from Tags import P, Div, A, Input, Span, Br from model.Notebook import Notebook class Toolbar( Div ): def __init__( self, notebook, hide_toolbar = False, note_word = None ): Div.__init__( self, Div( P( Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"newNote", title = u"make a new %s [ctrl-M]" % ( note_word or u"note" ), class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"createLink", title = u"link [ctrl-L]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/link_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), # Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES should not have a file upload button ( notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE ) and Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"attachFile", title = u"attach file or image", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/attach_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ) or None, ), P( Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"bold", title = u"bold [ctrl-B]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/bold_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"italic", title = u"italic [ctrl-I]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/italic_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"underline", title = u"underline [ctrl-U]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/underline_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"strikethrough", title = u"strikethrough [ctrl-S]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/strikethrough_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"font", title = u"font", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/font_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"title", title = u"title", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/title_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), ), P( Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"insertUnorderedList", title = u"bullet list [ctrl-period]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/bullet_list_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), Div( Input( type = u"button", id = u"insertOrderedList", title = u"numbered list [ctrl-1]", src = u"/static/images/toolbar/numbered_list_button.png", class_ = "image_button", ), class_ = u"button_background" ), ), class_ = u"button_wrapper", ), id = u"toolbar", class_ = hide_toolbar and u"undisplayed" or None, )