Fork 0

Converted the Luminotes blog to work like a forum, so now you can post comments on Luminotes blog posts.

This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2008-11-17 15:23:22 -08:00
parent 9dec0ae991
commit af42aae7cc
7 changed files with 42 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
so that the note title links have a little more horizontal breathing room.
* You can now add an existing note directly to the note tree, instead of
having to click "options" -> "show on startup".
* Improved site navigation by adding more useful links to the page footer.
* Converted the Luminotes blog to work like a forum, so now you can post
comments on Luminotes blog posts.
* Fixed a bug in which search result note summaries were not showing the
portion of the note that matched the search term. (Luminotes Server)
* Fixed a visual bug in which undoing the deletion of a note didn't always

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import os.path
import cherrypy
from model.User import User
from model.Notebook import Notebook
@ -97,8 +98,9 @@ class Forum( object ):
start = Valid_int( min = 0 ),
count = Valid_int( min = 1, max = 50 ),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
note_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
def index( self, start = 0, count = 50, user_id = None ):
def index( self, start = 0, count = 50, note_id = None, user_id = None ):
Provide the information necessary to display the current threads within a forum (in reverse
chronological order).
@ -107,11 +109,16 @@ class Forum( object ):
@param start: index of first forum thread to display (optional, defaults to 0)
@type count: integer or NoneType
@param count: how many forum threads to display (optional, defaults to quite a few)
@type note_id: unicode or NoneType
@param note_id: id of thread to redirect to (optional, legacy support for old URLs)
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of the current user
@rtype: unicode
@return: rendered HTML page
if note_id:
return dict( redirect = os.path.join( cherrypy.request.path, note_id ) )
result = self.__users.current( user_id )
parents = [ notebook for notebook in result[ u"notebooks" ] if notebook.trash_id and not notebook.deleted ]
if len( parents ) > 0:
@ -123,12 +130,19 @@ class Forum( object ):
if anonymous is None:
raise Access_error()
# whether this is a blog determines whether the posts are diplayed in forward or reverse
# chronological order
if self.__name == u"blog":
reverse = False
reverse = True
# load a slice of the list of the threads in this forum, excluding those with a default name
threads = self.__database.select_many(
parents_only = False, undeleted_only = True, tag_name = u"forum", tag_value = self.__name,
exclude_notebook_name = self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, reverse = True,
exclude_notebook_name = self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, reverse = reverse,
start = start, count = count,
@ -220,6 +234,10 @@ class Forum( object ):
if anonymous is None:
raise Access_error()
# for now, crappy hard-coding to prevent just anyone from creating a blog thread
if self.__name == u"blog" and user.username != u"witten":
raise Access_error()
# create the new notebook thread
thread_id = self.__database.next_id( Notebook, commit = False )
thread = Notebook.create( thread_id, self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, user_id = user.object_id )

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from Notebooks import Notebooks
from Users import Users, grab_user_id
from Groups import Groups
from Files import Files
from Forums import Forums
from Forums import Forums, Forum
from Database import Valid_id, end_transaction
from Users import update_auth
from model.Note import Note
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class Root( object ):
self.__notebooks = Notebooks( database, self.__users, self.__files, settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.https_url", u"" ) )
self.__forums = Forums( database, self.__notebooks, self.__users )
self.__blog = Forum( database, self.__notebooks, self.__users, u"blog" )
self.__suppress_exceptions = suppress_exceptions # used for unit tests
@expose( Main_page )
@ -253,43 +254,6 @@ class Root( object ):
def take_a_tour( self ):
return dict( redirect = u"/tour" )
@expose( view = Main_page, rss = Notebook_rss )
start = Valid_int( min = 0 ),
count = Valid_int( min = 1, max = 50 ),
note_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
def blog( self, start = 0, count = 5, note_id = None, user_id = None ):
Provide the information necessary to display the blog notebook with notes in reverse
chronological order.
@type start: unicode or NoneType
@param start: index of recent note to start with (defaults to 0, the most recent note)
@type count: int or NoneType
@param count: number of recent notes to display (defaults to 10 notes)
@type note_id: unicode or NoneType
@param note_id: id of single note to load (optional)
@rtype: unicode
@return: rendered HTML page
@raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid
result = self.__users.current( user_id )
blog_notebooks = [ nb for nb in result[ "notebooks" ] if nb.name == u"Luminotes blog" ]
result.update( self.__notebooks.recent_notes( blog_notebooks[ 0 ].object_id, start, count, user_id ) )
# if a single note was requested, just return that one note
if note_id:
result[ "notes" ] = [ note for note in result[ "notes" ] if note.object_id == note_id ]
result[ "http_url" ] = self.__settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url", u"" )
return result
@expose( view = Main_page )
@ -493,3 +457,4 @@ class Root( object ):
groups = property( lambda self: self.__groups )
files = property( lambda self: self.__files )
forums = property( lambda self: self.__forums )
blog = property( lambda self: self.__blog )

View File

@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ class Users( object ):
anon_notebooks = self.__database.select_many( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( undeleted_only = True ) )
if user_id and user_id != anonymous.object_id:
notebooks = self.__database.select_many( Notebook, user.sql_load_notebooks() )
notebooks = self.__database.select_many( Notebook, user.sql_load_notebooks( parents_only = True ) )
groups = self.__database.select_many( Group, user.sql_load_groups() )
# if the user is not logged in, return a login URL

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In the Luminotes discussion forums, you can ask about Luminotes features and
chat with your fellow Luminoters.
<h4><a href="/blog" target="_top">blog</a></h4>
<h4><a href="/blog/" target="_top">blog</a></h4>
With the Luminotes blog, you can stay up to date on all the latest features

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import os.path
import cherrypy
from Product_page import Product_page
from Page_navigation import Page_navigation
from Tags import Div, H1, A, P
@ -8,7 +10,12 @@ class Forum_page( Product_page ):
self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, forum_name,
threads, total_thread_count, start = 0, count = None,
full_forum_name = "%s forum" % forum_name
base_path = cherrypy.request.path
if base_path.startswith( u"/forums/" ):
full_forum_name = u"%s forum" % forum_name
full_forum_name = u"Luminotes %s" % forum_name
@ -22,19 +29,19 @@ class Forum_page( Product_page ):
H1( full_forum_name ),
A( u"start a new discussion", href = u"/forums/%s/create_thread" % forum_name ),
base_path.startswith( u"/forums/" ) and P(
A( u"start a new discussion", href = os.path.join( base_path, u"create_thread" ) ),
u" | ",
A( u"all forums", href = u"/forums/" ),
class_ = u"small_text",
) or None,
[ Div(
href = u"/forums/%s/%s" % ( forum_name, thread.object_id ),
href = os.path.join( base_path, thread.object_id ),
) for thread in threads ],
class_ = u"forum_threads",
Page_navigation( u"/forums/%s" % forum_name, len( threads ), total_thread_count, start, count ),
Page_navigation( base_path, len( threads ), total_thread_count, start, count ),

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Product_page( Page ):
Li( u"Community", class_ = u"footer_category" ),
Li( A( u"contact support", href = u"/contact_info" ) ),
Li( A( u"discussion forums", href = u"/forums/" ) ),
Li( A( u"blog", href = u"/blog" ) ),
Li( A( u"blog", href = u"/blog/" ) ),
Li( A( u"Facebook group", href = u"http://www.facebook.com/pages/Luminotes-personal-wiki-notebook/17143857741" ) ),
Li( A( u"Twitter stream", href = u"http://twitter.com/Luminotes" ) ),
class_ = u"footer_list",