commit 02cfca53220433c2d0d95892aacf4d19aa66a92b Author: Dan Helfman Date: Mon Jul 16 20:22:38 2007 +0000 Renaming repository to new name: luminotes diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94a9ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8763a4d --- /dev/null +++ b/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +To use the Limited Medium wiki, please see the included README file instead of +this INSTALL file. This file contains details about installing the Limited +Medium server, which you shouldn't need if you only want to make a wiki. + +First, install the prerequisites: + + * Python 2.5 + * CherryPy 2.2 + * simplejson 1.3 + +If you're interested in running unit tests, also install: + + * nose 0.9.0 + +Run the server in development mode: + + python2.5 -d + +Connect to the following URL in a web browser running on the same machine: + + http://localhost:8080/ + +You can run unit tests by running: + + nosetests + diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..331c2d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +Limited Medium + +http://somewhere + +Limited Medium is a lightweight personal wiki notebook for organizing your +notes and ideas. It's designed for: + + * Writers. Keep track of your characters, plots, and scenes. + * Students. Take notes and make links between related concepts. + * Game designers. Build up your world one detail at a time. + * Creative types. If you've outgrown a Word doc or text file full of + disorganized notes, Limited Medium can help. + +Here's how Limited Medium differs from other personal wikis: + + * What you see is what you mean. You can forget about markup or markdown. + * Integrated viewing and editing. Update any wiki entry without switching + back and forth. + * View multiple wiki entries at once. Perfect for notes and brainstorming. + * Access your wiki from anywhere. All your work is automatically saved to the + server. + * Use any sort of link titles you want. Wiki links aren't expected to + LookLikeThis. + +Limited Medium also has the following features: + + * Built-in searching. A single search looks through every word in the entire + wiki. + +Limited Medium makes use of some advanced browser features, so not all +browsers will work for editing your wiki. Supported browsers include: + + * Internet Explorer 6+ + * Firefox 1.5+ + * SeaMonkey 1.0+ + * Iceweasel 1.5+ + * Iceape 1.0+ + +The following web browsers are known not to work with Limited Medium: + + * Safari + * Opera + * Konqueror + * Lynx + +If you're looking for a personal wiki with more minimal browser requirements, +you might want to try TiddlyWiki. If you're looking for a more general-purpose +wiki for multiple users, check out MoinMoin. + +If you'd like to actually install the Limited Medium server, see the INSTALL +file. + +Enjoy! + +Limited Medium Copyright (C) 2007 Dan Helfman + +This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program. If not, see . + +See the COPYING file for more information. Also note that MochiKit has its +own separate license. See static/js/MochiKit_LICENSE. diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f7cd9b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import cherrypy + + +settings = { + "global": { + "server.socket_port": 8080, + "server.environment": "production", + "session_filter.on": True, + "session_filter.storage_type": "file", + "session_filter.storage_path": "session", + "session_filter.timeout": 60 * 72, # 72 hours + "session_filter.clean_up_delay": 5, + "encoding_filter.on": True, + "encoding_filter.encoding": "utf-8", + "decoding_filter.on": True, + "decoding_filter.encoding": "utf-8", + }, +} diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..584757a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import os +import cherrypy + + +settings = { + "global": { + "server.thread_pool": 10, + "autoreload.on": True, + "static_filter.root": os.path.abspath( "." ), + }, + "/static": { + "static_filter.on": True, + "static_filter.dir": "static", + }, + "/favicon.ico": { + "static_filter.on": True, + "static_filter.file": "static/images/favicon.ico", + }, +} diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15fc885 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import cherrypy + + +settings = { + "global": { + "server.socket_queue_size": 15, + "server.thread_pool": 40, + "base_url_filter.on": True, + "base_url_filter.use_x_forwarded_host": True, + "server.log_to_screen": False, + "server.log_file": "limitedmedium.log", + "server.log_access_file": "limitedmedium.log", + }, +} diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7655c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import cherrypy + + +def async( method ): + """ + A decorator for a generator method that causes it to be invoked asynchronously. In other words, + whenever a generator method decorated by this decorator is called, its generator is added to + the scheduler for later execution. + + This decorator expects a self.scheduler member containing the scheduler to use. + """ + def schedule( self, *args, **kwargs ): + thread = method( self, *args, **kwargs ) + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + + return schedule diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8472e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +import re +import bsddb +import random +import cPickle +from cStringIO import StringIO +from copy import copy +from model.Persistent import Persistent +from Async import async + + +class Database( object ): + ID_BITS = 128 # number of bits within an id + ID_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + + def __init__( self, scheduler, database_path = None ): + """ + Create a new database and return it. + + @type scheduler: Scheduler + @param scheduler: scheduler to use + @type database_path: unicode + @param database_path: path to the database file + @rtype: Database + @return: database at the given path + """ + self.__scheduler = scheduler + self.__env = bsddb.db.DBEnv() + None, bsddb.db.DB_CREATE | bsddb.db.DB_PRIVATE | bsddb.db.DB_INIT_MPOOL ) + self.__db = bsddb.db.DB( self.__env ) + database_path, "database", bsddb.db.DB_HASH, bsddb.db.DB_CREATE ) + self.__cache = {} + + def __persistent_id( self, obj, skip = None ): + # save the object and return its persistent id + if obj != skip and isinstance( obj, Persistent ): + self.__save( obj ) + return obj.object_id + + # returning None indicates that the object should be pickled normally without using a persistent id + return None + + @async + def save( self, obj, callback = None ): + """ + Save the given object to the database, including any objects that it references. + + @type obj: Persistent + @param obj: object to save + @type callback: generator or NoneType + @param callback: generator to wakeup when the save is complete (optional) + """ + self.__save( obj ) + yield callback + + def __save( self, obj ): + # if this object's current revision is already saved, bail + revision_id = obj.revision_id() + if revision_id in self.__cache: + return + + object_id = unicode( obj.object_id ).encode( "utf8" ) + revision_id = unicode( obj.revision_id() ).encode( "utf8" ) + secondary_id = obj.secondary_id and unicode( obj.secondary_id ).encode( "utf8" ) or None + + # update the cache with this saved object + self.__cache[ object_id ] = obj + self.__cache[ revision_id ] = copy( obj ) + if obj.secondary_id: + self.__cache[ secondary_id ] = obj + + # set the pickler up to save persistent ids for every object except for the obj passed in, which + # will be pickled normally + buffer = StringIO() + pickler = cPickle.Pickler( buffer, protocol = -1 ) + pickler.persistent_id = lambda o: self.__persistent_id( o, skip = obj ) + + # pickle the object and write it to the database under both its id key and its revision id key + pickler.dump( obj ) + pickled = buffer.getvalue() + self.__db.put( object_id, pickled ) + self.__db.put( revision_id, pickled ) + + # write the pickled object id (only) to the database under its secondary id + if obj.secondary_id: + buffer = StringIO() + pickler = cPickle.Pickler( buffer, protocol = -1 ) + pickler.persistent_id = lambda o: self.__persistent_id( o ) + pickler.dump( obj ) + self.__db.put( secondary_id, buffer.getvalue() ) + + self.__db.sync() + + @async + def load( self, object_id, callback, revision = None ): + """ + Load the object corresponding to the given object id from the database, and yield the provided + callback generator with the loaded object as its argument, or None if the object_id is unknown. + If a revision is provided, a specific revision of the object will be loaded. + + @type object_id: unicode + @param object_id: id of the object to load + @type callback: generator + @param callback: generator to send the loaded object to + @type revision: int or NoneType + @param revision: revision of the object to load (optional) + """ + obj = self.__load( object_id, revision ) + yield callback, obj + + def __load( self, object_id, revision = None ): + if revision is not None: + object_id = Persistent.make_revision_id( object_id, revision ) + + object_id = unicode( object_id ).encode( "utf8" ) + + # if the object corresponding to the given id has already been loaded, simply return it without + # loading it again + obj = self.__cache.get( object_id ) + if obj is not None: + return obj + + # grab the object for the given id from the database + buffer = StringIO() + unpickler = cPickle.Unpickler( buffer ) + unpickler.persistent_load = self.__load + + pickled = self.__db.get( object_id ) + if pickled is None or pickled == "": + return None + + buffer.write( pickled ) + buffer.flush() + 0 ) + + # unpickle the object and update the cache with this saved object + obj = unpickler.load() + if obj is None: + print "error unpickling %s: %s" % ( object_id, pickled ) + return None + self.__cache[ unicode( obj.object_id ).encode( "utf8" ) ] = obj + self.__cache[ unicode( obj.revision_id() ).encode( "utf8" ) ] = obj + + return obj + + @staticmethod + def generate_id(): + int_id = random.getrandbits( Database.ID_BITS ) + + base = len( Database.ID_DIGITS ) + digits = [] + + while True: + index = int_id % base + digits.insert( 0, Database.ID_DIGITS[ index ] ) + int_id = int_id / base + if int_id == 0: + break + + return "".join( digits ) + + @async + def next_id( self, callback ): + """ + Generate the next available object id, and yielded the provided callback generator with the + object id as its argument. + + @type callback: generator + @param callback: generator to send the next available object id to + """ + # generate a random id, but on the off-chance that it collides with something else already in + # the database, try again + next_id = Database.generate_id() + while self.__db.get( next_id, default = None ) is not None: + next_id = Database.generate_id() + + # save the next_id as a key in the database so that it's not handed out again to another client + self.__db[ next_id ] = "" + + yield callback, next_id + + @async + def close( self ): + """ + Shutdown the database. + """ + self.__db.close() + self.__env.close() + yield None + + @async + def clear_cache( self ): + """ + Clear the memory object cache. + """ + self.__cache.clear() + yield None + + scheduler = property( lambda self: self.__scheduler ) + + +class Valid_id( object ): + """ + Validator for an object id. + """ + ID_PATTERN = re.compile( "^[%s]+$" % Database.ID_DIGITS ) + + def __init__( self, none_okay = False ): + self.__none_okay = none_okay + + def __call__( self, value ): + if self.__none_okay and value is None: return None + if value ): return str( value ) + + raise ValueError() diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19dbfe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import cherrypy + + +def strongly_expire( function ): + """ + Decorator that sends headers that instruct browsers and proxies not to cache. + """ + def expire( *args, **kwargs ): + cherrypy.response.headers[ "Expires" ] = "Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT" + cherrypy.response.headers[ "Cache-Control" ] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" + cherrypy.response.headers[ "Pragma" ] = "no-cache" + + return function( *args, **kwargs ) + + return expire diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd7080b --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +import cherrypy + +from Validate import Validation_error + +# module-level variable that, when set to a view, overrides the view for all exposed methods. used +# by unit tests +view_override = None + + +def expose( view = None, rss = None ): + """ + expose() can be used to tag a method as available for publishing to the web via CherryPy. In + other words, methods that are not exposed cannot be accessed from the web. + + The expose() method itself is evaluated where it is used as a decorator, which just puts the view + variable into the enclosing scope of the decorate() function and returns decorate() to be used as + the actual decorator. + + Example usage: + + @expose( view = Json ) + def method(): pass + """ + def decorate( function ): + """ + When the method being decorated is invoked, its decorator gets invoked instead and is supposed + to return a new function to use in place of the method being decorated (or a modified version + of that function). In this case, the decorator is our decorate() function, and the function it + returns is the render() function. decorate()'s first argument is the method being decorated. + """ + def render( *args, **kwargs ): + """ + render() pretends that it's the method being decorated. It takes the same arguments and then + invokes the actual method being decorated, passing in those arguments. + + With whatever result it gets from calling that method, render() invokes the view from the + outer scope to try to render it. It then results that rendered result. + """ + result = {} + + # if rss was requested, and this method was exposed for rss, then use rss as the view + if u"rss" in kwargs: + del kwargs[ u"rss" ] + use_rss = True + else: + use_rss = False + + # kwarg names must be of type str, not unicode + kwargs = dict( [ ( str( key ), value ) for ( key, value ) in kwargs.items() ] ) + + # try executing the exposed function + try: + result = function( *args, **kwargs ) + except Validation_error, error: + result = dict( name =, value = error.value, error = error.message ) + + redirect = result.get( u"redirect", None ) + + # try using the supplied view to render the result + try: + if view_override is None: + if rss and use_rss: + cherrypy.response.headers[ u"Content-Type" ] = u"application/xml" + return unicode( rss( **result ) ) + else: + return unicode( view( **result ) ) + else: + return unicode( view_override( **result ) ) + except: + if redirect is None: + print "error: %s" % result + raise + + # if that doesn't work, and there's a redirect, then redirect + del( result[ u"redirect" ] ) + from urllib import urlencode + + if result == {}: + raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( u"%s" % redirect ) + else: + url_args = urlencode( result ) + raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( u"%s?%s" % ( redirect, url_args ) ) + + = True + return render + + return decorate diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a83f155 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +# originally from + +from htmllib import HTMLParser +from cgi import escape +from urlparse import urlparse +from formatter import AbstractFormatter, NullWriter +from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs +from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr + +def xssescape(text): + """Gets rid of < and > and & and, for good measure, :""" + return escape(text, quote=True).replace(':',':') + +class Html_cleaner(HTMLParser): + """ + Cleans HTML of any tags not matching a whitelist. + """ + def __init__( self ): + HTMLParser.__init__( self, AbstractFormatter( NullWriter() ) ) + self.result = [] + self.open_tags = [] + # A list of the only tags allowed. Be careful adding to this. Adding + # "script," for example, would not be smart. 'img' is out by default + # because of the danger of IMG embedded commands, and/or web bugs. + self.permitted_tags = [ + 'a', + 'b', + 'br', + 'em', + 'h3', + 'i', + 'li', + 'ol', + 'ul', + 'p', + 'strong', + ] + + # A list of tags that are forcibly removed from the input. Tags that + # are not in permitted_tags and not in stripped_tags are simply + # escaped. + self.stripped_tags = [ + 'span', + ] + + # A list of tags that require no closing tag. + self.requires_no_close = [ 'img', 'br' ] + + # A dictionary showing the only attributes allowed for particular tags. + # If a tag is not listed here, it is allowed no attributes. Adding + # "on" tags, like "onhover," would not be smart. Also be very careful + # of "background" and "style." + self.allowed_attributes = { + 'a': [ 'href' ], + } + + # The only schemes allowed in URLs (for href and src attributes). + # Adding "javascript" or "vbscript" to this list would not be smart. + self.allowed_schemes = ['http','https','ftp', ''] + + def handle_data(self, data): + if data: + self.result.append( xssescape(data) ) + + def handle_charref(self, ref): + if len(ref) < 7 and ref.isdigit(): + self.result.append( '&#%s;' % ref ) + else: + self.result.append( xssescape('&#%s' % ref) ) + + def handle_entityref(self, ref): + if ref in entitydefs: + self.result.append( '&%s;' % ref ) + else: + self.result.append( xssescape('&%s' % ref) ) + + def handle_comment(self, comment): + if comment: + self.result.append( xssescape("" % comment) ) + + def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs): + if tag not in self.permitted_tags: + if tag not in self.stripped_tags: + self.result.append( xssescape("<%s>" % tag) ) + else: + bt = "<" + tag + if tag in self.allowed_attributes: + attrs = dict(attrs) + self.allowed_attributes_here = \ + [x for x in self.allowed_attributes[tag] if x in attrs \ + and len(attrs[x]) > 0] + for attribute in self.allowed_attributes_here: + if attribute in ['href', 'src', 'background']: + if self.url_is_acceptable(attrs[attribute]): + bt += ' %s="%s"' % (attribute, attrs[attribute]) + else: + bt += ' %s=%s' % \ + (xssescape(attribute), quoteattr(attrs[attribute])) + if bt == "" % endtag ) + return "".join( self.result ) + + def xtags(self): + """Returns a printable string informing the user which tags are allowed""" + self.permitted_tags.sort() + tg = "" + for x in self.permitted_tags: + tg += "<" + x + if x in self.allowed_attributes: + for y in self.allowed_attributes[x]: + tg += ' %s=""' % y + tg += "> " + return xssescape(tg.strip()) diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddd5d8e --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +from htmllib import HTMLParser +from formatter import AbstractFormatter, NullWriter + + +class Html_nuker( HTMLParser ): + """ + Nukes HTML of all tags. + """ + def __init__( self, allow_refs = False ): + HTMLParser.__init__( self, AbstractFormatter( NullWriter() ) ) + self.result = [] + self.allow_refs = allow_refs + + def handle_data( self, data ): + if data and "<" not in data and ">" not in data: + self.result.append( data ) + + def handle_charref( self, ref ): + if self.allow_refs: + self.result.append( ref ) + + def handle_entityref( self, ref ): + if self.allow_refs: + self.result.append( ref ) + + def handle_comment( self, comment ): + pass + + def handle_starttag( self, tag, method, attrs ): + pass + + def handle_endtag( self, tag, attrs ): + pass + + def unknown_starttag( self, tag, attributes ): + pass + + def unknown_endtag( self, tag ): + pass + + def nuke( self, rawstring ): + """ + Nukes the given string of all HTML tags. + """ + if rawstring is None: + return u"" + + self.reset() + self.result = [] + self.feed( rawstring ) + + return u"".join( self.result ) diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d88a48 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +import cherrypy +from Scheduler import Scheduler +from Expose import expose +from Validate import validate, Valid_string, Validation_error, Valid_bool +from Database import Valid_id +from Users import grab_user_id +from Updater import wait_for_update, update_client +from Expire import strongly_expire +from Html_nuker import Html_nuker +from Async import async +from model.Notebook import Notebook +from model.Entry import Entry +from view.Main_page import Main_page +from view.Json import Json +from view.Entry_page import Entry_page +from view.Html_file import Html_file + + +class Access_error( Exception ): + def __init__( self, message = None ): + if message is None: + message = u"You don't have access to that notebook." + + Exception.