welcome to your wiki

Here's how to get started with your personal wiki notebook.

First, the basics. A Luminotes notebook is simply a collection of linked notes, each with a unique title. Right now you're reading a note titled "welcome to your wiki".

To make a new wiki note, hit the "+" button on the left, or click anywhere on the page's background. Start by typing a title for your new note, say, "ideas", and then press enter. Next, type the contents of your new note, using the formatting buttons on the left for things like bold, italics, or lists.

To link one note to another, use the note link button with the arrow on it. Hit the button once, type the title of a note you want to link to, and then hit the button again. Or, if you've already typed some text, you can select it with your mouse and then hit the note link button.

To follow a link to another note, just click on it and it will open up for you to view or edit. You can switch between notes just by clicking on them, and hide notes simply by clicking the "hide" button.

That's all you need to know to get started with your personal wiki. It's that easy. Enjoy!