from Expose import expose from Expire import strongly_expire from Users import grab_user_id, Access_error from model.Group import Group from model.User import User from view.Json import Json from Validate import validate, Valid_string, Valid_bool, Valid_int, Validation_error from Database import Valid_id, end_transaction class Groups( object ): def __init__( self, database, users ): self.__database = database self.__users = users @expose( view = Json ) @strongly_expire @end_transaction @grab_user_id @validate( group_id = Valid_id(), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), ) def load_users( self, group_id, user_id = None ): """ Return the users within the given group. This method is only available to an admin of the group. @type group_id: unicode @param group_id: id of group whose users to return @type user_id: unicode or NoneType @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @rtype: dict @return: { 'admin_users': admin_user_list, 'other_users': non_admin_user_list, } @raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have admin membership to the given group @raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid """ if not self.__users.check_group( user_id, group_id, admin = True ): raise Access_error() group = self.__database.load( Group, group_id ) if group is None: raise Access_error() admin_users = self.__database.select_many( User, group.sql_load_users( admin = True ) ) other_users = self.__database.select_many( User, group.sql_load_users( admin = False ) ) return dict( admin_users = admin_users, other_users = other_users, )