Fork 0

Revamped searching to use PostgreSQL's tsearch2 full-text searching.

This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2007-11-02 20:19:53 +00:00
parent 4ca87af17c
commit 37e886f27c
7 changed files with 75 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ First, install the prerequisites:
In Debian GNU/Linux, you can issue the following command to install these
apt-get install python2.4 python-cherrypy postgresql-8.1 python-psycopg2 python-simplejson python-tz
apt-get install python2.4 python-cherrypy postgresql-8.1 \
postgresql-contrib-8.1 python-psycopg2 python-simplejson python-tz
development mode

View File

@ -576,14 +576,15 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
notebook_id = Valid_id(),
search_text = Valid_string( min = 0, max = 100 ),
search_text = unicode,
user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ),
def search( self, notebook_id, search_text, user_id ):
Search the notes within a particular notebook for the given search text. Note that the search
is case-insensitive, and all HTML tags are ignored. The matching notes are returned with title
matches first, followed by all other matches.
is case-insensitive, and all HTML tags are ignored. Notes with title matches are generally
ranked higher than matches that are only in the note contents. The returned notes have their
normal contents replaced with summary contents with the search terms highlighted.
@type notebook_id: unicode
@param notebook_id: id of notebook to search
@ -595,6 +596,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
@return: { 'notes': [ matching notes ] }
@raise Access_error: the current user doesn't have access to the given notebook
@raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid
@raise Search_error: the provided search_text is invalid
if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id ):
raise Access_error()
@ -604,26 +606,17 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
if not notebook:
raise Access_error()
search_text = search_text.lower()
if len( search_text ) == 0:
return dict( notes = [] )
if len( search_text ) > MAX_SEARCH_TEXT_LENGTH:
raise Validation_error( u"search_text", None, unicode, message = u"is too long" )
title_matches = []
content_matches = []
nuker = Html_nuker()
if len( search_text ) == 0:
raise Validation_error( u"search_text", None, unicode, message = u"is missing" )
notes = self.__database.select_many( Note, notebook.sql_search_notes( search_text ) )
# further narrow the search results by making sure notes still match after all HTML tags are
# stripped out
for note in notes:
if search_text in nuker.nuke( note.title ).lower():
title_matches.append( note )
elif search_text in nuker.nuke( note.contents ).lower():
content_matches.append( note )
return dict(
notes = title_matches + content_matches,
notes = notes,
@expose( view = Json )

View File

@ -1475,7 +1475,23 @@ class Test_notebooks( Test_controller ):
notes = result.get( "notes" )
assert len( notes ) == 0
assert result[ "error" ]
assert u"missing" in result[ "error" ]
def test_long_search( self ):
search_text = "w" * 257
result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id,
search_text = search_text,
), session_id = self.session_id )
notes = result.get( "notes" )
assert result[ "error" ]
assert u"too long" in result[ "error" ]
def test_search_with_no_results( self ):
@ -1512,20 +1528,6 @@ class Test_notebooks( Test_controller ):
assert notes[ 0 ].object_id == note3.object_id
assert notes[ 1 ].object_id == self.note.object_id
def test_search_html_tags( self ):
search_text = "h3"
result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict(
notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id,
search_text = search_text,
), session_id = self.session_id )
notes = result.get( "notes" )
assert len( notes ) == 0
def test_search_character_refs( self ):

View File

@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ class Note( Persistent ):
def sql_load( object_id, revision = None ):
if revision:
return "select * from note where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote( object_id ), quote( revision ) )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note where id = %s and revision = %s;" % ( quote( object_id ), quote( revision ) )
return "select * from note_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note_current where id = %s;" % quote( object_id )
def sql_id_exists( object_id, revision = None ):

