Fork 0

Now using memcached in various places to improve performance. If the Python

cmemcache module is not importable, then memcached simply won't be used.
This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2008-03-05 00:34:58 +00:00
parent 1bd3cacb42
commit 21ccc97826
9 changed files with 116 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -143,6 +143,38 @@ shows up in various error messages and other places for a support contact
For improved performance, it is recommended that you install and use memcached
for production servers.
First, install the prerequisites:
* python-dev 2.4
* libmemcache-dev 1.4
* memcached 1.4
* cmemcache 0.91
In Debian GNU/Linux, you can issue the following command to install these
apt-get install python2.4-dev libmemcache-dev memcached
The cmemcache package is not currently included with Debian Etch, so you'll
have to build and install it manually. Download and untar the package from:
From the untarred cmemcache directory, issue the following command as root:
python2.4 setup.py install
This should build and install the cmemcache module. Once installed, Luminotes
will use the module automatically. When Luminotes starts up, you should see a
"using memcached" message.
Python unit tests

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
1.2.2: March ?, 2008
1.2.2: March 4, 2008
* Introduced database object caching to improve performance.
* Wrote a database reaper script to delete unused notes, notebooks, etc.
* Added some database indices to improve select performance.
* Now scrolling the page vertically to show opened errors and messages.

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@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
import re
import os
import sha
import psycopg2 as psycopg
from psycopg2.pool import PersistentConnectionPool
import random
from model.Persistent import Persistent
class Database( object ):
ID_BITS = 128 # number of bits within an id
ID_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def __init__( self, connection = None ):
def __init__( self, connection = None, cache = None ):
Create a new database and return it.
@type connection: existing connection object with cursor()/close()/commit() methods, or NoneType
@param connection: database connection to use (optional, defaults to making a connection pool)
@type cache: cmemcache.Client or something with a similar API, or NoneType
@param cache: existing memory cache to use (optional, defaults to making a cache)
@rtype: Database
@return: newly constructed Database
@ -33,6 +37,15 @@ class Database( object ):
"dbname=luminotes user=luminotes password=%s" % os.getenv( "PGPASSWORD", "dev" ),
self.__cache = cache
if not cache:
import cmemcache
self.__cache = cmemcache.Client( [ "" ], debug = 0 )
print "using memcached"
except ImportError:
def __get_connection( self ):
if self.__connection:
return self.__connection
@ -59,6 +72,8 @@ class Database( object ):
if commit:
if self.__cache:
self.__cache.set( obj.cache_key, obj )
def commit( self ):
@ -78,9 +93,18 @@ class Database( object ):
@rtype: Object_type or NoneType
@return: loaded object, or None if no match
return self.select_one( Object_type, Object_type.sql_load( object_id, revision ) )
if revision is None and self.__cache: # don't bother caching old revisions
obj = self.__cache.get( Persistent.make_cache_key( Object_type, object_id ) )
if obj:
return obj
def select_one( self, Object_type, sql_command ):
obj = self.select_one( Object_type, Object_type.sql_load( object_id, revision ) )
if obj and revision is None and self.__cache:
self.__cache.set( obj.cache_key, obj )
return obj
def select_one( self, Object_type, sql_command, use_cache = False ):
Execute the given sql_command and return its results in the form of an object of Object_type,
or None if there was no match.
@ -89,9 +113,17 @@ class Database( object ):
@param Object_type: class of the object to load
@type sql_command: unicode
@param sql_command: SQL command to execute
@type use_cache: bool
@param use_cache: whether to look for and store objects in the cache
@rtype: Object_type or NoneType
@return: loaded object, or None if no match
if use_cache and self.__cache:
cache_key = sha.new( sql_command ).hexdigest()
obj = self.__cache.get( cache_key )
if obj:
return obj
connection = self.__get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
@ -102,9 +134,14 @@ class Database( object ):
return None
if Object_type in ( tuple, list ):
return Object_type( row )
obj = Object_type( row )
return Object_type( *row )
obj = Object_type( *row )
if obj and use_cache and self.__cache:
self.__cache.set( cache_key, obj )
return obj
def select_many( self, Object_type, sql_command ):
@ -160,6 +197,12 @@ class Database( object ):
if commit:
def uncache_command( self, sql_command ):
if not self.__cache: return
cache_key = sha.new( sql_command ).hexdigest()
self.__cache.delete( cache_key )
def generate_id():
int_id = random.getrandbits( Database.ID_BITS )

