import re from difflib import SequenceMatcher from htmllib import HTMLParser from formatter import AbstractFormatter, NullWriter from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr class Html_differ( HTMLParser ): """ Generates an HTML diff for two HTML strings. It assumed that the input HTML is already cleaned. """ def __init__( self ): HTMLParser.__init__( self, AbstractFormatter( NullWriter() ) ) self.result = [] self.requires_no_close = [ 'img', 'br' ] WORD_AND_WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile( "\S*\s*" ) def handle_data( self, data ): # this turns "foo bar baz" into [ "foo ", "bar ", "baz" ] and extends the result with it self.result.extend( self.WORD_AND_WHITESPACE_PATTERN.findall( data ) ) def handle_charref( self, ref ): self.result.append( '&#%s;' % ref ) def handle_entityref( self, ref ): self.result.append( '&%s;' % ref ) def handle_comment( self, comment ): pass # ignore comments def handle_starttag( self, tag, method, attrs ): self.result.append( self.get_starttag_text() ) def handle_endtag( self, tag, attrs ): if tag not in self.requires_no_close: self.result.append( "" % tag ) def unknown_starttag( self, tag, attr ): self.handle_starttag( tag, None, attr ) def unknown_endtag( self, tag ): self.handle_endtag( tag, None ) # used to replace, for instance, "
" with "
" INVALID_TAG_PATTERN = re.compile( "(\S)/>" ) INVALID_TAG_FIX = "\\1 />" def convert_html_to_list( self, html ): """ Given an HTML string, produce a list of its constituent elements (tags and text). @type html: unicode @param html: HTML string to parse @rtype: [ unicode, ... ] @return: parsed list of HTML elements """ self.reset() self.result = [] html = self.INVALID_TAG_PATTERN.sub( self.INVALID_TAG_FIX, html ) self.feed( html ) return [ x for x in self.result if x != "" ] def diff( self, html_a, html_b ): """ Return a composite HTML diff of the given HTML input strings. The returned string contains the entirety of the input strings, but with deleted/modified text from html_a wrapped in tags, and inserted/modified text from html_b wrapped in tags. @type html_a: unicode @param html_a: original HTML string @type html_b: unicode @param html-b: modified HTML string @rtype: unicode @return: composite HTML diff """ # parse the two html strings into lists a = self.convert_html_to_list( html_a ) b = self.convert_html_to_list( html_b ) # prepare the two lists for diffing, and then diff 'em ( a, b ) = self.prepare_lists( a, b ) return self.diff_lists( a, b ) START_TAG_PATTERN = re.compile( "<([^/][^>]*)>" ) END_TAG_PATTERN = re.compile( "]+)>" ) @staticmethod def track_open_tags( item, open_tags ): """ Add or remove from the open_tags list based on whether the given item contains a start or end tag. If item does not contain any tag, then open_tags remains unchanged. @type item: unicode @param item: chunk of HTML, containing either an HTML tag or just text @type open_tags: [ unicode, ... ] @param open_tags: list of open tags """ match = item ) if match: open_tags.append( 1 ) ) return match = item ) if not match: return tag = 1 ) if match and tag in open_tags: open_tags.remove( tag ) def prepare_lists( self, a, b ): """ Prepare the two lists for diffing by merging together adjacent elements that occur within modified start and end HTML tags. For instance, if: a = [ 'foo ', 'bar ', 'baz ', 'quux' ] b = [ 'foo ', '', 'bar ', 'baz', ' ', 'quux' ] then the returned lists are as follows: a = [ 'foo ', 'bar baz ', 'quux' ] b = [ 'foo ', 'bar baz ', 'quux' ] Merging these elements together ensures that they're diffed as a single unit. Failing to perform this step would mean that when a phrase in list a becomes italicized in list b, then it wouldn't show up as modified in the resulting diff. @type a: [ unicode, ... ] @type b: [ unicode, ... ] @rtype: ( [ unicode, ... ], [ unicode, ... ] ) @return: tuple of resulting list a and list b """ matcher = SequenceMatcher( None, a, b ) result_a = [] result_b = [] open_tags = [] # modified start tags open_del_items = [] # deleted items within modified start and end tags open_ins_items = [] # inserted items within modified start and end tags for ( change_type, i1, i2, j1, j2 ) in matcher.get_opcodes(): if change_type == "equal": equal_items = b[ j1:j2 ] if len( open_tags ) == 0: result_a.extend( equal_items ) result_b.extend( equal_items ) else: open_del_items.extend( equal_items ) open_ins_items.extend( equal_items ) continue # go through the altered items looking for start and end tags for i in range( i1, i2 ): Html_differ.track_open_tags( a[ i ], open_tags ) for j in range( j1, j2 ): Html_differ.track_open_tags( b[ j ], open_tags ) if change_type == "replace": open_del_items.extend( a[ i1:i2 ] ) open_ins_items.extend( b[ j1:j2 ] ) elif change_type == "delete": open_del_items.extend( a[ i1:i2 ] ) elif change_type == "insert": open_ins_items.extend( b[ j1:j2 ] ) if len( open_tags ) == 0: if len( open_del_items ) > 0: result_a.append( ''.join( open_del_items ) ) if len( open_ins_items ) > 0: result_b.append( ''.join( open_ins_items ) ) open_del_items = [] open_ins_items = [] return ( result_a, result_b ) def diff_lists( self, a, b ): """ Diff two prepared lists and return the result as an HTML string. @type a: [ unicode, ... ] @type b: [ unicode, ... ] @rtype: unicode @return: composite HTML diff """ matcher = SequenceMatcher( None, a, b ) result = [] open_tags = [] # inspired by for ( change_type, i1, i2, j1, j2 ) in matcher.get_opcodes(): if change_type == "replace": result.append( '' + ''.join( a[ i1:i2 ] ) + '' + \ '' + ''.join( b[ j1:j2 ] ) + '' ) elif change_type == "delete": result.append( '' + ''.join( a[ i1:i2 ] ) + '' ) elif change_type == "insert": result.append( '' + ''.join( b[ j1:j2 ] ) + '' ) elif change_type == "equal": result.append( ''.join( b[ j1:j2 ] ) ) return "".join( result )