IMAGE_DIR = "/static/images/"; function Wiki( invoker ) { this.next_id = null; this.focused_editor = null; this.blank_editor_id = null; this.notebook = null; this.notebook_id = getElement( "notebook_id" ).value; this.parent_id = getElement( "parent_id" ).value; // id of the notebook containing this one this.startup_notes = new Array(); // map of startup notes: note id to bool this.open_editors = new Array(); // map of open notes: note title to editor this.search_results_editor = null; // editor for display of search results this.invoker = invoker; this.rate_plan = evalJSON( getElement( "rate_plan" ).value ); this.storage_usage_high = false; this.invites = evalJSON( getElement( "invites" ).value ); this.invite_id = getElement( "invite_id" ).value; this.after_login = getElement( "after_login" ).value; this.signup_plan = getElement( "signup_plan" ).value; this.font_size = null; var total_notes_count_node = getElement( "total_notes_count" ); if ( total_notes_count_node ) this.total_notes_count = parseInt( scrapeText( total_notes_count_node ) ); else this.total_notes_count = null; this.note_tree = new Note_tree( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker ); this.recent_notes = new Recent_notes( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker ); // grab the current notebook from the list of available notebooks this.notebooks = evalJSON( getElement( "notebooks" ).value ); for ( var i in this.notebooks ) { if ( this.notebooks[ i ].object_id == this.notebook_id ) { this.notebook = this.notebooks[ i ] break; } } if ( this.notebook && this.notebook.read_write ) { unsupported_agent = null; if ( /Safari/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) unsupported_agent = "Safari"; if ( /Opera/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) unsupported_agent = "Opera"; if ( unsupported_agent ) alert( "Luminotes does not currently support the " + unsupported_agent + " web browser for editing. If possible, please use Firefox or Internet Explorer instead. " + unsupported_agent + " support will be added in a future release. Sorry for the inconvenience." ); } var deleted_id = getElement( "deleted_id" ).value; var skip_empty_message = deleted_id ? true : false; // populate the wiki with startup notes this.populate( evalJSON( getElement( "startup_notes" ).value || "null" ), evalJSON( getElement( "current_notes" ).value || "null" ), evalJSON( getElement( "note_read_write" ).value || "true" ), skip_empty_message ); this.display_storage_usage( evalJSON( getElement( "storage_bytes" ).value || "0" ) ); connect( this.invoker, "error_message", this, "display_error" ); connect( this.invoker, "message", this, "display_message" ); connect( "search_form", "onsubmit", this, "search" ); connect( "search_text", "onfocus", this, "search_focused" ); connect( "search_text", "onblur", this, "search_blurred" ); connect( "html", "onclick", this, "background_clicked" ); connect( "html", "onkeydown", this, "key_pressed" ); connect( window, "onresize", this, "resize_editors" ); connect( document, "onmouseover", this, "detect_font_resize" ); var blank_note_stub = getElement( "blank_note_stub" ); if ( blank_note_stub ) { connect( blank_note_stub, "onmouseover", function ( event ) { addElementClass( blank_note_stub, "blank_note_stub_border" ); removeElementClass( blank_note_stub, "blank_note_stub_hidden_border" ); } ); connect( blank_note_stub, "onmouseout", function ( event ) { addElementClass( blank_note_stub, "blank_note_stub_hidden_border" ); removeElementClass( blank_note_stub, "blank_note_stub_border" ); } ); connect( blank_note_stub, "onclick", this, "create_blank_editor" ); } var self = this; var top_window = window; var logout_link = getElement( "logout_link" ); if ( logout_link ) { connect( "logout_link", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.save_editor( null, false, function () { top_window.location = "/users/logout"; } ); event.stop(); } ); } var rename = evalJSON( getElement( "rename" ).value ); if ( rename && this.notebook.read_write ) this.start_notebook_rename(); // if a notebook was just deleted, show a message with an undo button if ( deleted_id && this.notebook.read_write ) { var undo_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "undo", "title": "undo deletion" } ); var trash_link = createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook.trash_id + "?parent_id=" + this.notebook.object_id }, "trash" ); var message_div = this.display_message( "The notebook has been moved to the", [ trash_link, ". ", undo_button ], "notes_top" ); connect( undo_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.undelete_notebook( event, deleted_id ); } ); } var current_notebook_up = getElement( "current_notebook_up" ); if ( current_notebook_up ) { connect( current_notebook_up, "onmouseover", function ( event ) { current_notebook_up.src = IMAGE_DIR + "up_arrow_hover.png"; } ); connect( current_notebook_up, "onmouseout", function ( event ) { current_notebook_up.src = IMAGE_DIR + "up_arrow.png"; } ); connect( current_notebook_up, "onclick", function ( event ) { current_notebook_up.src = IMAGE_DIR + "up_arrow.png"; self.move_current_notebook_up( event ); } ); } var current_notebook_down = getElement( "current_notebook_down" ); if ( current_notebook_down ) { connect( current_notebook_down, "onmouseover", function ( event ) { current_notebook_down.src = IMAGE_DIR + "down_arrow_hover.png"; } ); connect( current_notebook_down, "onmouseout", function ( event ) { current_notebook_down.src = IMAGE_DIR + "down_arrow.png"; } ); connect( current_notebook_down, "onclick", function ( event ) { current_notebook_down.src = IMAGE_DIR + "down_arrow.png"; self.move_current_notebook_down( event ); } ); } } Wiki.prototype.update_next_id = function ( result ) { this.next_id = result.next_id; } var KILOBYTE = 1024; var MEGABYTE = 1024 * KILOBYTE; function bytes_to_megabytes( bytes, choose_units ) { if ( choose_units ) { if ( bytes < KILOBYTE ) return bytes + " bytes"; if ( bytes < MEGABYTE ) return Math.round( bytes / KILOBYTE ) + " KB"; } return Math.round( bytes / MEGABYTE ) + " MB"; } Wiki.prototype.display_storage_usage = function( storage_bytes ) { if ( !storage_bytes ) return; // display the user's current storage usage var quota_bytes = this.rate_plan.storage_quota_bytes; if ( !quota_bytes ) return; var usage_percent = Math.round( storage_bytes / quota_bytes * 100.0 ); if ( usage_percent > 90 ) { var storage_usage_class = "storage_usage_high"; if ( this.storage_usage_high == false ) this.display_message( "You are currently using " + usage_percent + "% of your available storage space. Please delete some notes or files, empty the trash, or", [ createDOM( "a", { "href": "/upgrade" }, "upgrade" ), " your account." ] ); this.storage_usage_high = true; } else if ( usage_percent > 75 ) { var storage_usage_class = "storage_usage_medium"; this.storage_usage_high = false; } else { var storage_usage_class = "storage_usage_low"; this.storage_usage_high = false; } replaceChildNodes( "storage_usage_area", createDOM( "div", { "class": storage_usage_class }, bytes_to_megabytes( storage_bytes ) + " (" + usage_percent + "%) of " + bytes_to_megabytes( quota_bytes ) ) ); } Wiki.prototype.populate = function ( startup_notes, current_notes, note_read_write, skip_empty_message ) { var self = this; // if this is the trash and the user has owner-level access, then display a list of all deleted notebooks if ( this.notebook.owner && == "trash" ) { var heading_shown = false; var deleted_notebooks = getElement( "deleted_notebooks" ); for ( var i in this.notebooks ) { var notebook = this.notebooks[ i ]; if ( !notebook.deleted ) continue; if ( !heading_shown ) { appendChildNodes( deleted_notebooks, createDOM( "h4", {}, "deleted notebooks" ) ); heading_shown = true; } delete_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "note_button", "id": "delete_notebook_" + notebook.object_id, "value": "delete forever", "title": "delete notebook" } ); function connect_delete( notebook_id ) { connect( delete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.delete_notebook_forever( event, notebook_id ); } ); } connect_delete( notebook.object_id ); undelete_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "note_button", "id": "undelete_notebook_" + notebook.object_id, "value": "undelete", "title": "undelete notebook" } ); function connect_undelete( notebook_id ) { connect( undelete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.undelete_notebook( event, notebook_id ); } ); } connect_undelete( notebook.object_id ); appendChildNodes( deleted_notebooks, createDOM( "div", { "id": "deleted_notebook_" + notebook.object_id, "class": "deleted_notebook_item" }, createDOM( "span", {}, delete_button ), createDOM( "span", {}, undelete_button ), createDOM( "span", {}, ) ) ); } } // create an editor for each startup note in the received notebook, focusing the first one var focus = true; for ( var i in startup_notes ) { var startup_note = startup_notes[ i ]; this.startup_notes[ startup_note.object_id ] = true; // don't actually create an editor if a particular list of notes was provided in the result if ( current_notes.length == 0 ) { var editor = this.create_editor( startup_note.object_id, // grab this note's contents from the static notes area getElement( "static_note_" + startup_note.object_id ).innerHTML, startup_note.deleted_from_id, startup_note.revision, startup_note.creation, this.notebook.read_write, false, focus ); this.open_editors[ startup_note.title ] = editor; focus = false; } } // if particular notes were provided, then display editors for them var focus = true; for ( var i in current_notes ) { var note = current_notes[ i ]; this.create_editor( note.object_id, getElement( "static_note_" + note.object_id ).innerHTML, note.deleted_from_id, note.revision, note.creation, this.notebook.read_write && note_read_write, false, focus ); focus = false; } if ( startup_notes.length == 0 && current_notes.length == 0 && !skip_empty_message ) this.display_empty_message(); var empty_trash_link = getElement( "empty_trash_link" ); if ( empty_trash_link ) connect( empty_trash_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.delete_all_editors( event ); } ); if ( this.notebook.read_write ) { connect( window, "onunload", function ( event ) { self.editor_focused( null, true ); } ); connect( "newNote", "onclick", this, "create_blank_editor" ); connect( "createLink", "onclick", this, "toggle_link_button" ); connect( "attachFile", "onclick", this, "toggle_attach_button" ); connect( "bold", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "bold" ); } ); connect( "italic", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "italic" ); } ); connect( "underline", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "underline" ); } ); connect( "title", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "title" ); } ); connect( "insertUnorderedList", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "insertUnorderedList" ); } ); connect( "insertOrderedList", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "insertOrderedList" ); } ); this.make_image_button( "newNote", "new_note", true ); this.make_image_button( "createLink", "link" ); this.make_image_button( "attachFile", "attach" ); this.make_image_button( "bold" ); this.make_image_button( "italic" ); this.make_image_button( "underline" ); this.make_image_button( "title" ); this.make_image_button( "insertUnorderedList", "bullet_list" ); this.make_image_button( "insertOrderedList", "numbered_list" ); // grab the next available object id this.invoker.invoke( "/next_id", "POST", null, function( result ) { self.update_next_id( result ); } ); } var download_html_link = getElement( "download_html_link" ); if ( download_html_link ) { connect( download_html_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.save_editor( null, true ); } ); } var add_notebook_link = getElement( "add_notebook_link" ); if ( add_notebook_link ) { connect( add_notebook_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/create", "POST" ); event.stop(); } ); } var rename_notebook_link = getElement( "rename_notebook_link" ); if ( rename_notebook_link ) { connect( rename_notebook_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.start_notebook_rename(); event.stop(); } ); } var notebook_header_name = getElement( "notebook_header_name" ); if ( notebook_header_name ) { connect( notebook_header_name, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.start_notebook_rename(); event.stop(); } ); } var delete_notebook_link = getElement( "delete_notebook_link" ); if ( delete_notebook_link ) { connect( delete_notebook_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.delete_notebook(); event.stop(); } ); } var share_notebook_link = getElement( "share_notebook_link" ); if ( share_notebook_link ) { connect( share_notebook_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.load_editor( "share this notebook", "null", null, null, null, getElement( "notes_top" ) ); event.stop(); } ); } var declutter_link = getElement( "declutter_link" ); if ( declutter_link ) { connect( declutter_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.declutter_clicked(); event.stop(); } ); } } Wiki.prototype.background_clicked = function ( event ) { if ( !hasElementClass(, "pulldown_checkbox" ) && !hasElementClass(, "pulldown_label" ) ) this.clear_pulldowns(); } Wiki.prototype.create_blank_editor = function ( event ) { if ( event ) event.stop(); this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); // if we're within the trash, don't allow new note creation if ( == "trash" ) { this.display_error( "You can't create notes in the trash." ); return; } // if there is already a blank editor, then highlight it and bail if ( this.blank_editor_id != null ) { var blank_iframe_id = "note_" + this.blank_editor_id; var iframe = getElement( blank_iframe_id ); if ( iframe && iframe.editor.empty() ) { iframe.editor.highlight(); return; } } var editor = this.create_editor( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, this.notebook.read_write, true, true ); this.increment_total_notes_count(); this.blank_editor_id =; signal( this, "note_added", editor ); } Wiki.prototype.load_editor = function ( note_title, note_id, revision, previous_revision, link, position_after ) { if ( == "trash" && !revision ) { this.display_message( "If you'd like to use this note, try undeleting it first.", undefined, position_after ); return; } // if a link is given with an open link pulldown, then ignore the note title given and use the // one from the pulldown instead if ( link ) { var pulldown = link.pulldown; var pulldown_title = undefined; if ( pulldown ) { pulldown_title = strip( pulldown.title_field.value ); if ( pulldown_title ) note_title = pulldown_title; // only use the pulldown title if it has changed from the note's original title if ( pulldown_title == note_title ) pulldown_title = undefined; } if ( ) link.removeAttribute( "target" ); } // if the note corresponding to the link's id is already open, highlight it and bail, but only if // we didn't pull a title from an open link pulldown if ( !pulldown_title ) { if ( revision ) var iframe = getElement( "note_" + note_id + " " + revision ); else var iframe = getElement( "note_" + note_id ); if ( iframe ) { iframe.editor.highlight(); if ( link ) link.href = "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + note_id; return; } } // if there's not a valid destination note id, then load by title instead of by id var self = this; if ( pulldown_title || note_id == undefined || note_id == "new" || note_id == "null" ) { // if the note_title corresponds to a "magic" note's title, then dynamically highlight or create the note if ( note_title == "search results" ) { var editor = this.open_editors[ note_title ]; if ( editor ) { editor.highlight(); return; } this.display_search_results(); return; } if ( note_title == "share this notebook" ) { var editor = this.open_editors[ note_title ]; if ( editor ) { editor.highlight(); return; } this.share_notebook(); return; } // but if the note corresponding to the link's title is already open, highlight it and bail if ( !revision ) { var editor = this.open_editors[ note_title ]; if ( editor ) { editor.highlight(); if ( link ) link.href = "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" +; return; } } this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_title": note_title, "revision": revision }, function ( result ) { self.parse_loaded_editor( result, note_title, revision, link, position_after ); } ); return; } this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id": note_id, "revision": revision, "previous_revision": previous_revision }, function ( result ) { self.parse_loaded_editor( result, note_title, revision, link, position_after ); } ); } Wiki.prototype.resolve_link = function ( note_title, link, callback ) { // if the title looks like a URL, then make it a link to an external site if ( /^\w+:\/\//.test( note_title ) ) var title_looks_like_url = true; else var title_looks_like_url = false; if ( link && ) link.removeAttribute( "target" ); if ( note_title == "search results" || note_title == "share this notebook" ) { link.href = "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?" + queryString( [ "title", "note_id" ], [ note_title, "null" ] ); if ( callback ) { if ( note_title == "search results" ) callback( "current search results" ); else callback( "share this notebook with others" ); } return; } var id = parse_query( link ).note_id; // if the link already has a valid-looking id, it's already resolved, so bail if ( !callback && id != undefined && id != "new" && id != "null" ) return; if ( note_title.length == 0 ) return; // if the note corresponding to the link's title is already open, resolve the link and bail var editor = this.open_editors[ note_title ]; if ( editor ) { if ( link ) link.href = "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" +; if ( callback ) callback( editor.summarize() ); return; } var self = this; if ( callback ) { this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_title": note_title, "summarize": true }, function ( result ) { if ( result && result.note ) { link.href = "/notebooks/" + self.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + result.note.object_id; } else if ( title_looks_like_url ) { = "_new"; link.href = note_title; callback( "web link" ); return; } else { link.href = "/notebooks/" + self.notebook_id + "?" + queryString( [ "title", "note_id" ], [ note_title, "null" ] ); } callback( ( result && result.note ) ? result.note.summary : null ); } ); return; } this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/lookup_note_id", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_title": note_title }, function ( result ) { if ( result && result.note_id ) { link.href = "/notebooks/" + self.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + result.note_id; } else if ( title_looks_like_url ) { = "_new"; link.href = note_title; } else { link.href = "/notebooks/" + self.notebook_id + "?" + queryString( [ "title", "note_id" ], [ note_title, "null" ] ); } } ); } Wiki.prototype.parse_loaded_editor = function ( result, note_title, requested_revision, link, position_after ) { if ( result.note_id_in_trash ) { var undelete_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "undelete", "title": "undelete note" } ); var trash_link = createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook.trash_id + "?parent_id=" + this.notebook.object_id }, "trash" ); var message_div = this.display_message( "That note is in the", [ trash_link, ". ", undelete_button ], position_after ) var self = this; connect( undelete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.undelete_editor_via_undelete( event, result.note_id_in_trash, message_div ); } ); return; } if ( result.note ) { var id = result.note.object_id; if ( requested_revision ) id += " " + requested_revision; var actual_revision = result.note.revision; var actual_creation = result.note.creation; var note_text = result.note.contents; var deleted_from_id = result.note.deleted; } else { // if the title looks like a URL, then make it a link to an external site if ( /^\w+:\/\//.test( note_title ) ) { = "_new"; link.href = note_title; link.href ); return; } var id = null; var note_text = "

" + note_title; var deleted_from_id = null; var actual_revision = null; var actual_creation = null; this.increment_total_notes_count(); } if ( requested_revision ) var read_write = false; // show previous revisions as read-only else var read_write = this.notebook.read_write; var self = this; var editor = this.create_editor( id, note_text, deleted_from_id, actual_revision, actual_creation, read_write, true, false, position_after ); if ( !requested_revision ) connect( editor, "init_complete", function () { signal( self, "note_added", editor ); } ); id =; // if a link that launched this editor was provided, update it with the created note's id if ( link && id ) link.href = "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + id; } Wiki.prototype.create_editor = function ( id, note_text, deleted_from_id, revision, creation, read_write, highlight, focus, position_after ) { var self = this; if ( isUndefinedOrNull( id ) ) { if ( this.notebook.read_write ) { id = this.next_id; this.invoker.invoke( "/next_id", "POST", null, function( result ) { self.update_next_id( result ); } ); } else { id = 0; } } // for read-only notes within read-write notebooks, tack the revision timestamp onto the start of the note text if ( !read_write && this.notebook.read_write && revision ) { var short_revision = this.brief_revision( revision ); note_text = "

Previous revision from " + short_revision + "

" + note_text; } if ( !read_write && creation ) { var short_creation = this.brief_revision( creation ); note_text = '

' + short_creation + ' | permalink

' + note_text; } var startup = this.startup_notes[ id ]; var editor = new Editor( id, this.notebook_id, note_text, deleted_from_id, revision, read_write, startup, highlight, focus, position_after ); if ( this.notebook.read_write ) { connect( editor, "state_changed", this, "editor_state_changed" ); connect( editor, "title_changed", this, "editor_title_changed" ); connect( editor, "key_pressed", this, "editor_key_pressed" ); connect( editor, "delete_clicked", function ( event ) { self.delete_editor( event, editor ) } ); connect( editor, "undelete_clicked", function ( event ) { self.undelete_editor_via_trash( event, editor ) } ); connect( editor, "changes_clicked", function ( event ) { self.toggle_editor_changes( event, editor ) } ); connect( editor, "options_clicked", function ( event ) { self.toggle_editor_options( event, editor ) } ); connect( editor, "focused", this, "editor_focused" ); } connect( editor, "load_editor", this, "load_editor" ); connect( editor, "hide_clicked", function ( event ) { self.hide_editor( event, editor ) } ); connect( editor, "invites_updated", function ( invites ) { self.invites = invites; self.share_notebook(); } ); connect( editor, "submit_form", function ( url, form, callback ) { var args = {} if ( url == "/users/signup" ) { args[ "invite_id" ] = self.invite_id; args[ "rate_plan" ] = self.signup_plan; } else if ( url == "/users/login" ) { args[ "invite_id" ] = self.invite_id; args[ "after_login" ] = self.after_login; } self.invoker.invoke( url, "POST", args, callback, form ); } ); connect( editor, "revoke_invite", function ( invite_id, callback ) { self.invoker.invoke( "/users/revoke_invite", "POST", { "notebook_id": self.notebook_id, "invite_id": invite_id }, callback ); } ); this.clear_pulldowns(); return editor; } Wiki.prototype.resize_editors = function () { var iframes = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "iframe", "note_frame" ); for ( var i in iframes ) { var editor = iframes[ i ].editor; editor.resize(); } } Wiki.prototype.detect_font_resize = function () { if ( !window.getComputedStyle ) return; var style = window.getComputedStyle( getElement( "content" ), null ); if ( !style ) return; if ( style.fontSize == this.font_size ) return; this.font_size = style.fontSize; this.resize_editors(); } Wiki.prototype.editor_state_changed = function ( editor, link_clicked ) { this.update_toolbar(); if ( !link_clicked ) this.display_link_pulldown( editor ); } Wiki.prototype.editor_title_changed = function ( editor, old_title, new_title ) { delete this.open_editors[ old_title ]; if ( new_title != null && !editor.empty() ) { this.open_editors[ new_title ] = editor; signal( this, "note_renamed", editor, new_title ); } } Wiki.prototype.display_link_pulldown = function ( editor, link ) { this.clear_messages(); if ( !editor.read_write ) { this.clear_pulldowns(); return; } if ( !link ) link = editor.find_link_at_cursor(); // if there's no link at the current cursor location, or there is a link but it was just started, // bail if ( !link || link == editor.link_started ) { this.clear_pulldowns(); return; } var pulldown = link.pulldown; if ( pulldown ) pulldown.update_position(); // if the cursor is now on a link, display a link pulldown if there isn't already one open if ( link_title( link ).length > 0 ) { if ( !pulldown ) { this.clear_pulldowns(); // display a different pulldown depending on whether the link is a note link or a file link if ( || !