from copy import copy from Note import Note from Persistent import Persistent class Notebook( Persistent ): """ A collection of wiki notes. """ class UnknownNoteError( ValueError ): """ Indicates that an accessed note is not in this notebook. """ def __init__( self, note_id ): ValueError.__init__( self, note_id ) def __setstate__( self, state ): if "_Notebook__trash" not in state: state[ "_Notebook__trash" ] = None self.__dict__.update( state ) def __init__( self, id, name, trash = None ): """ Create a new note with the given id and name. @type id: unicode @param id: id of the notebook @type name: unicode @param name: name of this notebook @type trash: Notebook or NoneType @param trash: where deleted notes within this Notebook go to die (optional) @rtype: Notebook @return: newly constructed notebook """ Persistent.__init__( self, id ) self.__name = name self.__trash = trash self.__notes = {} # map of note id to note self.__titles = {} # map of note title to note self.__startup_notes = [] # list of notes shown on startup def add_note( self, note ): """ Add a note to this notebook. @type note: Note @param note: note to add """ self.update_revision() self.__notes[ note.object_id ] = note self.__titles[ note.title ] = note def remove_note( self, note ): """ Remove a note from this notebook. @type note: Note @param note: note to remove @rtype: bool @return: True if the note was removed, False if the note wasn't in this notebook """ if self.__notes.pop( note.object_id, None ): self.update_revision() self.__titles.pop( note.title, None ) if self.is_startup_note( note ): self.__startup_notes.remove( note ) return True return False def lookup_note( self, note_id ): """ Return the note in this notebook with the given id. @type note_id: unicode @param note_id: id of the note to return @rtype: Note or NoneType @return: note corresponding to the note id or None """ return self.__notes.get( note_id ) def lookup_note_by_title( self, title ): """ Return the note in this notebook with the given title. @type title: unicode @param title: title of the note to return @rtype: Note or NoneType @return: note corresponding to the title or None """ return self.__titles.get( title ) def update_note( self, note, contents ): """ Update the given note with new contents. Bail if the note's contents are unchanged. @type note: Note @param note: note to update @type contents: unicode @param contents: new textual contents for the note @raises UnknownNoteError: note to update is not in this notebook """ old_note = self.__notes.get( note.object_id ) if old_note is None: raise Notebook.UnknownNoteError( note.object_id ) if contents == old_note.contents: return self.update_revision() self.__titles.pop( note.title, None ) note.contents = contents self.__titles[ note.title ] = note def add_startup_note( self, note ): """ Add the given note to be shown on startup. It must already be a note in this notebook. @type note: Note @param note: note to be added for startup @rtype: bool @return: True if the note was added for startup @raises UnknownNoteError: given note is not in this notebook """ if self.__notes.get( note.object_id ) is None: raise Notebook.UnknownNoteError( note.object_id ) if not self.is_startup_note( note ): self.update_revision() self.__startup_notes.append( note ) return True return False def remove_startup_note( self, note ): """ Remove the given note from being shown on startup. @type note: Note @param note: note to be removed from startup @rtype: bool @return: True if the note was removed from startup """ if self.is_startup_note( note ): self.update_revision() self.__startup_notes.remove( note ) return True return False def is_startup_note( self, note ): """ Return whether the given note is a startup note. @type note: Note @param note: note to test for startup status @rtype bool @return: True if the note is a startup note """ return note.object_id in [ n.object_id for n in self.__startup_notes if n ] def to_dict( self ): d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) d.update( dict( name = self.__name, trash = self.__trash, startup_notes = copy( self.startup_notes ), read_write = True, ) ) return d def __set_name( self, name ): self.__name = name self.update_revision() name = property( lambda self: self.__name, __set_name ) trash = property( lambda self: self.__trash ) startup_notes = property( lambda self: copy( self.__startup_notes ) ) notes = property( lambda self: self.__notes.values() )