Fork 0

More work on file uploading. Unit tests need to be fixed.

This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2008-02-18 20:08:07 +00:00
parent 43f098cda0
commit 731dc52623
19 changed files with 634 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
1.2.0: February ??, 2008
* Users can now upload files to attach to their notes.
1.1.3: January 28, 2008 1.1.3: January 28, 2008
* Now, if you delete a notebook and the only remaining notebook is read-only, * Now, if you delete a notebook and the only remaining notebook is read-only,
then a new read-write notebook is created for you automatically. then a new read-write notebook is created for you automatically.

View File

@ -63,7 +63,11 @@ settings = {
""" """
""", """,
}, },
"/files/upload": { "/files/download": {
"stream_response": True,
"encoding_filter.on": False,
"/files/progress": {
"stream_response": True "stream_response": True
}, },
} }

View File

@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
import cgi import cgi
import time
import tempfile
import cherrypy import cherrypy
from threading import Lock, Event
from Expose import expose from Expose import expose
from Validate import validate from Validate import validate, Valid_int, Validation_error
from Database import Valid_id from Database import Valid_id
from Users import grab_user_id from Users import grab_user_id
from Expire import strongly_expire from Expire import strongly_expire
from model.File import File
from view.Upload_page import Upload_page from view.Upload_page import Upload_page
from view.Blank_page import Blank_page
from view.Json import Json
class Access_error( Exception ): class Access_error( Exception ):
@ -36,6 +42,153 @@ class Upload_error( Exception ):
) )
# map of upload id to Upload_file
current_uploads = {}
current_uploads_lock = Lock()
class Upload_file( object ):
File-like object for storing file uploads.
def __init__( self, file_id, filename, content_length ):
self.__file = file( self.make_server_filename( file_id ), "w+" )
self.__file_id = file_id
self.__filename = filename
self.__content_length = content_length
self.__file_received_bytes = 0
self.__total_received_bytes = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read
self.__total_received_bytes_updated = Event()
self.__complete = Event()
def write( self, data ):
self.__file.write( data )
self.__file_received_bytes += len( data )
self.__total_received_bytes = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read
def tell( self ):
return self.__file.tell()
def seek( self, position ):
self.__file.seek( position )
def read( self, size = None ):
if size is None:
return self.__file.read()
return self.__file.read( size )
def wait_for_total_received_bytes( self ):
self.__total_received_bytes_updated.wait( timeout = cherrypy.server.socket_timeout )
return self.__total_received_bytes
def close( self ):
def wait_for_complete( self ):
self.__complete.wait( timeout = cherrypy.server.socket_timeout )
def make_server_filename( file_id ):
return u"files/%s" % file_id
filename = property( lambda self: self.__filename )
# expected byte count of the entire form upload, including the file and other form parameters
content_length = property( lambda self: self.__content_length )
# count of bytes received thus far for this file upload only
file_received_bytes = property( lambda self: self.__file_received_bytes )
# count of bytes received thus far for the form upload, including the file and other form
# parameters
total_received_bytes = property( lambda self: self.__total_received_bytes )
class FieldStorage( cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage ):
Derived from cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage, which is in turn derived from cgi.FieldStorage, which
calls make_file() to create a temporary file where file uploads are stored. By wrapping this file
object, we can track its progress as its written. Inspired by:
This method relies on a file_id parameter being present in the HTTP query string.
@type binary: NoneType
@param binary: ignored
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
@rtype: Upload_file
@return: wrapped temporary file used to store the upload
@raise Upload_error: the provided file_id value is invalid, or the filename or Content-Length is
def make_file( self, binary = None, user_id = None ):
global current_uploads, current_uploads_lock
cherrypy.server.max_request_body_size = 0 # remove CherryPy default file size limit of 100 MB
cherrypy.response.timeout = 3600 * 2 # increase upload timeout to 2 hours (default is 5 min)
cherrypy.server.socket_timeout = 60 # increase socket timeout to one minute (default is 10 sec)
DASHES_AND_NEWLINES = 6 # four dashes and two newlines
# release the cherrypy session lock so that the user can issue other commands while the file is
# uploading
# pluck the file id out of the query string. it would be preferable to grab it out of parsed
# form variables instead, but at this point in the processing, all the form variables might not
# be parsed
file_id = cgi.parse_qs( cherrypy.request.query_string ).get( u"file_id", [ None ] )[ 0 ]
file_id = Valid_id()( file_id )
except ValueError:
raise Upload_error( "The file_id is invalid." )
if not self.filename:
raise Upload_error( "Please provide a filename." )
content_length = cherrypy.request.headers.get( "content-length", 0 )
content_length = Valid_int( min = 0 )( content_length ) - len( self.outerboundary ) - DASHES_AND_NEWLINES
except ValueError:
raise Upload_error( "The Content-Length header value is invalid." )
# file size is the entire content length of the POST, minus the size of the other form
# parameters and boundaries. note: this assumes that the uploaded file is sent as the last
# form parameter in the POST
# TODO: verify that the uploaded file is always sent as the last parameter
existing_file = current_uploads.get( file_id )
