import cherrypy from model.Note import Note from model.Notebook import Notebook from model.User import User from Test_controller import Test_controller class Test_root( Test_controller ): def setUp( self ): Test_controller.setUp( self ) self.notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"my notebook", trash_id = u"foo" ) self.notebook ) self.anon_notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"Luminotes" ) self.anon_notebook ) self.anon_note = Note.create( self.database.next_id( Note ), u"

my note

", notebook_id = self.anon_notebook.object_id, ) self.anon_note ) self.login_note = Note.create( self.database.next_id( Note ), u"


", notebook_id = self.anon_notebook.object_id, ) self.login_note ) self.blog_notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"Luminotes blog" ) self.blog_notebook ) self.blog_note = Note.create( self.database.next_id( Note ), u"

my blog entry

", notebook_id = self.blog_notebook.object_id, ) self.blog_note ) self.guide_notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"Luminotes user guide" ) self.guide_notebook ) self.guide_note = Note.create( self.database.next_id( Note ), u"

it's all self-explanatory

", notebook_id = self.guide_notebook.object_id, ) self.guide_note ) self.privacy_notebook = Notebook.create( self.database.next_id( Notebook ), u"Luminotes privacy policy" ) self.privacy_notebook ) self.privacy_note = Note.create( self.database.next_id( Note ), u"

