Fork 0

Factored out page navigation (pagination) code and made use of it on forum thread list page.

This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2008-10-31 15:17:59 -07:00
parent fd681ed388
commit 6708675fec
4 changed files with 112 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -91,9 +91,11 @@ class Forum( object ):
start = Valid_int( min = 0 ),
count = Valid_int( min = 1, max = 50 ),
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
def index( self, user_id ):
def index( self, start = 0, count = 50, user_id = None ):
Provide the information necessary to display the current threads within a forum.
@ -111,23 +113,34 @@ class Forum( object ):
if anonymous is None:
raise Access_error()
# load a list of the threads in this forum, excluding those with a default name
threads = [ thread for thread in self.__database.select_many(
# load a slice of the list of the threads in this forum, excluding those with a default name
threads = self.__database.select_many(
parents_only = False, undeleted_only = True, tag_name = u"forum", tag_value = self.__name
parents_only = False, undeleted_only = True, tag_name = u"forum", tag_value = self.__name,
exclude_notebook_name = self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME, reverse = True,
start = start, count = count,
) if thread.name != self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME ]
# put threads in reverse chronological order by creation date
# if there are no matching threads, then this forum doesn't exist
if len( threads ) == 0:
raise cherrypy.NotFound
# count the total number of threads in this forum, excluding those with a default name
total_thread_count = self.__database.select_one(
parents_only = False, undeleted_only = True, tag_name = u"forum", tag_value = self.__name,
exclude_notebook_name = self.DEFAULT_THREAD_NAME,
result[ "forum_name" ] = self.__name
result[ "threads" ] = threads
result[ "start" ] = start
result[ "count" ] = count
result[ "total_thread_count" ] = total_thread_count
return result
@expose( view = Main_page )

View File

@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ class User( Persistent ):
return "select * from luminotes_user_current where email_address = %s;" % quote( email_address )
def sql_load_notebooks( self, parents_only = False, undeleted_only = False, read_write = False,
tag_name = None, tag_value = None, notebook_id = None ):
tag_name = None, tag_value = None, notebook_id = None,
exclude_notebook_name = None, start = 0, count = None, reverse = False ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of the notebooks to which this user has access.
@ -173,6 +174,26 @@ class User( Persistent ):
notebook_id_clause = ""
if exclude_notebook_name:
notebook_name_clause = " and not notebook_current.name = %s" % quote( exclude_notebook_name )
notebook_name_clause = ""
if reverse:
ordering = u"desc"
ordering = u"asc"
if count is not None:
limit_clause = " limit %s" % count
limit_clause = ""
if start:
offset_clause = " offset %s" % start
offset_clause = ""
return \
@ -180,11 +201,63 @@ class User( Persistent ):
user_notebook, notebook_current%s
user_notebook.user_id = %s%s%s%s%s%s and
user_notebook.user_id = %s%s%s%s%s%s%s and
user_notebook.notebook_id = notebook_current.id
order by user_notebook.rank, notebook_current.revision;
order by user_notebook.rank, notebook_current.revision %s%s%s;
""" % ( tag_tables, quote( self.object_id ), parents_only_clause, undeleted_only_clause,
read_write_clause, tag_clause, notebook_id_clause )
read_write_clause, tag_clause, notebook_id_clause, notebook_name_clause, ordering,
limit_clause, offset_clause )
def sql_count_notebooks( self, parents_only = False, undeleted_only = False, read_write = False,
tag_name = None, tag_value = None, exclude_notebook_name = None ):
Return a SQL string to count the number notebooks to which this user has access.
if parents_only:
parents_only_clause = " and trash_id is not null"
parents_only_clause = ""
if undeleted_only:
undeleted_only_clause = " and deleted = 'f'"
undeleted_only_clause = ""
if read_write:
read_write_clause = " and user_notebook.read_write = 't'"
read_write_clause = ""
if tag_name:
tag_tables = ", tag_notebook, tag"
tag_clause = \
and tag_notebook.tag_id = tag.id and tag_notebook.user_id = %s and
tag_notebook.notebook_id = notebook_current.id and tag.name = %s
""" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( tag_name ) )
if tag_value:
tag_clause += " and tag_notebook.value = %s" % quote( tag_value )
tag_tables = ""
tag_clause = ""
if exclude_notebook_name:
notebook_name_clause = " and not notebook_current.name = %s" % quote( exclude_notebook_name )
notebook_name_clause = ""
return \
count( notebook_current.id )
user_notebook, notebook_current%s
user_notebook.user_id = %s%s%s%s%s%s and
user_notebook.notebook_id = notebook_current.id;
""" % ( tag_tables, quote( self.object_id ), parents_only_clause, undeleted_only_clause,
read_write_clause, tag_clause, notebook_name_clause )
def sql_save_notebook( self, notebook_id, read_write = True, owner = True, rank = None, own_notes_only = False ):