/\/files\//.test( link.href ) ) new Link_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor, link ); else { if ( /\/files\/new$/.test( link.href ) ) new Upload_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor, link ); else new File_link_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor, link ); } } } } Wiki.prototype.editor_focused = function ( editor, synchronous ) { if ( editor ) addElementClass( editor.iframe, "focused_note_frame" ); if ( this.focused_editor && this.focused_editor != editor ) { this.clear_pulldowns(); removeElementClass( this.focused_editor.iframe, "focused_note_frame" ); // if the formerly focused editor is completely empty, then remove it as the user leaves it and switches to this editor if ( == this.blank_editor_id && this.focused_editor.empty() ) { signal( this, "note_removed", ); this.focused_editor.shutdown(); this.decrement_total_notes_count(); this.display_empty_message(); } else { // when switching editors, save the one being left this.save_editor( null, null, null, synchronous ); } } this.focused_editor = editor; } Wiki.prototype.key_pressed = function ( event ) { if ( !this.notebook.read_write ) return; var code = event.key().code; if ( event.modifier().ctrl ) { // ctrl-n: new note if ( code == 78 ) this.create_blank_editor( event ); } } Wiki.prototype.editor_key_pressed = function ( editor, event ) { var code = event.key().code; if ( event.modifier().ctrl ) { // ctrl-backtick: alert with frame HTML contents (temporary for debugging) if ( code == 192 || code == 96 ) { alert( editor.contents() ); event.stop(); // ctrl-b: bold } else if ( code == 66 ) { this.toggle_button( event, "bold" ); // ctrl-i: italic } else if ( code == 73 ) { this.toggle_button( event, "italic" ); // ctrl-u: underline } else if ( code == 85 ) { this.toggle_button( event, "underline" ); // ctrl-t: title } else if ( code == 84 ) { this.toggle_button( event, "title" ); // ctrl-period: unordered list } else if ( code == 190 ) { this.toggle_button( event, "insertUnorderedList" ); // ctrl-1: ordered list } else if ( code == 49 ) { this.toggle_button( event, "insertOrderedList" ); // ctrl-l: link } else if ( code == 76 ) { this.toggle_link_button( event ); // ctrl-n: new note } else if ( code == 78 ) { this.create_blank_editor( event ); // ctrl-h: hide note } else if ( code == 72 ) { if ( !editor.deleted_from_id ) this.hide_editor( event ); // ctrl-d: delete note } else if ( code == 68 ) { this.delete_editor( event ); } // IE: hitting space or tab while making a link shouldn't end the link } else if ( ( code == 32 || code == 9 ) && editor.document.selection && editor.state_enabled( "a" ) ) { var range = editor.document.selection.createRange(); var text = range.parentElement().firstChild; text.nodeValue += " "; event.stop(); } } Wiki.prototype.make_image_button = function ( name, filename_prefix, handle_mouse_up_and_down ) { var button = getElement( name ); if ( !filename_prefix ) filename_prefix = name; button.filename_prefix = filename_prefix; connect( button, "onmouseover", function ( event ) { if ( /_down/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button_down_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button_hover.png"; } ); connect( button, "onmouseout", function ( event ) { if ( /_down/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button_down.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button.png"; } ); if ( handle_mouse_up_and_down ) { connect( button, "onmousedown", function ( event ) { if ( /_hover/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button_down_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button_down.png"; } ); connect( button, "onmouseup", function ( event ) { if ( /_hover/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + filename_prefix + "_button.png"; } ); } } Wiki.prototype.down_image_button = function ( name ) { var button = getElement( name ); if ( /_down/.test( button.src ) ) return; if ( /_hover/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button_down_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button_down.png"; } Wiki.prototype.up_image_button = function ( name ) { var button = getElement( name ); if ( !/_down/.test( button.src ) ) return; if ( /_hover/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button.png"; } Wiki.prototype.toggle_image_button = function ( name ) { var button = getElement( name ); if ( /_down/.test( button.src ) ) { if ( /_hover/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button.png"; return false; } else { if ( /_hover/.test( button.src ) ) button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button_down_hover.png"; else button.src = IMAGE_DIR + button.filename_prefix + "_button_down.png"; return true; } } Wiki.prototype.toggle_button = function ( event, button_id ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); if ( this.focused_editor && this.focused_editor.read_write ) { this.focused_editor.focus(); if ( button_id == "title" ) this.focused_editor.exec_command( "h3" ); else this.focused_editor.exec_command( button_id ); this.focused_editor.resize(); this.toggle_image_button( button_id ); } event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.update_button = function ( button_id, state_name, node_names ) { if ( this.focused_editor.state_enabled( state_name, node_names ) ) this.down_image_button( button_id ); else this.up_image_button( button_id ); } Wiki.prototype.update_toolbar = function() { if ( !this.focused_editor ) return; var node_names = this.focused_editor.current_node_names(); this.update_button( "bold", "b", node_names ); this.update_button( "italic", "i", node_names ); this.update_button( "underline", "u", node_names ); this.update_button( "title", "h3", node_names ); this.update_button( "insertUnorderedList", "ul", node_names ); this.update_button( "insertOrderedList", "ol", node_names ); var link = this.focused_editor.find_link_at_cursor(); if ( link ) { // determine whether the link is a note link or a file link if ( || !/\/files\//.test( link.href ) ) { this.down_image_button( "createLink" ); this.up_image_button( "attachFile" ); } else { this.up_image_button( "createLink" ); this.down_image_button( "attachFile" ); } } else { this.up_image_button( "createLink" ); this.up_image_button( "attachFile" ); } } Wiki.prototype.toggle_link_button = function ( event ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); var link = null; if ( this.focused_editor && this.focused_editor.read_write ) { this.focused_editor.focus(); if ( this.toggle_image_button( "createLink" ) ) link = this.focused_editor.start_link(); else link = this.focused_editor.end_link(); if ( link && link.parentNode != null ) { var self = this; this.resolve_link( link_title( link ), link, function ( summary ) { self.display_link_pulldown( self.focused_editor, link ); } ); } else { this.display_link_pulldown( this.focused_editor ); } } event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.toggle_attach_button = function ( event ) { if ( this.focused_editor && this.focused_editor.read_write ) { this.focused_editor.focus(); if ( this.toggle_image_button( "attachFile" ) ) var link = this.focused_editor.start_file_link(); else var link = this.focused_editor.end_link(); // if a pulldown is already open, then just close it var pulldown_id = "upload_" +; var existing_div = getElement( pulldown_id ); if ( !existing_div ) { pulldown_id = "file_link_" +; existing_div = getElement( pulldown_id ); } if ( existing_div ) { existing_div.pulldown.shutdown(); return; } this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); new Upload_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, this.focused_editor, link ); } event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.hide_editor = function ( event, editor ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); if ( editor == this.focused_editor ) this.focused_editor = null; if ( !editor ) { editor = this.focused_editor; this.focused_editor = null; } if ( editor ) { var id =; // if the editor to hide is completely empty, then simply remove it if ( == this.blank_editor_id && editor.empty() ) { signal( this, "note_removed", ); editor.shutdown(); this.decrement_total_notes_count(); this.display_empty_message(); } else { // before hiding an editor, save it if ( this.notebook.read_write && editor.read_write ) { var self = this; this.save_editor( editor, false, function () { editor.shutdown(); self.display_empty_message(); } ); } else { editor.shutdown(); this.display_empty_message(); } } } event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.delete_editor = function ( event, editor ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); if ( !editor ) { editor = this.focused_editor; this.focused_editor = null; } if ( !editor ) { event.stop(); return; } if ( this.startup_notes[ ] ) delete this.startup_notes[ ]; var self = this; this.save_editor( editor, false, function () { if ( self.notebook.read_write && editor.read_write ) { self.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/delete_note", "POST", { "notebook_id": self.notebook_id, "note_id": }, function ( result ) { self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); } ); } if ( editor == self.focused_editor ) self.focused_editor = null; if ( self.notebook.trash_id && !