sub_group where sub_group.id = luminotes_group.id ) and luminotes_group.revision < now() - interval '1 week'; -- Delete old user revisions. delete from luminotes_user where revision not in ( SELECT max( sub_luminotes_user.revision ) as max from luminotes_user sub_luminotes_user where sub_luminotes_user.id = luminotes_user.id ) and luminotes_user.revision < now() - interval '1 week'; -- Delete permissions for notebooks that no longer exist. delete from user_notebook where notebook_id not in ( select id from notebook_current ); -- Delete permissions for users that no longer exist. delete from user_notebook where user_id not in ( select id from luminotes_user_current ); -- Delete memberships to groups that no longer exist. delete from user_group where group_id not in ( select id from luminotes_group_current ); -- Delete memberships of users that no longer exist. delete from user_group where user_id not in ( select id from luminotes_user_current ); vacuum analyze;