source code

First of all: You don't need to download any source code if you just want to make a wiki! For that, simply try the demo, download Luminotes Desktop, or sign up for a free account online.

But if you do want to run Luminotes on your own server or run Luminotes Desktop on Linux, here is the necessary software:

It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL. Installation instructions can be found within the included INSTALL file.

If you have any problems or questions, please let me know. See my contact info for details.

development repository

The download link above is the most recent stable release of Luminotes. If you're interested in getting your hands on the development version of Luminotes, then you should use the Luminotes Mercurial source code repository. You can either clone a local copy of the repository or just browse the source code online:

I should emphasize that this is the development version of Luminotes. This means it's intended for developers and likely contains untested or unfinished features. If you want to run a production version, download the stable release above rather than using the development version.

Found a bug? Want to submit a patch? Please see my contact info.