1.6.18: * Fixed a bug that prevented use of the AltGr key on Polish and other keyboards. * Added a section in the INSTALL file for developers building their own Luminotes Desktop installer. * Added missing tools/usb_luminotes.sh for launching Luminotes Desktop from a USB drive on Linux. * Now stripping certain invisible placeholder characters from print version of Luminotes notebooks. These characters could show up when copy and pasted into another application. 1.6.17: July 26, 2009 * Fixed a bug that caused ever-growing notes in Internet Explorer 8. 1.6.16: July 14, 2009 * Fixed a bug that prevented the new note button from working in Internet Explorer. This fixes Luminotes support for Internet Explorer 8. 1.6.15: July 12, 2009 * No longer charging for Luminotes Desktop or offering subscription signups. * Fixed a Firefox 3.5 bug in which after ending a link ctrl-L, typed text ended up as part of the link. Now, ctrl-L properly ends the link and any typed text after the link does not become linked itself. * Fixed a Firefox 3.5 bug in which bold mode (or italics mode) would inexplicably end after typing a few characters. * Fixed a Firefox 3.5 bug in which spacing at the top of each note changed when a note was focused. * Fixed an Internet Explorer 8 bug in which the toolbar was positioned incorrectly. Note that as of this release, there are a number of other Internet Explorer 8 issues. 1.6.14: June 14, 2009 * Fixed a bug in which some printed or exported notes appeared in alphabetical order instead of your chosen ordering. 1.6.13: May 20, 2009 * Added a dynamic preview of your current color selections to the color picker. This lets you see what the selected colors will look like as you are selecting them. * Made the color picker stay open after a color is selected. This makes it easier to set both foreground and background colors. * Fixed a Chrome/Safari bug in which popups such as those for export and color were not positioned correctly if the page was scrolled past the top. * Fixed a bug in which certain popups on the left and right side of the page scrolled along with the page instead of staying fixed in place. * Fixed a bug in which detecting or saving colors set on note titles did not work. 1.6.12: May 19, 2009 * Added a toolbar color button for setting text and background colors. * Added a "start a new discussion" link to each discussion forum page. * Updated Luminotes Server INSTALL file with instructions for setting the http_url configuration setting. * You can now middle click on a link within a note to open it in a new browser window or tab. * Fixed a bug in Luminotes Desktop in which a backslash within a note was duplicated each time the note was saved. * Fixed a bug in which right clicking on a note did not always open the web browser's context menu. * Fixed a bug in which special characters in a customer's name prevented PayPal payments from going through properly. 1.6.11: April 28, 2009 * Rewrote the way that the toolbar is implemented, laying the groundwork for themes in a subsequent release. * Changed some of the "+" buttons to be more descriptive: "+ notebook" and "+ note link". * Moved search field up above "notes" heading. * Fixed a bug in which toolbar buttons didn't depress based on the current location of the text cursor. * Fixed a bug in which discussion forum bylines ("Posted by...") were sometimes duplicated several times on a given post. Now bylines are displayed below each post rather than within it. * Fixed a Firefox bug in which removing some bold text and then typing new text would make the new text bold. Now, if you completely remove some bold text (rather than just a portion of it), any new text that you type will be unformatted. * Fixed a Firefox bug in which copying and pasting text between notes inserted line breaks in the pasted text. 1.6.10: March 20, 2009 * Faster uploads and downloads for users of luminotes.com. * Luminotes Server improvements: * Fixed a bug in examples/luminotes_debian_initscript that prevented the "stop" command from working properly. * Added support for using the nginx web server with Luminotes. See the INSTALL file for more information. * Fixed a problem in which copying and pasting text containing newlines caused the pasted newlines to appear as spaces. 