from Product_page import Product_page from Tags import Div, H1, Img, A, P, Table, Th, Tr, Td, Li, Span, I, Br, Ul, Li, Script class Upgrade_page( Product_page ): def __init__( self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, rate_plans, unsubscribe_button ): MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024 rate_plans = list( rate_plans ) user_plan = rate_plans[ user.rate_plan ] rate_plans.reverse() # show rate plans highest to lowest Product_page.__init__( self, user, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, u"pricing", # note title Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/MochiKit.js" ), Div( Div( user and user.username not in ( None, u"anonymous" ) and H1( Img( src = u"/static/images/upgrade.png", width = u"152", height = u"51", alt = u"upgrade", ), ) or H1( Img( src = u"/static/images/sign_up.png", width = u"138", height = u"51", alt = u"sign up", ), ), P( """ Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime. 60-day money-back guarantee. """, class_ = u"upgrade_subtitle", ), P( Table( self.fee_row( rate_plans, user ), Tr( Td( u"Designed for", class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( plan[ u"designed_for" ], class_ = u"feature_value", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( A( u"Included accounts", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'users_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( ( plan[ u"included_users" ] == 1 ) and u"1 user" or "up to
%s users" % plan[ u"included_users" ], class_ = u"feature_value", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Collaborate on a wiki with multiple people in your organization." ), Li( u"Only one subscription is necessary." ), Li( u"Additional user accounts are included (as listed)." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"users_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Included storage space", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'storage_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] // MEGABYTE, " MB", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"More space for your wiki notes." ), Li( u"More space for your documents and files." ), Li( u"All of your users share a common pool of storage space." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"storage_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Unlimited wiki notebooks", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'notebooks_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Create a unique notebook for each subject." ), Li( u"Keep work and personal notebooks separate." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"notebooks_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Friendly email support", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'support_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Fast email responses to your support questions. From a real live human." ), Li( u"No waiting on hold with a call center." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"support_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Invite people to view your wiki", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'view_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ), ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Invite specific people to read your wiki." ), Li( u"Invite as many people as you want." ), Li( u"Share only the notebooks you want to share. Keep the others private." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"view_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"Invite people to edit your wiki", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'edit_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( plan[ u"notebook_collaboration" ] and Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ) or u" ", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Invite specific people to collaborate on your wiki." ), Li( u"Decide who can edit and who can only view." ), Li( u"Invite as many people as you want. They only need free Luminotes accounts." ), Li( u"Revoke collaboration access with a single click." ), Li( u"Share only the notebooks you want to share. Keep the others private." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"edit_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), Tr( Td( A( u"User administration", href = u"#", onclick = u"toggleElementClass( 'undisplayed', 'admin_description' ); return false;" ), class_ = u"feature_name", ), [ Td( plan[ u"user_admin" ] and Img( src = u"/static/images/check.png", width = u"22", height = u"22" ) or u" ", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( Td( Ul( Li( u"Manage all Luminotes accounts for your organization from one web page." ), Li( u"Create and delete users as needed." ), ), colspan = len( rate_plans ) + 1, id = u"admin_description", class_ = u"feature_description undisplayed", ), ), border = u"1", id = u"upgrade_table", ), class_ = u"upgrade_table_area", ), user and user.username not in ( u"anonymous", None ) and P( u"You're currently subscribed to Luminotes %s." % user_plan[ u"name" ].capitalize(), ( user.rate_plan > 0 ) and unsubscribe_button or None, ) or None, class_ = u"upgrade_area", ), Div( Div( Img( src = u"/static/images/zero_hassle.png", width = u"122", height = u"29", alt = u"Zero hassle", ), Ul( Li( u"Cancel online anytime without losing access to your wiki." ), Li( u"60-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked." ), Li( u"No lock-in: Download your entire wiki anytime." ), class_ = u"upgrade_text", ), class_= u"center_area", ), P( Table( Tr( Td( u"Get two months free with a yearly subscription!", class_ = u"upgrade_subtitle", colspan = u"%d" % len( rate_plans ), ), colspan = u"%d" % len( rate_plans ) ), self.fee_row( rate_plans, user, include_blank = False, yearly = True ), Tr( [ Td( ( plan[ u"included_users" ] == 1 ) and u"1 user" or "up to
%s users" % plan[ u"included_users" ], class_ = u"feature_value", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), Tr( [ Td( plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] // MEGABYTE, " MB", ) for plan in rate_plans ], ), border = u"1", id = u"upgrade_table_small", ), class_= u"upgrade_table_area", ), Div( P( Span( u"Have a question before you sign up?", class_ = u"hook_action_question" ), Br(), A( u"Contact support", href = u"/contact_info", class_ = u"hook_action" ), class_ = u"hook_action_area", separator = u"", ), class_ = u"center_area", ), class_ = u"wide_center_area", ), ), ) def fee_row( self, rate_plans, user, include_blank = True, yearly = False ): last_index = len( rate_plans ) - 1 plan_list = [] for ( index, plan ) in enumerate( rate_plans ): plan_list.append( ( last_index - index, plan ) ) return Tr( include_blank and Th( u" " ) or None, [ Th( plan[ u"name" ].capitalize(), plan[ u"fee" ] and Div( yearly and Span( u"$%s" % plan[ u"yearly_fee" ], Span( u"/year", class_ = u"month_text" ), class_ = u"price_text", separator = u"", ) or Span( u"$%s" % plan[ u"fee" ], Span( u"/month", class_ = u"month_text" ), class_ = u"price_text", separator = u"", ), user and user.username not in ( u"anonymous", None ) and user.rate_plan != index \ and ( yearly and ( plan.get( u"yearly_button" ).strip() and plan.get( u"yearly_button" ) % user.object_id or None ) or \ ( plan.get( u"button" ).strip() and plan.get( u"button" ) % user.object_id or None ) ) or None, ) or Div( Span( u"No fee", class_ = u"price_text" ) ), ( not user or user.username in ( u"anonymous", None ) ) and Div( A( Img( src = u"/static/images/sign_up_button.png", width = "76", height = "23" ), href = u"/sign_up?plan=%s&yearly=%s" % ( index, yearly ), ), class_ = u"sign_up_button_area", ) or None, class_ = u"plan_name", ) for ( index, plan ) in plan_list ], )