create table tag ( id text, revision timestamp with time zone, notebook_id text, user_id text, name text, description text ); ALTER TABLE ONLY tag ADD CONSTRAINT tag_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); CREATE INDEX tag_notebook_id_index ON tag USING btree (notebook_id); CREATE INDEX tag_user_id_index ON tag USING btree (user_id); create table tag_notebook ( notebook_id text, tag_id text, value text, user_id text ); ALTER TABLE ONLY tag_notebook ADD CONSTRAINT tag_notebook_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id, notebook_id, tag_id); create table tag_note ( note_id text, tag_id text, value text ); ALTER TABLE ONLY tag_note ADD CONSTRAINT tag_note_pkey PRIMARY KEY (note_id, tag_id); ALTER TABLE user_notebook ADD COLUMN own_notes_only boolean DEFAULT false; update user_notebook set rank = 0 from luminotes_user_current, notebook_current where user_notebook.user_id = and username = 'anonymous' and user_notebook.notebook_id = and = 'Luminotes'; create table session ( id text, data text, expiration_time timestamp );