import sha import random from copy import copy from Persistent import Persistent class User( Persistent ): """ A user of this application. """ SALT_CHARS = [ chr( c ) for c in range( ord( "!" ), ord( "~" ) + 1 ) ] SALT_SIZE = 12 def __init__( self, id, username, password, email_address, notebooks = None ): """ Create a new user with the given credentials and information. @type id: unicode @param id: id of the user @type username: unicode @param username: unique user identifier for login purposes @type password: unicode @param password: secret password for login purposes @type email_address: unicode @param email_address: a hopefully valid email address @type notebooks: [ Notebook ] @param notebooks: list of notebooks (read-only and read-write) that this user has access to @rtype: User @return: newly created user """ Persistent.__init__( self, id, secondary_id = username ) self.__salt = self.__create_salt() self.__password_hash = self.__hash_password( password ) self.__email_address = email_address self.__notebooks = notebooks or [] def __create_salt( self ): return "".join( [ random.choice( self.SALT_CHARS ) for i in range( self.SALT_SIZE ) ] ) def __hash_password( self, password ): if password is None or len( password ) == 0: return None return self.__salt + password ).hexdigest() def check_password( self, password ): """ Check that the given password matches this user's password. @type password: unicode @param password: password to check @rtype: bool @return: True if the password matches """ if self.__password_hash == None: return False hash = self.__hash_password( password ) if hash == self.__password_hash: return True return False def has_access( self, notebook_id ): if notebook_id in [ notebook.object_id for notebook in self.__notebooks ]: return True return False def to_dict( self ): d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) d.update( dict( username = self.username, ) ) return d def __set_password( self, password ): self.update_revision() self.__salt = self.__create_salt() self.__password_hash = self.__hash_password( password ) def __set_notebooks( self, notebooks ): self.update_revision() self.__notebooks = notebooks username = property( lambda self: self.secondary_id ) email_address = property( lambda self: self.__email_address ) password = property( None, __set_password ) # the notebooks (read-only and read-write) that this user has access to notebooks = property( lambda self: copy( self.__notebooks ), __set_notebooks )