( == self.blank_editor_id && editor.empty() ) ) { var undo_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "undo", "title": "undo deletion" } ); var trash_link = createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + self.notebook.trash_id + "?parent_id=" + self.notebook.object_id }, "trash" ); var message_div = self.display_message( "The note has been moved to the", [ trash_link, ". ", undo_button ], editor.iframe ); connect( undo_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.undelete_editor_via_undo( event, editor, message_div ); } ); } signal( self, "note_removed", ); editor.shutdown(); self.decrement_total_notes_count(); self.display_empty_message(); }, false, true ); event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.undelete_editor_via_trash = function ( event, editor ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); if ( !editor ) { editor = this.focused_editor; this.focused_editor = null; } if ( editor ) { if ( this.startup_notes[ ] ) delete this.startup_notes[ ]; if ( this.notebook.read_write && editor.read_write ) { var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/undelete_note", "POST", { "notebook_id": editor.deleted_from_id, "note_id": }, function ( result ) { self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); } ); } if ( editor == this.focused_editor ) this.focused_editor = null; signal( this, "note_removed", ); editor.shutdown(); this.decrement_total_notes_count(); this.display_empty_message(); } event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.undelete_editor_via_undo = function( event, editor, position_after ) { if ( editor ) { if ( this.notebook.read_write && editor.read_write ) { var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/undelete_note", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id": }, function ( result ) { self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); self.clear_messages(); self.clear_pulldowns(); } ); } this.startup_notes[ ] = true; this.increment_total_notes_count(); this.load_editor( "Note not found.",, null, null, null, position_after ); } event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.undelete_editor_via_undelete = function( event, note_id, position_after ) { if ( this.notebook.read_write ) { var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/undelete_note", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id": note_id }, function ( result ) { self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); self.clear_messages(); self.clear_pulldowns(); } ); } this.startup_notes[ note_id ] = true; this.increment_total_notes_count(); this.load_editor( "Note not found.", note_id, null, null, null, position_after ); event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.undelete_notebook = function( event, notebook_id ) { this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/undelete", "POST", { "notebook_id": notebook_id } ); event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.compare_versions = function( event, editor, previous_revision ) { this.clear_pulldowns(); // display a diff between the two revisions for examination by the user this.load_editor( editor.title,, editor.revision, previous_revision, editor.closed ? null : editor.iframe ); } Wiki.prototype.save_editor = function ( editor, fire_and_forget, callback, synchronous, suppress_save_signal ) { if ( !editor ) editor = this.focused_editor; var self = this; if ( editor && editor.read_write && !( == this.blank_editor_id && editor.empty() ) && !editor.closed && editor.dirty() ) { this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/save_note", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id":, "contents": editor.contents(), "startup": editor.startup, "previous_revision": editor.revision ? editor.revision : "None" }, function ( result ) { self.update_editor_revisions( result, editor ); self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); editor.mark_clean(); if ( editor.startup ) self.startup_notes[ ] = true; else if ( self.startup_notes[ ] ) delete self.startup_notes[ ]; if ( callback ) callback(); if ( !suppress_save_signal ) signal( self, "note_saved", editor ); }, null, synchronous, fire_and_forget ); } else { if ( callback ) callback(); } } Wiki.prototype.update_editor_revisions = function ( result, editor ) { // if there's not a newly saved revision, then the contents are unchanged, so bail if ( !result.new_revision ) return; var client_previous_revision = editor.revision; editor.revision = result.new_revision.revision; // if the server's idea of the previous revision doesn't match the client's, then someone has // gone behind our back and saved the editor's note from another window if ( result.previous_revision && result.previous_revision.revision != client_previous_revision ) { var compare_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "compare versions", "title": "compare your version with the modified version" } ); this.display_error( 'Your changes to the note titled "' + editor.title + '" have overwritten changes made in another window by ' + result.previous_revision.username + '.', [ compare_button ], editor.iframe ); var self = this; connect( compare_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.compare_versions( event, editor, result.previous_revision.revision ); } ); if ( !editor.user_revisions || editor.user_revisions.length == 0 ) return; editor.user_revisions.push( result.previous_revision ); } // add the new revision to the editor's revisions list if ( !editor.user_revisions || editor.user_revisions.length == 0 ) return; editor.user_revisions.push( result.new_revision ); } = function ( event ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/search", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id }, function( result ) { self.display_search_results( result ); }, "search_form" ); event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.search_focused = function ( event ) { var search_text = getElement( "search_text" ); if ( search_text.value == 'search' ) search_text.value = ''; } Wiki.prototype.search_blurred = function ( event ) { var search_text = getElement( "search_text" ); if ( search_text.value == '' ) search_text.value = 'search'; } Wiki.prototype.display_search_results = function ( result ) { // if there are no search results, indicate that and bail if ( !result || result.notes.length == 0 ) { this.display_message( "No matching notes.", undefined, getElement( "notes_top" ) ); return; } // otherwise, there are multiple search results, so create a "magic" search results note. but // first close any open search results notes if ( this.search_results_editor ) this.search_results_editor.shutdown(); var list = createDOM( "span", {} ); for ( var i in result.notes ) { var note = result.notes[ i ] if ( !note.title ) continue; if ( note.contents.length == 0 ) { var summary = "empty note"; } else { var summary = note.summary; // if the summary appears not to end with a complete sentence, add "..." if ( !/[?!.]\s*$/.test( summary ) ) summary = summary + " ..."; } var summary_span = createDOM( "span" ); summary_span.setAttribute( "class", "search_results_summary" ); summary_span.innerHTML = summary; appendChildNodes( list, createDOM( "p", {}, createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + note.object_id }, note.title ), createDOM( "br" ), summary_span ) ); } this.search_results_editor = this.create_editor( "search_results", "

search results

" + list.innerHTML, undefined, undefined, undefined, false, true, true, getElement( "notes_top" ) ); } Wiki.prototype.share_notebook = function () { this.clear_pulldowns(); var share_notebook_frame = getElement( "note_share_notebook" ); if ( share_notebook_frame ) share_notebook_frame.editor.shutdown(); var collaborators_label = createDOM( "label", { "for": "collaborators_radio", "class": "radio_label", "title": "Collaborators may view and edit this notebook." }, "collaborators" ); var viewers_label = createDOM( "label", { "for": "viewers_radio", "class": "radio_label", "title": "Viewers may only view this notebook." }, "viewers" ); var owners_label = createDOM( "label", { "for": "owners_radio", "class": "radio_label", "title": "Owners may view, edit, rename, delete, and invite people to this notebook." }, "owners" ); var collaborators_radio = createDOM( "input", { "type": "radio", "id": "collaborators_radio", "name": "access", "value": "collaborator", "checked": "true" } ); var viewers_radio = createDOM( "input", { "type": "radio", "id": "viewers_radio", "name": "access", "value": "viewer" } ); var owners_radio = createDOM( "input", { "type": "radio", "id": "owners_radio", "name": "access", "value": "owner" } ) if ( this.rate_plan.notebook_collaboration ) { var access_area = createDOM( "p", { "id": "access_choices" }, createDOM( "p", {}, "Invite these people as:" ), createDOM( "table" , { "id": "access_table" }, createDOM( "tr", {}, createDOM( "td", {}, collaborators_radio, collaborators_label ), createDOM( "td", {}, viewers_radio, viewers_label ), createDOM( "td", {}, owners_radio, owners_label ) ) ) ); } else { var access_area = createDOM( "p", {}, createDOM( "b", {}, "Note: " ), "These people will only be able to ", createDOM( "i", "view" ), " your notebook. ", "If you'd like them to be able to ", createDOM( "i", "edit" ), " your notebook as well, please ", createDOM( "a", { "href": "/upgrade", "target": "_new" }, "upgrade" ), " your account.", createDOM( "input", { "type": "hidden", "name": "access", "value": "viewer" } ) ); } var invite_area = createDOM( "p", { "id": "invite_area" } ); this.display_invites( invite_area ); var div = createDOM( "div", {}, createDOM( "form", { "id": "invite_form" }, createDOM( "input", { "type": "hidden", "name": "notebook_id", "value": this.notebook_id } ), createDOM( "p", {}, createDOM( "b", {}, "people to invite" ), createDOM( "br", {} ), createDOM( "textarea", { "name": "email_addresses", "class": "textarea_field", "cols": "40", "rows": "4", "wrap": "off" } ) ), createDOM( "p", {}, "Please separate email addresses with commas, spaces, or the enter key." ), access_area, createDOM( "p", {}, createDOM( "input", { "type": "submit", "name": "invite_button", "id": "invite_button", "class": "button", "value": "send invites" } ) ), invite_area ), createDOM( "div", {}, createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?preview=viewer", "target": "_new" }, "Preview this notebook as a viewer." ) ), this.rate_plan.notebook_collaboration ? createDOM( "div", {}, createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?preview=collaborator", "target": "_new" }, "Preview this notebook as a collaborator." ) ) : null ); this.create_editor( "share_notebook", "

share this notebook

" + div.innerHTML, undefined, undefined, undefined, false, true, true, getElement( "notes_top" ) ); } Wiki.prototype.display_invites = function ( invite_area ) { if ( !this.invites || this.invites.length == 0 ) return; var collaborators = createDOM( "div", { "id": "collaborators" } ); var viewers = createDOM( "div", { "id": "viewers" } ); var owners = createDOM( "div", { "id": "owners" } ); var self = this; var addresses = new Array(); for ( var i in this.invites ) { var invite = this.invites[ i ]; // if there are multiple invites for a given email address, only display those that are // redeemed if ( addresses[ invite.email_address ] == true && !invite.redeemed_user_id ) continue; var revoke_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "id": "revoke_" + invite.object_id, "class": "revoke_button", "value": " x ", "title": "revoke this person's notebook access" } ); var add_invite_to = null; if ( invite.owner ) { add_invite_to = owners; } else { if ( invite.read_write ) add_invite_to = collaborators; else add_invite_to = viewers; } appendChildNodes( add_invite_to, createDOM( "div", { "class": "invite" }, invite.email_address, " ", createDOM( "span", { "class": "invite_status" }, invite.redeemed_username ? "(invite accepted by " + invite.redeemed_username + ")" : "(waiting for invite to be accepted)" ), " ", revoke_button ) ); addresses[ invite.email_address ] = true; } var div = createDOM( "div" ); if ( collaborators.childNodes.length > 0 ) { var p = createDOM( "p" ); appendChildNodes( p, createDOM( "b", {}, "collaborators" ) ); appendChildNodes( p, collaborators ); appendChildNodes( div, p ); } if ( viewers.childNodes.length > 0 ) { var p = createDOM( "p" ); appendChildNodes( p, createDOM( "b", {}, "viewers" ) ); appendChildNodes( p, viewers ); appendChildNodes( div, p ); } if ( owners.childNodes.length > 0 ) { var p = createDOM( "p" ); appendChildNodes( p, createDOM( "b", {}, "owners" ) ); appendChildNodes( p, owners ); appendChildNodes( div, p ); } replaceChildNodes( invite_area, div ); } Wiki.prototype.declutter_clicked = function () { var header = getElement( "header" ); if ( header ) addElementClass( header, "undisplayed" ); var link_area_holder = getElement( "link_area_holder" ); if ( link_area_holder ) addElementClass( link_area_holder, "undisplayed" ); var note_tree_area_holder = getElement( "note_tree_area_holder" ); if ( note_tree_area_holder ) addElementClass( note_tree_area_holder, "undisplayed" ); var clutter_link = getElement( "clutter_link" ); if ( clutter_link ) { removeElementClass( clutter_link, "undisplayed" ); } else { clutter_link = createDOM( "a", { "href": "#", "id": "clutter_link", "title": "Return to the full view of your notebook." }, "show it all" ); appendChildNodes( "link_area", createDOM( "div", { "class": "link_area_item" }, clutter_link ) ); var self = this; connect( clutter_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.clutter_clicked(); event.stop(); } ); } } Wiki.prototype.clutter_clicked = function () { var header = getElement( "header" ); if ( header ) removeElementClass( header, "undisplayed" ); var link_area_holder = getElement( "link_area_holder" ); if ( link_area_holder ) removeElementClass( link_area_holder, "undisplayed" ); var note_tree_area_holder = getElement( "note_tree_area_holder" ); if ( note_tree_area_holder ) removeElementClass( note_tree_area_holder, "undisplayed" ); var clutter_link = getElement( "clutter_link" ); if ( clutter_link ) addElementClass( clutter_link, "undisplayed" ); } Wiki.prototype.move_current_notebook_up = function ( event ) { var current_notebook = getElement( "current_notebook_wrapper" ); var sibling_notebook = current_notebook; // find the previous sibling notebook node do { var sibling_notebook = sibling_notebook.previousSibling; } while ( sibling_notebook && sibling_notebook.className != "link_area_item" ); removeElement( current_notebook ); if ( sibling_notebook ) // move the current notebook up before the previous notebook node insertSiblingNodesBefore( sibling_notebook, current_notebook ); // if the current notebook is the first one, wrap it around to the bottom of the list else { var notebooks_area = getElement( "notebooks_area" ); appendChildNodes( notebooks_area, current_notebook ); } var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/move_up", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id } ); } Wiki.prototype.move_current_notebook_down = function ( event ) { var current_notebook = getElement( "current_notebook_wrapper" ); var sibling_notebook = current_notebook; // find the next sibling notebook node do { var sibling_notebook = sibling_notebook.nextSibling; } while ( sibling_notebook && sibling_notebook.className != "link_area_item" ); removeElement( current_notebook ); if ( sibling_notebook ) // move the current notebook down after the previous notebook node insertSiblingNodesAfter( sibling_notebook, current_notebook ); // if the current notebook is the last one, wrap it around to the top of the list else { var notebooks_area_title = getElement( "notebooks_area_title" ); insertSiblingNodesAfter( notebooks_area_title, current_notebook ); } var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/move_down", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id } ); } Wiki.prototype.display_message = function ( text, nodes, position_after ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); var inner_div = DIV( { "class": "message_inner" }, text + " " ); for ( var i in nodes ) appendChildNodes( inner_div, nodes[ i ] ); var ok_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "ok", "title": "dismiss this message" } ); appendChildNodes( inner_div, ok_button ); connect( ok_button, "onclick", this.clear_messages ); var div = DIV( { "class": "message" }, inner_div ); div.nodes = nodes; if ( position_after ) insertSiblingNodesAfter( position_after, div ) else if ( this.focused_editor ) insertSiblingNodesAfter( this.focused_editor.iframe, div ) else appendChildNodes( "notes", div ); this.scroll_to( div ); return div; } Wiki.prototype.display_error = function ( text, nodes, position_after ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); // remove all empty editors, some of which might exist due to a problem reaching the server var iframes = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "iframe", "note_frame" ); for ( var i in iframes ) { var editor = iframes[ i ].editor; if ( editor.empty() ) editor.shutdown(); } var inner_div = DIV( { "class": "error_inner" }, text + " " ); for ( var i in nodes ) appendChildNodes( inner_div, nodes[ i ] ); ok_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "ok", "title": "dismiss this message" } ); appendChildNodes( inner_div, ok_button ); connect( ok_button, "onclick", this.clear_messages ); var div = DIV( { "class": "error" }, inner_div ); div.nodes = nodes; if ( position_after ) insertSiblingNodesAfter( position_after, div ) else if ( this.focused_editor ) insertSiblingNodesAfter( this.focused_editor.iframe, div ) else appendChildNodes( "notes", div ); this.scroll_to( div ); return div; } Wiki.prototype.scroll_to = function ( node ) { // if the message is already completely on-screen, then there's no need to scroll var viewport_position = getViewportPosition(); if ( getElementPosition( node ).y < viewport_position.y || getElementPosition( node ).y + getElementDimensions( node ).h > viewport_position.y + getViewportDimensions().h ) new ScrollTo( node ); } Wiki.prototype.clear_messages = function () { var results = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "message" ); for ( var i in results ) { var result = results[ i ]; blindUp( result, options = { "duration": 0.5, afterFinish: function () { try { for ( var j in result.nodes ) disconnectAll( result.nodes[ j ] ); removeElement( result ); } catch ( e ) { } } } ); } var results = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "error" ); for ( var i in results ) { var result = results[ i ]; blindUp( result, options = { "duration": 0.5, afterFinish: function () { try { removeElement( result ); } catch ( e ) { } } } ); } } Wiki.prototype.clear_pulldowns = function () { var results = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "pulldown" ); for ( var i in results ) { var result = results[ i ]; // close the pulldown if it's been open at least a quarter second if ( new Date() - result.pulldown.init_time >= 250 ) result.pulldown.shutdown(); } } Wiki.prototype.delete_all_editors = function ( event ) { this.clear_messages(); this.clear_pulldowns(); this.startup_notes = new Array(); if ( this.notebook.read_write ) { var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/delete_all_notes", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id }, function ( result ) { self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); } ); } this.focused_editor = null; var iframes = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "iframe", "note_frame" ); for ( var i in iframes ) { var editor = iframes[ i ].editor; editor.shutdown(); } this.zero_total_notes_count(); removeElement( "note_tree_root_table" ); this.display_empty_message( true ); event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.display_empty_message = function ( replace_messages ) { var iframes = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "iframe", "note_frame" ); if ( !replace_messages ) { // if there are any messages already open, bail var messages = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "message" ); if ( messages.length > 0 ) return false; // if there are any errors open, bail var errors = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "error" ); if ( errors.length > 0 ) return false; } // if there are any open editors, bail for ( var i in iframes ) { var iframe = iframes[ i ]; if ( iframe.editor.closed == false ) return false; } if ( !this.total_notes_count ) { if ( this.parent_id ) this.display_message( "There are no notes in the trash." ) else this.display_message( "This notebook is empty." ); return true; } if ( !replace_messages ) return true; return false; } DATE_PATTERN = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d).(\d+)[+-](\d\d:?\d\d)/; Wiki.prototype.brief_revision = function ( revision ) { var matches = DATE_PATTERN.exec( revision ); return new Date( Date.UTC( matches[ 1 ], // year matches[ 2 ] - 1, // month (zero-based) matches[ 3 ], // day matches[ 4 ], // hour matches[ 5 ], // minute matches[ 6 ], // second matches[ 7 ] * 0.001 // milliseconds ) ).toLocaleString(); } Wiki.prototype.increment_total_notes_count = function () { if ( this.total_notes_count == null ) return; this.total_notes_count += 1; replaceChildNodes( "total_notes_count", this.total_notes_count ); signal( this, "total_notes_count_updated", this.total_notes_count ); } Wiki.prototype.decrement_total_notes_count = function () { if ( this.total_notes_count == null ) return; this.total_notes_count -= 1; replaceChildNodes( "total_notes_count", this.total_notes_count ); signal( this, "total_notes_count_updated", this.total_notes_count ); } Wiki.prototype.zero_total_notes_count = function () { if ( this.total_notes_count == null ) return; this.total_notes_count = 0; replaceChildNodes( "total_notes_count", this.total_notes_count ); signal( this, "total_notes_count_updated", this.total_notes_count ); } Wiki.prototype.start_notebook_rename = function () { this.clear_pulldowns(); // if a renaming is already in progress, end the renaming instead of starting one var notebook_name_field = getElement( "notebook_name_field" ); if ( notebook_name_field ) { this.end_notebook_rename(); return; } var div = createDOM( "div" ); div.innerHTML =; var notebook_name = scrapeText( div ); notebook_name_field = createDOM( "input", { "type": "text", "value": notebook_name, "id": "notebook_name_field", "name": "notebook_name_field", "size": "30", "maxlength": "100", "class": "text_field" } ); var ok_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "message_button", "value": "ok", "title": "dismiss this message" } ); var rename_form = createDOM( "form", { "id": "rename_form" }, notebook_name_field, ok_button ); replaceChildNodes( "notebook_header_area", rename_form ); var self = this; connect( rename_form, "onsubmit", function ( event ) { self.end_notebook_rename(); event.stop(); } ); connect( ok_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.end_notebook_rename(); event.stop(); } ); notebook_name_field.focus();; } Wiki.prototype.end_notebook_rename = function () { var new_notebook_name = getElement( "notebook_name_field" ).value; // if the new name is blank or reserved, don't actually rename the notebook if ( /^\s*$/.test( new_notebook_name ) ) new_notebook_name =; if ( /^\s*Luminotes/.test( new_notebook_name ) || /^\s*trash\s*$/.test( new_notebook_name ) ) { new_notebook_name =; this.display_error( "That notebook name is not available. Please try a different one." ); } // rename the notebook in the header var notebook_header_name = createDOM( "span", { "id": "notebook_header_name" }, createDOM( "strong", {}, new_notebook_name ) ); replaceChildNodes( "notebook_header_area", notebook_header_name ); var self = this; connect( notebook_header_name, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.start_notebook_rename(); event.stop(); } ); // rename the notebook link on the right side of the page replaceChildNodes( "notebook_" + this.notebook.object_id, document.createTextNode( new_notebook_name ) ); // rename the notebook within the rss link (if any) var notebook_rss_link = getElement( "notebook_rss_link" ); if ( notebook_rss_link ) { divider = "?rss¬ebook_name="; pieces = notebook_rss_link.href.split( divider ); notebook_rss_link.href = pieces[ 0 ] + divider + escape( new_notebook_name ); } // if the name has changed, then send the new name to the server if ( new_notebook_name == ) return; = new_notebook_name; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/rename", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "name": new_notebook_name } ); } Wiki.prototype.delete_notebook = function () { if ( this.focused_editor ) { var self = this; this.save_editor( this.focused_editor, false, function () { self.