__init__( self, message ) + self.__message = message + + def to_dict( self ): + return dict( + error = self.__message + ) + + +class Notebooks( object ): + def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): + self.__scheduler = scheduler + self.__database = database + + @expose( view = Main_page ) + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + ) + def default( self, notebook_id ): + return dict( + notebook_id = notebook_id, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @strongly_expire + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def contents( self, notebook_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + yield dict( + notebook = notebook, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @strongly_expire + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + entry_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def load_entry( self, notebook_id, entry_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if notebook is None: + entry = None + else: + entry = notebook.lookup_entry( entry_id ) + + yield dict( + entry = entry, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @strongly_expire + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + entry_title = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 500 ), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def load_entry_by_title( self, notebook_id, entry_title, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if notebook is None: + entry = None + else: + entry = notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( entry_title ) + + yield dict( + entry = entry, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + entry_id = Valid_id(), + contents = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 25000, escape_html = False ), + startup = Valid_bool(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def save_entry( self, notebook_id, entry_id, contents, startup, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict( + saved = False, + ) + return + + self.__database.load( entry_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + entry = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + # if the entry is already in the database, load it and update it. otherwise, create it + if entry and entry in notebook.entries: + notebook.update_entry( entry, contents ) + else: + entry = Entry( entry_id, contents ) + notebook.add_entry( entry ) + + if startup: + notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) + else: + notebook.remove_startup_entry( entry ) + + notebook ) + + yield dict( + saved = True, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + entry_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def add_startup_entry( self, notebook_id, entry_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict() + return # TODO: raising an exception here would be nice + + self.__database.load( entry_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + entry = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if entry: + notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) + notebook ) + + yield dict() + + @expose( view = Json ) + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + entry_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def remove_startup_entry( self, notebook_id, entry_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict() + return # TODO: raising an exception here would be nice + + self.__database.load( entry_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + entry = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if entry: + notebook.remove_startup_entry( entry ) + notebook ) + + yield dict() + + @expose( view = Json ) + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + entry_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def delete_entry( self, notebook_id, entry_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict() + return # TODO: raising an exception here would be nice + + self.__database.load( entry_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + entry = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if entry: + notebook.remove_entry( entry ) + notebook ) + + yield dict() + + @expose( view = Entry_page ) + @validate( id = Valid_id() ) + def blank_entry( self, id ): + return dict( id = id ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @strongly_expire + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + search_text = Valid_string( min = 0, max = 100 ), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def search( self, notebook_id, search_text, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict( + entries = [], + ) + return + + search_text = search_text.lower() + title_matches = [] + content_matches = [] + nuker = Html_nuker() + + if len( search_text ) > 0: + for entry in notebook.entries: + if search_text in nuker.nuke( entry.title ).lower(): + title_matches.append( entry ) + elif search_text in nuker.nuke( entry.contents ).lower(): + content_matches.append( entry ) + + entries = title_matches + content_matches + + yield dict( + entries = entries, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @strongly_expire + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def recent_entries( self, notebook_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict( + entries = [], + ) + return + + RECENT_COUNT = 10 + entries = notebook.entries + entries.sort( lambda a, b: cmp( b.revision, a.revision ) ) + + yield dict( + entries = entries[ :RECENT_COUNT ], + ) + + @expose( view = Html_file ) + @strongly_expire + @wait_for_update + @grab_user_id + @async + @update_client + @validate( + notebook_id = Valid_id(), + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def download_html( self, notebook_id, user_id ): + self.check_access( notebook_id, user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + if not ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ): + raise Access_error() + + self.__database.load( notebook_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not notebook: + yield dict( + notebook_name = None, + entries = [], + ) + return + + normal_entries = list( set( notebook.entries ) - set( notebook.startup_entries ) ) + normal_entries.sort( lambda a, b: -cmp( a.revision, b.revision ) ) + + yield dict( + notebook_name =, + entries = notebook.startup_entries + normal_entries, + ) + + @async + def check_access( self, notebook_id, user_id, callback ): + # check if the anonymous user has access to this notebook + self.__database.load( u"anonymous", self.__scheduler.thread ) + anonymous = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + access = False + if anonymous.has_access( notebook_id ): + access = True + + if user_id: + # check if the currently logged in user has access to this notebook + self.__database.load( user_id, self.__scheduler.thread ) + user = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if user.has_access( notebook_id ): + access = True + + yield callback, access + + scheduler = property( lambda self: self.__scheduler ) diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db849e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import cherrypy + +from Scheduler import Scheduler +from Expose import expose +from Validate import validate +from Async import async +from Notebooks import Notebooks +from Users import Users +from Updater import update_client, wait_for_update +from view.Main_page import Main_page +from view.Json import Json +from view.Error_page import Error_page +from view.Not_found_page import Not_found_page + + +class Root( object ): + def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): + self.__scheduler = scheduler + self.__database = database + self.__notebooks = Notebooks( scheduler, database ) + self.__users = Users( scheduler, database ) + + @expose( view = Main_page ) + def index( self ): + """ + Provide the information necessary to display the web site's front page. + """ + return dict() + + @expose( view = Json ) + @wait_for_update + @async + @update_client + def next_id( self ): + self.__database.next_id( self.__scheduler.thread ) + next_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + yield dict( + next_id = next_id, + ) + + def _cp_on_http_error( self, status, message ): + """ + CherryPy HTTP error handler, used to display page not found and generic error pages. + """ + if status == 404: + cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Status" ] = u"404 Not Found" + cherrypy.response.status = status + cherrypy.response.body = [ unicode( Not_found_page() ) ] + return + + import traceback + traceback.print_exc() + + cherrypy.response.body = [ unicode( Error_page() ) ] + + scheduler = property( lambda self: self.__scheduler ) + database = property( lambda self: self.__database ) + notebooks = property( lambda self: self.__notebooks ) + users = property( lambda self: self.__users ) diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b75ae7e --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +from time import time, sleep +from threading import Thread, Event + + +class Scheduler( object ): + SLEEP = 0 # yielded by a generator to indicate that it should be put to sleep + + def __init__( self ): + """ + A scheduler for generator-based microthreads. + """ + self.__running = [] # list of active microthreads + self.__sleeping = [] # list of sleeping microthreads + self.__messages = {} # map of thread to list of its incoming messages + self.__thread = None # currently executing microthread (if any) + self.__done = False # whether it's time to exit + self.__no_longer_idle = Event() + self.__last_error = None # used for unit tests + + self.add( self.__idle_thread() ) + + self.__scheduler_thread = Thread( target = ) + self.__scheduler_thread.setDaemon( True ) + self.__scheduler_thread.start() + + def run( self ): + """ + Run all threads repeatedly. + """ + while not self.__done: + self.__run_once() + + def __run_once( self ): + """ + Run all active threads once. + """ + turn_start = time() + + for thread in list( self.__running ): + try: + messages = self.__messages.get( thread ) + + self.__thread = thread + try: + if messages: + result = thread.send( *messages.pop( 0 ) ) + else: + result = + except StopIteration: + raise + except Exception, e: + self.__last_error = e + import traceback + traceback.print_exc() + raise StopIteration() + + self__thread = None + + if self.__done: + return True + + if result is None: + continue + + # a yielded result of SLEEP indicates to put the thread to sleep + if result == Scheduler.SLEEP: + self.sleep( thread ) + # any other result indicates to run the yielded thread + elif isinstance( result, ( tuple, list ) ): + self.add( *result ) + else: + self.add( result ) + + except StopIteration: + self.__running.remove( thread ) + self.__messages.pop( thread, None ) + + def __idle_thread( self ): + while not self.__done: + # if the idle thread is the only one running, block until there's another running thread + if len( self.__running ) == 1: + self.__no_longer_idle.wait() + self.__no_longer_idle.clear() + + yield None + + # used for unit tests + IDLE_SLEEP_SECONDS = 0.01 + def wait_for( self, thread ): + while thread in self.__running or thread in self.__sleeping: + sleep( self.IDLE_SLEEP_SECONDS ) + + if self.__last_error: + raise self.__last_error + + def wait_until_idle( self ): + while len( self.__running ) > 1 or len( self.__sleeping ) > 0: + sleep( self.IDLE_SLEEP_SECONDS ) + + def sleep( self, thread ): + self.__sleeping.append( thread ) + self.__running.remove( thread ) + + def add( self, thread, *args ): + self.__no_longer_idle.set() + + if thread in self.__sleeping: + self.__sleeping.remove( thread ) + else: + self.__messages[ thread ] = [ ( None, ) ] + + self.__running.append( thread ) + + if len( args ) > 0: + self.__messages[ thread ].append( args ) + + def shutdown( self ): + self.__done = True + self.__no_longer_idle.set() + self.__scheduler_thread.join() + + # currently executing microthread (if any) + thread = property( lambda self: self.__thread ) diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b4a8b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +from Queue import Queue, Empty + + +TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10.0 + + +def wait_for_update( function ): + """ + A decorator that passes a "queue" keyword arugment to its decorated function, calls the function, + and then blocks until an asynchronous response comes back via the Queue. When a response is + received, wait_for_update() returns it. + + For this decorator to be useful, you should use it to decorate a function that fires off some + asynchronous action and then returns immediately. A typical way to accomplish this is by using + the @async decorator after the @wait_for_update decorator. + """ + def get_message( *args, **kwargs ): + queue = Queue() + + kwargs[ "queue" ] = queue + function( *args, **kwargs ) + + # wait until a response is available in the queue, and then return that response + try: + return queue.get( block = True, timeout = TIMEOUT_SECONDS ) + except Empty: + return { "error": u"A timeout occurred when processing your request. Please try again." } + + return get_message + + +def update_client( function ): + """ + A decorator used to wrap a generator function so that its yielded values can be issued as + updates to the client. For this to work, the generator function must be invoked with a keyword + argument "queue" containing a Queue where the result can be put(). + + Also supports catching Validation_error exceptions and sending appropriate errors to the client. + + Note that this decorator itself is a generator function and works by passing along next()/send() + calls to its decorated generator. Only yielded values that are dictionaries are sent to the + client. All other yielded values are in turn yielded by this decorator itself. + """ + def put_message( *args, **kwargs ): + # look in the called function's kwargs for the queue where results should be sent + queue = kwargs.pop( "queue" ) + + try: + generator = function( *args, **kwargs ) + message = None + + while True: + result = generator.send( message ) + + if isinstance( result, dict ): + queue.put( result ) + message = ( yield None ) + else: + message = ( yield result ) + except StopIteration: + return + except Exception, error: + # TODO: might be better to use view.Json instead of calling to_dict() manually + if hasattr( error, "to_dict" ): + result = error.to_dict() + queue.put( result ) + else: + raise + + return put_message diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aa1fe1 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +import re +import cherrypy +from model.User import User +from model.Notebook import Notebook +from model.Entry import Entry +from Scheduler import Scheduler +from Expose import expose +from Validate import validate, Valid_string, Validation_error +from Database import Valid_id +from Updater import update_client, wait_for_update +from Expire import strongly_expire +from Async import async +from view.Json import Json + + +USERNAME_PATTERN = re.compile( "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" ) +EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN = re.compile( "^[\w.+]+@\w+(\.\w+)+$" ) + + +def valid_username( username ): + if username ) is None: + raise ValueError() + + return username + +valid_username.message = u"can only contain letters and digits" + + +def valid_email_address( email_address ): + if email_address == "" or email_address ) is None: + raise ValueError() + + return email_address + + +class Signup_error( Exception ): + def __init__( self, message ): + Exception.__init__( self, message ) + self.__message = message + + def to_dict( self ): + return dict( + error = self.__message + ) + + +class Authentication_error( Exception ): + def __init__( self, message ): + Exception.__init__( self, message ) + self.__message = message + + def to_dict( self ): + return dict( + error = self.__message + ) + + +def grab_user_id( function ): + """ + A decorator to grab the current logged in user id from the cherrypy session and pass it as a + user_id argument to the decorated function. This decorator must be used from within the main + cherrypy request thread. + """ + def get_id( *args, **kwargs ): + arg_names = list( function.func_code.co_varnames ) + if "user_id" in arg_names: + arg_index = arg_names.index( "user_id" ) + args[ arg_index ] = cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" ) + else: + kwargs[ "user_id" ] = cherrypy.session.get( "user_id" ) + + return function( *args, **kwargs ) + + return get_id + + +def update_auth( function ): + """ + Based on the return value of the decorated function, update the current session's authentication + status. This decorator must be used from within the main cherrypy request thread. + + If the return value of the decorated function (which is expected to be a dictionary) contains an + "authenticated" key with a User value, then mark the user as logged in. If the return value of the + decorated function contains a "deauthenticated" key with any value, then mark the user as logged + out. + """ + def handle_result( *args, **kwargs ): + result = function( *args, **kwargs ) + + # peek in the function's return value to see if we should tweak authentication status + user = result.get( "authenticated" ) + if user: + cherrypy.session[ u"user_id" ] = user.object_id + cherrypy.session[ u"username" ] = user.username + + if result.get( "deauthenticated" ): + cherrypy.session.pop( u"user_id", None ) + cherrypy.session.pop( u"username", None ) + + return result + + return handle_result + + +class Users( object ): + def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): + self.__scheduler = scheduler + self.__database = database + + @expose( view = Json ) + @update_auth + @wait_for_update + @async + @update_client + @validate( + username = ( Valid_string( min = 1, max = 30 ), valid_username ), + password = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 30 ), + password_repeat = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 30 ), + email_address = ( Valid_string( min = 1, max = 60 ), valid_email_address ), + signup_button = unicode, + ) + def signup( self, username, password, password_repeat, email_address, signup_button ): + if password != password_repeat: + raise Signup_error( u"The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again." ) + + self.__database.load( username, self.__scheduler.thread ) + user = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if user is not None: + raise Signup_error( u"Sorry, that username is not available. Please try something else." ) + + # create a notebook for this user + self.__database.next_id( self.__scheduler.thread ) + notebook_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + notebook = Notebook( notebook_id, u"my notebook" ) + + # create a startup entry for this user's notebook + self.__database.next_id( self.__scheduler.thread ) + entry_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + entry = Entry( entry_id, file( u"static/html/welcome to your wiki.html" ).read() ) + notebook.add_entry( entry ) + notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) + + # actually create the new user + self.