if existing_file:
upload_file = Upload_file( file_id, self.filename.strip(), content_length )
current_uploads[ file_id ] = upload_file
return upload_file
def __write( self, line ):
This implementation of __write() is different than that of the base class, because it calls
make_file() whenever there is a filename instead of only for large enough files.
if self.__file is not None and self.filename:
self.file = self.make_file( '' )
self.file.write( self.__file.getvalue() )
self.__file = None
self.file.write( line )
cherrypy._cpcgifs.FieldStorage = FieldStorage
class Files( object ): class Files( object ):
""" """
Controller for dealing with uploaded files, corresponding to the "/files" URL. Controller for dealing with uploaded files, corresponding to the "/files" URL.
@ -54,39 +207,96 @@ class Files( object ):
self.__database = database self.__database = database
self.__users = users self.__users = users
file_id = Valid_id(),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
def download( self, file_id, user_id = None ):
Return the contents of file that a user has previously uploaded.
@type file_id: unicode
@param file_id: id of the file to download
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
@rtype: unicode
@return: file data
@raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the notebook that the file is in
db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id )
if not db_file or not self.__users.check_access( user_id, db_file.notebook_id ):
raise Access_error()
db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id )
cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Disposition" ] = u"attachment; filename=%s" % db_file.filename
cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Length" ] = db_file.size_bytes
# TODO: send content type
# cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Type" ] = u"image/png"
def stream():
local_file = file( Upload_file.make_server_filename( file_id ) )
while True:
data = local_file.read( CHUNK_SIZE )
if len( data ) == 0: break
yield data
return stream()
@expose( view = Upload_page ) @expose( view = Upload_page )
@validate( @validate(
notebook_id = Valid_id(), notebook_id = Valid_id(),
note_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
) )
def upload_page( self, notebook_id, note_id ): def upload_page( self, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ):
""" """
Provide the information necessary to display the file upload page. Provide the information necessary to display the file upload page, including the generation of a
unique file id.
@type notebook_id: unicode @type notebook_id: unicode
@param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload will be to @param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload will be to
@type note_id: unicode @type note_id: unicode
@param note_id: id of the note that the upload will be to @param note_id: id of the note that the upload will be to
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
@rtype: unicode @rtype: unicode
@return: rendered HTML page @return: rendered HTML page
@raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook
""" """
if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id, read_write = True ):
raise Access_error()
file_id = self.__database.next_id( File )
return dict( return dict(
notebook_id = notebook_id, notebook_id = notebook_id,
note_id = note_id, note_id = note_id,
file_id = file_id,
) )
@expose() @expose( view = Blank_page )
@strongly_expire @strongly_expire
@grab_user_id @grab_user_id
@validate( @validate(
upload = (), upload = (),
notebook_id = Valid_id(), notebook_id = Valid_id(),
note_id = Valid_id(), note_id = Valid_id(),
file_id = Valid_id(),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
) )
def upload( self, upload, notebook_id, note_id, user_id ): def upload( self, upload, notebook_id, note_id, file_id, user_id ):
""" """
Upload a file from the client for attachment to a particular note. Upload a file from the client for attachment to a particular note. The file_id must be provided
as part of the query string, even if the other values are submitted as form data.
@type upload: cgi.FieldStorage @type upload: cgi.FieldStorage
@param upload: file handle to uploaded file @param upload: file handle to uploaded file
@ -94,40 +304,90 @@ class Files( object ):
@param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload is to @param notebook_id: id of the notebook that the upload is to
@type note_id: unicode @type note_id: unicode
@param note_id: id of the note that the upload is to @param note_id: id of the note that the upload is to
@raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook or note @type file_id: unicode
@raise Upload_error: an error occurred when processing the uploaded file @param file_id: id of the file being uploaded
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType @type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any) @param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
@rtype: unicode @rtype: unicode
@return: rendered HTML page @return: rendered HTML page
@raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook or note
@raise Upload_error: the Content-Length header value is invalid
""" """
if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id ): global current_uploads, current_uploads_lock
if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id, read_write = True ):
raise Access_error() raise Access_error()
cherrypy.server.max_request_body_size = 0 # remove file size limit of 100 MB # write the file to the database
cherrypy.response.timeout = 3600 # increase upload timeout to one hour (default is 5 min) uploaded_file = current_uploads.get( file_id )
cherrypy.server.socket_timeout = 60 # increase socket timeout to one minute (default is 10 sec) if not uploaded_file:
