Button dimensions are 40x40 pixels. Button fonts are Bitstream Vera Sans (regular, bold, and mono oblique). Most buttons are at 22 pt. The link button is at 12 pt. The list buttons are at 10 pt with a -4 pixel line spacing. To make the white glowing effect (which isn't present on any buttons currently), start with black text on a transparent background in the Gimp. Duplicate the layer, and move that duplicate underneath the original layer. Switch to the duplicate. Enable the "select contiguous regions" tool. Click on the duplicate layer's background. Invert selection. Grow selection by two pixels. Fill the entire selection with white (or whatever glow color you want). Select none. Gaussian blur the layer with a 5x5 pixel radius. To make round corner images, use Google's Rounded Corner Generator: http://ajaxian.com/archives/googles-rounded-corner-generator For instance: http://groups-beta.google.com/groups/roundedcorners?c=b0d0ff&bc=fafafa&w=6&h=6&a=tl The title image is in a 50 pt Qlassik medium font, with a 25 pt sub-heading and a manually modified "k" character.