import cherrypy from Expose import expose from Expire import strongly_expire from Validate import validate, Valid_int, Valid_string from Notebooks import Notebooks from Users import Users, grab_user_id from Database import Valid_id from model.Note import Note from model.Notebook import Notebook from model.User import User from view.Main_page import Main_page from view.Notebook_rss import Notebook_rss from view.Upgrade_note import Upgrade_note from view.Json import Json from view.Error_page import Error_page from view.Not_found_page import Not_found_page class Root( object ): """ The root of the controller hierarchy, corresponding to the "/" URL. """ def __init__( self, database, settings ): """ Create a new Root object with the given settings. @type database: controller.Database @param database: database to use for all controllers @type settings: dict @param settings: CherryPy-style settings with top-level "global" key @rtype: Root @return: newly constructed Root """ self.__database = database self.__settings = settings self.__users = Users( database, settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url", u"" ), settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_url", u"" ), settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.support_email", u"" ), settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.rate_plans", [] ), ) self.__notebooks = Notebooks( database, self.__users ) @expose( Main_page ) @grab_user_id @validate( note_title = unicode, invite_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), after_login = Valid_string( min = 0, max = 100 ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def default( self, note_title, invite_id = None, after_login = None, user_id = None ): """ Convenience method for accessing a note in the main notebook by name rather than by note id. @type note_title: unicode @param note_title: title of the note to return @type invite_id: unicode @param invite_id: id of the invite used to get to this note (optional) @type after_login: unicode @param after_login: URL to redirect to after login (optional, must start with "/") @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page """ # if the user is logged in and not using https, and they request the sign up or login note, then # redirect to the https version of the page (if available) https_url = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_url" ) https_proxy_ip = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_proxy_ip" ) if note_title in ( u"sign_up", u"login" ) and https_url and cherrypy.request.remote_addr != https_proxy_ip: if invite_id: return dict( redirect = u"%s/%s?invite_id=%s" % ( https_url, note_title, invite_id ) ) else: return dict( redirect = u"%s/%s" % ( https_url, note_title ) ) anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) ) if anonymous: main_notebook = self.__database.select_one( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( undeleted_only = True ) ) result = self.__users.current( user_id = user_id ) note_title = note_title.replace( u"_", " " ) note = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_load_note_by_title( note_title ) ) if not note: raise cherrypy.NotFound result.update( self.__notebooks.contents( main_notebook.object_id, user_id = user_id, note_id = note.object_id ) ) if invite_id: result[ "invite_id" ] = invite_id if after_login and after_login.startswith( u"/" ): result[ "after_login" ] = after_login return result @expose() def r( self, password_reset_id ): """ Redirect to the password reset URL, based on the given password_reset id. The sole purpose of this method is to shorten password reset URLs sent by email so email clients don't wrap them. """ # if the value looks like an id, it's a password reset id, so redirect try: validator = Valid_id() password_reset_id = validator( password_reset_id ) except ValueError: raise cherrypy.NotFound return dict( redirect = u"/users/redeem_reset/%s" % password_reset_id, ) @expose() def i( self, invite_id ): """ Redirect to the invite redemption URL, based on the given invite id. The sole purpose of this method is to shorten invite redemption URLs sent by email so email clients don't wrap them. """ # if the value looks like an id, it's an invite id, so redirect try: validator = Valid_id() invite_id = validator( invite_id ) except ValueError: raise cherrypy.NotFound return dict( redirect = u"/users/redeem_invite/%s" % invite_id, ) @expose( view = Main_page ) @strongly_expire @grab_user_id @validate( user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def index( self, user_id ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the web site's front page, potentially performing a redirect to the https version of the page. """ https_url = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_url" ) https_proxy_ip = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_proxy_ip" ) if user_id: # if the user is logged in and the HTTP request has no referrer, then redirect to the user's first notebook referer = cherrypy.request.headerMap.get( u"Referer" ) if not referer: user = self.__database.load( User, user_id ) if user: first_notebook = self.__database.select_one( Notebook, user.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = True, undeleted_only = True ) ) if first_notebook: return dict( redirect = u"%s/notebooks/%s" % ( https_url, first_notebook.object_id ) ) # if the user is logged in and not using https, then redirect to the https version of the page (if available) if https_url and cherrypy.request.remote_addr != https_proxy_ip: return dict( redirect = https_url ) result = self.__users.current( user_id ) main_notebooks = [ nb for nb in result[ "notebooks" ] if == u"Luminotes" ] result.update( self.