CHUNK_SIZE = 8 * 1024 # 8 Kb raise Upload_error()
headers = {} # TODO: grab content type and store it
for key, val in cherrypy.request.headers.iteritems(): #print upload.headers.get( "content-type", "MISSING" )
headers[ key.lower() ] = val
# TODO: somehow detect when upload is canceled and abort
db_file = File.create( file_id, notebook_id, note_id, uploaded_file.filename, uploaded_file.file_received_bytes )
self.__database.save( db_file )
try: try:
file_size = int( headers.get( "content-length", 0 ) ) del( current_uploads[ file_id ] )
except ValueError: finally:
raise Upload_error() current_uploads_lock.release()
if file_size <= 0:
raise Upload_error()
filename = upload.filename.strip() return dict()
def process_upload(): @expose()
file_id = Valid_id(),
filename = unicode,
def progress( self, file_id, filename ):
Stream information on a file that is in the process of being uploaded. This method does not
perform any access checks, but the only information streamed is a progress bar and upload
@type file_id: unicode
@param file_id: id of a currently uploading file
@type filename: unicode
@param filename: name of the file to report on
@rtype: unicode
@return: streaming HTML progress bar
# release the session lock before beginning to stream the upload report. otherwise, if the
# upload is cancelled before it's done, the lock won't be released
# poll until the file is uploading (as determined by current_uploads) or completely uploaded (in
# the database with a filename)
while True:
uploading_file = current_uploads.get( file_id )
db_file = None
if uploading_file:
fraction_reported = 0.0
db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id )
if not db_file:
raise Upload_error( u"The file id is unknown" )
if db_file.filename is None:
time.sleep( 0.1 )
fraction_reported = 1.0
# TODO: maybe move this to the view/ directory
def report( uploading_file, fraction_reported ):
""" """
Process the file upload while streaming a progress meter as it uploads. Stream a progress meter as it uploads.
""" """
progress_bytes = 0 progress_bytes = 0
fraction_reported = 0.0
progress_width_em = 20 progress_width_em = 20
tick_increment = 0.01 tick_increment = 0.01
progress_bar = u'<img src="/static/images/tick.png" style="width: %sem; height: 1em;" id="progress_bar" />' % \ progress_bar = u'<img src="/static/images/tick.png" style="width: %sem; height: 1em;" id="progress_bar" />' % \
@ -144,15 +404,6 @@ class Files( object ):
<body> <body>
""" """
if not filename:
yield \
<div class="field_label">upload error: </div>
Please check that the filename is valid.
base_filename = filename.split( u"/" )[ -1 ].split( u"\\" )[ -1 ] base_filename = filename.split( u"/" )[ -1 ].split( u"\\" )[ -1 ]
yield \ yield \
u""" u"""
@ -180,46 +431,64 @@ class Files( object ):
</script> </script>
""" % ( cgi.escape( base_filename ), progress_bar, progress_width_em ) """ % ( cgi.escape( base_filename ), progress_bar, progress_width_em )
while True: if uploading_file:
chunk = upload.file.read( CHUNK_SIZE ) received_bytes = 0
if not chunk: break while received_bytes < uploading_file.content_length:
progress_bytes += len( chunk ) received_bytes = uploading_file.wait_for_total_received_bytes()
fraction_done = float( progress_bytes ) / float( file_size ) fraction_done = float( received_bytes ) / float( uploading_file.content_length )
if fraction_done > fraction_reported + tick_increment: if fraction_done == 1.0 or fraction_done > fraction_reported + tick_increment:
yield '<script type="text/javascript">tick(%s);</script>' % fraction_reported fraction_reported = fraction_done
fraction_reported = fraction_done yield '<script type="text/javascript">tick(%s);</script>' % fraction_reported
# TODO: write to the database uploading_file.wait_for_complete()
if fraction_reported == 0: if fraction_reported < 1.0:
yield "An error occurred when uploading the file.</body></html>" yield "An error occurred when uploading the file.</body></html>"
return return
# the file finished uploading, so fill out the progress meter to 100%
if fraction_reported < 1.0:
yield '<script type="text/javascript">tick(1.0);</script>'
# the setTimeout() below ensures that the 100% progress bar is displayed for at least a moment
yield \ yield \
u""" u"""
<script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout( 'withDocument( window.parent.document, function () { getElement( "upload_frame" ).pulldown.upload_complete(); } );', 10 ); withDocument( window.parent.document, function () { getElement( "upload_frame" ).pulldown.upload_complete(); } );
</script> </script>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>
""" """
upload.file.close() return report( uploading_file, fraction_reported )
# release the session lock before beginning the upload, because if the upload is cancelled @expose( view = Json )
# before it's done, the lock won't be released @strongly_expire
cherrypy.session.release_lock() @grab_user_id
file_id = Valid_id(),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
def stats( self, file_id, user_id = None ):
Return information on a file that has been completely uploaded and is stored in the database.
return process_upload() @type file_id: unicode
@param file_id: id of the file to report on
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@param user_id: id of current logged-in user (if any)
@rtype: dict
@return: {
'filename': filename,
'size_bytes': filesize,
@raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the notebook that the file is in
db_file = self.__database.load( File, file_id )
def stats( file_id ): if not db_file or not self.__users.check_access( user_id, db_file.notebook_id ):
pass raise Access_error()
return dict(
filename = db_file.filename,
size_bytes = db_file.size_bytes,
def rename( file_id, filename ): def rename( file_id, filename ):
pass pass # TODO

