import cherrypy from Scheduler import Scheduler from Expose import expose from Validate import validate, Valid_string, Validation_error, Valid_bool from Database import Valid_id, Valid_revision from Users import grab_user_id from Updater import wait_for_update, update_client from Expire import strongly_expire from Html_nuker import Html_nuker from Async import async from model.Notebook import Notebook from model.Note import Note from view.Main_page import Main_page from view.Json import Json from view.Html_file import Html_file class Access_error( Exception ): def __init__( self, message = None ): if message is None: message = u"You don't have access to this notebook." Exception.__init__( self, message ) self.__message = message def to_dict( self ): return dict( error = self.__message ) class Notebooks( object ): """ Controller for dealing with notebooks and their notes, corresponding to the "/notebooks" URL. """ def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): """ Create a new Notebooks object. @type scheduler: controller.Scheduler @param scheduler: scheduler to use for asynchronous calls @type database: controller.Database @param database: database that notebooks are stored in @rtype: Notebooks @return: newly constructed Notebooks """ self.__scheduler = scheduler self.__database = database @expose( view = Main_page ) @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), parent_id = Valid_id(), revision = Valid_revision(), ) def default( self, notebook_id, note_id = None, parent_id = None, revision = None ): """ Provide the information necessary to display the page for a particular notebook. If a particular note id is given without a revision, then the most recent version of that note is displayed. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of the notebook to display @type note_id: unicode or NoneType @param note_id: id of single note in this notebook to display (optional) @type parent_id: unicode or NoneType @param parent_id: id of parent notebook to this notebook (optional) @type revision: unicode or NoneType @param revision: revision timestamp of the provided note (optional) @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page """ return dict( notebook_id = notebook_id, note_id = note_id, parent_id = parent_id, revision = revision, ) @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), revision = Valid_string( min = 0, max = 30 ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def contents( self, notebook_id, note_id = None, revision = None, user_id = None ): """ Return the information on particular notebook, including the contents of its startup notes. Optionally include the contents of a single requested note as well. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook to return @type note_id: unicode or NoneType @param note_id: id of single note in this notebook to return (optional) @type revision: unicode or NoneType @param revision: revision timestamp of the provided note (optional) @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'notebook': notebookdict, 'note': notedict or None } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if notebook is None: note = None else: note = notebook.lookup_note( note_id ) if revision: self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread, revision ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) yield dict( notebook = notebook, startup_notes = notebook.startup_notes, note = note, ) @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), revision = Valid_revision(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def load_note( self, notebook_id, note_id, revision = None, user_id = None ): """ Return the information on a particular note by its id. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to return @type revision: unicode or NoneType @param revision: revision timestamp of the note (optional) @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'note': notedict or None } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if notebook is None: note = None else: note = notebook.lookup_note( note_id ) if revision: self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread, revision ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) yield dict( note = note, ) @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_title = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 500 ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def load_note_by_title( self, notebook_id, note_title, user_id ): """ Return the information on a particular note by its title. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_title: unicode @param note_title: title of the note to return @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'note': notedict or None } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if notebook is None: note = None else: note = notebook.lookup_note_by_title( note_title ) yield dict( note = note, ) @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_title = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 500 ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def lookup_note_id( self, notebook_id, note_title, user_id ): """ Return a note's id by looking up its title. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_title: unicode @param note_title: title of the note id to return @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'note_id': noteid or None } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if notebook is None: note = None else: note = notebook.lookup_note_by_title( note_title ) yield dict( note_id = note and note.object_id or None, ) @expose( view = Json ) @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), contents = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 25000, escape_html = False ), startup = Valid_bool(), previous_revision = Valid_revision( none_okay = True ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def save_note( self, notebook_id, note_id, contents, startup, previous_revision, user_id ): """ Save a new revision of the given note. This function will work both for creating a new note and for updating an existing note. If the note exists and the given contents are identical to the existing contents for the given previous_revision, then no saving takes place and a new_revision of None is returned. Otherwise this method returns the timestamp of the new revision. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to save @type contents: unicode @param contents: new textual contents of the note, including its title @type startup: bool @param startup: whether the note should be displayed on startup @type previous_revision: unicode or NoneType @param previous_revision: previous known revision timestamp of the provided note, or None if the note is new @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'new_revision': new revision of saved note, or None if nothing was saved, 'previous_revision': revision immediately before new_revision, or None if the note is new } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) # check whether the provided note contents have been changed since the previous revision def update_note( current_notebook, old_note ): # the note hasn't been changed, so bail without updating it if contents == old_note.contents: new_revision = None # the note has changed, so update it else: notebook.update_note( note, contents ) new_revision = note.revision return new_revision # if the note is already in the given notebook, load it and update it if note and note in notebook.notes: self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread, previous_revision ) old_note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) previous_revision = note.revision new_revision = update_note( notebook, old_note ) # the note is not already in the given notebook, so look for it in the trash elif note and notebook.trash and note in notebook.trash.notes: self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread, previous_revision ) old_note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) # undelete the note, putting it back in the given notebook previous_revision = note.revision notebook.trash.remove_note( note ) note.deleted_from = None notebook.add_note( note ) new_revision = update_note( notebook, old_note ) # otherwise, create a new note else: previous_revision = None note = Note( note_id, contents ) notebook.add_note( note ) new_revision = note.revision if startup: startup_changed = notebook.add_startup_note( note ) else: startup_changed = notebook.remove_startup_note( note ) if new_revision or startup_changed: notebook ) yield dict( new_revision = new_revision, previous_revision = previous_revision, ) @expose( view = Json ) @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def add_startup_note( self, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ): """ Designate a particular note to be shown upon startup, e.g. whenever its notebook is displayed. The given note must already be within this notebook. