from Tags import Div, A, Img, Span class Header( Div ): def __init__( self, user, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, note_title, rate_plan = None ): title_image = Img( src ="/static/images/luminotes_title.png", class_ = u"luminotes_title", width = u"193", height = u"60", alt = u"Luminotes", ) if rate_plan and rate_plan.get( u"name" ) == u"desktop": Div.__init__( self, Div( ( note_title == u"home" ) and title_image or A( title_image, href = u"", target = "_new" ), Div( A( u"support", href = u"", target = "_new" ), u" | ", A( u"blog", href = u"", target = "_new" ), class_ = u"header_links", ), class_ = u"wide_center_area", ), id = u"header", class_ = u"header", ) return Div.__init__( self, Div( ( note_title == u"home" ) and title_image or A( title_image, href = u"/" ), ( login_url and user.username == u"anonymous" ) and Div( ( note_title == u"pricing" ) and Span( u"sign up for free", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or \ A( u"sign up for free", href = u"/pricing", class_ = u"bold_link" ), u" | ", A( u"login", href = login_url, id = u"login_link", class_ = u"bold_link", ), class_ = u"header_user_links", ) or Div( u"logged in as %s" % ( user.username or u"a guest" ), u" | ", ( note_title != u"wiki" ) and first_notebook and Span( A( u"my wiki", href = u"/notebooks/%s" % first_notebook.object_id, ), u" | ", ) or None, user.username and note_title == u"wiki" and Span( A( u"settings", href = u"#", title = u"Update your account settings.", id = u"settings_link", ), " | ", ) or None, user.username and Span( A( u"upgrade", href = u"/pricing", title = u"Upgrade your Luminotes account.", class_ = u"bold_link", ), " | ", ) or Span( ( note_title == u"pricing" ) and Span( u"sign up for free", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or \ A( u"sign up for free", href = u"/pricing", title = u"Sign up for a real Luminotes account.", class_ = u"bold_link", ), " | ", ) or None, A( u"logout", href = logout_url, id = u"logout_link", title = u"Sign out of your account.", ), class_ = u"header_user_links", ), Div( ( note_title == u"home" ) and Span( u"home", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"home", href = u"/" ), u" | ", ( note_title == u"tour" ) and Span( u"tour", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"tour", href = u"/tour" ), u" | ", ( user.username in ( None, u"anonymous" ) ) and Span( ( note_title == u"wiki" ) and Span( u"demo", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"demo", href = u"/users/demo" ), u" | " ) or None, ( note_title == u"support" ) and Span( u"support", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"support", href = u"/support" ), u" | ", ( note_title == u"team" ) and Span( u"team", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"team", href = u"/meet_the_team" ), u" | ", ( note_title == u"blog" ) and Span( u"blog", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"blog", href = u"/blog" ), u" | ", ( note_title == u"privacy" ) and Span( u"privacy", class_ = u"bold_link" ) or A( u"privacy", href = u"/privacy" ), class_ = u"header_links", ), class_ = u"wide_center_area", ), id = u"header", class_ = u"header", )