View File

@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ def grab_user_id( function ):
arg_names = list( function.func_code.co_varnames ) arg_names = list( function.func_code.co_varnames )
if "user_id" in arg_names: if "user_id" in arg_names:
arg_index = arg_names.index( "user_id" ) arg_index = arg_names.index( "user_id" )
args[ arg_index ] = cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" ) args = list( args )
args[ arg_index - 1 ] = cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" )
else: else:
kwargs[ "user_id" ] = cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" ) kwargs[ "user_id" ] = cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" )

View File

@ -146,10 +146,12 @@ class Valid_int( object ):
def __call__( self, value ): def __call__( self, value ):
value = int( value ) value = int( value )
if self.min is not None and value < min: if self.min is not None and value < self.min:
self.message = "is too small" self.message = "is too small"
if self.max is not None and value > max: raise ValueError()
if self.max is not None and value > self.max:
self.message = "is too large" self.message = "is too large"
raise ValueError()
return value return value

View File

@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ from StringIO import StringIO
from copy import copy from copy import copy
class Truncated_StringIO( StringIO ):
A wrapper for StringIO that forcibly closes the file when only some of it has been read. Used
for simulating an upload that is canceled part of the way through.
def readline( self, size = None ):
if self.tell() >= len( self.getvalue() ) * 0.25:
return ""
return StringIO.readline( self, 256 )
class Test_controller( object ): class Test_controller( object ):
def __init__( self ): def __init__( self ):
from model.User import User from model.User import User
@ -427,7 +440,7 @@ class Test_controller( object ):
finally: finally:
request.close() request.close()
def http_upload( self, http_path, form_args, filename, file_data, headers = None, session_id = None ): def http_upload( self, http_path, form_args, filename, file_data, simulate_cancel = False, headers = None, session_id = None ):
""" """
Perform an HTTP POST with the given path on the test server, sending the provided form_args Perform an HTTP POST with the given path on the test server, sending the provided form_args
and file_data as a multipart form file upload. Return the result dict as returned by the and file_data as a multipart form file upload. Return the result dict as returned by the
@ -452,16 +465,21 @@ class Test_controller( object ):
headers = [] headers = []
post_data = str( "".join( post_data ) ) post_data = str( "".join( post_data ) )
headers.extend( [ headers.append( ( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % boundary ) )
( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % boundary ),
( "Content-Length", str( len( post_data ) ) ), if "Content-Length" not in [ name for ( name, value ) in headers ]:
] ) headers.append( ( "Content-Length", str( len( post_data ) ) ) )
if session_id: if session_id:
headers.append( ( u"Cookie", "session_id=%s" % session_id ) ) # will break if unicode is used for the value headers.append( ( u"Cookie", "session_id=%s" % session_id ) ) # will break if unicode is used for the value
if simulate_cancel:
file_wrapper = Truncated_StringIO( post_data )
file_wrapper = StringIO( post_data )
request = cherrypy.server.request( ( u"", 1234 ), u"" ) request = cherrypy.server.request( ( u"", 1234 ), u"" )
response = request.run( "POST %s HTTP/1.0" % str( http_path ), headers = headers, rfile = StringIO( post_data ) ) response = request.run( "POST %s HTTP/1.0" % str( http_path ), headers = headers, rfile = file_wrapper )
session_id = response.simple_cookie.get( u"session_id" ) session_id = response.simple_cookie.get( u"session_id" )
if session_id: session_id = session_id.value if session_id: session_id = session_id.value

