import re import bsddb import random import cPickle from cStringIO import StringIO from copy import copy from model.Persistent import Persistent from Async import async class Database( object ): ID_BITS = 128 # number of bits within an id ID_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def __init__( self, scheduler, database_path = None ): """ Create a new database and return it. @type scheduler: Scheduler @param scheduler: scheduler to use @type database_path: unicode @param database_path: path to the database file @rtype: Database @return: database at the given path """ self.__scheduler = scheduler self.__env = bsddb.db.DBEnv() None, bsddb.db.DB_CREATE | bsddb.db.DB_PRIVATE | bsddb.db.DB_INIT_MPOOL ) self.__db = bsddb.db.DB( self.__env ) database_path, "database", bsddb.db.DB_HASH, bsddb.db.DB_CREATE ) self.__cache = {} def __persistent_id( self, obj, skip = None ): # save the object and return its persistent id if obj != skip and isinstance( obj, Persistent ): self.__save( obj ) return obj.object_id # returning None indicates that the object should be pickled normally without using a persistent id return None @async def save( self, obj, callback = None ): """ Save the given object to the database, including any objects that it references. @type obj: Persistent @param obj: object to save @type callback: generator or NoneType @param callback: generator to wakeup when the save is complete (optional) """ self.__save( obj ) yield callback def __save( self, obj ): # if this object's current revision is already saved, bail revision_id = obj.revision_id() if revision_id in self.__cache: return object_id = unicode( obj.object_id ).encode( "utf8" ) revision_id = unicode( obj.revision_id() ).encode( "utf8" ) secondary_id = obj.secondary_id and unicode( obj.secondary_id ).encode( "utf8" ) or None # update the cache with this saved object self.__cache[ object_id ] = obj self.__cache[ revision_id ] = copy( obj ) if obj.secondary_id: self.__cache[ secondary_id ] = obj # set the pickler up to save persistent ids for every object except for the obj passed in, which # will be pickled normally buffer = StringIO() pickler = cPickle.Pickler( buffer, protocol = -1 ) pickler.persistent_id = lambda o: self.__persistent_id( o, skip = obj ) # pickle the object and write it to the database under both its id key and its revision id key pickler.dump( obj ) pickled = buffer.getvalue() self.__db.put( object_id, pickled ) self.__db.put( revision_id, pickled ) # write the pickled object id (only) to the database under its secondary id if obj.secondary_id: buffer = StringIO() pickler = cPickle.Pickler( buffer, protocol = -1 ) pickler.persistent_id = lambda o: self.__persistent_id( o ) pickler.dump( obj ) self.__db.put( secondary_id, buffer.getvalue() ) self.__db.sync() @async def load( self, object_id, callback, revision = None ): """ Load the object corresponding to the given object id from the database, and yield the provided callback generator with the loaded object as its argument, or None if the object_id is unknown. If a revision is provided, a specific revision of the object will be loaded. @type object_id: unicode @param object_id: id of the object to load @type callback: generator @param callback: generator to send the loaded object to @type revision: int or NoneType @param revision: revision of the object to load (optional) """ obj = self.__load( object_id, revision ) yield callback, obj def __load( self, object_id, revision = None ): if revision is not None: object_id = Persistent.make_revision_id( object_id, revision ) object_id = unicode( object_id ).encode( "utf8" ) # if the object corresponding to the given id has already been loaded, simply return it without # loading it again obj = self.__cache.get( object_id ) if obj is not None: return obj # grab the object for the given id from the database buffer = StringIO() unpickler = cPickle.Unpickler( buffer ) unpickler.persistent_load = self.__load pickled = self.__db.get( object_id ) if pickled is None or pickled == "": return None buffer.write( pickled ) buffer.flush() 0 ) # unpickle the object and update the cache with this saved object obj = unpickler.load() if obj is None: print "error unpickling %s: %s" % ( object_id, pickled ) return None self.__cache[ unicode( obj.object_id ).encode( "utf8" ) ] = obj self.__cache[ unicode( obj.revision_id() ).encode( "utf8" ) ] = obj return obj @staticmethod def generate_id(): int_id = random.getrandbits( Database.ID_BITS ) base = len( Database.ID_DIGITS ) digits = [] while True: index = int_id % base digits.insert( 0, Database.ID_DIGITS[ index ] ) int_id = int_id / base if int_id == 0: break return "".join( digits ) @async def next_id( self, callback ): """ Generate the next available object id, and yielded the provided callback generator with the object id as its argument. @type callback: generator @param callback: generator to send the next available object id to """ # generate a random id, but on the off-chance that it collides with something else already in # the database, try again next_id = Database.generate_id() while self.__db.get( next_id, default = None ) is not None: next_id = Database.generate_id() # save the next_id as a key in the database so that it's not handed out again to another client self.__db[ next_id ] = "" yield callback, next_id @async def close( self ): """ Shutdown the database. """ self.__db.close() self.__env.close() yield None @async def clear_cache( self ): """ Clear the memory object cache. """ self.__cache.clear() yield None scheduler = property( lambda self: self.__scheduler ) class Valid_id( object ): """ Validator for an object id. """ ID_PATTERN = re.compile( "^[%s]+$" % Database.ID_DIGITS ) def __init__( self, none_okay = False ): self.__none_okay = none_okay def __call__( self, value ): if self.__none_okay and value is None: return None if value ): return str( value ) raise ValueError()