from Persistent import Persistent, quote class Group( Persistent ): """ A group of users, used to represent an organization, department, or team. """ def __init__( self, object_id, revision = None, name = None, admin = None ): """ Create a new group with the given id and name. @type object_id: unicode @param object_id: id of the group @type revision: datetime or NoneType @param revision: revision timestamp of the object (optional, defaults to now) @type name: unicode or NoneType @param name: name of this group (optional) @type admin: bool @param admin: whether access to this group includes admin capabilities @rtype: Group @return: newly constructed group """ Persistent.__init__( self, object_id, revision ) self.__name = name self.__admin = admin @staticmethod def create( object_id, name = None, admin = None ): """ Convenience constructor for creating a new group. @type object_id: unicode @param object_id: id of the group @type name: unicode or NoneType @param name: name of this group (optional) @type admin: bool @param admin: whether access to this group includes admin capabilities @rtype: group @return: newly constructed group """ return Group( object_id, name = name, admin = admin ) @staticmethod def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ): if revision: return "select * from luminotes_group where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote( object_id ), quote( revision ) ) return "select * from luminotes_group_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id ) @staticmethod def sql_id_exists( object_id, revision = None ): if revision: return "select id from luminotes_group where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote( object_id ), quote( revision ) ) return "select id from luminotes_group_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id ) def sql_exists( self ): return Group.sql_id_exists( self.object_id, self.revision ) def sql_create( self ): return \ "insert into luminotes_group ( id, revision, name ) " + \ "values ( %s, %s, %s );" % \ ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__name ) ) def sql_update( self ): return self.sql_create() def sql_load_users( self, admin = None ): """ Return a SQL string to load a list of the users with membership to this group. """ if admin is True: admin_clause = " and user_group.admin = 't'" elif admin is False: admin_clause = " and user_group.admin = 'f'" else: admin_clause = "" return \ """ select luminotes_user_current.* from user_group, luminotes_user_current where user_group.group_id = %s and user_group.user_id = order by user_group.username; """ % quote( self.object_id ) def to_dict( self ): d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) d.update( dict( name = self.__name, admin = self.__admin, ) ) return d def __set_name( self, name ): self.__name = name self.update_revision() def __set_admin( self, admin ): # The admin member isn't actually saved to the database, so setting it doesn't need to # call update_revision(). self.__admin = admin name = property( lambda self: self.__name, __set_name ) admin = property( lambda self: self.__admin, __set_admin )