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to show on startup @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: {} @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if note: notebook.add_startup_note( note ) notebook ) yield dict() @expose( view = Json ) @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def remove_startup_note( self, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ): """ Prevent a particular note from being shown on startup, e.g. whenever its notebook is displayed. The given note must already be within this notebook. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to no longer show on startup @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: {} @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if note: notebook.remove_startup_note( note ) notebook ) yield dict() @expose( view = Json ) @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def delete_note( self, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ): """ Delete the given note from its notebook and move it to the notebook's trash. The note is added as a startup note within the trash. If the given notebook is the trash and the given note is already there, then it is deleted from the trash forever. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to delete @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: {} @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if note: notebook.remove_note( note ) if notebook.trash: note.deleted_from = notebook.object_id notebook.trash.add_note( note ) notebook.trash.add_startup_note( note ) notebook ) yield dict() @expose( view = Json ) @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def undelete_note( self, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ): """ Undelete the given note from the trash, moving it back into its notebook. The note is added as a startup note within its notebook. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note was in @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of note to undelete @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: {} @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() self.__database.load( note_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) note = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if note and notebook.trash: # if the note isn't deleted, and it's already in this notebook, just return if note.deleted_from is None and notebook.lookup_note( note.object_id ): yield dict() return # if the note was deleted from a different notebook than the notebook given, raise if note.deleted_from != notebook_id: raise Access_error() notebook.trash.remove_note( note ) note.deleted_from = None notebook.add_note( note ) notebook.add_startup_note( note ) notebook ) yield dict() @expose( view = Json ) @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def delete_all_notes( self, notebook_id, user_id ): """ Delete all notes from the given notebook and move them to the notebook's trash (if any). The notes are added as startup notes within the trash. If the given notebook is the trash, then all notes in the trash are deleted forever. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook the note is in @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: {} @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() for note in notebook.notes: notebook.remove_note( note ) if notebook.trash: note.deleted_from = notebook.object_id notebook.trash.add_note( note ) notebook.trash.add_startup_note( note ) notebook ) yield dict() @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), search_text = Valid_string( min = 0, max = 100 ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), titles_only = Valid_bool(), ) def search( self, notebook_id, search_text, titles_only, user_id ): """ Search the notes within a particular notebook for the given search text. Note that the search is case-insensitive, and all HTML tags are ignored. The matching notes are returned with title matches first, followed by all other matches. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook to search @type search_text: unicode @param search_text: search term @type titles_only: bool @param titles_only: if true, only search titles. if false, search all note titles and contents @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'notes': [ matching notes ] } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() search_text = search_text.lower() title_matches = [] content_matches = [] nuker = Html_nuker() if len( search_text ) > 0: for note in notebook.notes: if note is None: continue if search_text in nuker.nuke( note.title ).lower(): title_matches.append( note ) elif not titles_only and search_text in nuker.nuke( note.contents ).lower(): content_matches.append( note ) notes = title_matches + content_matches yield dict( notes = notes, ) @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def all_notes( self, notebook_id, user_id ): """ Return ids and titles of all notes in this notebook, sorted by reverse chronological order. @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook to pull notes from @type user_id: unicode @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: json dict @return: { 'notes': [ ( noteid, notetitle ) ] } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() notes = [ note for note in notebook.notes if note is not None and note.title is not None ] notes.sort( lambda a, b: cmp( b.revision, a.revision ) ) yield dict( notes = [ ( note.object_id, note.title ) for note in notes ] ) @expose( view = Html_file ) @strongly_expire @wait_for_update @grab_user_id @async @update_client @validate( notebook_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def download_html( self, notebook_id, user_id ): """ Download the entire contents of the given notebook as a stand-alone HTML page (no Javascript). @type notebook_id: unicode @param notebook_id: id of notebook to download @type user_id: unicode @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any), determined by @grab_user_id @rtype: unicode @return: rendered HTML page @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): raise Access_error() self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if not notebook: raise Access_error() normal_notes = list( set( notebook.notes ) - set( notebook.startup_notes ) ) normal_notes.sort( lambda a, b: -cmp( a.revision, b.revision ) ) yield dict( notebook_name =, notes = [ note for note in notebook.startup_notes + normal_notes if note is not None ], ) @async def check_access( self, notebook_id, user_id, callback ): # check if the anonymous user has access to this notebook self.__database.load( u"User anonymous", self.__scheduler.thread ) anonymous = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) access = False if anonymous.has_access( notebook_id ): access = True if user_id: # check if the currently logged in user has access to this notebook self.__database.load( user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) user = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) if user and user.has_access( notebook_id ): access = True yield callback, access scheduler = property( lambda self: self.__scheduler )