1.6.9: March 16, 2009 * Added a remove formatting feature to the tools menu. This allows you to strip out all formatting from the currently selected text. * Luminotes discussion forums now change the discussion thread link color based on whether there are any new posts since you last visited the thread. This makes it much easier to keep up with a particular discussion. * Fixed a bug in which the filename of an exported HTML file was just "export" instead of being based on the notebook name. 1.6.8: March 3, 2009 * You can now print your entire notebook. Just click the "print" link on the left side of the page. * You can now print an individual note. Just click the "tools" tab on a note and then "print this note". * Changed the order of exported HTML and CSV notebooks so that after all the "startup" notes are included, the remaining notes are included in alphabetical order (instead of reverse chronological order). * Instead of converting unsupported HTML tags to plain text when a note is saved, Luminotes now simply strips out all unsupported tags. This further improves copy and pasting text from programs like MS Word. * Fixed a compatibility problem with newer versions of SQLite. (Luminotes was using a reserved keyword as an identifier.) This only affected those people who installed Luminotes Server themselves. 1.6.7: February 23, 2009 * When you export your notebook as an HTML or CSV file, the saved filename is now based on the name of your notebook, for instance "my-to-do-list.html" or "ideas-for-my-novel.csv". * Several minor improvements to CSV importing and exporting. * Converted the existing HTML and CSV export features to work as separate export plugins. This means that a new export format can be implemented as a new plugin. * There is now a downloadable free trial for Luminotes Desktop! 1.6.6: February 16, 2009 * Luminotes now recognizes "mailto:" links as external links, so you can include links to email addresses within your notes. * Several Luminotes Desktop improvements: * There is now a "close" link at the top of the page to completely shut down the process when you're done using Luminotes. * Luminotes Desktop now attempts to always run on a particular port number, which means that as long as it's running you can reach it from a constant web address. * You can now copy the Luminotes Desktop web address and paste it into another web browser without getting an error message. * Now, if you copy a link from another web page and paste it into a note, Luminotes properly recognizes it as an external link (rather than a link to a note). * Fixed a bug in which clicking "compare versions" during a conflict didn't actually display the changes between the two versions. 1.6.5: February 12, 2009 * Now ignoring even more unneeded HTML tags from an MS Word copy-and-paste. * Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer in which hiding a focused note could cause the next note to display incorrectly. * Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer in which opening a note by following a link didn't display the opened note correctly. * Fixed a bug in which a drag-and-dropped note occasionally didn't resize back to its original size. * Re-fixed a bug in which hiding a focused note could (temporarily) leave an empty gap at the bottom of the page. 1.6.4: February 12, 2009 * Now ignoring certain unneeded HTML tags that end up in your notes when you copy and paste text from an MS Word document. * Fixed a bug in which clicking on the title field within a link pulldown did not position the text cursor there. * Fixed a bug in which clicking on an unfocused note didn't position the text cursor in the correct location. * Fixed bugs related to the display and hiding of previous note revisions. * Fixed a bug in which moving a note and then clicking the "changes" tab on any other note failed to show that note's previous revisions. * Fixed a bug in which hiding a note could produce a spurious save conflict notification error. 1.6.3: February 11, 2009 * Introduced cache-busting code to make pages update more reliably after a new release. * Added initial (untested) support for Internet Explorer 8 beta. 1.6.2: February 11, 2009 * Added drag-and-drop note reordering. * Fixed a visual bug in which a second title within a note had insufficient vertical spacing above it. 1.6.1: January 29, 2009 * Fixed a bug in which hiding a focused note could (temporarily) leave an empty gap at the bottom of the page. * Fixed a bug in which performing a search when search results were already open would just hide the initial search results without showing the new ones. * Fixed a bug in which emptying the trash worked but produced a spurious error message. 1.6.0: January 27, 2009 * Switching between notebooks and loading notebooks is now much faster. * Several new keyboard shortcuts: * Switch to the next open note: Page down * Switch to the previous open note: Page up * Start a search: Ctrl-slash * Save the current note: Ctrl-space * Fixed various bugs related to the subscription page. * Dropped support for Internet Explorer version 6. But version 7+ is still fully supported! 1.5.12: December 30, 2008 * Fixed a bug in which clicking on the notebook rename text field ended the renaming prematurely. * Potential fix for a bug in which product downloads and attached file downloads occasionally did not complete in Internet Explorer. * Added a 30-day free trial to all Luminotes subscription plans, and updated the pricing page accordingly. 