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
assert result.get( u"notebook_id" ) == self.notebook.object_id assert result.get( u"notebook_id" ) == self.notebook.object_id
assert result.get( u"note_id" ) == self.note.object_id assert result.get( u"note_id" ) == self.note.object_id
def test_upload_file( self ): def test_upload( self ):
self.login() self.login()
result = self.http_upload( result = self.http_upload(
@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
raise exc raise exc
# assert that the progress bar is moving, and then completes # assert that the progress bar is moving, and then completes
assert tick_count >= 3 assert tick_count >= 2
assert tick_done assert tick_done
# TODO: assert that the uploaded file actually got stored somewhere # TODO: assert that the uploaded file actually got stored somewhere
def test_upload_file_without_login( self ): def test_upload_without_login( self ):
result = self.http_upload( result = self.http_upload(
"/files/upload", "/files/upload",
dict( dict(
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
assert u"access" in result.get( u"body" )[ 0 ] assert u"access" in result.get( u"body" )[ 0 ]
def test_upload_file_without_access( self ): def test_upload_without_access( self ):
self.login2() self.login2()
result = self.http_upload( result = self.http_upload(
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
assert u"access" in result.get( u"body" )[ 0 ] assert u"access" in result.get( u"body" )[ 0 ]
def assert_inline_error( self, result ): def assert_streaming_error( self, result ):
gen = result[ u"body" ] gen = result[ u"body" ]
assert isinstance( gen, types.GeneratorType ) assert isinstance( gen, types.GeneratorType )
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
assert found_error assert found_error
def test_upload_file_unnamed( self ): def test_upload_unnamed( self ):
self.login() self.login()
result = self.http_upload( result = self.http_upload(
@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
session_id = self.session_id, session_id = self.session_id,
) )
self.assert_inline_error( result ) self.assert_streaming_error( result )
def test_upload_file_empty( self ): def test_upload_empty( self ):
self.login() self.login()
result = self.http_upload( result = self.http_upload(
@ -182,12 +182,43 @@ class Test_files( Test_controller ):
session_id = self.session_id, session_id = self.session_id,
) )
self.assert_inline_error( result ) self.assert_streaming_error( result )
def test_upload_file_cancel( self ): def test_upload_invalid_content_length( self ):
raise NotImplementError() self.login()
def test_upload_file_over_quota( self ): result = self.http_upload(
notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id,
note_id = self.note.object_id,
filename = self.filename,
file_data = self.file_data,
headers = [ ( "Content-Length", "-10" ) ],
session_id = self.session_id,
assert "invalid" in result[ "body" ][ 0 ]
def test_upload_cancel( self ):
result = self.http_upload(
notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id,
note_id = self.note.object_id,
filename = self.filename,
file_data = self.file_data,
simulate_cancel = True,
session_id = self.session_id,
self.assert_streaming_error( result )
def test_upload_over_quota( self ):
raise NotImplementError() raise NotImplementError()
def login( self ): def login( self ):