__database.next_id( self.__scheduler.thread ) + user_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + user = User( user_id, username, password, email_address, notebooks = [ notebook ] ) + user ) + + redirect = u"/notebooks/%s" % notebook.object_id + + yield dict( + redirect = redirect, + authenticated = user, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @update_auth + @wait_for_update + @async + @update_client + @validate( + username = ( Valid_string( min = 1, max = 30 ), valid_username ), + password = Valid_string( min = 1, max = 30 ), + login_button = unicode, + ) + def login( self, username, password, login_button ): + self.__database.load( username, self.__scheduler.thread ) + user = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if user is None or user.check_password( password ) is False: + raise Authentication_error( u"Invalid username or password." ) + + # redirect to the user's first notebook (if any) + if len( user.notebooks ) > 0: + redirect = u"/notebooks/%s" % user.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id + else: + redirect = u"/" + + yield dict( + redirect = redirect, + authenticated = user, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @update_auth + @wait_for_update + @async + @update_client + def logout( self ): + yield dict( + redirect = u"/", + deauthenticated = True, + ) + + @expose( view = Json ) + @strongly_expire + @grab_user_id + @wait_for_update + @async + @update_client + @validate( + user_id = Valid_id( none_okay = True ), + ) + def current( self, user_id ): + # if there's no logged-in user, default to the anonymous user + self.__database.load( user_id or u"anonymous", self.__scheduler.thread ) + user = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + if not user: + yield dict( + user = None, + notebooks = None, + ) + return + + # in addition to this user's own notebooks, add to that list the anonymous user's notebooks + if user_id: + self.__database.load( u"anonymous", self.__scheduler.thread ) + anonymous = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + notebooks = anonymous.notebooks + else: + notebooks = [] + notebooks += user.notebooks + + yield dict( + user = user, + notebooks = notebooks, + ) + + scheduler = property( lambda self: self.__scheduler ) diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95e8507 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/ @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +import cherrypy +from cgi import escape +from Html_cleaner import Html_cleaner + + +class Validation_error( Exception ): + """ + An exception raised when form validation fails for some reason. + """ + + MESSAGE_MAP = { + int: u"can only contain digits", + } + + def __init__( self, name, value, value_type, message = None ): + Exception.__init__( self ) + self.__name = name + self.__value = value + self.__value_type = value_type + + if message is None: + # if the value's type has a message member, use that. otherwise, look up the type in a map + if hasattr( value_type, u"message" ): + self.__message = value_type.message + else: + self.__message = self.MESSAGE_MAP.get( value_type, u"is invalid" ) + else: + self.__message = message + + def __str__( self ): + return self.__message + + def to_dict( self ): + return dict( + error = u"The %s %s." % ( self.__name, self.__message ), + name = self.__name, + value = self.__value, + ) + + name = property( lambda self: self.__name ) + value = property( lambda self: self.__value ) + value_type = property( lambda self: self.__value_type ) + message = property( lambda self: self.__message ) + + +class Valid_string( object ): + """ + Validator for a string of certain minimum and maximum lengths. + """ + moron_map = { + u"\xa0": u" ", + u"\xa9": u"(c)", + u"\xae": u"(r)", + u"\xb7": u"*", + u"\u2002": u" ", + u"\u2003": u" ", + u"\u2009": u" ", + u"\u2010": u"-", + u"\u2011": u"-", + u"\u2013": u"-", + u"\u2014": u"--", + u"\u2015": u"--", + u"\u2016": u"--", + u"\u2017": u"||", + u"\u2018": u"'", + u"\u2019": u"'", + u"\u201a": u",", + u"\u201b": u"'", + u"\u201c": u'"', + u"\u201d": u'"', + u"\u201e": u",,", + u"\u201f": u'"', + u"\u2022": u"*", + u"\u2023": u"*", + u"\u2024": u".", + u"\u2025": u"..", + u"\u2026": u"...", + u"\u2027": u".", + u"\u2122": u"(tm)", + } + + def __init__( self, min = None, max = None, escape_html = True ): + self.min = min + self.max = max + self.escape_html = escape_html + self.message = None + + def __call__( self, value ): + value = self.__demoronize( value.strip() ) + + if self.min is not None and len( value ) < self.min: + if self.min == 1: + self.message = u"is missing" + else: + self.message = u"must be at least %s characters long" % self.min + raise ValueError() + elif self.max is not None and len( value ) > self.max: + self.message = u"must be no longer than %s characters" % self.max + raise ValueError() + + # either escape all html completely or just clean up the html, stripping out everything that's + # not on a tag/attribute whitelist + if self.escape_html: + return escape( value, quote = True ) + else: + cleaner = Html_cleaner() + return cleaner.strip( value ) + + def __demoronize( self, value ): + """ + Convert stupid Microsoft unicode symbols to saner, cross-platform equivalents. + """ + try: + for ( moron_symbol, replacement ) in self.moron_map.items(): + value = value.replace( moron_symbol, replacement ) + except: + import traceback + traceback.print_exc() + raise + + return value + + +class Valid_bool( object ): + """ + Validator for a boolean value. + """ + def __call__( self, value ): + value = value.strip() + + if value in ( u"True", u"true" ): return True + if value in ( u"False", u"false" ): return False + + raise ValueError() + + +def validate( **kwarg_types ): + """ + validate() can be used to require that the arguments of the decorated method successfully pass + through particular validators. The validate() method itself is evaluated where it is used as a + decorator, which just returns decorate() to be used as the actual decorator. + + Example usage: + + @validate( + foo = Valid_string( min = 5, max = 10 ), + bar = int + ) + def method( self, foo, bar ): pass + + Note that validate() currently only works for instance methods (methods that take self as the + first argument). Also note that you can use multiple validators for a single argument. + + Example usage: + + @validate( + foo = Valid_string( min = 5, max = 10 ), + bar = ( int, valid_bar ) + ) + def method( self, foo, bar ): pass + + """ + def decorate( function ): + """ + When the method being decorated is invoked, its decorator gets invoked instead and is supposed + to return a new function to use in place of the method being decorated (or a modified version + of that function). In this case, the decorator is our decorate() function, and the function it + returns is the check() function. decorate()'s first argument is the method being decorated. + """ + def check( *args, **kwargs ): + """ + check() pretends that it's the method being decorated. It takes the same arguments and then + invokes the actual method being decorated, passing in those arguments, but only after first + validating all of those arguments to that function. If validation fails, a Validation_error + is raised. Note that in Python, keyword argument names have to be str, not unicode. + """ + args = list( args ) + args_index = 1 # skip the self argument + + for ( arg_name, arg_type ) in kwarg_types.items(): + if arg_name == u"kwargs": + key_type = kwarg_types[ u"kwargs" ].keys()[ 0 ] + value_type = kwarg_types[ u"kwargs" ].values()[ 0 ] + + for ( key, value ) in kwargs.items(): + if key not in kwarg_types: + del( kwargs[ key ] ) + try: + kwargs[ str( key_type( key ) ) ] = value_type( value ) + except ( ValueError, TypeError ): + raise Validation_error( key, value, value_type ) + + continue + + # look for arg_name in kwargs and store the validated value there + if arg_name in kwargs: + value = kwargs.get( arg_name ) + # if there's a tuple of multiple validators for this arg_name, use all of them + if isinstance( arg_type, tuple ): + for validator in arg_type: + try: + value = validator( value ) + except ( ValueError, TypeError ): + raise Validation_error( arg_name, value, validator ) + kwargs[ str( arg_name ) ] = value + # otherwise, there's just a single validator + else: + try: + kwargs[ str( arg_name ) ] = arg_type( value ) + except ( ValueError, TypeError ): + raise Validation_error( arg_name, value, arg_type ) + continue + + # arg_name wasn't found in kwargs, so use args instead + if args_index >= len( args ): + raise Validation_error( arg_name, None, arg_type, message = u"is required" ) + value = args[ args_index ] + + # if there's a tuple of multiple validators for this arg_name, use all of them + if isinstance( arg_type, tuple ): + for validator in arg_type: + try: + value = validator( value ) + except ( ValueError, TypeError ): + raise Validation_error( arg_name, value, validator ) + args[ args_index ] = value + # otherwise, there's just a single validator + else: + try: + args[ args_index ] = arg_type( value ) + except ( ValueError, TypeError ): + raise Validation_error( arg_name, value, arg_type ) + args_index += 1 + + for ( arg_name, arg_value ) in kwargs.items(): + if not arg_name in kwarg_types: + print arg_name, kwarg_types + raise Validation_error( arg_name, arg_value, None, message = u"is an unknown argument" ) + + return function( *args, **kwargs ) + + return check + + return decorate diff --git a/controller/ b/controller/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..068b4d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +class Stub_view( object ): + result = None + + def __init__( self, **kwargs ): + Stub_view.result = kwargs + + def __str__( self ): + return "" diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..478658a --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +import cherrypy +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from controller.Database import Database +from controller.test.Stub_view import Stub_view +from config import Common +from datetime import datetime +from StringIO import StringIO + + +class Test_controller( object ): + def setUp( self ): + from controller.Root import Root + cherrypy.lowercase_api = True + self.scheduler = Scheduler() + self.database = Database( self.scheduler, database_path = None ) + cherrypy.root = Root( self.scheduler, self.database ) + cherrypy.config.update( Common.settings ) + cherrypy.config.update( { u"server.log_to_screen": False } ) + cherrypy.server.start( init_only = True, server_class = None ) + + # since we only want to test the controller, use the stub view for all exposed methods + import controller.Expose + Stub_view.result = None + controller.Expose.view_override = Stub_view + + def tearDown( self ): + cherrypy.server.stop() + self.scheduler.shutdown() + + def http_get( self, http_path, headers = None, session_id = None): + """ + Perform an HTTP GET with the given path on the test server. Return the result dict as returned + by the invoked method. + """ + if headers is None: + headers = [] + + if session_id: + headers.append( ( u"Cookie", "session_id=%s" % session_id ) ) # will break if unicode is used for the value + + request = cherrypy.server.request( u"", u"" ) + response = "GET %s HTTP/1.0" % http_path, headers = headers, rfile = StringIO() ) + session_id = response.simple_cookie.get( u"session_id" ) + if session_id: session_id = session_id.value + + try: + if Stub_view.result is not None: + result = Stub_view.result + else: + result = dict( + status = response.status, + headers = response.headers, + body = response.body, + ) + + result[ u"session_id" ] = session_id + return result + finally: + request.close() + + def http_post( self, http_path, form_args, headers = None, session_id = None ): + """ + Perform an HTTP POST with the given path on the test server, sending the provided form_args + dict. Return the result dict as returned by the invoked method. + """ + from urllib import urlencode + post_data = urlencode( form_args ) + + if headers is None: + headers = [] + + headers.extend( [ + ( u"Content-Type", u"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ), + ( u"Content-Length", unicode( len( post_data ) ) ), + ] ) + + if session_id: + headers.append( ( u"Cookie", "session_id=%s" % session_id ) ) # will break if unicode is used for the value + + request = cherrypy.server.request( u"", u"" ) + response = "POST %s HTTP/1.0" % http_path, headers = headers, rfile = StringIO( post_data ) ) + session_id = response.simple_cookie.get( u"session_id" ) + if session_id: session_id = session_id.value + + try: + if Stub_view.result is not None: + result = Stub_view.result + else: + result = dict( + status = response.status, + headers = response.headers, + body = response.body, + ) + + result[ u"session_id" ] = session_id + return result + finally: + request.close() diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae7b80d --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +from controller.Database import Database +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from model.Persistent import Persistent + + +class Some_object( Persistent ): + def __init__( self, object_id, value, value2 = None, secondary_id = None ): + Persistent.__init__( self, object_id, secondary_id ) + self.__value = value + self.__value2 = value2 + + def __set_value( self, value ): + self.update_revision() + self.__value = value + + def __set_value2( self, value2 ): + self.update_revision() + self.__value2 = value2 + + value = property( lambda self: self.__value, __set_value ) + value2 = property( lambda self: self.__value2, __set_value2 ) + + +class Test_database( object ): + def __init__( self, clear_cache = True ): + self.clear_cache = clear_cache + + def setUp( self ): + self.scheduler = Scheduler() + self.database = Database( self.scheduler ) + next_id = None + + def tearDown( self ): + self.database.close() + self.scheduler.shutdown() + + def test_save_and_load( self ): + def gen(): + basic_obj = Some_object( object_id = "5", value = 1 ) + + basic_obj, self.scheduler.thread ) + yield Scheduler.SLEEP + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + self.database.load( basic_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + assert obj.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value == basic_obj.value + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + def test_complex_save_and_load( self ): + def gen(): + basic_obj = Some_object( object_id = "7", value = 2 ) + complex_obj = Some_object( object_id = "6", value = basic_obj ) + + complex_obj, self.scheduler.thread ) + yield Scheduler.SLEEP + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + self.database.load( complex_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + + assert obj.object_id == complex_obj.object_id + assert obj.value.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value.value == basic_obj.value + + self.database.load( basic_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + assert obj.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value == basic_obj.value + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + def test_save_and_load_by_secondary( self ): + def gen(): + basic_obj = Some_object( object_id = "5", value = 1, secondary_id = u"foo" ) + + basic_obj, self.scheduler.thread ) + yield Scheduler.SLEEP + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + self.database.load( u"foo", self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + assert obj.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value == basic_obj.value + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + def test_duplicate_save_and_load( self ): + def gen(): + basic_obj = Some_object( object_id = "9", value = 3 ) + complex_obj = Some_object( object_id = "8", value = basic_obj, value2 = basic_obj ) + + complex_obj, self.scheduler.thread ) + yield Scheduler.SLEEP + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + self.database.load( complex_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + + assert obj.object_id == complex_obj.object_id + assert obj.value.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value.value == basic_obj.value + assert obj.value2.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value2.value == basic_obj.value + assert obj.value == obj.value2 + + self.database.load( basic_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + assert obj.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.value == basic_obj.value + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + def test_save_and_load_revision( self ): + def gen(): + basic_obj = Some_object( object_id = "5", value = 1 ) + original_revision = basic_obj.revision + + basic_obj, self.scheduler.thread ) + yield Scheduler.SLEEP + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + + basic_obj.value = 2 + + basic_obj, self.scheduler.thread ) + yield Scheduler.SLEEP + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + self.database.load( basic_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + if self.clear_cache: self.database.clear_cache() + + assert obj.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.revision == basic_obj.revision + assert obj.value == basic_obj.value + + self.database.load( basic_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread, revision = original_revision ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + assert obj.object_id == basic_obj.object_id + assert obj.revision == original_revision + assert obj.value == 1 + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + def test_load_unknown( self ): + def gen(): + basic_obj = Some_object( object_id = "5", value = 1 ) + self.database.load( basic_obj.object_id, self.scheduler.thread ) + obj = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + assert obj == None + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + def test_next_id( self ): + def gen(): + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + next_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + assert next_id + prev_ids = [ next_id ] + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + next_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + assert next_id + assert next_id not in prev_ids + prev_ids.append( next_id ) + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + next_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + assert next_id + assert next_id not in prev_ids + + g = gen() + self.scheduler.add( g ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( g ) + + +class Test_database_without_clearing_cache( Test_database ): + def __init__( self ): + Test_database.__init__( self, clear_cache = False ) diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f2d5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,714 @@ +import cherrypy +import cgi +from Test_controller import Test_controller +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from model.Notebook import Notebook +from model.Entry import Entry +from model.User import User + + +class Test_notebooks( Test_controller ): + def setUp( self ): + Test_controller.setUp( self ) + + self.notebook = None + self.anon_notebook = None + self.unknown_notebook_id = "17" + self.unknown_entry_id = "42" + self.username = u"mulder" + self.password = u"trustno1" + self.email_address = u"" + self.user = None + self.anonymous = None + self.session_id = None + + thread = self.make_notebooks() + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) + + thread = self.make_users() + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) + + def make_notebooks( self ): + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.notebook = Notebook( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"notebook" ) + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.entry = Entry( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"

