#!/usr/bin/python2.4 import os import os.path from controller.Database import Database from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler from model.Entry import Entry class Initializer( object ): HTML_PATH = u"static/html" ENTRY_FILES = [ # the second element of the tuple is whether to show the entry on startup #( u"navigation.html", True ), # skip for now, since the navigtaion entry doesn't have a title ( u"about.html", True ), ( u"features.html", True ), ( u"take a tour.html", False ), ( u"try it out.html", False ), ( u"login.html", False ), ( u"password reset.html", False ), ( u"supported browsers.html", False ), ( u"advanced browser features.html", False ), ] def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): self.scheduler = scheduler self.database = database threads = ( self.update_main_notebook(), ) for thread in threads: self.scheduler.add( thread ) self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) def update_main_notebook( self ): self.database.load( u"anonymous", self.scheduler.thread ) anonymous = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) main_notebook = anonymous.notebooks[ 0 ]._Read_only_notebook__wrapped startup_entries = [] # update all of the entries in the main notebook for ( filename, startup ) in self.ENTRY_FILES: full_filename = os.path.join( self.HTML_PATH, filename ) contents = file( full_filename ).read() title = filename.replace( u".html", u"" ) entry = main_notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( title ) if entry: main_notebook.update_entry( entry, contents ) # if for some reason the entry isn't present, create it else: self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) entry_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) entry = Entry( entry_id, contents ) main_notebook.add_entry( entry ) main_notebook.remove_startup_entry( entry ) if startup: startup_entries.append( entry ) for entry in startup_entries: main_notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) main_notebook.name = u"Luminotes" self.database.save( main_notebook ) def main(): scheduler = Scheduler() database = Database( scheduler, "data.db" ) initializer = Initializer( scheduler, database ) scheduler.wait_until_idle() if __name__ == "__main__": main()