take a tour

Luminotes is a personal wiki designed specifically for creating highly interconnected documents. Let's dive right into the tour so you can get a feel for how it works.

WYSIWYG viewing and editing

If you're familiar with a traditional word processor, you'll feel right at home with Luminotes' convenient toolbar. All of your text appears formatted as you type it, since there's no arcane markup language. Luminotes also does away with the edit and save buttons found in traditional wikis, so you can update your wiki with less hassle. Just click on a note and start typing!

Making links between your notes is as easy as formatting text. Just highlight the text you want to make into a link and click the "Link" button. If you prefer, you can always use keyboard combinations for any of the toolbar buttons.

big-picture browsing

Luminotes allows you to deal with several wiki notes all at once on the same page, which is ideal for brainstorming or viewing several brief notes simultaneously. As you follow links from one note to the next, you can see at a glance how you got to the current note. And of course you can always focus on the task at hand by hiding notes that you're done working on.

While Luminotes' big-picture browsing is plenty cool, you can always open an individual note in its own browser window or tab. Luminotes is flexible enough to let you browse your wiki in the way that best suits your needs — without getting in your way.

notebook sharing and collaboration

Most of the time, you want to keep your personal wiki all to yourself. But sometimes you simply need to share your work with friends and colleagues. So Luminotes supports wiki sharing and collaboration. Send invites to your friends simply by entering their email addresses, allowing them to view or edit your wiki.

You can also download your entire wiki as HTML at any time with a single click. This is perfect for taking your wiki on the go or sending it by email.

Like what you've seen so far? Then try the demo, or sign up for a free account.