my title

blah" ) + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.entry2 = Entry( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"

other title

whee" ) + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry2 ) + self.notebook ) + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.anon_notebook = Notebook( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"anon_notebook" ) + self.anon_notebook ) + + def make_users( self ): + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.user = User( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), self.username, self.password, self.email_address, [ self.notebook ] ) + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.anonymous = User( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"anonymous", None, None, [ self.anon_notebook ] ) + + self.user ) + self.anonymous ) + + def test_default( self ): + result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/%s" % self.notebook.object_id ) + + assert result.get( u"notebook_id" ) == self.notebook.object_id + + def test_contents( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert notebook.object_id == self.notebook.object_id + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 1 + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 0 ] == self.entry + + def test_contents_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_load_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + + assert entry.object_id == self.entry.object_id + assert entry.title == self.entry.title + assert entry.contents == self.entry.contents + + def test_load_entry_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_load_entry_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_load_unknown_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.unknown_entry_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + assert entry == None + + def test_load_entry_by_title( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = self.entry.title, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + + assert entry.object_id == self.entry.object_id + assert entry.title == self.entry.title + assert entry.contents == self.entry.contents + + def test_load_entry_by_title_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = self.entry.title, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_load_entry_by_title_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, + entry_title = self.entry.title, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_load_unknown_entry_by_title( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = "unknown title", + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + assert entry == None + + def test_save_entry( self, startup = False ): + self.login() + + # save over an existing entry supplying new contents and a new title + new_entry_contents = u"

new title

new blah" + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + contents = new_entry_contents, + startup = startup, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result[ "saved" ] == True + + # make sure the old title can no longer be loaded + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = "my title", + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + assert entry == None + + # make sure the new title is now loadable + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = "new title", + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + + assert entry.object_id == self.entry.object_id + assert entry.title == self.entry.title + assert entry.contents == self.entry.contents + + # check that the entry is / is not a startup entry + if startup: + assert entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + else: + assert not entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + + def test_save_startup_entry( self ): + self.test_save_entry( startup = True ) + + def test_save_entry_without_login( self, startup = False ): + # save over an existing entry supplying new contents and a new title + new_entry_contents = u"

new title

new blah" + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + contents = new_entry_contents, + startup = startup, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_save_startup_entry_without_login( self ): + self.test_save_entry_without_login( startup = True ) + + def test_save_entry_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + # save over an existing entry supplying new contents and a new title + new_entry_contents = u"

new title

new blah" + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + contents = new_entry_contents, + startup = False, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_save_new_entry( self, startup = False ): + self.login() + + # save a completely new entry + new_entry = Entry( "55", u"

newest title

foo" ) + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = new_entry.object_id, + contents = new_entry.contents, + startup = startup, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result[ "saved" ] == True + + # make sure the new title is now loadable + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = new_entry.title, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + + assert entry.object_id == new_entry.object_id + assert entry.title == new_entry.title + assert entry.contents == new_entry.contents + + # check that the entry is / is not a startup entry + if startup: + assert entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + else: + assert not entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + + def test_save_new_startup_entry( self ): + self.test_save_new_entry( startup = True ) + + def test_save_new_entry_with_disallowed_tags( self ): + self.login() + + # save a completely new entry + title_with_tags = u"

my title

" + junk = u"foo" + more_junk = u"


" + new_entry = Entry( "55", title_with_tags + junk + more_junk ) + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = new_entry.object_id, + contents = new_entry.contents, + startup = False, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result[ "saved" ] == True + + # make sure the new title is now loadable + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = new_entry.title, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + + expected_contents = title_with_tags + cgi.escape( junk ) + u"


" + + assert entry.object_id == new_entry.object_id + assert entry.title == new_entry.title + assert entry.contents == expected_contents + + def test_save_new_entry_with_bad_characters( self ): + self.login() + + # save a completely new entry + contents = "

newest title

foo" + junk = "\xa0bar" + new_entry = Entry( "55", contents + junk ) + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/save_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = new_entry.object_id, + contents = new_entry.contents, + startup = False, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result[ "saved" ] == True + + # make sure the new title is now loadable + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_title = new_entry.title, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result[ "entry" ] + + assert entry.object_id == new_entry.object_id + assert entry.title == new_entry.title + assert entry.contents == contents + " bar" + + def test_add_startup_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/add_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry2.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that the added entry shows up in notebook.startup_entries + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 2 + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 0 ] == self.entry + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 1 ] == self.entry2 + + def test_add_startup_entry_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/add_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry2.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_add_startup_entry_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/add_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, + entry_id = self.entry2.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that notebook.startup_entries hasn't changed + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 1 + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 0 ] == self.entry + + def test_add_startup_unknown_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/add_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.unknown_entry_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that notebook.startup_entries hasn't changed + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 1 + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 0 ] == self.entry + + def test_remove_startup_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/remove_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that the remove entry no longer shows up in notebook.startup_entries + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 0 + + def test_remove_startup_entry_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/remove_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_remove_startup_entry_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/remove_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that notebook.startup_entries hasn't changed + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 1 + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 0 ] == self.entry + + def test_remove_startup_unknown_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/remove_startup_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.unknown_entry_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that notebook.startup_entries hasn't changed + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/contents?notebook_id=%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + notebook = result[ "notebook" ] + + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 1 + assert notebook.startup_entries[ 0 ] == self.entry + + def test_delete_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that the delete entry is actually deleted + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "entry" ) == None + + def test_delete_entry_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_delete_entry_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.unknown_notebook_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that the entry hasn't been deleted + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result.get( "entry" ) + assert entry.object_id == self.entry.object_id + + def test_delete_unknown_entry( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/delete_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.unknown_entry_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + # test that the entry hasn't been deleted + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/load_entry/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + entry_id = self.entry.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entry = result.get( "entry" ) + assert entry.object_id == self.entry.object_id + + def test_blank_entry( self ): + result = self.http_get( "/notebooks/blank_entry/5" ) + assert result[ u"id" ] == u"5" + + def test_search( self ): + self.login() + + search_text = u"bla" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 1 + assert entries[ 0 ].object_id == self.entry.object_id + + def test_search_without_login( self ): + search_text = u"bla" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_case_insensitive_search( self ): + self.login() + + search_text = u"bLA" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 1 + assert entries[ 0 ].object_id == self.entry.object_id + + def test_empty_search( self ): + self.login() + + search_text = "" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 0 + + def test_search_with_no_results( self ): + self.login() + + search_text = "doesn't match anything" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 0 + + def test_search_title_and_contents( self ): + self.login() + + # ensure that entries with titles matching the search text show up before entries with only + # contents matching the search text + entry3 = Entry( "55", u"


foo" ) + self.notebook.add_entry( entry3 ) + + self.notebook ) + + search_text = "bla" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 2 + assert entries[ 0 ].object_id == entry3.object_id + assert entries[ 1 ].object_id == self.entry.object_id + + def test_search_html_tags( self ): + self.login() + + search_text = "h3" + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/search/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + search_text = search_text, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 0 + + def test_recent_entries( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/recent_entries/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + + assert len( entries ) == 2 + assert entries[ 0 ].object_id == self.entry2.object_id + assert entries[ 1 ].object_id == self.entry.object_id + + def test_recent_entries_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/notebooks/recent_entries/", dict( + notebook_id = self.notebook.object_id, + ), session_id = self.session_id ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_download_html( self ): + self.login() + + entry3 = Entry( "55", u"


foo" ) + self.notebook.add_entry( entry3 ) + + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/download_html/%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + assert result.get( "notebook_name" ) == + + entries = result.get( "entries" ) + assert len( entries ) == len( self.notebook.entries ) + startup_entry_allowed = True + previous_revision = None + + # assert that startup entries come first, then normal entries in descending revision order + for entry in entries: + if entry in self.notebook.startup_entries: + assert startup_entry_allowed + else: + startup_entry_allowed = False + assert entry in self.notebook.entries + if previous_revision: + assert entry.revision < previous_revision + + previous_revision = entry.revision + + def test_download_html( self ): + entry3 = Entry( "55", u"


