import re from Persistent import Persistent from controller.Html_nuker import Html_nuker class Note( Persistent ): def __setstate__(self, state): if "_Entry__title" in state: state[ "_Note__title" ] = state[ "_Entry__title" ] del( state[ "_Entry__title" ] ) if "_Entry__contents" in state: state[ "_Note__contents" ] = state[ "_Entry__contents" ] del( state[ "_Entry__contents" ] ) self.__dict__ = state """ An single textual wiki note. """ TITLE_PATTERN = re.compile( u"


", flags = re.IGNORECASE ) def __init__( self, id, contents = None ): """ Create a new note with the given id and contents. @type id: unicode @param id: id of the note @type contents: unicode or NoneType @param contents: initial contents of the note (optional) @rtype: Note @return: newly constructed note """ Persistent.__init__( self, id ) self.__title = None self.__contents = None or "" self.__set_contents( contents ) def __set_contents( self, contents ): self.update_revision() self.__contents = contents # parse title out of the beginning of the contents result = contents ) if result: self.__title = result.groups()[ 0 ] self.__title = Html_nuker( allow_refs = True ).nuke( self.__title ) else: self.__title = None def to_dict( self ): d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) d.update( dict( contents = self.__contents, title = self.__title, ) ) return d contents = property( lambda self: self.__contents, __set_contents ) title = property( lambda self: self.__title )