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/delete", "POST", { "notebook_id": self.notebook_id } ); } ) return; } this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/delete", "POST", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id } ); } Wiki.prototype.delete_notebook_forever = function ( event, notebook_id ) { var deleted_notebook_node = getElement( "deleted_notebook_" + notebook_id ); if ( !deleted_notebook_node ) return; for ( var i in deleted_notebook_node.childNodes ) { var child = deleted_notebook_node.childNodes[ i ]; disconnectAll( child ); } removeElement( deleted_notebook_node ); var items = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "deleted_notebook_item" ); if ( items.length == 0 ) removeElement( "deleted_notebooks" ); var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/delete_forever", "POST", { "notebook_id": notebook_id }, function ( result ) { self.display_storage_usage( result.storage_bytes ); } ); event.stop(); } Wiki.prototype.toggle_editor_changes = function ( event, editor ) { // if the pulldown is already open, then just close it var pulldown_id = "changes_" +; var existing_div = getElement( pulldown_id ); if ( existing_div ) { existing_div.pulldown.shutdown(); return; } event.stop(); // if there's already a cached revision list, or the editor doesn't have a revision yet, then // display the changes pulldown and bail if ( ( editor.user_revisions && editor.user_revisions.length > 0 ) || !editor.revision ) { new Changes_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor ); return; } // otherwise, load the revision list for this note from the server var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note_revisions", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id": }, function ( result ) { editor.user_revisions = result.revisions; new Changes_pulldown( self, self.notebook_id, self.invoker, editor ); } ); } Wiki.prototype.toggle_editor_options = function ( event, editor ) { // if the pulldown is already open, then just close it var pulldown_id = "options_" +; var existing_div = getElement( pulldown_id ); if ( existing_div ) { existing_div.pulldown.shutdown(); return; } new Options_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor ); event.stop(); } connect( window, "onload", function ( event ) { new Wiki( new Invoker() ); } ); function Pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, pulldown_id, anchor, relative_to ) { = wiki; this.notebook_id = notebook_id; this.div = createDOM( "div", { "id": pulldown_id, "class": "pulldown" } ); this.div.pulldown = this; this.init_time = new Date(); this.anchor = anchor; this.relative_to = relative_to; addElementClass( this.div, "invisible" ); appendChildNodes( document.body, this.div ); var position = calculate_position( anchor, relative_to ); setElementPosition( this.div, position ); removeElementClass( this.div, "invisible" ); } function calculate_position( anchor, relative_to ) { // position the pulldown under the anchor var position = getElementPosition( anchor ); if ( relative_to ) { var relative_pos = getElementPosition( relative_to ); if ( relative_pos ) { position.x += relative_pos.x; position.y += relative_pos.y; // Work around an IE "feature" in which an element within an iframe changes its absolute // position based on how far the page is scrolled. The if is necessary to prevent this // workaround from screwing positions up in sane browsers like Firefox. if ( getStyle( "content", "position" ) == "absolute" ) position.y -= getElement( "html" ).scrollTop; } } var anchor_dimensions = getElementDimensions( anchor ); // if the anchor has no height, move the position down a bit by an arbitrary amount if ( anchor_dimensions.h == 0 ) position.y += 8; else position.y += anchor_dimensions.h + 4; return position; } Pulldown.prototype.update_position = function () { var position = calculate_position( this.anchor, this.relative_to ); setElementPosition( this.div, position ); } Pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { removeElement( this.div ); } function Options_pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, invoker, editor ) { this, wiki, notebook_id, "options_" +, editor.options_button ); this.invoker = invoker; this.editor = editor; this.startup_checkbox = createDOM( "input", { "type": "checkbox", "class": "pulldown_checkbox", "id": "startup_checkbox" } ); this.startup_label = createDOM( "label", { "for": "startup_checkbox", "class": "pulldown_label", "title": "Display this note whenever the notebook is loaded." }, "show on startup" ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.startup_checkbox ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.startup_label ); this.startup_checkbox.checked = editor.startup; var self = this; connect( this.startup_checkbox, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.startup_clicked( event ); } ); } Options_pulldown.prototype = new function () { this.prototype = Pulldown.prototype; }; Options_pulldown.prototype.constructor = Options_pulldown; Options_pulldown.prototype.startup_clicked = function ( event ) { this.editor.startup = this.startup_checkbox.checked; this.editor.mark_dirty(); // save this note along with its toggled startup state this.editor ); } Options_pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { this ); disconnectAll( this.startup_checkbox ); } function Changes_pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, invoker, editor ) { this, wiki, notebook_id, "changes_" +, editor.changes_button ); this.invoker = invoker; this.editor = editor; this.links = new Array(); if ( !editor.user_revisions || editor.user_revisions.length == 0 ) { appendChildNodes( this.div, createDOM( "span", "This note has no previous changes." ) ); return; } // display list of revision timestamps in reverse chronological order var user_revisions = clone( editor.user_revisions ); user_revisions.reverse(); var self = this; for ( var i = 0; i < user_revisions.length - 1; ++i ) { // -1 to skip the oldest revision var user_revision = user_revisions[ i ]; var previous_revision = user_revisions[ i + 1 ]; var short_revision = user_revision.revision ); var href = "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?" + queryString( [ "note_id", "revision", "previous_revision" ], [, user_revision.revision, previous_revision.revision ] ); var link = createDOM( "a", { "href": href, "class": "pulldown_link" }, short_revision + ( user_revision.username ? " by " + user_revision.username : "" ) ); this.links.push( link ); link.revision = user_revision.revision; link.previous_revision = previous_revision.revision; connect( link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event, ); } ); appendChildNodes( this.div, link ); appendChildNodes( this.div, createDOM( "br" ) ); } } Changes_pulldown.prototype = new function () { this.prototype = Pulldown.prototype; }; Changes_pulldown.prototype.constructor = Changes_pulldown; Changes_pulldown.prototype.link_clicked = function( event, note_id ) { var revision =; var previous_revision =; "Revision not found.", note_id, revision, previous_revision, null, this.editor.iframe ); event.stop(); } Changes_pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { this ); for ( var i in this.links ) disconnectAll( this.links[ i ] ); } function Link_pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, invoker, editor, link ) { link.pulldown = this; = link; this, wiki, notebook_id, "link_" +, link, editor.iframe ); this.invoker = invoker; this.editor = editor; this.title_field = createDOM( "input", { "class": "text_field", "size": "30", "maxlength": "256" } ); this.note_summary = createDOM( "span", {} ); this.previous_title = ""; var self = this; connect( this.title_field, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.title_field_clicked( event ); } ); connect( this.title_field, "onfocus", function ( event ) { self.title_field_focused( event ); } ); connect( this.title_field, "onchange", function ( event ) { self.title_field_changed( event ); } ); connect( this.title_field, "onblur", function ( event ) { self.title_field_changed( event ); } ); connect( this.title_field, "onkeydown", function ( event ) { self.title_field_key_pressed( event ); } ); appendChildNodes( this.div, createDOM( "span", { "class": "field_label" }, "links to: " ) ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.title_field ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.note_summary ); // links with targets are considered links to external sites if ( ) { this.title_field.value = link.href; replaceChildNodes( this.note_summary, "web link" ); return; } var query = parse_query( link ); var title = link_title( link, query ); var id = query.note_id; // if the note has no destination note id set, try loading the note from the server by title if ( ( id == undefined || id == "new" || id == "null" ) && title.length > 0 ) { if ( title == "search results" ) { this.title_field.value = title; this.display_summary( title, "current search results" ); return; } if ( title == "share this notebook" ) { this.title_field.value = title; this.display_summary( title, "share this notebook with others" ); return; } this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note_by_title", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_title": title, "summarize": true }, function ( result ) { // if the user has already started typing something, don't overwrite it if ( self.title_field.value.length != 0 ) return; if ( result.note ) { self.title_field.value = result.note.title; self.display_summary( result.note.title, result.note.summary ); } else { self.title_field.value = title; replaceChildNodes( self.note_summary, "empty note" ); } } ); return; } // if this link has an actual destination note id set, then see if that note is already open. if // so, display its title and a summary of its contents var iframe = getElement( "note_" + id ); if ( iframe ) { this.title_field.value = iframe.editor.title; this.display_summary( iframe.editor.title, iframe.editor.summarize() ); return; } // otherwise, load the destination note from the server, displaying its title and a summary of // its contents this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id": id, "summarize": true }, function ( result ) { // if the user has already started typing something, don't overwrite it if ( self.title_field.value.length != 0 ) return; if ( result.note ) { self.title_field.value = result.note.title; self.display_summary( result.note.title, result.note.summary ); } else { self.title_field.value = title; replaceChildNodes( self.note_summary, "empty note" ); } } ); } Link_pulldown.prototype = new function () { this.prototype = Pulldown.prototype; }; Link_pulldown.prototype.constructor = Link_pulldown; Link_pulldown.prototype.display_summary = function ( title, summary ) { if ( !summary ) replaceChildNodes( this.note_summary, "empty note" ); else if ( summary.length == 0 ) replaceChildNodes( this.note_summary, "empty note" ); else replaceChildNodes( this.note_summary, summary ); } Link_pulldown.prototype.title_field_clicked = function ( event ) { event.stop(); } Link_pulldown.prototype.title_field_focused = function ( event ) {; } Link_pulldown.prototype.title_field_changed = function ( event ) { // if the title is actually unchanged, then bail var title = strip( this.title_field.value ); if ( title == this.previous_title ) return; replaceChildNodes( this.note_summary, "" ); this.previous_title = title; var self = this; title,, function ( summary ) { self.display_summary( title, summary ); } ); } Link_pulldown.prototype.title_field_key_pressed = function ( event ) { // if enter is pressed, consider the title field altered. this is necessary because IE neglects // to issue an onchange event when enter is pressed in an input field if ( event.key().code == 13 ) { this.title_field_changed(); event.stop(); } } Link_pulldown.prototype.update_position = function ( anchor, relative_to ) { this, anchor, relative_to ); } Link_pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { this ); disconnectAll( this.title_field ); if ( ) = null; } function Upload_pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, invoker, editor, link ) { = link || editor.find_link_at_cursor(); = this; this, wiki, notebook_id, "upload_" +,, editor.iframe ); wiki.down_image_button( "attachFile" ); this.invoker = invoker; this.editor = editor; this.iframe = createDOM( "iframe", { "src": "/files/upload_page?notebook_id=" + notebook_id + "¬e_id=" +, "frameBorder": "0", "scrolling": "no", "id": "upload_frame", "name": "upload_frame", "class": "upload_frame" } ); this.iframe.pulldown = this; this.file_id = null; this.uploading = false; var self = this; connect( this.iframe, "onload", function ( event ) { self.init_frame(); } ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.iframe ); this.progress_iframe = createDOM( "iframe", { "frameBorder": "0", "scrolling": "no", "id": "progress_frame", "name": "progress_frame", "class": "upload_frame" } ); addElementClass( this.progress_iframe, "undisplayed" ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.progress_iframe ); } Upload_pulldown.prototype = new function () { this.prototype = Pulldown.prototype; }; Upload_pulldown.prototype.constructor = Upload_pulldown; Upload_pulldown.prototype.init_frame = function () { var self = this; var doc = this.iframe.contentDocument || this.iframe.contentWindow.document; withDocument( doc, function () { connect( "upload_button", "onclick", function ( event ) { withDocument( doc, function () { self.upload_started( getElement( "file_id" ).value ); } ); } ); } ); } Upload_pulldown.prototype.base_filename = function () { // get the basename of the file var filename = getElement( "upload" ).value; var pieces = filename.split( "/" ); filename = pieces[ pieces.length - 1 ]; pieces = filename.split( "\\" ); filename = pieces[ pieces.length - 1 ]; return filename; } Upload_pulldown.prototype.upload_started = function ( file_id ) { this.file_id = file_id; this.uploading = true; var filename = this.base_filename(); // make the upload iframe invisible but still present so that the upload continues setElementDimensions( this.iframe, { "h": "0" } ); // if the current title is blank, replace the title with the upload's filename var title = link_title( ); if ( title == "" ) = filename; removeElementClass( this.progress_iframe, "undisplayed" ); var progress_url = "/files/progress?file_id=" + file_id + "&filename=" + escape( filename ); if ( frames[ "progress_frames" ] ) frames[ "progress_frame" ].location.href = progress_url; else this.progress_iframe.src = progress_url; } Upload_pulldown.prototype.upload_complete = function () { if ( /MSIE/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) var quote_filename = true; else var quote_filename = false; // now that the upload is done, the file link should point to the uploaded file this.uploading = false; = "/files/download?file_id=" + this.file_id + ""e_filename=" + quote_filename; new File_link_pulldown(, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, this.editor, ); this.shutdown(); } Upload_pulldown.prototype.update_position = function ( anchor, relative_to ) { this, anchor, relative_to ); } Upload_pulldown.prototype.cancel_due_to_click = function () { this.uploading = false; "The file upload has been cancelled." ) this.shutdown(); } Upload_pulldown.prototype.cancel_due_to_quota = function () { this.uploading = false; this.shutdown(); "That file is too large for your available storage space. Before uploading, please delete some notes or files, empty the trash, or", [ createDOM( "a", { "href": "/upgrade" }, "upgrade" ), " your account." ] ); } Upload_pulldown.prototype.cancel_due_to_error = function ( message ) { this.uploading = false; message ) this.shutdown(); } Upload_pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { if ( this.uploading ) return; // in Internet Explorer, the upload won't actually cancel without an explicit Stop command if ( !this.iframe.contentDocument && this.iframe.contentWindow ) { this.iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand( 'Stop' ); this.progress_iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand( 'Stop' ); } this ); if ( ) = null; } function File_link_pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, invoker, editor, link ) { link.pulldown = this; = link; this, wiki, notebook_id, "file_link_" +, link, editor.iframe ); this.invoker = invoker; this.editor = editor; this.filename_field = createDOM( "input", { "class": "text_field", "size": "30", "maxlength": "256" } ); this.file_size = createDOM( "span", {} ); this.previous_filename = ""; var self = this; connect( this.filename_field, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.filename_field_clicked( event ); } ); connect( this.filename_field, "onfocus", function ( event ) { self.filename_field_focused( event ); } ); connect( this.filename_field, "onchange", function ( event ) { self.filename_field_changed( event ); } ); connect( this.filename_field, "onblur", function ( event ) { self.filename_field_changed( event ); } ); connect( this.filename_field, "onkeydown", function ( event ) { self.filename_field_key_pressed( event ); } ); var delete_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "class": "button", "value": "delete", "title": "delete file" } ); var query = parse_query( link ); this.file_id = query.file_id; if ( /MSIE/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) var quote_filename = true; else var quote_filename = false; appendChildNodes( this.div, createDOM( "span", {}, createDOM( "a", { href: "/files/download?file_id=" + this.file_id + ""e_filename=" + quote_filename, target: "_new" }, createDOM( "img", { "src": "/files/thumbnail?file_id=" + this.file_id, "class": "file_thumbnail" } ) ) ) ); appendChildNodes( this.div, createDOM( "span", { "class": "field_label" }, "filename: " ) ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.filename_field ); appendChildNodes( this.div, this.file_size ); appendChildNodes( this.div, " " ); appendChildNodes( this.div, delete_button ); // get the file's name and size from the server this.invoker.invoke( "/files/stats", "GET", { "file_id": this.file_id }, function ( result ) { // if the user has already started typing something, don't overwrite it if ( self.filename_field.value.length == 0 ) { self.filename_field.value = result.filename; self.previous_filename = result.filename; } replaceChildNodes( self.file_size, bytes_to_megabytes( result.size_bytes, true ) ); result.storage_bytes ); } ); connect( delete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.delete_button_clicked( event ); } ); // FIXME: when this is called, the text cursor moves to an unexpected location editor.focus(); } File_link_pulldown.prototype = new function () { this.prototype = Pulldown.prototype; }; File_link_pulldown.prototype.constructor = File_link_pulldown; File_link_pulldown.prototype.filename_field_clicked = function ( event ) { event.stop(); } File_link_pulldown.prototype.filename_field_focused = function ( event ) {; } File_link_pulldown.prototype.filename_field_changed = function ( event ) { // if the filename is actually unchanged, then bail var filename = strip( this.filename_field.value ); if ( filename == "" || filename == this.previous_filename ) return; var title = link_title( ); if ( title == this.previous_filename ) replaceChildNodes(, this.editor.document.createTextNode( filename ) ); this.previous_filename = filename; this.invoker.invoke( "/files/rename", "POST", { "file_id": this.file_id, "filename": filename } ); } File_link_pulldown.prototype.filename_field_key_pressed = function ( event ) { // if enter is pressed, consider the title field altered. this is necessary because IE neglects // to issue an onchange event when enter is pressed in an input field if ( event.key().code == 13 ) { this.filename_field_changed(); event.stop(); } } File_link_pulldown.prototype.delete_button_clicked = function ( event ) { var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/files/delete", "POST", { "file_id": this.file_id }, function ( result ) { result.storage_bytes ); } ); = "/files/new"; this.editor.focus(); 'The file "' + strip( this.filename_field.value ) + '" has been deleted.' ); } File_link_pulldown.prototype.update_position = function ( anchor, relative_to ) { this, anchor, relative_to ); } File_link_pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { this ); disconnectAll( this.filename_field ); if ( ) = null; } function Note_tree( wiki, notebook_id, invoker ) { = wiki; this.notebook_id = notebook_id; this.invoker = invoker; // add onclick handlers to the initial note links within the tree var links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", "note_tree_link", "note_tree_area" ); var self = this; function connect_expander( note_id ) { connect( "note_tree_expander_" + note_id, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.expand_collapse_link( event, note_id ); } ); } for ( var i in links ) { var link = links[ i ]; var query = parse_query( link ); var note_id = query[ "note_id" ]; if ( note_id ) connect_expander( note_id ); connect( link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event ); } ); } // connect to the wiki note events connect( wiki, "note_renamed", function ( editor, new_title ) { self.rename_link( editor, new_title ); } ); connect( wiki, "note_added", function ( editor ) { self.add_root_link( editor ); } ); connect( wiki, "note_removed", function ( id ) { self.remove_link( id ); } ); connect( wiki, "note_saved", function ( editor ) { self.update_link( editor ); } ); } Note_tree.prototype.link_clicked = function ( event ) { var link =; var query = parse_query( link ); var note_id = query[ "note_id" ]; var title = query[ "title" ]; if ( !note_id ) return; title, note_id ); event.stop(); } LINK_PATTERN = /]+\s)?href="[^"]+"[^>]*>/i; Note_tree.prototype.add_root_link = function ( editor ) { // for now, only add startup notes to the note tree if ( !editor.startup ) return; // if the root note is already present in the tree, no need to add it again if ( getElement( "note_tree_item_" + ) ) return; // display the tree expander arrow if the given note's editor contains any outgoing links if ( LINK_PATTERN.exec( editor.contents() ) ) var expander = createDOM( "div", { "class": "tree_expander", "id": "note_tree_expander_" + } ); else var expander = createDOM( "div", { "class": "tree_expander_empty", "id": "note_tree_expander_" + } ); var link = createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" +, "id": "note_tree_link_" +, "class": "note_tree_link" }, editor.title || "untitled note" ); appendChildNodes( "note_tree_root_table_body", createDOM( "tr", { "id": "note_tree_item_" +, "class": "note_tree_item" }, createDOM( "td", {}, expander ), createDOM( "td", {}, link ) ) ); var self = this; connect( expander, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.expand_collapse_link( event, ); } ); connect( link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event ); } ); var instructions = getElement( "note_tree_instructions" ); if ( instructions ) addElementClass( instructions, "undisplayed" ); } Note_tree.prototype.remove_link = function ( note_id ) { var item = getElement( "note_tree_item_" + note_id ); if ( item ) removeElement( item ); if ( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "a", null, "note_tree_root_table" ) ) return; var instructions = getElement( "note_tree_instructions" ); if ( instructions ) removeElementClass( instructions, "undisplayed" ); } Note_tree.prototype.rename_link = function ( editor, new_title ) { var link = getElement( "note_tree_link_" + ); if ( link ) replaceChildNodes( link, new_title || "untitled note" ); } Note_tree.prototype.update_link = function ( editor ) { var link = getElement( "note_tree_link_" + ); if ( !link && editor.startup ) { this.add_root_link( editor ); return; } if ( link && !editor.startup ) this.remove_link( ); // if the tree has any expanded links to the given editor's note, then update the children of // those links function update_links( note_tree, notebook_id, note_id, link, children_area ) { note_tree.