foo" ) + self.notebook.add_entry( entry3 ) + + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/download_html/%s" % self.notebook.object_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def test_download_html_with_unknown_notebook( self ): + self.login() + + result = self.http_get( + "/notebooks/download_html/%s" % self.unknown_notebook_id, + session_id = self.session_id, + ) + + assert result.get( "error" ) + + def login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( + username = self.username, + password = self.password, + login_button = u"login", + ) ) + self.session_id = result[ u"session_id" ] diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d95fa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import cherrypy +from Test_controller import Test_controller + + +class Test_root( Test_controller ): + def setUp( self ): + Test_controller.setUp( self ) + + def test_index( self ): + result = self.http_get( "/" ) + assert result + + def test_next_id( self ): + result = self.http_get( "/next_id" ) + + assert result.get( "next_id" ) + + result = self.http_get( "/next_id" ) + + assert result.get( "next_id" ) + + def test_404( self ): + result = self.http_get( "/four_oh_four" ) + + body = result.get( u"body" ) + assert len( body ) > 0 + assert u"404" in body[ 0 ] + + status = result.get( u"status" ) + assert u"404" in status + + headers = result.get( u"headers" ) + status = headers.get( u"status" ) + assert u"404" in status diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9478d03 --- /dev/null +++ b/controller/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +import cherrypy +from Test_controller import Test_controller +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from model.User import User +from model.Notebook import Notebook + + +class Test_users( Test_controller ): + def setUp( self ): + Test_controller.setUp( self ) + + self.username = u"mulder" + self.password = u"trustno1" + self.email_address = u"" + self.new_username = u"reynolds" + self.new_password = u"shiny" + self.new_email_address = u"" + self.user = None + self.anonymous = None + self.notebooks = None + + thread = self.make_users() + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) + + def make_users( self ): + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + notebook_id1 = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + notebook_id2 = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + self.notebooks = [ + Notebook( notebook_id1, u"my notebook" ), + Notebook( notebook_id2, u"my other notebook" ), + ] + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.anon_notebook = Notebook( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"anon notebook" ) + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.user = User( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), self.username, self.password, self.email_address, self.notebooks ) + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + self.anonymous = User( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"anonymous", None, None, [ self.anon_notebook ] ) + + self.user ) + self.anonymous ) + + def test_signup( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict( + username = self.new_username, + password = self.new_password, + password_repeat = self.new_password, + email_address = self.new_email_address, + signup_button = u"sign up", + ) ) + + assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" ) + assert result[ u"authenticated" ] + + def test_current_after_signup( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict( + username = self.new_username, + password = self.new_password, + password_repeat = self.new_password, + email_address = self.new_email_address, + signup_button = u"sign up", + ) ) + session_id = result[ u"session_id" ] + + new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ] + + result = self.http_get( "/users/current", session_id = session_id ) + + assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.new_username + notebooks = result[ u"notebooks" ] + assert len( notebooks ) == 2 + assert notebooks[ 0 ] == self.anon_notebook + notebook = notebooks[ 1 ] + assert notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id + assert len( notebook.entries ) == 1 + assert len( notebook.startup_entries ) == 1 + + def test_signup_with_different_passwords( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict( + username = self.new_username, + password = self.new_password, + password_repeat = self.new_password + u"nomatch", + email_address = self.new_email_address, + signup_button = u"sign up", + ) ) + + assert result[ u"error" ] + + def test_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( + username = self.username, + password = self.password, + login_button = u"login", + ) ) + + assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/notebooks/%s" % self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id + assert result[ u"authenticated" ] + + def test_login_with_unknown_user( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( + username = u"nosuchuser", + password = self.password, + login_button = u"login", + ) ) + + assert result[ u"error" ] + assert not result.get( u"authenticated" ) + + def test_login_with_invalid_password( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( + username = self.username, + password = u"wrongpass", + login_button = u"login", + ) ) + + assert result[ u"error" ] + assert not result.get( u"authenticated" ) + + def test_logout( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/logout", dict() ) + + assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/" + assert result[ u"deauthenticated" ] + + def test_current_after_login( self ): + result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict( + username = self.username, + password = self.password, + login_button = u"login", + ) ) + session_id = result[ u"session_id" ] + + result = self.http_get( "/users/current", session_id = session_id ) + + assert result[ u"user" ] == self.user + assert result[ u"notebooks" ] == [ self.anon_notebook ] + self.notebooks + + def test_current_without_login( self ): + result = self.http_get( "/users/current" ) + + assert result[ u"user" ].username == "anonymous" + assert result[ u"notebooks" ] == [ self.anon_notebook ] diff --git a/controller/test/ b/controller/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..446f649 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import cherrypy +from controller.Database import Database +from controller.Root import Root +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from config import Common + + +def main( args ): + scheduler = Scheduler() + database = Database( scheduler, "data.db" ) + + cherrypy.lowercase_api = True + root = Root( scheduler, database ) + cherrypy.root = root + + cherrypy.config.update( Common.settings ) + + if len( args ) > 0 and args[ 0 ] == "-d": + from config import Development + cherrypy.config.update( Development.settings ) + else: + from config import Production + cherrypy.config.update( Production.settings ) + + if scheduler.shutdown not in cherrypy.server.on_stop_server_list: + cherrypy.server.on_stop_server_list.append( scheduler.shutdown ) + + cherrypy.server.start() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + import sys + main( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) diff --git a/model/ b/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..894cec2 --- /dev/null +++ b/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +import re +from Persistent import Persistent +from controller.Html_nuker import Html_nuker + + +class Entry( Persistent ): + """ + An single textual wiki entry. + """ + TITLE_PATTERN = re.compile( u"


", flags = re.IGNORECASE ) + + def __init__( self, id, contents = None ): + """ + Create a new entry with the given id and contents. + + @type id: unicode + @param id: id of the entry + @type contents: unicode or NoneType + @param contents: initial contents of the entry (optional) + @rtype: Entry + @return: newly constructed entry + """ + Persistent.__init__( self, id ) + self.__title = None + self.__contents = None or "" + + self.__set_contents( contents ) + + def __set_contents( self, contents ): + self.update_revision() + self.__contents = contents + + # parse title out of the beginning of the contents + result = contents ) + + if result: + self.__title = result.groups()[ 0 ] + self.__title = Html_nuker( allow_refs = True ).nuke( self.__title ) + else: + self.__title = None + + def to_dict( self ): + d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) + d.update( dict( + contents = self.__contents, + title = self.__title, + ) ) + + return d + + contents = property( lambda self: self.__contents, __set_contents ) + title = property( lambda self: self.__title ) diff --git a/model/ b/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1792c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +from copy import copy +from Entry import Entry +from Persistent import Persistent + + +class Notebook( Persistent ): + """ + A collection of wiki entries. + """ + + class UnknownEntryError( ValueError ): + """ + Indicates that an accessed entry is not in this notebook. + """ + def __init__( self, entry_id ): + ValueError.__init__( self, entry_id ) + + def __init__( self, id, name ): + """ + Create a new entry with the given id and name. + + @type id: unicode + @param id: id of the notebook + @type name: unicode + @param name: name of this notebook + @rtype: Notebook + @return: newly constructed notebook + """ + Persistent.__init__( self, id ) + self.__name = name + self.__entries = {} # map of entry id to entry + self.__titles = {} # map of entry title to entry + self.__startup_entries = [] # list of entries shown on startup + + def add_entry( self, entry ): + """ + Add an entry to this notebook. + + @type entry: Entry + @param entry: entry to add + """ + self.update_revision() + self.__entries[ entry.object_id ] = entry + self.__titles[ entry.title ] = entry + + def remove_entry( self, entry ): + """ + Remove an entry from this notebook. + + @type entry: Entry + @param entry: entry to remove + @rtype: bool + @return: True if the entry was removed, False if the entry wasn't in this notebook + """ + if self.__entries.pop( entry.object_id, None ): + self.update_revision() + self.__titles.pop( entry.title, None ) + if entry in self.__startup_entries: + self.__startup_entries.remove( entry ) + return True + + return False + + def lookup_entry( self, entry_id ): + """ + Return the entry in this notebook with the given id. + + @type entry_id: unicode + @param entry_id: id of the entry to return + @rtype: Entry or NoneType + @return: entry corresponding to the entry id or None + """ + return self.__entries.get( entry_id ) + + def lookup_entry_by_title( self, title ): + """ + Return the entry in this notebook with the given title. + + @type title: unicode + @param title: title of the entry to return + @rtype: Entry or NoneType + @return: entry corresponding to the title or None + """ + return self.__titles.get( title ) + + def update_entry( self, entry, contents ): + """ + Update the given entry with new contents. Bail if the entry's contents are unchanged. + + @type entry: Entry + @param entry: entry to update + @type contents: unicode + @param contents: new textual contents for the entry + @raises UnknownEntryError: entry to update is not in this notebook + """ + old_entry = self.__entries.get( entry.object_id ) + if old_entry is None: + raise Notebook.UnknownEntryError( entry.object_id ) + + if contents == old_entry.contents: + return + + self.update_revision() + self.__titles.pop( entry.title, None ) + + entry.contents = contents + + self.__titles[ entry.title ] = entry + + def add_startup_entry( self, entry ): + """ + Add the given entry to be shown on startup. It must already be an entry in this notebook. + + @type entry: unicode + @param entry: entry to be added for startup + @rtype: bool + @return: True if the entry was added for startup + @raises UnknownEntryError: given entry is not in this notebook + """ + if self.__entries.get( entry.object_id ) is None: + raise Notebook.UnknownEntryError( entry.object_id ) + + if not entry in self.__startup_entries: + self.update_revision() + self.__startup_entries.append( entry ) + return True + + return False + + def remove_startup_entry( self, entry ): + """ + Remove the given entry from being shown on startup. + + @type entry: unicode + @param entry: entry to be removed from startup + @rtype: bool + @return: True if the entry was removed from startup + """ + if entry in self.__startup_entries: + self.update_revision() + self.__startup_entries.remove( entry ) + return True + + return False + + def to_dict( self ): + d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) + d.update( dict( + name = self.__name, + startup_entries = copy( self.startup_entries ), + read_write = True, + ) ) + + return d + + def __set_name( self, name ): + self.__name = name + self.update_revision() + + name = property( lambda self: self.__name, __set_name ) + startup_entries = property( lambda self: copy( self.__startup_entries ) ) + entries = property( lambda self: self.__entries.values() ) diff --git a/model/ b/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27c21de --- /dev/null +++ b/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +from datetime import datetime + + +class Persistent( object ): + def __init__( self, object_id, secondary_id = None ): + self.__object_id = object_id + self.__secondary_id = secondary_id + self.__revision = + + def update_revision( self ): + self.__revision = + + def revision_id( self ): + return "%s %s" % ( self.__object_id, self.__revision ) + + @staticmethod + def make_revision_id( object_id, revision ): + return "%s %s" % ( object_id, revision ) + + def to_dict( self ): + return dict( + object_id = self.__object_id, + revision = self.__revision, + ) + + object_id = property( lambda self: self.__object_id ) + secondary_id = property( lambda self: self.__secondary_id ) + revision = property( lambda self: self.__revision ) diff --git a/model/ b/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c33c82 --- /dev/null +++ b/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +from Persistent import Persistent + + +class Read_only_notebook( Persistent ): + """ + A wrapper for Notebook that hides all of its destructive update functions. + """ + def __init__( self, id, notebook ): + Persistent.__init__( self, id ) + self.__wrapped = notebook + + def lookup_entry( self, entry_id ): + return self.__wrapped.lookup_entry( entry_id ) + + def lookup_entry_by_title( self, title ): + return self.__wrapped.lookup_entry_by_title( title ) + + def to_dict( self ): + d = self.__wrapped.to_dict() + d.update( dict( + object_id = self.object_id, + read_write = False, + ) ) + + return d + + name = property( lambda self: ) + entries = property( lambda self: self.__wrapped.entries ) + startup_entries = property( lambda self: self.__wrapped.startup_entries ) diff --git a/model/ b/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fa3d9a --- /dev/null +++ b/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +import sha +import random +from copy import copy +from Persistent import Persistent + + +class User( Persistent ): + """ + A user of this application. + """ + SALT_CHARS = [ chr( c ) for c in range( ord( "!" ), ord( "~" ) + 1 ) ] + SALT_SIZE = 12 + + def __init__( self, id, username, password, email_address, notebooks = None ): + """ + Create a new user with the given credentials and information. + + @type id: unicode + @param id: id of the user + @type username: unicode + @param username: unique user identifier for login purposes + @type password: unicode + @param password: secret password for login purposes + @type email_address: unicode + @param email_address: a hopefully valid email address + @type notebooks: [ Notebook ] + @param notebooks: list of notebooks (read-only and read-write) that this user has access to + @rtype: User + @return: newly created user + """ + Persistent.__init__( self, id, secondary_id = username ) + self.__salt = self.__create_salt() + self.__password_hash = self.__hash_password( password ) + self.__email_address = email_address + self.__notebooks = notebooks or [] + + def __create_salt( self ): + return "".join( [ random.choice( self.SALT_CHARS ) for i in range( self.SALT_SIZE ) ] ) + + def __hash_password( self, password ): + if password is None or len( password ) == 0: + return None + + return self.__salt + password ).hexdigest() + + def check_password( self, password ): + """ + Check that the given password matches this user's password. + + @type password: unicode + @param password: password to check + @rtype: bool + @return: True if the password matches + """ + if self.__password_hash == None: + return False + + hash = self.__hash_password( password ) + if hash == self.__password_hash: + return True + + return False + + def has_access( self, notebook_id ): + if notebook_id in [ notebook.object_id for notebook in self.__notebooks ]: + return True + + return False + + def to_dict( self ): + d = Persistent.to_dict( self ) + d.update( dict( + username = self.username, + ) ) + + return d + + def __set_password( self, password ): + self.update_revision() + self.__salt = self.__create_salt() + self.__password_hash = self.__hash_password( password ) + + def __set_notebooks( self, notebooks ): + self.update_revision() + self.__notebooks = notebooks + + username = property( lambda self: self.secondary_id ) + email_address = property( lambda self: self.__email_address ) + password = property( None, __set_password ) + + # the notebooks (read-only and read-write) that this user has access to + notebooks = property( lambda self: copy( self.__notebooks ), __set_notebooks ) diff --git a/model/ b/model/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/model/test/ b/model/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c218b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/model/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +from model.Entry import Entry + + +class Test_entry( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = 17 + self.title = u"title goes here" + self.contents = u"


blah" % self.title + + self.entry = Entry( self.object_id, self.contents ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.entry.object_id == self.object_id + assert self.entry.contents == self.contents + assert self.entry.title == self.title + + def test_set_contents( self ): + new_title = u"new title" + new_contents = u"


new blah" % new_title + previous_revision = self.entry.revision + + self.entry.contents = new_contents + + assert self.entry.contents == new_contents + assert self.entry.title == new_title + assert self.entry.revision > previous_revision + + def test_set_contents_with_html_title( self ): + new_title = u"new title" + new_contents = u"


new blah" % new_title + previous_revision = self.entry.revision + + self.entry.contents = new_contents + + assert self.entry.contents == new_contents + assert self.entry.title == new_title + assert self.entry.revision > previous_revision + + def test_to_dict( self ): + d = self.entry.to_dict() + + assert d.get( "contents" ) == self.contents + assert d.get( "title" ) == self.title + diff --git a/model/test/ b/model/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..298601c --- /dev/null +++ b/model/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +from import raises +from model.Notebook import Notebook +from model.Entry import Entry + + +class Test_notebook( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = 17 + = u"my notebook" + + self.notebook = Notebook( self.object_id, ) + self.entry = Entry( 18, u"


blah" ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.notebook.object_id == self.object_id + assert == + + def test_set_name( self ): + new_name = u"my new notebook" + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + = new_name + + assert == new_name + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + def test_add_and_lookup_entry( self ): + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == self.entry + + def test_lookup_unknown_entry( self ): + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == None + + def test_add_and_lookup_entry_by_title( self ): + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( self.entry.title ) + assert entry == self.entry + + def test_lookup_unknown_entry_by_title( self ): + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.title ) + assert entry == None + + def test_remove_entry( self ): + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + result = self.notebook.remove_entry( self.entry ) + assert result == True + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == None + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( self.entry.title ) + assert entry == None + + assert not entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + + def test_remove_unknown_entry( self ): + revision = self.notebook.revision + result = self.notebook.remove_entry( self.entry ) + assert result == False + assert self.notebook.revision == revision + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == None + + def test_update_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + old_title = self.entry.title + + new_title = u"new title" + new_contents = u"


new blah" % new_title + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.update_entry( self.entry, new_contents ) + + assert self.entry.contents == new_contents + assert self.entry.title == new_title + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == self.entry + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( old_title ) + assert entry == None + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( new_title ) + assert entry == self.entry + + def test_update_unrevised_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + old_title = self.entry.title + + revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.update_entry( self.entry, self.entry.contents ) + assert self.notebook.revision == revision + + entry = self.notebook.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == self.entry + + @raises( Notebook.UnknownEntryError ) + def test_update_unknown_entry( self ): + new_contents = u"