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
note = None
startup_notes = self.__database.select_many( Note, notebook.sql_load_startup_notes() )
total_notes_count = self.__database.select_one( int, notebook.sql_count_notes() )
total_notes_count = self.__database.select_one( int, notebook.sql_count_notes(), use_cache = True )
if self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id, owner = True ):
invites = self.__database.select_many( Invite, Invite.sql_load_notebook_invites( notebook_id ) )
@ -549,6 +549,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
if new_revision:
self.__database.save( note, commit = False )
user = self.__users.update_storage( user_id, commit = False )
self.__database.uncache_command( notebook.sql_count_notes() ) # cached note count is now invalid
user = None
@ -605,6 +606,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
self.__database.save( note, commit = False )
user = self.__users.update_storage( user_id, commit = False )
self.__database.uncache_command( notebook.sql_count_notes() ) # cached note count is now invalid
return dict( storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes )
@ -660,6 +662,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
self.__database.save( note, commit = False )
user = self.__users.update_storage( user_id, commit = False )
self.__database.uncache_command( notebook.sql_count_notes() ) # cached note count is now invalid
return dict( storage_bytes = user.storage_bytes )
@ -710,6 +713,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
self.__database.save( note, commit = False )
user = self.__users.update_storage( user_id, commit = False )
self.__database.uncache_command( notebook.sql_count_notes() ) # cached note count is now invalid
return dict(

View File

@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class Users( object ):
@raise Access_error: user_id or anonymous user unknown
# if there's no logged-in user, default to the anonymous user
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) )
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True )
if user_id:
user = self.__database.load( User, user_id )
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ class Users( object ):
@rtype: bool
@return: True if the user has access
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) )
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True )
if self.__database.select_one( bool, anonymous.sql_has_access( notebook_id, read_write, owner ) ):
return True
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ class Users( object ):
@raise Password_reset_error: an error occured when redeeming the password reset, such as an expired link
@raise Validation_error: one of the arguments is invalid
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) )
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True )
if anonymous:
main_notebook = self.__database.select_one( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( undeleted_only = True ) )
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ class Users( object ):
result = self.current( anonymous.object_id )
result[ "notebook" ] = main_notebook
result[ "startup_notes" ] = self.__database.select_many( Note, main_notebook.sql_load_startup_notes() )
result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes() )
result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes(), use_cache = True )
result[ "note_read_write" ] = False
result[ "notes" ] = [ Note.create(
object_id = u"password_reset",
@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ class Users( object ):
if not notebook:
raise Invite_error( "That notebook you've been invited to is unknown." )
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) )
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True )
if anonymous:
main_notebook = self.__database.select_one( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( undeleted_only = True ) )
invite_notebook = self.__database.load( Notebook, invite.notebook_id )
@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ class Users( object ):
result = self.current( anonymous.object_id )
result[ "notebook" ] = main_notebook
result[ "startup_notes" ] = self.__database.select_many( Note, main_notebook.sql_load_startup_notes() )
result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes() )
result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes(), use_cache = True )
result[ "note_read_write" ] = False
result[ "notes" ] = [ Note.create(
object_id = u"redeem_invite",
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ class Users( object ):
Provide the information necessary to display the subscription thanks page.
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ) )
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True )
if anonymous:
main_notebook = self.__database.select_one( Notebook, anonymous.sql_load_notebooks( undeleted_only = True ) )
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ class Users( object ):
result[ "notebook" ] = main_notebook
result[ "startup_notes" ] = self.__database.select_many( Note, main_notebook.sql_load_startup_notes() )
result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes() )
result[ "total_notes_count" ] = self.__database.select_one( Note, main_notebook.sql_count_notes(), use_cache = True )
result[ "note_read_write" ] = False
result[ "notes" ] = [ Note.create(
object_id = u"thanks",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class Stub_cache( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self.__objects = {}
def get( self, key ):
return self.__objects.get( key )
def set( self, key, value ):
self.__objects[ key ] = value

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Stub_database( object ):
return None
def select_one( self, Object_type, sql_command ):
def select_one( self, Object_type, sql_command, use_cache = False ):
if callable( sql_command ):
result = sql_command( self )
if isinstance( result, list ):
@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ class Stub_database( object ):
raise NotImplementedError( sql_command )
def uncache_command( self, sql_command ):
def next_id( self, Object_type, commit = True ):
self.__next_id += 1
return unicode( self.__next_id )

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from pytz import utc
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from datetime import datetime
from Stub_object import Stub_object
from Stub_cache import Stub_cache
from controller.Database import Database
@ -9,10 +10,11 @@ class Test_database( object ):
def setUp( self ):
# make an in-memory sqlite database to use in place of PostgreSQL during testing
self.connection = sqlite.connect( ":memory:", detect_types = sqlite.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite.PARSE_COLNAMES )
self.cache = Stub_cache()
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( Stub_object.sql_create_table() )
self.database = Database( self.connection )
self.database = Database( self.connection, self.cache )
def tearDown( self ):

View File

@ -70,8 +70,13 @@ class Persistent( object ):
def update_revision( self ):
self.__revision = datetime.now( tz = utc )
def make_cache_key( Object_type, object_id ):
return "%s_%s" % ( object_id, Object_type.__name__ )
object_id = property( lambda self: self.__object_id )
revision = property( lambda self: self.__revision )
cache_key = property( lambda self: Persistent.make_cache_key( type( self ), self.object_id ) )
def quote( value ):