from Tags import Div, P, Span, H4, A, Strong, Img, Input, Br from Rounded_div import Rounded_div from Search_form import Search_form from model.Notebook import Notebook class Link_area( Div ): def __init__( self, notebooks, notebook, parent_id, notebook_path, updates_path, user, rate_plan ): linked_notebooks = [ nb for nb in notebooks if ( nb.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE or ( nb.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY and not u"Luminotes" ) ) ) and not in ( u"trash" ) and nb.deleted is False ] if [ tag for tag in notebook.tags if == u"forum" ]: forum_tag = True notebook_word = u"discussion" note_word = u"post" else: forum_tag = False notebook_word = u"notebook" note_word = u"note" Div.__init__( self, Div( Div( H4( u"this %s" % notebook_word, notebook.read_write != Notebook.READ_ONLY and Input( type = u"button", class_ = u"note_button small_text", id = u"save_button", value = u"saved", disabled = u"true", title = u"save your work", ) or None, id = u"this_notebook_area_title", ), Div( Search_form(), class_ = u"link_area_item", ), ( rate_plan.get( u"notebook_sharing" ) and == u"Luminotes blog" ) and Div( A( u"subscribe to rss", href = u"%s?rss" % notebook_path, id = u"blog_rss_link", title = u"Subscribe to the RSS feed for the Luminotes blog.", ), A( Img( src = u"/static/images/rss.png", width = u"14", height = u"14", class_ = u"middle_image" ), href = u"%s?rss" % notebook_path, title = u"Subscribe to the RSS feed for the Luminotes blog.", ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or ( updates_path and rate_plan.get( u"notebook_sharing" ) and ( not forum_tag ) and Div( A( u"subscribe to rss", href = updates_path, id = u"notebook_rss_link", title = u"Subscribe to the RSS feed for this %s." % notebook_word, ), A( Img( src = u"/static/images/rss.png", width = u"14", height = u"14", class_ = u"middle_image" ), href = updates_path, title = u"Subscribe to the RSS feed for this %s." % notebook_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None ), ( notebook.read_write != Notebook.READ_ONLY ) and Div( A( u"nothing but %ss" % note_word, href = u"#", id = u"declutter_link", title = u"Focus on just your %ss without any distractions." % note_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( notebook.read_write != Notebook.READ_WRITE and != u"Luminotes" ) and Div( A( u"export", href = u"#", id = u"export_link", title = u"Download a stand-alone copy of the entire %s." % notebook_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE ) and Span( Div( A( u"import", href = u"#", id = u"import_link", title = u"Import %ss from other software into Luminotes." % note_word, ), u"|", A( u"export", href = u"#", id = u"export_link", title = u"Download a stand-alone copy of the entire %s." % notebook_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( notebook.owner and != u"trash" ) and Div( A( u"rename", href = u"#", id = u"rename_notebook_link", title = u"Change the name of this %s." % notebook_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( notebook.owner and != u"trash" ) and Div( A( u"delete", href = u"#", id = u"delete_notebook_link", title = u"Move this %s to the trash." % notebook_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( notebook.owner and user.username and rate_plan.get( u"notebook_sharing" ) ) and Div( A( u"share", href = u"#", id = u"share_notebook_link", title = u"Share this %s with others." % notebook_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, notebook.trash_id and Div( A( u"trash", href = u"/notebooks/%s?parent_id=%s" % ( notebook.trash_id, notebook.object_id ), id = u"trash_link", title = u"Look here for %ss you've deleted." % note_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ( == u"trash" ) and Rounded_div( u"trash_notebook", A( u"trash", href = u"#", id = u"trash_link", title = u"Look here for %ss you've deleted." % note_word, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or None, ) or None, id = u"this_notebook_area", ), ( not forum_tag ) and Div( ( len( linked_notebooks ) > 0 ) and H4( u"notebooks", Img( src = u"/static/images/toolbar/small/new_note_button.png", width = u"20", height = u"20", id = "new_notebook", class_ = u"middle_image", title = u"Create a new wiki notebook." ), id = u"notebooks_area_title", ) or None, [ ( nb.object_id == notebook.object_id ) and Rounded_div( u"current_notebook", A(, href = u"/notebooks/%s" % nb.object_id, id = u"notebook_%s" % nb.object_id, ), ( len( linked_notebooks ) > 1 ) and Span( Img( src = u"/static/images/up_arrow.png", width = u"20", height = u"17", id = u"current_notebook_up" ), Img( src = u"/static/images/down_arrow.png", width = u"20", height = u"17", id = u"current_notebook_down" ), Span( id = "current_notebook_up_hover_preload" ), Span( id = "current_notebook_down_hover_preload" ), ) or None, class_ = u"link_area_item", ) or Div( A(, href = u"/notebooks/%s" % nb.object_id, id = u"notebook_%s" % nb.object_id, ), class_ = u"link_area_item", ) for nb in linked_notebooks ], id = u"notebooks_area" ) or None, ( user.username is None and notebook_path != "/" ) and P( A( u"Download", href = u"/download", class_ = u"hook_action" ), Span( u" or ", class_ = u"hook_action_or" ), A( u"Sign up", href = u"/pricing", class_ = u"hook_action" ), Br(), Span( "Get started in seconds.", class_ = u"hook_action_detail" ), class_ = u"hook_action_area", separator = u"", ) or None, Div( id = u"storage_usage_area", ), id = u"link_area_holder", ), id = u"link_area", )