new title

new blah" + self.notebook.update_entry( self.entry, new_contents ) + + def test_add_startup_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + assert self.entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + def test_add_duplicate_startup_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + assert self.entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + revision = self.notebook.revision + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + assert self.notebook.startup_entries.count( self.entry ) == 1 + assert self.notebook.revision == revision + + @raises( Notebook.UnknownEntryError ) + def test_add_unknown_startup_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + def test_remove_startup_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + previous_revision = self.notebook.revision + result = self.notebook.remove_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + assert result == True + assert not self.entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + assert self.notebook.revision > previous_revision + + def test_remove_unknown_startup_entry( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + + revision = self.notebook.revision + result = self.notebook.remove_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + assert result == False + assert not self.entry in self.notebook.startup_entries + assert self.notebook.revision == revision + + def test_to_dict( self ): + d = self.notebook.to_dict() + + assert d.get( "name" ) == + assert d.get( "startup_entries" ) == [] + assert d.get( "read_write" ) == True + + def test_to_dict_with_startup_entries( self ): + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + d = self.notebook.to_dict() + + assert d.get( "name" ) == + assert d.get( "startup_entries" ) == [ self.entry ] + assert d.get( "read_write" ) == True diff --git a/model/test/ b/model/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b020b50 --- /dev/null +++ b/model/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +from datetime import datetime, timedelta +from model.Persistent import Persistent + + +class Test_persistent( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = "17" + self.obj = Persistent( self.object_id ) + = timedelta( seconds = 1 ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.obj.object_id == self.object_id + assert self.obj.secondary_id == None + assert - self.obj.revision < + + def test_revision_id( self ): + assert self.obj.revision_id() == "%s %s" % ( self.object_id, self.obj.revision ) + + def test_make_revision_id( self ): + assert self.obj.revision_id() == Persistent.make_revision_id( self.object_id, self.obj.revision ) + + def test_update_revision( self ): + previous_revision = self.obj.revision + self.obj.update_revision() + assert self.obj.revision > previous_revision + assert - self.obj.revision < + + previous_revision = self.obj.revision + self.obj.update_revision() + assert self.obj.revision > previous_revision + assert - self.obj.revision < + + def test_to_dict( self ): + d = self.obj.to_dict() + + assert d.get( "object_id" ) == self.object_id + assert d.get( "revision" ) == self.obj.revision + + +class Test_persistent_with_secondary_id( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = "17" + self.secondary_id = u"foo" + self.obj = Persistent( self.object_id, self.secondary_id ) + = timedelta( seconds = 1 ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.obj.object_id == self.object_id + assert self.obj.secondary_id == self.secondary_id + assert - self.obj.revision < diff --git a/model/test/ b/model/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f5655a --- /dev/null +++ b/model/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +from import raises +from model.Notebook import Notebook +from model.Read_only_notebook import Read_only_notebook +from model.Entry import Entry + + +class Test_read_only_notebook( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = "17" + self.read_only_id = "22" + = u"my notebook" + + self.notebook = Notebook( self.object_id, ) + self.entry = Entry( "18", u"


blah" ) + self.notebook.add_entry( self.entry ) + self.notebook.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + self.read_only = Read_only_notebook( self.read_only_id, self.notebook ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.read_only.object_id == self.read_only_id + assert == + assert self.read_only.entries == [ self.entry ] + assert self.read_only.startup_entries == [ self.entry ] + + @raises( AttributeError ) + def test_set_name( self ): + = u"my new notebook" + + @raises( AttributeError ) + def test_add_entry( self ): + self.read_only.add_entry( self.entry ) + + def test_lookup_entry( self ): + entry = self.read_only.lookup_entry( self.entry.object_id ) + assert entry == self.entry + + def test_lookup_unknown_entry( self ): + entry = self.read_only.lookup_entry( "55" ) + assert entry == None + + def test_lookup_entry_by_title( self ): + entry = self.read_only.lookup_entry_by_title( self.entry.title ) + assert entry == self.entry + + def test_lookup_unknown_entry_by_title( self ): + entry = self.read_only.lookup_entry( self.entry.title ) + assert entry == None + + @raises( AttributeError ) + def test_remove_entry( self ): + self.read_only.remove_entry( self.entry ) + + @raises( AttributeError ) + def test_update_entry( self ): + new_title = u"new title" + new_contents = u"


new blah" % new_title + self.read_only.update_entry( self.entry, new_contents ) + + @raises( AttributeError ) + def test_add_startup_entry( self ): + self.read_only.add_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + @raises( AttributeError ) + def test_remove_startup_entry( self ): + self.read_only.remove_startup_entry( self.entry ) + + def test_to_dict( self ): + d = self.read_only.to_dict() + + assert d.get( "object_id" ) == self.read_only_id + assert d.get( "name" ) == + assert d.get( "read_write" ) == False diff --git a/model/test/ b/model/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d12c59a --- /dev/null +++ b/model/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +from import raises +from model.User import User +from model.Notebook import Notebook + + +class Test_user( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = 17 + self.username = u"bob" + self.password = u"foobar" + self.email_address = u"" + + self.user = User( self.object_id, self.username, self.password, self.email_address ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.user.username == self.username + assert self.user.email_address == self.email_address + assert self.user.notebooks == [] + + def test_check_correct_password( self ): + assert self.user.check_password( self.password ) == True + + def test_check_incorrect_password( self ): + assert self.user.check_password( u"wrong" ) == False + + def test_set_password( self ): + previous_revision = self.user.revision + new_password = u"newpass" + self.user.password = new_password + + assert self.user.check_password( self.password ) == False + assert self.user.check_password( new_password ) == True + assert self.user.revision > previous_revision + + def test_set_none_password( self ): + previous_revision = self.user.revision + new_password = None + self.user.password = new_password + + assert self.user.check_password( self.password ) == False + assert self.user.check_password( new_password ) == False + assert self.user.revision > previous_revision + + def test_set_notebooks( self ): + previous_revision = self.user.revision + notebook_id = 33 + notebook = Notebook( notebook_id, u"my notebook" ) + self.user.notebooks = [ notebook ] + + assert len( self.user.notebooks ) == 1 + assert self.user.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == notebook_id + assert self.user.revision > previous_revision + + +class Test_user_with_notebooks( object ): + def setUp( self ): + self.object_id = 17 + self.username = u"bob" + self.password = u"foobar" + self.email_address = u"" + self.notebooks = [ + Notebook( 33, u"my notebook" ), + Notebook( 34, u"my other notebook" ), + ] + + self.user = User( self.object_id, self.username, self.password, self.email_address, self.notebooks ) + + def test_create( self ): + assert self.user.username == self.username + assert self.user.email_address == self.email_address + assert self.user.notebooks == self.notebooks + + def test_set_existing_notebooks( self ): + previous_revision = self.user.revision + self.user.notebooks = [ self.notebooks[ 1 ] ] + + assert len( self.user.notebooks ) == 1 + assert self.user.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == self.notebooks[ 1 ].object_id + assert self.user.revision > previous_revision + + def test_set_new_notebooks( self ): + previous_revision = self.user.revision + notebook_id = 35 + notebook = Notebook( notebook_id, u"my new notebook" ) + self.user.notebooks = [ notebook ] + + assert len( self.user.notebooks ) == 1 + assert self.user.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id == notebook_id + assert self.user.revision > previous_revision + + def test_has_access_true( self ): + assert self.user.has_access( self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id ) == True + + def test_has_access_true( self ): + notebook_id = 35 + notebook = Notebook( notebook_id, u"my new notebook" ) + assert self.user.has_access( notebook.object_id ) == False diff --git a/static/css/download.css b/static/css/download.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..907f12e --- /dev/null +++ b/static/css/download.css @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +body { + padding: 1em; + background-color: #fafafa; + text-align: center; +} + +#center_area { + margin: 0 auto; + text-align: center; + width: 50em; +} + +.entry_frame { + text-align: left; + margin: 0em; + padding: 1.25em; + border: 1px solid #999999; + margin-bottom: 0.75em; + background-color: #ffffff; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +h1 { + margin-top: 0em; +} + +h3 { + margin-top: 0em; + margin-bottom: 0.5em; +} + +.button { + border-style: outset; + border-width: 0px; + background-color: #d0e0f0; + outline: none; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +.button:hover { + background-color: #ffcc66; +} + +.text_field { + margin-top: 0.25em; + padding: 0.25em; + border: #999999 1px solid; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +ul li { + margin-top: 0.5em; +} + +ol li { + margin-top: 0.5em; +} diff --git a/static/css/entry.css b/static/css/entry.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca4742c --- /dev/null +++ b/static/css/entry.css @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +body { + padding: 0.75em; +} + +h3 { + margin-bottom: 0.5em; +} + +.button { + border-style: outset; + border-width: 0px; + background-color: #d0e0f0; + outline: none; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +.button:hover { + background-color: #ffcc66; +} + +.text_field { + margin-top: 0.25em; + padding: 0.25em; + border: #999999 1px solid; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +ul li { + margin-top: 0.5em; +} + +ol li { + margin-top: 0.5em; +} diff --git a/static/css/ie.css b/static/css/ie.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48aa28e --- /dev/null +++ b/static/css/ie.css @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +* html,* html body { + background: #fafafa url(/static/images/1x1.png) fixed; +} + +#toolbar { + position: absolute; + top: expression( eval( document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' ) ? documentElement.scrollTop + 20 : document.body.scrollTop + 20 ); + margin-left: -7em; +} + +#status_area { + position: absolute; + top: expression( eval( document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' ) ? documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop ); +} + +#content { + position: absolute; + left: 0em; + top: 0em; +} diff --git a/static/css/style.css b/static/css/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2752471 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/css/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +html, body { + margin: 0em; + background-color: #fafafa; + text-align: center; +} + +a { + color: #0000ff; +} + +a:hover { + color: #ff6600; +} + +#center_and_toolbar_area { + margin: 0 auto; + text-align: center; + width: 60em; +} + +#toolbar { + position: fixed; + width: 5em; + margin-top: 5em; + z-index: 1; +} + +#toolbar ul li { + list-style: none; + text-indent: -4em; + margin-top: 0em; + margin-left: 0em; + margin-bottom: 0.25em; + padding-top: 0em; + padding-left: 0em; +} + +#toolbar .button { + border-style: outset; + border-width: 0px; + background-color: #d0e0f0; + height: 2em; + width: 2em; + font-family: times, serif; + font-size: 1.25em; + outline: none; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +#toolbar .button:hover { + background-color: #ffcc66; +} + +#toolbar .button_down { + border-style: inset; + border-width: 2px; + background-color: #c0d0e0; +} + +#toolbar .button_down:hover { + background-color: #ffbb55; +} + +#bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +#italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +#title { + font-weight: bold; +} + +#link_area { + text-align: left; + float: right; + margin-top: 1em; + margin-right: 2em; + font-size: 0.75em; +} + +#link_area h3 { + font-size: 1em; + margin-top: 1.5em; + margin-bottom: 0.25em; +} + +#center_area { + margin: 0 auto; + text-align: center; + width: 50em; +} + +#status_area { + position: fixed; + padding: 1em; + z-index: 1; +} + +#title_area { + text-align: left; + padding-top: 1em; + margin-top: 0em; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + +#search_and_user_area { + float: right; + margin-top: 0.5em; +} + +#search_area { + margin-top: 0.5em; +} + +#search_form { + margin-bottom: 0em; +} + +#search_text { + padding: 0.25em; + border: #999999 1px solid; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +#user_area { + text-align: right; + margin-bottom: 1em; + font-size: 0.75em; +} + +#entries { + text-align: left; + margin-top: 1em; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + +.entry_controls { + float: right; + margin-right: 1.5em; + font-size: 0.75em; +} + +.entry_button { + border-style: outset; + border-width: 0px; + background-color: #d0e0f0; + font-size: 1em; + outline: none; + -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; +} + +.entry_button:hover { + background-color: #ffcc66; +} + +.entry_frame { + margin: 0em; + padding: 0em; + overflow: hidden; + height: 0em; + width: 100%; + border: 1px solid #999999; + margin-bottom: 0.75em; + background-color: #ffffff; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +.focused_entry_frame { + border: 2px solid black; +} + +.page_title a { + color: #000000; + text-decoration: none; + outline: 0; +} + +.page_title { + margin-top: 0em; + margin-bottom: 0em; +} + +.invisible { + visibility: hidden; +} + +.undisplayed { + display: none; +} + +.pulldown { + position: absolute; + width: 13em; + padding: 0.5em; + font-size: 0.75em; + border: 1px solid #000000; + background: #ffff99; + -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; +} + +.pulldown_button { + float: right; + border-style: outset; + border-width: 0px; + background-color: #d0e0f0; + font-size: 0.75em; + outline: none; + -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; +} + +.pulldown_button:hover { + background-color: #ffcc66; +} + +.pulldown_toggle { + color: #000000; +} + +.pulldown_toggle:hover { + color: #ff6600; +} + +.message { + padding: 0.5em; + border: 1px solid #550000; + margin-bottom: 0.5em; + color: #ffffff; + background-color: #ff3333; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +.message_inner { + padding: 0.5em; + color: #ffffff; + background-color: #dd1111; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +.status_text { + padding: 0.25em; + color: #ffffff; + border: 1px solid #005500; + background-color: #11bb11; + -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; + -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; +} diff --git a/static/html/about.html b/static/html/about.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..059d863 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/about.html @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +


+ +

+Limited Medium is a personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and +ideas. It's designed for: +

+ +
  • writers
    +Keep track of your characters, plots, and scenes.
  • + +
  • students
    +Take notes and make links between related concepts.
  • + +
  • game designers
    +Build up your world one detail at a time.
  • + +
  • creative types
    +If you've outgrown a Word doc or text file full of disorganized notes, Limited +Medium can help.
  • +
diff --git a/static/html/advanced browser features.html b/static/html/advanced browser features.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e54cedc --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/advanced browser features.html @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +

advanced browser features

+ +

+Limited Medium makes heavy use of a browser feature called DesignMode to +implement "what you see is what you mean" wiki editing. Unfortunately, +DesignMode support is incomplete in some browsers like Safari. Newer versions +of Safari will feature improvements in this area, so look for Limited Medium +to support Safari at some point in the future. Recent versions of the Opera +web browser do support DesignMode, so that's also a potential future addition +to our list of supported browsers. +

+ +

+Please note that since DesignMode is only used when you're editing a wiki, you +don't have to worry about DesignMode compatability when you're in read-only +mode and just viewing a wiki. So Limited Medium should work in read-only mode +with just about any modern browser with support for JavaScript, cookies, and +remote scripting. +

diff --git a/static/html/features.html b/static/html/features.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c2ff52 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/features.html @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +


