import re from Tags import Div, Span, H4, A, Table, Tbody, Tr, Td class Note_tree_area( Div ): LINK_PATTERN = re.compile( u']+\s)?href="[^"]+"[^>]*>', re.IGNORECASE ) def __init__( self, toolbar, notebook, root_notes, recent_notes, total_notes_count ): Div.__init__( self, toolbar, Div( H4( u"notes", Span( Span( total_notes_count, id = u"total_notes_count" ), u"total", class_ = u"small_text link_area_item", ), id = u"note_tree_area_title", ), self.make_tree( [ self.make_item( title = note.title, link_attributes = u'href="/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s"' % ( notebook.object_id, note.object_id ), link_class = u"note_tree_link", has_children = ( != u"trash" ) and note.contents ) or False, root_note_id = note.object_id, ) for note in root_notes ], Tr( Td( ( != u"trash" ) and u'To add a note here, click the "options" tab on a note, then "show on startup".' or None, id = "note_tree_instructions", class_ = u"small_text link_area_item" + ( ( len( root_notes ) > 0 ) and u" undisplayed" or u"" ), ) ) or None, tree_id = "note_tree_root_table", ), ( recent_notes is not None and != u"trash" ) and Span( H4( u"recent updates", id = u"recent_notes_area_title", ), self.make_tree( Tr( id = "recent_notes_top" ), [ self.make_item( title = note.title, link_attributes = u'href="/notebooks/%s?note_id=%s"' % ( notebook.object_id, note.object_id ), link_class = u"recent_note_link", has_children = False, root_note_id = note.object_id, base_name = u"recent_note", ) for note in recent_notes ], navigation = Tbody( Tr( id = "recent_notes_spacer" ), Tr( Td(), Td( A( u"more", href = u"#", id = u"recent_notes_more_link", class_ = u"undisplayed" ), A( u"less", href = u"#", id = u"recent_notes_less_link", class_ = u"undisplayed" ), ), ), id = u"recent_notes_navigation" ), tree_id = "recent_notes_table", ), ) or None, id = u"note_tree_area_holder", ), Span( id = "tree_arrow_hover_preload" ), Span( id = "tree_arrow_down_preload" ), Span( id = "tree_arrow_down_hover_preload" ), id = u"note_tree_area", ) @staticmethod def make_item( title, link_attributes, link_class, has_children = False, root_note_id = None, target = None, base_name = None ): if base_name is None: base_name = u"note_tree" return Tr( has_children and \ Td( Div( id = root_note_id and u"%s_expander_%s" % ( base_name, root_note_id ) or None, class_ = u"tree_expander" ) ) or Td( Div( id = root_note_id and u"%s_expander_%s" % ( base_name, root_note_id ) or None, class_ = u"tree_expander_empty" ) ), Td( u'%s' % ( link_attributes, root_note_id and u' id="%s_link_%s"' % ( base_name, root_note_id ) or "", target and u' target="%s"' % target or "", link_class, title or u"untitled note", ), ), id = root_note_id and u"%s_item_%s" % ( base_name, root_note_id ) or None, class_ = u"%s_item" % base_name, ) @staticmethod def make_tree( first_node, second_node = None, third_node = None, navigation = None, tree_id = None ): return Table( Tbody( first_node, second_node, third_node, id = tree_id and tree_id + "_body" or None, ), navigation, id = tree_id or None, class_ = u"note_tree_table", )