import cgi import os.path import cherrypy from Rss_channel import Rss_channel from Rss_item import Rss_item class Forum_rss( Rss_channel ): def __init__( self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, forum_name, threads, total_thread_count, start = 0, count = None, ): forum_path = cherrypy.request.base + cherrypy.request.path if forum_name == u"blog": full_forum_name = u"Luminotes %s" % forum_name else: full_forum_name = u"%s forum" % forum_name Rss_channel.__init__( self, full_forum_name, forum_path, full_forum_name, [ Rss_item( title = cgi.escape( ), link = os.path.join( forum_path, ( forum_name == u"blog" ) and thread.friendly_id or thread.object_id ), description = cgi.escape( ), date = thread.revision.strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ), guid = os.path.join( forum_path, ( forum_name == u"blog" ) and thread.friendly_id or thread.object_id ), ) for thread in threads ], )