yay privacy

", notebook_id = self.privacy_notebook.object_id, ) self.privacy_note ) self.username = u"mulder" self.password = u"trustno1" self.email_address = u"" self.user = None self.session_id = None self.user = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), self.username, self.password, self.email_address ) self.user ) self.database.execute( self.user.sql_save_notebook( self.notebook.object_id ) ) self.anonymous = User.create( self.database.next_id( User ), u"anonymous" ) self.anonymous ) self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook( self.anon_notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False, rank = 0 ) ) self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook( self.blog_notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False, rank = 1 ) ) self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook( self.guide_notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False, rank = 2 ) ) self.database.execute( self.anonymous.sql_save_notebook( self.privacy_notebook.object_id, read_write = False, owner = False, rank = 3 ) ) def test_index( self ): result = self.http_get( "/" ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) is None assert result[ u"user" ].username == u"anonymous" assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 4 assert result[ u"first_notebook" ] == None assert result[ u"login_url" ] == u"" % ( self.anon_notebook.object_id, self.login_note.object_id, ) assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == u"" assert result[ u"rate_plan" ] def test_index_after_login_without_referer( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/", session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"" % self.notebook.object_id def test_index_after_login_with_referer( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/", headers = [ ( u"Referer", "http://whee" ) ], session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"" def test_index_with_https_after_login_without_referer( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/", session_id = self.session_id, pretend_https = True, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"" % self.notebook.object_id def test_index_with_https_after_login_with_referer( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/", session_id = self.session_id, headers = [ ( u"Referer", "http://whee" ) ], pretend_https = True, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) is None assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"first_notebook" ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == u"" assert result[ u"rate_plan" ] def test_index_auto_login( self ): self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.auto_login_username" ] = self.username result = self.http_get( "/", ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"/notebooks/%s" % self.notebook.object_id # confirm that we're now logged in and can access the user's notebook without an error result = self.http_get( result.get( u"redirect" ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"error" not in result def test_index_auto_login_while_already_logged_in( self ): self.login() self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.auto_login_username" ] = self.username result = self.http_get( "/", session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"/notebooks/%s" % self.notebook.object_id # confirm that we're now logged in and can access the user's notebook without an error result = self.http_get( result.get( u"redirect" ), session_id = self.session_id, ) assert u"error" not in result def test_index_auto_login_with_unknown_username( self ): self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.auto_login_username" ] = u"unknownusername" result = self.http_get( "/", ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) is None result = self.http_get( u"/notebooks/%s" % self.notebook.object_id, session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result.get( "status" ) == "302 Found" # redirect to login page def test_tour( self ): result = self.http_get( u"/tour" ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) is None assert result[ u"user" ].username == u"anonymous" assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 4 assert result[ u"first_notebook" ] == None assert result[ u"login_url" ] == u"" % ( self.anon_notebook.object_id, self.login_note.object_id, ) assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == u"" assert result[ u"rate_plan" ] def test_take_a_tour( self ): result = self.http_get( u"/take_a_tour" ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"/tour" def test_tour_after_login( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( u"/tour", session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) is None assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.user.username assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"first_notebook" ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"login_url" ] == None assert result[ u"logout_url" ] == u"" assert result[ u"rate_plan" ] def test_take_a_tour_after_login( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( u"/take_a_tour", session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result assert result.get( u"redirect" ) == u"/tour" def test_default( self ): result = self.http_get( "/my_note", ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.anonymous.object_id def test_default_with_invite_id( self ): result = self.http_get( "/my_note?invite_id=whee", ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result[ u"invite_id" ] == u"whee" assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.anonymous.object_id def test_default_with_after_login( self ): after_login = "/foo/bar" result = self.http_get( "/my_note?after_login=%s" % after_login, ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result[ u"after_login" ] == after_login assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.anonymous.object_id def test_default_with_after_login_with_full_url( self ): after_login = "" result = self.http_get( "/my_note?after_login=%s" % after_login, ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"after_login" ) is None assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.anonymous.object_id def test_default_with_plan( self ): plan = u"17" result = self.http_get( "/my_note?plan=%s" % plan, ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result[ u"signup_plan" ] == 17 assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.anonymous.object_id def test_default_with_plan_and_yearly( self ): plan = u"17" result = self.http_get( "/my_note?plan=%s&yearly=True" % plan, ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result[ u"signup_plan" ] == 17 assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.anonymous.object_id def test_default_after_login( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/my_note", session_id = self.session_id, ) assert result assert result[ u"notes" ] assert len( result[ u"notes" ] ) == 1 assert result[ u"notes" ][ 0 ].object_id == self.anon_note.object_id assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert result[ u"user" ].object_id == self.user.object_id def test_default_with_unknown_note( self ): result = self.http_get( "/unknown_note", ) body = result.get( u"body" ) assert body assert len( body ) > 0 assert u"404" in body[ 0 ] def test_default_with_login_note( self ): result = self.http_get( "/login", ) assert result assert result.get( "redirect" ) assert result.get( "redirect" ).startswith( "https://" ) def test_default_with_sign_up_note( self ): result = self.http_get( "/sign_up", ) assert result assert result.get( "redirect" ) assert result.get( "redirect" ).startswith( "https://" ) def test_guide( self ): result = self.http_get( "/guide", ) assert result assert u"error" not in result assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.guide_notebook.object_id def test_guide_with_note_id( self ): result = self.http_get( "/guide?note_id=%s" % self.guide_note.object_id, ) assert result assert u"error" not in result assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.guide_notebook.object_id def test_privacy( self ): result = self.http_get( "/privacy", ) assert result assert u"error" not in result assert result[ u"notebook" ].object_id == self.privacy_notebook.object_id def test_pricing( self ): result = self.http_get( "/pricing" ) assert result[ u"user" ].username == u"anonymous" assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 4 notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id ][ 0 ] assert notebook.object_id == self.anon_notebook.object_id assert == assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_ONLY assert notebook.owner == False rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ] assert rate_plan assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super" assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10 assert result[ u"first_notebook" ] == None assert result[ u"rate_plans" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.rate_plans", [] ) assert result[ u"unsubscribe_button" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.unsubscribe_button" ) def test_pricing_after_login( self ): self.login() result = self.http_get( "/pricing", session_id = self.session_id ) assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.username assert len( result[ u"notebooks" ] ) == 1 notebook = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id ][ 0 ] assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert == assert notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE assert notebook.owner == True rate_plan = result[ u"rate_plan" ] assert rate_plan assert rate_plan[ u"name" ] == u"super" assert rate_plan[ u"storage_quota_bytes" ] == 1337 * 10 assert result[ u"first_notebook" ].object_id == self.notebook.object_id assert result[ u"rate_plans" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.rate_plans", [] ) assert result[ u"unsubscribe_button" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.unsubscribe_button" ) def upgrade( self ): result = self.http_get( "/upgrade" ) assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/pricing" def test_next_id( self ): result = self.http_get( "/next_id" ) assert result.get( "next_id" ) result = self.http_get( "/next_id" ) assert result.get( "next_id" ) def test_ping( self ): result = self.http_get( "/ping" ) assert result.get( "response" ) == u"pong" def test_shutdown( self ): self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.allow_shutdown_command" ] = True assert cherrypy.server._is_ready() is True result = self.http_get( "/shutdown" ) assert cherrypy.server._is_ready() is False def test_shutdown_disallowed_explicitly( self ): self.settings[ u"global" ][ u"luminotes.allow_shutdown_command" ] = False assert cherrypy.server._is_ready() is True result = self.http_get( "/shutdown" ) assert cherrypy.server._is_ready() is True def test_shutdown_disallowed_implicitly( self ): assert cherrypy.server._is_ready() is True result = self.http_get( "/shutdown" ) assert cherrypy.server._is_ready() is True def test_404( self ): result = self.http_get( "/four_oh_four" ) body = result.get( u"body" ) assert body assert len( body ) > 0 assert u"404" in body[ 0 ] status = result.get( u"status" ) assert u"404" in status headers = result.get( u"headers" ) status = headers.get( u"status" ) assert u"404" in status def login( self ): result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( username = self.username, password = self.password, login_button = u"login", ) ) self.session_id = result[ u"session_id" ] def test_redeem_reset( self ): redeem_reset_id = u"foobarbaz" result = self.http_get( "/r/%s" % redeem_reset_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/users/redeem_reset/%s" % redeem_reset_id def test_redeem_invite( self ): invite_id = u"foobarbaz" result = self.http_get( "/i/%s" % invite_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/users/redeem_invite/%s" % invite_id def test_download_thanks( self ): download_access_id = u"foobarbaz" result = self.http_get( "/d/%s" % download_access_id ) assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/users/thanks_download?access_id=%s" % download_access_id