1.5.11: December 27, 2008 * Added a font selection button to the toolbar. * Decreased the default note text font size, so now you can see more of your note text at once. * Added rounded corners to several display elements. * Improved the layout on low-resolution displays (1024x768 and below). * Fixed a Luminotes Desktop bug in which creating and then clicking on a new note link sometimes caused a red error message. * Fixed a bug in which yellow pulldowns that were opened towards the bottom of the page appeared partially off the page. * Fixed a bug in which forum post permalinks didn't work on posts after the first ten in a particular thread. 1.5.10: December 4, 2008 * Fixed a bug in which certain new installations of Luminotes Desktop on Windows yielded an "uh oh" error on initial launch. This bug did not occur during upgrades. It only affected new installations. 1.5.9: December 3, 2008 * When you hover the mouse over a link and a link pulldown appears, that pulldown will now automatically disappear soon after you move the mouse away. * Changed the "new note" key from ctrl-N to ctrl-M so as not to conflict with the "new browser window" key used in most web browsers. * Fixed a Chrome/Safari bug in which ending a link didn't always work. * Fixed a rare Chrome/Safari bug in which pressing backspace sometimes made the text cursor vanish. * Fixed an Internet Explorer bug in which backspace sometimes didn't work, such as when backspacing an empty list element. 1.5.8: November 24, 2008 * Fixed a bug that prevented notes from being automatically saved in certain notebooks. * Fixed a rare bug in which Luminotes sometimes indicated that the current note was saved even when it wasn't. * Fixed a bug that prevented deleted notes from being displayed within the trash. 1.5.7: November 18, 2008 * Rearranged the links on the left and right side of the wiki editing page so that the note title links have a little more horizontal breathing room. * You can now add an existing note directly to the note tree, instead of having to click "options" -> "show on startup". * Improved site navigation by adding more useful links to the page footer. * Converted the Luminotes blog to work like a forum, so now you can post comments on Luminotes blog posts. * You can now subscribe to an RSS feed in order to follow a whole Luminotes discussion forum. * The listing of threads in a discussion forum now shows how many posts there are in each thread. * Fixed a bug in which search result note summaries were not showing the portion of the note that matched the search term. (Luminotes Server) * Fixed a visual bug in which undoing the deletion of a note didn't always make the note reappear, even though the undeletion always worked. * NOTE: After upgrading to this release, you must restart memcached to clear the cache. Failing to do so will cause errors with the Notebook object. This does not apply to Luminotes Desktop. 1.5.6: November 12, 2008 * Greatly improved the speed of wiki searching for Luminotes Server and luminotes.com. Also included a section on search performance within the INSTALL file. * Added permalinks to blog and discussion forum posts. * Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer in which clicking a link sometimes caused the browser window to scroll to the destination note, only to immediately scroll back to the clicked link. * No longer displaying annoying warning messages about Safari/Chrome support being considered "beta". * NOTE: Luminotes Server only, not Luminotes Desktop: Before you start Luminotes Server after this upgrade, run the following command as the PostgreSQL superuser (usually "postgres"): echo "create language plpgsql;" | psql luminotes Then, once you start Luminotes Server, be prepared to wait up to several minutes while the database search indices regenerate. 1.5.5: November 6, 2008 * Improved speed of Luminotes Desktop by adding some database indices. This will help in particular for larger notebooks with many notes. * Added some code to automatically upgrade your database when upgrading to a new Luminotes release. This applies to all Luminotes products. * Added code to support Luminotes discussion forums. * Laid some of the foundational groundwork for future tags support. * Made the subscription pricing page a little less confusing by hiding some of the bigger plans by default. * Increased the limit on characters per note from 25,000 to 50,000. * Fixed a visual conflict between your web browser's search field autocomplete and Luminotes built-in suggest-as-you-type feature. * Fixed an occasional bug that caused unexpected logouts. The solution was to move the session information into the database where it could be properly locked. * NOTE: After upgrading to this release, you must restart memcached to clear the cache. Failing to do so will cause errors with the Note object. This does not apply to Luminotes Desktop. * NOTE: After upgrading to this release and starting Luminotes, you can optionally convert all existing user sessions with the script tools/convert_sessions.py. This is not necessary for Luminotes Desktop. 