+ +

+Here's what makes Limited Medium so great: +

+ +
    + +
  • viewing and editing, together at last
    + +With Limited Medium, you can update any wiki entry without having to switch to +a separate edit mode. And you can forget about markup or markdown. + +
  • big-picture browsing
    + +Deal with several wiki entries all at once on the same page. Perfect for notes +and brainstorming.
  • + +
  • web-based goodness
    + +All your work is automatically saved to the server so you can access your wiki +wherever you go.
  • + +
  • no FunnyLookingTitles
    + +You like spaces? So do we. Smashed together titles are completely unnecessary. +You're free to title your wiki entries as you see fit.
  • + +
  • built-in searching
    + +A single search looks through every word in the entire wiki.
  • + +
+ +

+Sound interesting? Then take a tour or try it out for yourself! +

diff --git a/static/html/login.html b/static/html/login.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..870aa14 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/login.html @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +


+ +No account yet? Want to make a wiki? You can try it out for free. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+Forgot? Need your password reset? +

diff --git a/static/html/navigation.html b/static/html/navigation.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54f4abd --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/navigation.html @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +about - +features - +take a tour - +try it out - +login diff --git a/static/html/password reset.html b/static/html/password reset.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3728c65 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/password reset.html @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +

password reset

+ +For now, if you need a password reset, please email diff --git a/static/html/reload.html b/static/html/reload.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a881e8c --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/reload.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + +Luminotes + + + + +

+Reloading... +

+ + +

+ + + diff --git a/static/html/supported browsers.html b/static/html/supported browsers.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa4aacc --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/supported browsers.html @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +

supported browsers

+ +

+Limited Medium makes use of some advanced browser features, +so not all browsers will work for editing your wiki. Supported browsers include: +

+ +
  • Internet Explorer 6+
  • +
  • Firefox 1.5+
  • +
  • SeaMonkey 1.0+
  • +
  • Iceweasel 1.5+
  • +
  • Iceape 1.0+
  • +
+ +

+The following web browsers are known not to work with Limited Medium: +

+ +
  • Safari
  • +
  • Opera
  • +
  • Konqueror
  • +
  • Lynx
  • +
+ +If you're looking for a personal wiki with more minimal browser requirements, +you might want to try TiddlyWiki. If you're looking for a more general-purpose +wiki for multiple users, check out MoinMoin. diff --git a/static/html/take a tour.html b/static/html/take a tour.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebefc2d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/take a tour.html @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +

take a tour

+ +Coming soon to a wiki near you. diff --git a/static/html/try it out.html b/static/html/try it out.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dda2ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/try it out.html @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +

try it out

+ +

+To get started with your own personal wiki, all you need to do is sign up for +an account. There's nothing to download or install. +

+ +

+We ask for your email address in case you need your password reset. We hate spam, and wouldn't even +dream of giving out your email address. +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +

+password (again)
+ +

+ +

+email address
+ +

+ +

+ +

+ +Please make sure you're using one of the supported browsers. +
diff --git a/static/html/welcome to your wiki.html b/static/html/welcome to your wiki.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8891a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/html/welcome to your wiki.html @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +

welcome to your wiki

+ +

Here's how to get started with your personal wiki notebook.

+ +

First, the basics. A Limited Medium notebook is simply a collection +of linked entries, each with a unique title. Right now you're reading an entry +titled "welcome to your wiki".

+ +

To make a new wiki entry, hit the "+" button on the left, or click +anywhere on the page's background. Start by typing a title for your new entry, +say, "ideas", and then press enter. Next, type the contents of your new entry, +using the formatting buttons on the left for things like bold, italics, or +lists.

+ +

To link one entry to another, use the entry link button with the +arrow on it. Hit the button once, type the title of an entry you want to link +to, and then hit the button again. Or, if you've already typed some text, you +can select it with your mouse and then hit the entry link button.

+ +

To follow a link to another entry, just click on it and it will open +up for you to view or edit. You can switch between entries just by clicking on +them, and hide entries simply by clicking the "hide" button.

+ +

That's all you need to know to get started with your personal wiki. It's +that easy. Enjoy!

diff --git a/static/images/1x1.png b/static/images/1x1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e750f33 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/images/1x1.png differ diff --git a/static/js/Editor.js b/static/js/Editor.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15cbccd --- /dev/null +++ b/static/js/Editor.js @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +entry_titles = {} // map from entry title to the open editor for that entry + +function Editor( id, entry_text, insert_after_iframe_id, read_write, startup, highlight, focus ) { + this.initial_text = entry_text; + = id; + this.read_write = read_write; + this.startup = startup || false; // whether this Editor is for a startup entry + this.init_highlight = highlight || false; + this.init_focus = focus || false; + var iframe_id = "entry_" + id; + + var self = this; + this.document = null; + this.iframe = createDOM( "iframe", { + "src": "/notebooks/blank_entry/" + id, + "frameBorder": "0", + "scrolling": "no", + "id": iframe_id, + "name": iframe_id, + "class": "entry_frame" + } ); + this.iframe.editor = this; + this.title = null; + + if ( read_write ) { + this.delete_button = createDOM( "input", { + "type": "button", + "class": "entry_button", + "id": "delete_" + iframe_id, + "value": "delete", + "title": "delete entry [ctrl-d]" + } ); + connect( this.delete_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "delete_clicked", event ); } ); + + this.options_button = createDOM( "input", { + "type": "button", + "class": "entry_button", + "id": "options_" + iframe_id, + "value": "options", + "title": "entry options" + } ); + connect( this.options_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "options_clicked", event ); } ); + } + + if ( read_write || !startup ) { + this.hide_button = createDOM( "input", { + "type": "button", + "class": "entry_button", + "id": "hide_" + iframe_id, + "value": "hide", + "title": "hide entry [ctrl-h]" + } ); + connect( this.hide_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { signal( self, "hide_clicked", event ); } ); + } + + this.entry_controls = createDOM( "span", { "class": "entry_controls" }, + this.delete_button ? this.delete_button : null, + this.delete_button ? " " : null, + this.options_button ? this.options_button : null, + this.options_button ? " " : null, + this.hide_button ? this.hide_button : null + ); + + // if an iframe has been given to insert this new editor after, then insert the new editor's + // iframe. otherwise just append the iframe for the new editor + if ( insert_after_iframe_id ) { + insertSiblingNodesAfter( insert_after_iframe_id, this.entry_controls ); + insertSiblingNodesAfter( this.entry_controls, this.iframe ); + } else { + appendChildNodes( "entries", this.entry_controls ); + appendChildNodes( "entries", this.iframe ); + } +} + +// second stage of construction, invoked by the iframe's body onload handler. do not call directly. +// four-stage construction is only necessary because IE is such a piece of shit +function editor_loaded( id ) { + var iframe = getElement( "entry_" + id ); + setTimeout( function () { iframe.editor.init_document(); }, 1 ); +} + +// third stage of construction, invoked by the editor_loaded() function. do not call directly +Editor.prototype.init_document = function () { + var self = this; // necessary so that the member functions of this editor object are used + + if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) { // browsers such as Firefox + this.document = this.iframe.contentDocument; + + if ( this.read_write ) { + this.document.designMode = "On"; + } + setTimeout( function () { self.finish_init(); }, 1 ); + } else { // browsers such as IE + this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; + + if ( this.read_write ) { + this.document.designMode = "On"; + // work-around for IE bug: reget the document after designMode is turned on + this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; + } + setTimeout( function () { self.finish_init(); }, 100 ); + } +} + +// fourth and final stage of construction, invoked by init_document(). do not call directly +Editor.prototype.finish_init = function () { + if ( !this.initial_text ) + this.initial_text = "

"; + + this.insert_html( this.initial_text ); + + var self = this; // necessary so that the member functions of this editor object are used + if ( this.read_write ) { + connect( this.document, "onkeydown", function ( event ) { self.key_pressed( event ); } ); + connect( this.document, "onkeyup", function ( event ) { self.key_released( event ); } ); + } + + connect( this.document, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.mouse_clicked( event ); } ); + connect( this.document, "onblur", function ( event ) { self.blurred( event ); } ); + connect( this.document, "onfocus", function ( event ) { self.focused( event ); } ); + connect( this.document.body, "onblur", function ( event ) { self.blurred( event ); } ); + connect( this.document.body, "onfocus", function ( event ) { self.focused( event ); } ); + + // special-case: connect any submit buttons within the contents of this entry + var signup_button = withDocument( this.document, function () { return getElement( "signup_button" ); } ); + if ( signup_button ) { + var signup_form = withDocument( this.document, function () { return getElement( "signup_form" ); } ); + connect( signup_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { + signal( self, "submit_form", "/users/signup", signup_form ); event.stop(); + } ); + } + + var login_button = withDocument( this.document, function () { return getElement( "login_button" ); } ); + if ( login_button ) { + var login_form = withDocument( this.document, function () { return getElement( "login_form" ); } ); + connect( login_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { + signal( self, "submit_form", "/users/login", login_form ); event.stop(); + } ); + } + + if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) { // browsers such as Firefox + if ( this.read_write ) this.exec_command( "styleWithCSS", false ); + this.resize(); + if ( this.init_highlight ) self.highlight(); + } else { // browsers such as IE, which won't resize correctly if done too soon + setTimeout( function () { + self.resize(); + if ( self.init_highlight ) self.highlight(); + }, 50 ); + } + + this.scrape_title(); + if ( this.init_focus ) + this.focus(); + signal( this, "state_changed", this ); +} + +Editor.prototype.highlight = function ( scroll ) { + if ( scroll == undefined ) + scroll = true; + + if ( /Opera/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { // MochiKit's Highlight is broken in Opera + if ( scroll ) ScrollTo( this.iframe ); + pulsate( this.iframe, options = { "pulses": 1, "duration": 0.5 } ); + } else if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) { // browsers such as Firefox + if ( scroll ) ScrollTo( this.iframe ); + Highlight( this.iframe, options = { "queue": { "scope": "highlight", "limit": 1 } } ); + } else { // browsers such as IE + if ( scroll ) ScrollTo( this.iframe ); + if ( this.document && this.document.body ) + Highlight( this.document.body, options = { "queue": { "scope": "highlight", "limit": 1 } } ); + } +} + +Editor.prototype.exec_command = function ( command, parameter ) { + command = command.toLowerCase(); + + if ( command == "h3" ) { + if ( this.state_enabled( "h3" ) ) + this.document.execCommand( "formatblock", false, "normal" ); + else + this.document.execCommand( "formatblock", false, "