model/File.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
from Persistent import Persistent, quote
from psycopg2 import Binary
from StringIO import StringIO
class File( Persistent ):
Metadata about an uploaded file. The actual file data is stored on the filesystem instead of in
the database. (Binary conversion to/from PostgreSQL's bytea is too slow, and the version of
psycopg2 I'm using doesn't have large object support.)
def __init__( self, object_id, revision = None, notebook_id = None, note_id = None,
filename = None, size_bytes = None ):
Create a File with the given id.
@type object_id: unicode
@param object_id: id of the File
@type revision: datetime or NoneType
@param revision: revision timestamp of the object (optional, defaults to now)
@type notebook_id: unicode or NoneType
@param notebook_id: id of the notebook containing the file
@type note_id: unicode or NoneType
@param note_id: id of the note linking to the file
@type filename: unicode
@param filename: name of the file on the client
@type size_bytes: int
@param size_bytes: length of the file data in bytes
@rtype: File
@return: newly constructed File
Persistent.__init__( self, object_id, revision )
self.__notebook_id = notebook_id
self.__note_id = note_id
self.__filename = filename
self.__size_bytes = size_bytes
def create( object_id, notebook_id = None, note_id = None, filename = None, size_bytes = None ):
Convenience constructor for creating a new File.
@type object_id: unicode
@param object_id: id of the File
@type notebook_id: unicode or NoneType
@param notebook_id: id of the notebook containing the file
@type note_id: unicode or NoneType
@param note_id: id of the note linking to the file
@type filename: unicode
@param filename: name of the file on the client
@type size_bytes: int
@param size_bytes: length of the file data in bytes
@rtype: File
@return: newly constructed File
return File( object_id, notebook_id = notebook_id, note_id = note_id, filename = filename,
size_bytes = size_bytes )
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ):
# Files don't store old revisions
if revision:
raise NotImplementedError()
return \
file.id, file.revision, file.notebook_id, file.note_id, file.filename, size_bytes
file.id = %s;
""" % quote( object_id )
def sql_id_exists( object_id, revision = None ):
if revision:
raise NotImplementedError()
return "select id from file where id = %s;" % quote( object_id )
def sql_exists( self ):
return File.sql_id_exists( self.object_id )
def sql_create( self ):
return "insert into file ( id, revision, notebook_id, note_id, filename, size_bytes ) values ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );" % \
( quote( self.object_id ), quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__notebook_id ), quote( self.__note_id ),
quote( self.__filename ), self.__size_bytes or 'null' )
def sql_update( self ):
return "update file set revision = %s, notebook_id = %s, note_id = %s, filename = %s, size_bytes = %s where id = %s;" % \
( quote( self.revision ), quote( self.__notebook_id ), quote( self.__note_id ), quote( self.__filename ),
self.__size_bytes or 'null', quote( self.object_id ) )
def to_dict( self ):
d = Persistent.to_dict( self )
d.update( dict(
notebook_id = self.__notebook_id,
note_id = self.__note_id,
filename = self.__filename,
size_bytes = self.__size_bytes,
) )
return d
notebook_id = property( lambda self: self.__notebook_id )
note_id = property( lambda self: self.__note_id )
filename = property( lambda self: self.__filename )
size_bytes = property( lambda self: self.__size_bytes )

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Invite( Persistent ):
@staticmethod @staticmethod
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ): def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ):
# password resets don't store old revisions # invites don't store old revisions
if revision: if revision:
raise NotImplementedError() raise NotImplementedError()

model/delta/1.2.0.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
create table file (
id text,
revision timestamp with time zone,
notebook_id text,
note_id text,
filename text,
size_bytes integer
alter table file add primary key ( id );

View File

@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ DROP VIEW notebook_current;
DROP TABLE notebook; DROP TABLE notebook;
DROP TABLE password_reset; DROP TABLE password_reset;
DROP TABLE user_notebook; DROP TABLE user_notebook;
DROP TABLE invite;