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note_links", "GET", { "notebook_id": notebook_id, "note_id": note_id }, function ( result ) { note_tree.display_child_links( result, link, children_area ); } ); } var links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", null, "note_tree_root_table" ); for ( var i in links ) { var link = links[ i ] var note_id = parse_query( link )[ "note_id" ]; var children_area = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "div", "note_tree_children_area", link.parentNode ); if ( note_id != ) continue; update_links( this, this.notebook_id,, link, children_area ); } } Note_tree.prototype.expand_collapse_link = function ( event, note_id ) { var expander =; if ( !expander || hasElementClass( expander, "tree_expander_empty" ) ) return; // if it's collapsed, expand it if ( hasElementClass( expander, "tree_expander" ) ) { // first check if the expander is for a link to a parent/grandparent/etc. if so, just highlight // the containing table instead of performing an expansion var parent_node = expander.parentNode.parentNode; while ( !hasElementClass( parent_node, "note_tree_root_table" ) ) { parent_node = parent_node.parentNode; if ( !parent_node ) break; var parent_link = parent_node.previousSibling; if ( !parent_link || !hasElementClass( parent_link, "note_tree_link" ) ) continue; var parent_note_id = parse_query( parent_link )[ "note_id" ]; if ( note_id == parent_note_id ) { new Highlight( parent_node.parentNode, { "endcolor": "#fafafa" } ); return; } } var children_area = createDOM( "div", { "class": "note_tree_children_area" }, createDOM( "span", { "class": "note_tree_loading" }, "loading..." ) ); swapElementClass( expander, "tree_expander", "tree_expander_expanded" ); var link = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "a", null, expander.parentNode.parentNode ); insertSiblingNodesAfter( link, children_area ); var self = this; this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_note_links", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "note_id": note_id }, function ( result ) { self.display_child_links( result, link, children_area ); } ); return; } // if it's expanded, collapse it if ( hasElementClass( expander, "tree_expander_expanded" ) ) { swapElementClass( expander, "tree_expander_expanded", "tree_expander" ); var children = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "div", "note_tree_children_area", expander.parentNode.parentNode ); if ( children ) removeElement( children ); } } Note_tree.prototype.display_child_links = function ( result, link, children_area ) { var self = this; function connect_expander( expander, note_id ) { connect( expander, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.expand_collapse_link( event, note_id ); } ); } var span = createDOM( "span" ); span.innerHTML = result.tree_html; // if there's a children area, replace its contents and add an onclick handler for each newly // loaded expander and each note link if ( children_area ) { replaceChildNodes( children_area, span ); var child_links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", null, children_area ); for ( var i in child_links ) { var child_link = child_links[ i ]; connect( child_link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event ); } ); var expander = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "div", "tree_expander", child_link.parentNode.parentNode ); if ( expander ) { var note_id = parse_query( child_link )[ "note_id" ]; if ( note_id ) connect_expander( expander, note_id ); } } } else { var child_links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", null, span ); } // if the parent has no children anymore, remove its expander arrow if ( child_links.length == 0 ) { if ( children_area ) removeElement( children_area ); var expander = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "div", "tree_expander", link.parentNode.parentNode ); if ( expander && link.parentNode.parentNode == expander.parentNode.parentNode ) { swapElementClass( expander, "tree_expander", "tree_expander_empty" ); disconnectAll( expander ); return; } expander = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "div", "tree_expander_expanded", link.parentNode.parentNode ); if ( expander && link.parentNode.parentNode == expander.parentNode.parentNode ) { swapElementClass( expander, "tree_expander_expanded", "tree_expander_empty" ); disconnectAll( expander ); return; } return; } // if a note without an expander arrow now has children, add an expander arrow for it var expander = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "div", "tree_expander_empty", link.parentNode.parentNode ); if ( !expander || link.parentNode.parentNode != expander.parentNode.parentNode ) return; swapElementClass( expander, "tree_expander_empty", "tree_expander" ); var note_id = parse_query( link )[ "note_id" ]; disconnectAll( expander ); connect_expander( expander, note_id ); } function Recent_notes( wiki, notebook_id, invoker ) { = wiki; this.notebook_id = notebook_id; this.invoker = invoker; this.INCREMENT = 10; this.max_recent_notes_count = this.INCREMENT; // maximum increases when the user clicks "more" this.total_notes_count = 0; this.total_notes_count_updated( wiki.total_notes_count ); // if there's no recent notes table, there's nothing to do with recent notes! if ( !getElement( "recent_notes_table" ) ) return; // add onclick handlers to the recent note links as well var self = this; var recent_links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", "recent_note_link", "note_tree_area" ); for ( var i in recent_links ) { var link = recent_links[ i ]; var query = parse_query( link ); var note_id = query[ "note_id" ]; connect( link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event ); } ); } // connect to the wiki note events connect( wiki, "note_added", function ( editor ) { self.add_link( editor ); } ); connect( wiki, "note_removed", function ( id ) { self.remove_link( id ); } ); connect( wiki, "note_saved", function ( editor ) { self.update_link( editor ); } ); connect( wiki, "total_notes_count_updated", function ( count ) { self.total_notes_count_updated( count ); } ); // connect to the "more" navigation link connect( "recent_notes_more_link", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.more_clicked( event ); } ); connect( "recent_notes_less_link", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.less_clicked( event ); } ); } Recent_notes.prototype.links_count = function () { var recent_links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", "recent_note_link", "note_tree_area" ); return recent_links.length; } Recent_notes.prototype.total_notes_count_updated = function( count ) { this.total_notes_count = count; this.update_navigation_links(); } Recent_notes.prototype.update_navigation_links = function() { var more_link = getElement( "recent_notes_more_link" ); if ( more_link ) { if ( this.total_notes_count > this.max_recent_notes_count ) removeElementClass( more_link, "undisplayed" ); else addElementClass( more_link, "undisplayed" ); } var less_link = getElement( "recent_notes_less_link" ); if ( less_link ) { if ( this.max_recent_notes_count > this.INCREMENT ) removeElementClass( less_link, "undisplayed" ); else addElementClass( less_link, "undisplayed" ); } } Recent_notes.prototype.link_clicked = function ( event ) { var link =; var query = parse_query( link ); var note_id = query[ "note_id" ]; var title = query[ "title" ]; if ( !note_id ) return; title, note_id ); event.stop(); } Recent_notes.prototype.more_clicked = function ( event ) { event.stop(); this.max_recent_notes_count += this.INCREMENT; var self = this; var links_count = this.links_count(); this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/load_recent_updates", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, "start": links_count, "count": this.max_recent_notes_count - links_count }, function ( result ) { self.append_links( result ); } ); } Recent_notes.prototype.append_links = function ( result ) { var self = this; var table = getElement( "recent_notes_table" ); var links_count = this.links_count(); for ( var i in result.notes ) { var note = result.notes[ i ]; var row = table.insertRow( links_count + 1 ); row.setAttribute( "id", "recent_note_item_" + note.object_id ); addElementClass( row, "recent_note_item" ); var expander_td = row.insertCell( 0 ); expander_td.innerHTML = '
' + ( note.title || 'untitled note' ) + ''; connect( "recent_note_link_" + note.object_id, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event ); } ); links_count += 1; } this.update_navigation_links(); } Recent_notes.prototype.less_clicked = function ( event ) { event.stop(); this.max_recent_notes_count -= this.INCREMENT; var rows_to_remove_count = this.links_count() - this.max_recent_notes_count; if ( rows_to_remove_count <= 0 ) return; var rows = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "tr", "recent_note_item", "recent_notes_table" ); var row_count = rows.length; for ( var i = 0; i < rows_to_remove_count; ++i ) { removeElement( rows[ row_count - i - 1 ] ); } this.update_navigation_links(); } Recent_notes.prototype.add_link = function ( editor ) { // if the link is already present in the recent notes list, bail var item = getElement( "recent_note_item_" + ) if ( item ) return; // if there will be too many recent notes listed once another is added, then remove the last one var recent_items = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "tr", "recent_note_item", "recent_notes_table" ); if ( recent_items && recent_items.length >= this.max_recent_notes_count ) { var last_item = recent_items[ recent_items.length - 1 ]; removeElement( last_item ); } // add a new recent note link at the top of the list var expander = createDOM( "div", { "class": "tree_expander_empty", "id": "recent_note_expander_" + } ); var link = createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" +, "id": "recent_note_link_" +, "class": "recent_note_link" }, editor.title || "untitled note" ); insertSiblingNodesAfter( "recent_notes_top", createDOM( "tr", { "id": "recent_note_item_" +, "class": "recent_note_item" }, createDOM( "td", {}, expander ), createDOM( "td", {}, link ) ) ); var self = this; connect( link, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.link_clicked( event ); } ); } Recent_notes.prototype.remove_link = function ( note_id ) { var item = getElement( "recent_note_item_" + note_id ); if ( !item ) return; removeElement( item ); } Recent_notes.prototype.update_link = function ( editor ) { var item = getElement( "recent_note_item_" + ); var link = getElement( "recent_note_link_" + ); // the link isn't in the recent notes list, so add it if ( !item || !link ) { this.add_link( editor ); return; } // the link is already in the recent notes list, so just move it to the top of the list removeElement( item ); replaceChildNodes( link, editor.title || "untitled note" ); insertSiblingNodesAfter( "recent_notes_top", item ); }