1.5.4: October 9, 2008 * Fixed a visual bug in which clicking up or down to reorder your notebooks didn't display correctly. 1.5.3: October 9, 2008 * Safari and Chrome web browsers are now supported (beta): * You can now create and end links. * Underline and strikethrough now work. * Pulldowns for search suggestions, importing, and exporting show up. * Pulldowns on inline images are now positioned correctly. * Uploading files now works reliably instead of just once. * Note resizing (growing and shrinking) works (mostly) as expected. * Improved page loading speed and fixed a rare session locking timeout bug by removing all implicit session locking. * Fixed a bug that broke the Luminotes Desktop product download page if PayPal took too long to notify Luminotes of the purchase. 1.5.2: October 1, 2008 * Leading/trailing spaces in note titles are now ignored when making links to such notes. This means that creating a link titled "my note" to a note called "my note " now works properly. * Leading/trailing spaces and newlines in note titles and contents are now stripped out when exporting to CSV. * Fixed a bug in which clicking the "export" link when the current note was unsaved did not open the export pulldown. * Changed the warning about Safari/Chrome/Opera incompatibility to be an in-page message instead of a popup alert so as to be slightly less obnoxious. 1.5.1: September 28, 2008 * Implemented CSV exporting, so now you can export all of your notes to a CSV spreadsheet file. This currently doesn't include revision history or attached files. * Improved CSV importing so you can export a CSV of your notes from one Luminotes installation and import that CSV into a different Luminotes installation. * Fixed a bug in which the image preview page didn't correctly handle filenames containing special characters. 1.5.0: September 12, 2008 * Initial release of Luminotes Desktop! * Fixed a Luminotes Desktop Internet Explorer bug in which note links within the "download as html" document pointed to notes in the local Luminotes installation instead of notes within the stand-alone document. * Fixed a bug in which Luminotes Desktop file attachment did not always work due to incorrect upload progress reporting. * In the revision changes pulldown, no longer showing "by desktopuser" in Luminotes Desktop. * Added a Luminotes Desktop download page. * Added code for supporting product download access. 1.5.0 beta 1: August 27, 2008 * Completed the Luminotes Desktop Windows installer. * Improved logging, so tracebacks in production and desktop mode actually go to a file. Also removed logs on startup to prevent endless log growth. * Added a usb_luminotes.bat Windows batch file and a usb_luminotes.sh shell file to run Luminotes from a USB drive. * Moved "files" directory into ~/.luminotes or %APPDATA%\Luminotes. * NOTE: After upgrading to this release, you must move your Luminotes "files" directory into ~/.luminotes/ or you will not be able to access your uploaded files: mkdir ~/.luminotes chmod 700 ~/.luminotes mv files ~/.luminotes 1.4.27: August 22, 2008 * Fixed a bug in tools/initdb.py and tools/updatedb.py that caused them to only use some of the configured settings. * Progress on Luminotes Desktop, including the Windows installer. 1.4.26: August 20, 2008: * Ported all database code to support SQLite in addition to the existing PostgreSQL support. This is a necessary first step for Luminotes Desktop. * Updated all unit tests to test against an in-memory SQLite database. This increases unit test code coverage to include Luminotes SQL code. * Fixed a rare bug in which undeleting a note via "undo" sometimes does not show the undeleted note even if the undelete is successful. 1.4.25: August 11, 2008: * Fixed a bug in which the character encoding of uploaded CSV files was not properly detected and used to decode the file. Note that this fix introduces a new dependency: http://chardet.feedparser.org/ found in the python-chardet package. 1.4.24: August 11, 2008: * Added a light gray line under note title text to make it clearer that it's a title as opposed to just bold text. * Fixed a bug in Firefox 3 in which disabling title text did not work. * Fixed a bug in Firefox 2 and 3 in which pasting a paragraph tag into a note caused the enter key to change from inserting a line break tag to inserting a paragraph tag. 1.4.23: August 11, 2008: * New notebook import feature for importing notes from a CSV file. (Beta.) * Enforcing maximum note length after stripping the note of any disallowed HTML tags instead of before. This makes Luminotes work better when cutting and pasting lots of text from MS Word. 1.4.22: August 1, 2008: * Skipping clearing of messages/errors if they haven't been open long enough to read. * Fixed a bug in which renaming a link title and then pressing ctrl-L would replace the link destination. 