View File

@ -31,6 +31,22 @@ CREATE FUNCTION drop_html_tags(text) RETURNS text
ALTER FUNCTION public.drop_html_tags(text) OWNER TO luminotes; ALTER FUNCTION public.drop_html_tags(text) OWNER TO luminotes;
-- Name: file; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: luminotes; Tablespace:
id text NOT NULL,
revision timestamp with time zone,
notebook_id text,
note_id text,
filename text,
size_bytes integer
ALTER TABLE public.file OWNER TO luminotes;
-- --
-- Name: invite; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: luminotes; Tablespace: -- Name: invite; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: luminotes; Tablespace:
-- --
@ -161,6 +177,14 @@ CREATE TABLE user_notebook (
ALTER TABLE public.user_notebook OWNER TO luminotes; ALTER TABLE public.user_notebook OWNER TO luminotes;
-- Name: file_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: luminotes; Tablespace:
-- --
-- Name: invite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: luminotes; Tablespace: -- Name: invite_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: luminotes; Tablespace:
-- --

model/test/Test_file.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from pytz import utc
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from model.File import File
class Test_file( object ):
def setUp( self ):
self.object_id = u"17"
self.notebook_id = u"18"
self.note_id = u"19"
self.filename = u"foo.png"
self.size_bytes = 2888
self.delta = timedelta( seconds = 1 )
self.file = File.create( self.object_id, self.notebook_id, self.note_id, self.filename,
self.size_bytes )
def test_create( self ):
assert self.file.object_id == self.object_id
assert self.file.notebook_id == self.notebook_id
assert self.file.note_id == self.note_id
assert self.file.filename == self.filename
assert self.file.size_bytes == self.size_bytes
def test_to_dict( self ):
d = self.file.to_dict()
assert d.get( "object_id" ) == self.object_id
assert datetime.now( tz = utc ) - d.get( "revision" ) < self.delta
assert d.get( "notebook_id" ) == self.notebook_id
assert d.get( "note_id" ) == self.note_id
assert d.get( "filename" ) == self.filename
assert d.get( "size_bytes" ) == self.size_bytes

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from pytz import utc from pytz import utc
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from model.User import User
from model.Invite import Invite from model.Invite import Invite

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
from model.User import User
from model.Password_reset import Password_reset from model.Password_reset import Password_reset

View File

@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ img {
color: #ff6600; color: #ff6600;
} }
#upload_frame { .upload_frame {
padding: 0; padding: 0;
margin: 0; margin: 0;
width: 40em; width: 40em;

View File

@ -378,6 +378,12 @@ Editor.prototype.mouse_clicked = function ( event ) {
return; return;
} }
// special case for links to uploaded files
if ( !link.target && /\/files\//.test( link.href ) ) {
location.href = link.href;
event.stop(); event.stop();
// load the note corresponding to the clicked link // load the note corresponding to the clicked link