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
from Product_page import Product_page
from Page_navigation import Page_navigation
from Tags import Div, H1, A, P
class Forum_page( Product_page ):
def __init__( self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, forum_name, threads ):
def __init__(
self, user, notebooks, first_notebook, login_url, logout_url, rate_plan, groups, forum_name,
threads, total_thread_count, start = 0, count = None,
full_forum_name = "%s forum" % forum_name
@ -32,4 +36,5 @@ class Forum_page( Product_page ):
) for thread in threads ],
class_ = u"forum_threads",
Page_navigation( u"/forums/%s" % forum_name, len( threads ), total_thread_count, start, count ),

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from Json import Json
from Rounded_div import Rounded_div
from config.Version import VERSION
from model.Notebook import Notebook
from Page_navigation import Page_navigation
class Main_page( Page ):
@ -211,7 +212,9 @@ class Main_page( Page ):
id = u"deleted_notebooks",
self.page_navigation( notebook_path, len( notes ), total_notes_count, start, count ),
notebook_path, len( notes ), total_notes_count, start, count,
( notebook.read_write == Notebook.READ_WRITE_FOR_OWN_NOTES and user.username and user.username != u"anonymous" ) and \
P( u"If you write a comment, click the save button to publish it.", class_ = u"small_text" ) or None,
@ -231,7 +234,10 @@ class Main_page( Page ):
u"document.getElementById( 'static_notes' ).style.display = 'none';",
type = u"text/javascript",
self.page_navigation( notebook_path, len( notes ), total_notes_count, start, count, top = False ),
notebook_path, len( notes ), total_notes_count, start, count,
return_text = u"return to the discussion",
id = u"notebook_background",
corners = ( u"tl", ),
@ -247,45 +253,3 @@ class Main_page( Page ):
id = u"everything_area",
def page_navigation( self, notebook_path, displayed_notes_count, total_notes_count, start, notes_per_page, top = True ):
if start is None or notes_per_page is None:
return None
if displayed_notes_count == 1 and displayed_notes_count < total_notes_count:
if top is True:
return None
return Div(
u"return to the discussion",
href = "%s" % notebook_path,
if start == 0 and notes_per_page >= total_notes_count:
return None
return Div(
( start > 0 ) and Span(
href = "%s?start=%d&count=%d" % ( notebook_path, max( start - notes_per_page, 0 ), notes_per_page ),
u" | ",
) or None,
[ Span(
( start == page_start ) and Strong( unicode( page_number + 1 ) ) or A(
Strong( unicode( page_number + 1 ) ),
href = "%s?start=%d&count=%d" % ( notebook_path, page_start, notes_per_page ),
) for ( page_number, page_start ) in enumerate( range( 0, total_notes_count, notes_per_page ) ) ],
( start + notes_per_page < total_notes_count ) and Span(
u" | ",
href = "%s?start=%d&count=%d" % ( notebook_path, min( start + notes_per_page, total_notes_count - 1 ), notes_per_page ),
) or None,