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import re
from copy import copy
from Note import Note
from Persistent import Persistent, quote
@ -7,6 +8,10 @@ class Notebook( Persistent ):
A collection of wiki notes.
WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile( r"\s+" )
SEARCH_OPERATORS = re.compile( r"[&|!()]" )
def __init__( self, object_id, revision = None, name = None, trash_id = None, read_write = True ):
Create a new notebook with the given id and name.
@ -78,19 +83,19 @@ class Notebook( Persistent ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of all the notes within this notebook.
return "select * from note_current where notebook_id = %s order by revision desc;" % quote( self.object_id )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note_current where notebook_id = %s order by revision desc;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_non_startup_notes( self ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of the non-startup notes within this notebook.
return "select * from note_current where notebook_id = %s and startup = 'f' order by revision desc;" % quote( self.object_id )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note_current where notebook_id = %s and startup = 'f' order by revision desc;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_startup_notes( self ):
Return a SQL string to load a list of the startup notes within this notebook.
return "select * from note_current where notebook_id = %s and startup = 't' order by rank;" % quote( self.object_id )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note_current where notebook_id = %s and startup = 't' order by rank;" % quote( self.object_id )
def sql_load_recent_notes( self, start = 0, count = 10 ):
@ -104,7 +109,9 @@ class Notebook( Persistent ):
return \
note_current.*, note_creation.revision as creation
note_current.id, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents,
note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id,
note_current.rank, note_creation.revision as creation
( select id, min( revision ) as revision from note where notebook_id = %s group by id ) as note_creation
@ -120,7 +127,7 @@ class Notebook( Persistent ):
@type note_id: unicode
@param note_id: id of note to load
return "select * from note_current where notebook_id = %s and id = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( note_id ) )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note_current where notebook_id = %s and id = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( note_id ) )
def sql_load_note_by_title( self, title ):
@ -129,19 +136,34 @@ class Notebook( Persistent ):
@type note_id: unicode
@param note_id: title of note to load
return "select * from note_current where notebook_id = %s and title = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( title ) )
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank from note_current where notebook_id = %s and title = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( title ) )
def sql_search_notes( self, search_text ):
Return a SQL string to search for notes whose contents contain the given search_text. This
is a case-insensitive search.
Return a SQL string to perform a full-text search for notes whose contents contain the given
search_text. This is a case-insensitive search.
@type search_text: unicode
@param search_text: text to search for within the notes
# strip out all search operators
search_text = self.SEARCH_OPERATORS.sub( u"", search_text ).strip()
# join all words with boolean "and" operator
search_text = u"&".join( self.WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split( search_text ) )
print search_text
return \
"select * from note_current where notebook_id = %s and contents ilike %s;" % \
( quote( self.object_id ), quote( "%" + search_text + "%" ) )
select id, revision, title, headline( drop_html_tags( contents ), query ), notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id from (
id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, query, rank_cd( search, query ) as rank
note_current, to_tsquery( 'default', %s ) query
notebook_id = %s and query @@ search order by rank desc limit 20
) as sub;
""" % ( quote( search_text ), quote( self.object_id ) )
def sql_highest_rank( self ):

View File

@ -989,25 +989,6 @@ Wiki.prototype.display_search_results = function ( result ) {
// TODO: highlight the search term within the search results, idealy showing
// a section of the note contents including the search term
// if there's only one search result, automatically feel lucky^Wfortunate
if ( result.notes.length == 1 ) {
var note = result.notes[ 0 ]
// if the editor is already open, highlight it and bail
var iframe = getElement( "note_" + note.object_id );
if ( iframe ) {
// otherwise, create an editor for the one note
this.create_editor( note.object_id, note.contents, note.deleted_from_id, note.revision, undefined, this.notebook.read_write, true, true );
// otherwise, there are multiple search results, so create a "magic" search results note. but
// first close any open search results notes
if ( this.search_results_editor )
@ -1018,26 +999,24 @@ Wiki.prototype.display_search_results = function ( result ) {
var note = result.notes[ i ]
if ( !note.title ) continue;
var contents_node = createDOM( "span", {} );
contents_node.innerHTML = note.contents;
contents = strip( scrapeText( contents_node ) );
// remove the title from the scraped contents text
if ( contents.indexOf( note.title ) == 0 )
contents = contents.substr( note.title.length );
if ( contents.length == 0 ) {
if ( note.contents.length == 0 ) {
var preview = "empty note";
} else {
var max_preview_length = 160;
var preview = contents.substr( 0, max_preview_length ) + ( ( contents.length > max_preview_length ) ? "..." : "" );
var preview = note.contents;
// if the preview appears not to end with a complete sentence, add "..."
if ( !/[?!.]\s*$/.test( preview ) )
preview = preview + " <b>...</b>";
var preview_span = createDOM( "span" );
preview_span.innerHTML = preview;
appendChildNodes( list,
createDOM( "p", {},
createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + note.object_id }, note.title ),
createDOM( "br" ),
createDOM( "span", {}, preview )

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ class Search_form( Form ):
Strong( u"search: " ),
Input( type = u"text", name = u"search_text", id = u"search_text", size = 30, maxlength = 100 ),
Input( type = u"text", name = u"search_text", id = u"search_text", size = 30, maxlength = 512 ),
id = u"search_form",