View File

@ -113,9 +113,13 @@ Wiki.prototype.update_next_id = function ( result ) {
var KILOBYTE = 1024; var KILOBYTE = 1024;
function bytes_to_megabytes( bytes, or_kilobytes ) { function bytes_to_megabytes( bytes, choose_units ) {
if ( or_kilobytes && bytes < MEGABYTE ) if ( choose_units ) {
return Math.round( bytes / KILOBYTE ) + " KB"; if ( bytes < KILOBYTE )
return bytes + " bytes";
if ( bytes < MEGABYTE )
return Math.round( bytes / KILOBYTE ) + " KB";
return Math.round( bytes / MEGABYTE ) + " MB"; return Math.round( bytes / MEGABYTE ) + " MB";
} }
@ -731,7 +735,7 @@ Wiki.prototype.display_link_pulldown = function ( editor, link ) {
if ( link_title( link ).length > 0 ) { if ( link_title( link ).length > 0 ) {
if ( !pulldown ) { if ( !pulldown ) {
this.clear_pulldowns(); this.clear_pulldowns();
// display a different pulldown dependong on whether the link is a note link or a file link // display a different pulldown depending on whether the link is a note link or a file link
if ( link.target || !/\/files\//.test( link.href ) ) if ( link.target || !/\/files\//.test( link.href ) )
new Link_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor, link ); new Link_pulldown( this, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor, link );
else else
@ -2246,9 +2250,11 @@ function Upload_pulldown( wiki, notebook_id, invoker, editor ) {
"frameBorder": "0", "frameBorder": "0",
"scrolling": "no", "scrolling": "no",
"id": "upload_frame", "id": "upload_frame",
"name": "upload_frame" "name": "upload_frame",
"class": "upload_frame"
} ); } );
this.iframe.pulldown = this; this.iframe.pulldown = this;
this.file_id = null;
var self = this; var self = this;
connect( this.iframe, "onload", function ( event ) { self.init_frame(); } ); connect( this.iframe, "onload", function ( event ) { self.init_frame(); } );
@ -2266,26 +2272,47 @@ Upload_pulldown.prototype.init_frame = function () {
withDocument( doc, function () { withDocument( doc, function () {
connect( "upload_button", "onclick", function ( event ) { connect( "upload_button", "onclick", function ( event ) {
withDocument( doc, function () { withDocument( doc, function () {
self.upload_started( getElement( "upload" ).value ); self.upload_started( getElement( "file_id" ).value, getElement( "upload" ).value );
} ); } );
} ); } );
} ); } );
} }
Upload_pulldown.prototype.upload_started = function ( filename ) { Upload_pulldown.prototype.upload_started = function ( file_id, filename ) {
this.file_id = file_id;
// make the upload iframe invisible but still present so that the upload continues
addElementClass( this.iframe, "invisible" );
setElementDimensions( this.iframe, { "h": "0" } );
// get the basename of the file // get the basename of the file
var pieces = filename.split( "/" ); var pieces = filename.split( "/" );
filename = pieces[ pieces.length - 1 ]; filename = pieces[ pieces.length - 1 ];
pieces = filename.split( "\\" ); pieces = filename.split( "\\" );
filename = pieces[ pieces.length - 1 ]; filename = pieces[ pieces.length - 1 ];
// the current title is blank, replace the title with the upload's filename // if the current title is blank, replace the title with the upload's filename
if ( link_title( this.link ) == "" ) if ( link_title( this.link ) == "" )
replaceChildNodes( this.link, this.editor.document.createTextNode( filename ) ); replaceChildNodes( this.link, this.editor.document.createTextNode( filename ) );
// TODO: set the link's href to the file
// FIXME: this call might occur before upload() is even called
var progress_iframe = createDOM( "iframe", {
"src": "/files/progress?file_id=" + file_id + "&filename=" + escape( filename ),
"frameBorder": "0",
"scrolling": "no",
"id": "progress_frame",
"name": "progress_frame",
"class": "upload_frame"
} );
appendChildNodes( this.div, progress_iframe );
} }
Upload_pulldown.prototype.upload_complete = function () { Upload_pulldown.prototype.upload_complete = function () {
// now that the upload is done, the file link should point to the uploaded file
this.link.href = "/files/download?file_id=" + this.file_id
// FIXME: the upload pulldown is sometimes being closed here before the upload is complete, thereby truncating the upload
new File_link_pulldown( this.wiki, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, this.editor, this.link ); new File_link_pulldown( this.wiki, this.notebook_id, this.invoker, this.editor, this.link );
this.shutdown(); this.shutdown();
} }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from Tags import Html, Head, Link, Meta, Body, P, Form, Span, Input
class Upload_page( Html ): class Upload_page( Html ):
def __init__( self, notebook_id, note_id ): def __init__( self, notebook_id, note_id, file_id ):
Html.__init__( Html.__init__(
self, self,
Head( Head(
@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ class Upload_page( Html ):
Body( Body(
Form( Form(
Span( u"attach file: ", class_ = u"field_label" ), Span( u"attach file: ", class_ = u"field_label" ),
Input( type = u"file", id = u"upload", name = u"upload", class_ = "text_field", size = u"30" ),
Input( type = u"submit", id = u"upload_button", class_ = u"button", value = u"upload" ),
Input( type = u"hidden", id = u"notebook_id", name = u"notebook_id", value = notebook_id ), Input( type = u"hidden", id = u"notebook_id", name = u"notebook_id", value = notebook_id ),
Input( type = u"hidden", id = u"note_id", name = u"note_id", value = note_id ), Input( type = u"hidden", id = u"note_id", name = u"note_id", value = note_id ),
action = u"/files/upload", Input( type = u"file", id = u"upload", name = u"upload", class_ = "text_field", size = u"30" ),
Input( type = u"submit", id = u"upload_button", class_ = u"button", value = u"upload" ),
action = u"/files/upload?file_id=%s" % file_id,
method = u"post", method = u"post",
enctype = u"multipart/form-data", enctype = u"multipart/form-data",
), ),
P( u"Please select a file to upload." ), P( u"Please select a file to upload." ),
Span( id = u"tick_preload" ), Span( id = u"tick_preload" ),
Input( type = u"hidden", id = u"file_id", value = file_id ),
), ),
) )