__notebooks.contents( main_notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, user_id = user_id ) ) return result @expose( view = Main_page, rss = Notebook_rss ) @grab_user_id @validate( start = Valid_int( min = 0 ), count = Valid_int( min = 1, max = 50 ), note_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def blog( self, start = 0, count = 5, note_id = None, user_id = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the blog notebook with notes in reverse chronological order. @type start: unicode or NoneType @param start: index of recent note to start with (defaults to 0, the most recent note) @type count: int or NoneType @param count: number of recent notes to display (defaults to 10 notes) @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ result = self.__users.current( user_id ) blog_notebooks = [ nb for nb in result[ "notebooks" ] if == u"Luminotes blog" ] result.update( self.__notebooks.load_recent_notes( blog_notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, start, count, user_id ) ) # if a single note was requested, just return that one note if note_id: result[ "notes" ] = [ note for note in result[ "notes" ] if note.object_id == note_id ] result[ "http_url" ] = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url", u"" ) return result @expose( view = Main_page ) @grab_user_id @validate( user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def guide( self, user_id = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the Luminotes user guide. @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ result = self.__users.current( user_id ) guide_notebooks = [ nb for nb in result[ "notebooks" ] if == u"Luminotes user guide" ] result.update( self.__notebooks.contents( guide_notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, user_id = user_id ) ) return result @expose( view = Main_page ) @grab_user_id @validate( user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def privacy( self, user_id = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the Luminotes privacy policy. @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ result = self.__users.current( user_id ) privacy_notebooks = [ nb for nb in result[ "notebooks" ] if == u"Luminotes privacy policy" ] result.update( self.__notebooks.contents( privacy_notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, user_id = user_id ) ) return result @expose( view = Main_page ) @grab_user_id @validate( user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def upgrade( self, user_id = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the Luminotes upgrade page. """ anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) ) if anonymous: main_notebook = self.__database.select_one( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( undeleted_only = True ) ) else: main_notebook = None https_url = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_url" ) result = self.__users.current( user_id ) result[ "notebook" ] = main_notebook result[ "startup_notes" ] = self.__database.select_many( Note, main_notebook.sql_load_startup_notes() ) result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes() ) result[ "note_read_write" ] = False result[ "notes" ] = [ Note.create( object_id = u"upgrade", contents = unicode( Upgrade_note( self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.rate_plans", [] ), https_url, user_id, ) ), notebook_id = main_notebook.object_id, ) ] result[ "invites" ] = [] return result # TODO: move this method to controller.Notebooks, and maybe give it a more sensible name @expose( view = Json ) def next_id( self ): """ Return the next available database object id for a new note. This id is guaranteed to be unique among all existing notes. @rtype: json dict @return: { 'next_id': nextid } """ next_id = self.__database.next_id( Note ) return dict( next_id = next_id, ) def _cp_on_http_error( self, status, message ): """ CherryPy HTTP error handler, used to display page not found and generic error pages. """ support_email = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.support_email" ) if status == 404: cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Status" ] = u"404 Not Found" cherrypy.response.status = status cherrypy.response.body = [ unicode( Not_found_page( support_email ) ) ] return import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.report_traceback() import sys error = sys.exc_info()[ 1 ] if hasattr( error, "to_dict" ): error_message = error.to_dict().get( u"error" ) else: error_message = None cherrypy.response.body = [ unicode( Error_page( support_email, message = error_message ) ) ] def report_traceback( self ): """ If a support email address is configured, send it an email with the current traceback. """ support_email = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.support_email" ) if not support_email: return False import smtplib import traceback from email import Message message = Message.Message() message[ u"From" ] = support_email message[ u"To" ] = support_email message[ u"Subject" ] = u"Luminotes traceback" message.set_payload( u"requested URL: %s\n" % cherrypy.request.browser_url + u"user id: %s\n" % cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" ) + u"username: %s\n\n" % cherrypy.session.get( "username" ) + traceback.format_exc() ) # send the message out through localhost's smtp server server = smtplib.SMTP() server.connect() server.sendmail( message[ u"From" ], [ support_email ], message.as_string() ) server.quit() return True database = property( lambda self: self.__database ) notebooks = property( lambda self: self.__notebooks ) users = property( lambda self: self.__users )