1.4.21: July 30, 2008: * Fixed bug in IE 7 in which there was too much horizontal spacing at very wide resolutions. * Increased speed of note hiding animations. 1.4.20: July 30, 2008: * By popular demand, added a "save" button that becomes grayed out when everything is saved. * Now displaying "saving" status text in addition to "loading". * Made both left and right navigation areas of the page have a fixed position, so they stay in one spot even when you scroll your notes. 1.4.19: July 29, 2008: * When scrolling to and then highlighting a note, do so serially instead of in parallel. * Made speed of scrolling to a note or message slightly faster. * Removed big yellow "sign up for free" box from the sign up page itself. 1.4.18: July 28, 2008: * Fixed a bug where clicking the link for an updated note in an RSS feed did not properly redirect to that note after login. * "Nothing but notes" mode now hides the toolbar as well. * Rephrased some of the links to the signup page. 1.4.17: July 24, 2008: * Updated the product tour with an analogy to index cards. 1.4.16: July 18, 2008: * Slightly increased the size of the file upload pulldown to look better in various browsers (and not cut off text within the frame). * When you invite other people to view or edit your notebook, you can now see the invite link they'll receive in case you want to copy and paste it to them yourself. 1.4.15: July 15, 2008: * Reduced the size of the font within the upload pulldown to match the other pulldowns. * Added some frequently asked questions (and answers) to the pricing & sign up page. * Updated the original FAQ page accordingly. 1.4.14: July 12, 2008: * Fixed a bug in which pressing tab/shift-tab when a suggest pulldown was open caused the current text to indent/outdent. 1.4.13: July 11, 2008: * New "revert" button to roll back a note's contents to an earlier revision. 1.4.12: July 7, 2008: * Fixed a bug in which tab/shift-tab for indending/outdenting nested lists no longer worked. Also made it work in IE as well (which it never has). * controller.Root.guide() now accepts an optional note_id parameter. * Fixed a bug in which clicking a note title suggestion from within the link info title field sometimes didn't update the link properly. This was due to a race condition between the link info pulldown's onblur/onchange handler and the suggestion onclick handler, both of which tried to update the link, title, and summary at about the same time. * Possibly fixed a bug in which the displayed suggestions sometimes did not reflect the most recent characters typed. 1.4.11: June 29, 2008: * Fixed bug in which bolding of suggest-as-you-type search text was case sensitive. Now it's case insensitive. 1.4.10: June 29, 2008: * New suggest-as-you-type feature for creating a new link, setting a link's destination, and even for searching a notebook. * Fixed a bug where typing a space within a link in IE caused the space to be added to the end of the link. * Backspacing at the end of a link in IE no longer ends the link. 1.4.9: June 25, 2008: * When linking to a note by title, the note resolution is now case-insensitive instead of case-sensitive. 1.4.8: June 23, 2008: * Replaced "add new notebook" link with new notebook button next to "notebooks" heading. * Reorganized and renamed some notebook links on the right side of the page. 1.4.7: June 21, 2008: * New favicon.ico image that looks slightly less dated. 1.4.6: June 18, 2008: * New screenshot and new tour shots. 1.4.5: June 18, 2008: * You can now resize embedded images (small, medium, or large). * Fixed a bug that potentially caused link pulldowns to open in the wrong location when the page was scrolled past the top. 1.4.4: June 17, 2008: * Links to embedded images now show up within the note tree's list of links. * Links to files that have not yet been uploaded (or have been deleted) are now excluded from the note tree's list of links. 1.4.3: June 16, 2008: * Fixed a bug in which an image thumbnail could not be loaded unless you had a valid session. This prevented thumbnails from showing up if, for instance, you were reading the Luminotes blog from an RSS reader that didn't establish a session. 1.4.2: June 16, 2008: * Fixed a bug that caused image files to get deleted if there were multiple images embedded within a single note. * Prevented a link pulldown from auto-opening by hovering if another pulldown is already open. 1.4.1: June 16, 2008: * Implemented support for embedded images within wiki notes. * You can now open a link pulldown by simply hovering the mouse over a link for a few seconds. * Tweaked the popup positioning code to prevent popups from getting smashed into the right side of the page. * Updated tools/set_plan.py to automatically update a user's group membership. * Removed Google AdWords