" ); + return; + } + + this.document.execCommand( command, false, parameter ); +} + +Editor.prototype.insert_html = function ( html ) { + if ( html.length == 0 ) return; + + if ( !this.read_write ) { + this.document.body.innerHTML = html; + return; + } + + try { // browsers supporting insertHTML command, such as Firefox + this.document.execCommand( "insertHTML", false, html ); + + // for some reason, appending an empty span improves formatting + spans = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "span", null, parent = this.document ); + if ( spans.length == 0 ) { + var span = this.document.createElement( "span" ); + this.document.body.appendChild( span ); + } + } catch ( e ) { // browsers that don't support insertHTML, such as IE + this.document.body.innerHTML = html; + } +} + +// resize the editor's frame to fit the dimensions of its content +Editor.prototype.resize = function () { + var dimensions; + // TODO: find a better way to determine which dimensions to use than just checking for contentDocument + if ( this.iframe.contentDocument ) // Firefox + dimensions = { "h": elementDimensions( this.document.documentElement ).h }; + else // IE + dimensions = { "h": this.document.body.scrollHeight }; + + setElementDimensions( this.iframe, dimensions ); +} + +Editor.prototype.key_pressed = function ( event ) { + signal( this, "key_pressed", this, event ); + + this.resize(); +} + +Editor.prototype.key_released = function ( event ) { + this.resize(); + + // if non-alphabetic (a-z), non-ctrl keys are released, issue a state changed event + var code = event.key().code; + if ( ( code >= 65 && code <= 90 ) || event.modifier().ctrl ) + return; + + signal( this, "state_changed", this ); +} + +Editor.prototype.mouse_clicked = function ( event ) { + event.stop(); + signal( this, "state_changed", this ); + + // search through the tree of elements containing the clicked target. if a link isn't found, bail + var link = + while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) { + link = link.parentNode; + if ( !link ) + return; + } + if ( !link.href ) + return; + + // in case the link is to ourself, first grab the most recent version of our title + this.scrape_title(); + + var id; + var link_title = scrapeText( link ); + var editor = entry_titles[ link_title ]; + var href_leaf = link.href.split( "/" ).pop(); + // if the link's title corresponds to an open entry id, set that as the link's destination + if ( editor ) { + id =; + link.href = "/entries/" + id; + // if this is a new link, get a new entry id and set it for the link's destination + } else if ( href_leaf == "new" ) { + signal( this, "load_editor_by_title", link_title, ); + return; + // otherwise, use the id from link's current destination + } else { + // the last part of the current link's href is the entry id + id = href_leaf; + } + + // find the entry corresponding to the linked id, or create a new entry + var iframe = getElement( "entry_" + id ); + if ( iframe ) { + iframe.editor.highlight(); + return; + } + + signal( this, "load_editor", link_title,, id ); +} + +Editor.prototype.scrape_title = function () { + // scrape the entry title out of the editor + var heading = getFirstElementByTagAndClassName( "h3", null, this.document ); + if ( !heading ) return; + var title = scrapeText( heading ); + + // delete the previous title (if any) from the entry_titles map + if ( this.title ) + delete entry_titles[ this.title ]; + + // record the new title in entry_titles + this.title = title; + entry_titles[ this.title ] = this; +} + +Editor.prototype.focused = function () { + signal( this, "focused", this ); +} + +Editor.prototype.blurred = function () { + this.scrape_title(); +} + +Editor.prototype.empty = function () { + if ( !this.document.body ) + return false; // we don't know yet whether it's empty + + return ( scrapeText( this.document.body ).length == 0 ); +} + +Editor.prototype.start_link = function () { + // get the current selection, which is the link title + if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox + var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); + + // if no text is selected, then insert a link with a placeholder nbsp as the link title, and + // then immediately remove the link title once the link is created + if ( selection.toString().length == 0 ) { + this.insert_html( " " ); + var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ); + var container = range.startContainer; + range.setStart( container, range.startOffset - 1 ); + + this.exec_command( "createLink", "/entries/new" ); + + container.nodeValue = ""; + selection.collapse( container, 0 ); + // otherwise, just create a link with the selected text as the link title + } else { + this.exec_command( "createLink", "/entries/new" ); + } + } else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE + var range = this.document.selection.createRange(); + + // if no text is selected, then insert a link with a placeholder space as the link title, and + // then select it + if ( range.text.length == 0 ) { + range.text = " "; + range.moveStart( "character", -1 ); +; + } + + this.exec_command( "createLink", "/entries/new" ); + } +} + +Editor.prototype.end_link = function () { + if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox + this.exec_command( "unlink" ); + } else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE + // if some text is already selected, unlink it and bail + var range = this.document.selection.createRange(); + if ( range.text.length > 0 ) { + this.exec_command( "unlink" ); + return; + } + + // since execCommand() with "unlink" removes the entire link instead of just ending it, fake it + // by appending a temporary span, selecting it, and then immediately removing it + var span = this.document.createElement( "span" ); + span.innerHTML = " "; + range.parentElement().parentNode.appendChild( span ); + range.moveToElementText( span ); +; + range.pasteHTML( "" ); + } +} + +Editor.prototype.focus = function () { + if ( /Opera/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) + this.iframe.focus(); + else + this.iframe.contentWindow.focus(); +} + +// return true if the specified state is enabled +Editor.prototype.state_enabled = function ( state_name ) { + state_name = state_name.toLowerCase(); + var format_block = this.document.queryCommandValue( "formatblock" ).toLowerCase(); + var heading = ( format_block == "h3" || format_block == "heading 3" ); + + if ( state_name == "h3" ) + return heading; + + if ( state_name == "bold" && heading ) + return false; + + // to determine if we're within a link, see whether the current selection is contained (directly + // or indirectly) by an "A" node + if ( state_name == "createlink" ) { + var link; + if ( window.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox + var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); + var range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 ); + link = range.endContainer; + } else if ( this.document.selection ) { // browsers such as IE + var range = this.document.selection.createRange(); + link = range.parentElement(); + } + + while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) { + link = link.parentNode; + if ( !link ) + return false; + } + if ( !link.href ) + return false; + + return true; + } + + return this.document.queryCommandState( state_name ) +} + +Editor.prototype.contents = function () { + return this.document.body.innerHTML; +} + +Editor.prototype.shutdown = function( event ) { + if ( this.title ) + delete entry_titles[ this.title ]; + + var iframe = this.iframe; + var entry_controls = this.entry_controls; + disconnectAll( this ); + disconnectAll( this.delete_button ); + disconnectAll( this.options_button ); + disconnectAll( this.hide_button ); + disconnectAll( iframe ); + disconnectAll( this.document.body ); + disconnectAll( this.document ); + blindUp( iframe, options = { "duration": 0.5, afterFinish: function () { + try { + removeElement( entry_controls ); + removeElement( iframe ); + } catch ( e ) { } + } } ); +} diff --git a/static/js/Invoker.js b/static/js/Invoker.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f29787f --- /dev/null +++ b/static/js/Invoker.js @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +function Invoker() { + this.pending_count = 0; +} + +// Invoke the given URL with a remote scripting call, providing the data args as an associative +// array of key/value pairs. Optionally, the name of a form to scrape for args can also be provided. +// http_type should be 'POST' or 'GET'. +Invoker.prototype.invoke = function ( url, http_type, args, callback, form, fire_and_forget ) { + if ( form ) { + var form = formContents( getElement( form ) ); + var arg_names = form[ 0 ]; + var arg_values = form[ 1 ]; + } else { + var arg_names = []; + var arg_values = []; + } + + extend( arg_names, keys( args ) ); + extend( arg_values, values( args ) ); + + if ( !fire_and_forget ) { + if ( this.pending_count == 0 ) { + var loading = createDOM( "span", { "class": "status_text" }, "loading" ); + replaceChildNodes( "status_area", loading ); + } + this.pending_count += 1; + } + + if ( http_type == 'POST' ) { + // HTTP POST + request = getXMLHttpRequest(); + http_type, url, true ); + request.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); + if ( arg_names.length > 0 ) + var doc = sendXMLHttpRequest( request, queryString( arg_names, arg_values ) ); + else + var doc = sendXMLHttpRequest( request ); + } else { + // HTTP GET + if ( arg_names.length > 0 ) + var doc = doSimpleXMLHttpRequest( url, arg_names, arg_values ); + else + var doc = doSimpleXMLHttpRequest( url ); + } + + if ( fire_and_forget ) + return; + + var self = this; + doc.addCallbacks( + function ( request ) { + self.handle_response( request, callback ); + }, + function () { + self.pending_count -= 1; + replaceChildNodes( "status_area", createDOM( "span" ) ); + signal( self, "error_message", "There was a problem reaching the server. Please check your network connectivity." ); + } + ); +} + +Invoker.prototype.handle_response = function ( request, callback ) { + // if there are no more pending requests, clear the loading status + this.pending_count -= 1; + if ( this.pending_count == 0 ) + replaceChildNodes( "status_area", createDOM( "span" ) ); + + var result = evalJSONRequest( request ); + + if ( result.error ) + signal( this, "error_message", result.error ); + + if ( callback ) + callback( result ); + + if ( result.redirect ) + window.location = result.redirect; + + if ( result.reload ) + window.location.reload(); +} diff --git a/static/js/MochiKit.js b/static/js/MochiKit.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92b3cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/js/MochiKit.js @@ -0,0 +1,6911 @@ +/*** + + MochiKit.MochiKit 1.4 : PACKED VERSION + + THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. If creating patches, please + diff against the source tree, not this file. + + See for documentation, downloads, license, etc. + + (c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights Reserved. + +***/ + +if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ +dojo.provide("MochiKit.Base"); +} +if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit={}; +} +if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit.Base={}; +} +if(typeof (MochiKit.__export__)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit.__export__=(MochiKit.__compat__||(typeof (JSAN)=="undefined"&&typeof (dojo)=="undefined")); +} +MochiKit.Base.VERSION="1.4"; +MochiKit.Base.NAME="MochiKit.Base"; +MochiKit.Base.update=function(_1,_2){ +if(_1===null){ +_1={}; +} +for(var i=1;i=0;i--){ +_15.unshift(o[i]); +} +}else{ +res.push(o); +} +} +return res; +},extend:function(_18,obj,_1a){ +if(!_1a){ +_1a=0; +} +if(obj){ +var l=obj.length; +if(typeof (l)!="number"){ +if(typeof (MochiKit.Iter)!="undefined"){ +obj=MochiKit.Iter.list(obj); +l=obj.length; +}else{ +throw new TypeError("Argument not an array-like and MochiKit.Iter not present"); +} +} +if(!_18){ +_18=[]; +} +for(var i=_1a;i>b; +},zrshift:function(a,b){ +return a>>>b; +},eq:function(a,b){ +return a==b; +},ne:function(a,b){ +return a!=b; +},gt:function(a,b){ +return a>b; +},ge:function(a,b){ +return a>=b; +},lt:function(a,b){ +return al){ +_90=l; +} +} +_8e=[]; +for(i=0;i<_90;i++){ +var _92=[]; +for(var j=1;j=0;i--){ +_af=[_ab[i].apply(this,_af)]; +} +return _af[0]; +}; +},bind:function(_b1,_b2){ +if(typeof (_b1)=="string"){ +_b1=_b2[_b1]; +} +var _b3=_b1.im_func; +var _b4=_b1.im_preargs; +var _b5=_b1.im_self; +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(typeof (_b1)=="function"&&typeof (_b1.apply)=="undefined"){ +_b1=m._wrapDumbFunction(_b1); +} +if(typeof (_b3)!="function"){ +_b3=_b1; +} +if(typeof (_b2)!="undefined"){ +_b5=_b2; +} +if(typeof (_b4)=="undefined"){ +_b4=[]; +}else{ +_b4=_b4.slice(); +} +m.extend(_b4,arguments,2); +var _b7=function(){ +var _b8=arguments; +var me=arguments.callee; +if(me.im_preargs.length>0){ +_b8=m.concat(me.im_preargs,_b8); +} +var _ba=me.im_self; +if(!_ba){ +_ba=this; +} +return me.im_func.apply(_ba,_b8); +}; +_b7.im_self=_b5; +_b7.im_func=_b3; +_b7.im_preargs=_b4; +return _b7; +},bindMethods:function(_bb){ +var _bc=MochiKit.Base.bind; +for(var k in _bb){ +var _be=_bb[k]; +if(typeof (_be)=="function"){ +_bb[k]=_bc(_be,_bb); +} +} +},registerComparator:function(_bf,_c0,_c1,_c2){ +MochiKit.Base.comparatorRegistry.register(_bf,_c0,_c1,_c2); +},_primitives:{"boolean":true,"string":true,"number":true},compare:function(a,b){ +if(a==b){ +return 0; +} +var _c5=(typeof (a)=="undefined"||a===null); +var _c6=(typeof (b)=="undefined"||b===null); +if(_c5&&_c6){ +return 0; +}else{ +if(_c5){ +return -1; +}else{ +if(_c6){ +return 1; +} +} +} +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var _c8=m._primitives; +if(!(typeof (a) in _c8&&typeof (b) in _c8)){ +try{ +return m.comparatorRegistry.match(a,b); +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=m.NotFound){ +throw e; +} +} +} +if(ab){ +return 1; +} +} +var _c9=m.repr; +throw new TypeError(_c9(a)+" and "+_c9(b)+" can not be compared"); +},compareDateLike:function(a,b){ +return,b.getTime()); +},compareArrayLike:function(a,b){ +var; +var _cf=a.length; +var _d0=0; +if(_cf>b.length){ +_d0=1; +_cf=b.length; +}else{ +if(_cf=0;i--){ +sum+=o[i]; +} +}else{ +sum+=o; +} +} +if(_115<=0){ +throw new TypeError("mean() requires at least one argument"); +} +return sum/_115; +},median:function(){ +var data=MochiKit.Base.flattenArguments(arguments); +if(data.length===0){ +throw new TypeError("median() requires at least one argument"); +} +data.sort(compare); +if(data.length%2==0){ +var _119=data.length/2; +return (data[_119]+data[_119-1])/2; +}else{ +return data[(data.length-1)/2]; +} +},findValue:function(lst,_11b,_11c,end){ +if(typeof (end)=="undefined"||end===null){ +end=lst.length; +} +if(typeof (_11c)=="undefined"||_11c===null){ +_11c=0; +} +var; +for(var i=_11c;i0))){ +var kv=MochiKit.DOM.formContents(_129); +_129=kv[0]; +_12a=kv[1]; +}else{ +if(arguments.length==1){ +if(typeof (_129.length)=="number"&&_129.length==2){ +return arguments.callee(_129[0],_129[1]); +} +var o=_129; +_129=[]; +_12a=[]; +for(var k in o){ +var v=o[k]; +if(typeof (v)=="function"){ +continue; +}else{ +if(MochiKit.Base.isArrayLike(v)){ +for(var i=0;i=stop){ +throw self.StopIteration; +} +_176+=step; +return rval; +}}; +},imap:function(fun,p,q){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +var,m.extend(null,arguments,1)); +var; +var; +return {repr:function(){ +return "imap(...)"; +},toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +return fun.apply(this,map(next,_180)); +}}; +},applymap:function(fun,seq,self){ +seq=MochiKit.Iter.iter(seq); +var m=MochiKit.Base; +return {repr:function(){ +return "applymap(...)"; +},toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +return fun.apply(self,; +}}; +},chain:function(p,q){ +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(arguments.length==1){ +return self.iter(arguments[0]); +} +var,arguments); +return {repr:function(){ +return "chain(...)"; +},toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +while(_18b.length>1){ +try{ +return _18b[0].next(); +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=self.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +_18b.shift(); +} +} +if(_18b.length==1){ +var arg=_18b.shift();"next",arg); +return; +} +throw self.StopIteration; +}}; +},takewhile:function(pred,seq){ +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +seq=self.iter(seq); +return {repr:function(){ +return "takewhile(...)"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +var; +if(!pred(rval)){{ +throw self.StopIteration; +};; +} +return rval; +}}; +},dropwhile:function(pred,seq){ +seq=MochiKit.Iter.iter(seq); +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var bind=m.bind; +return {"repr":function(){ +return "dropwhile(...)"; +},"toString":m.forwardCall("repr"),"next":function(){ +while(true){ +var; +if(!pred(rval)){ +break; +} +}"next",seq); +return rval; +}}; +},_tee:function(_196,sync,_198){ +sync.pos[_196]=-1; +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var _19a=m.listMin; +return {repr:function(){ +return "tee("+_196+", ...)"; +},toString:m.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +var rval; +var i=sync.pos[_196]; +if(i==sync.max){; +sync.deque.push(rval); +sync.max+=1; +sync.pos[_196]+=1; +}else{ +rval=sync.deque[i-sync.min]; +sync.pos[_196]+=1; +if(i==sync.min&&_19a(sync.pos)!=sync.min){ +sync.min+=1; +sync.deque.shift(); +} +} +return rval; +}}; +},tee:function(_19d,n){ +var rval=[]; +var sync={"pos":[],"deque":[],"max":-1,"min":-1}; +if(arguments.length==1||typeof (n)=="undefined"||n===null){ +n=2; +} +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +_19d=self.iter(_19d); +var _tee=self._tee; +for(var i=0;i0&&_1ae>=stop)||(step<0&&_1ae<=stop)){ +throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; +} +var rval=_1ae; +_1ae+=step; +return rval; +},repr:function(){ +return "range("+[_1ae,stop,step].join(", ")+")"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; +},sum:function(_1b2,_1b3){ +if(typeof (_1b3)=="undefined"||_1b3===null){ +_1b3=0; +} +var x=_1b3; +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +_1b2=self.iter(_1b2); +try{ +while(true){; +} +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=self.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +} +return x; +},exhaust:function(_1b6){ +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +_1b6=self.iter(_1b6); +try{ +while(true){; +} +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=self.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +} +},forEach:function(_1b8,func,self){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(arguments.length>2){ +func=m.bind(func,self); +} +if(m.isArrayLike(_1b8)){ +try{ +for(var i=0;i<_1b8.length;i++){ +func(_1b8[i]); +} +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +} +}else{ +self=MochiKit.Iter; +self.exhaust(self.imap(func,_1b8)); +} +},every:function(_1bd,func){ +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +try{ +self.ifilterfalse(func,_1bd).next(); +return false; +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=self.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +return true; +} +},sorted:function(_1c0,cmp){ +var rval=MochiKit.Iter.list(_1c0); +if(arguments.length==1){; +} +rval.sort(cmp); +return rval; +},reversed:function(_1c3){ +var rval=MochiKit.Iter.list(_1c3); +rval.reverse(); +return rval; +},some:function(_1c5,func){ +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +try{ +self.ifilter(func,_1c5).next(); +return true; +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=self.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +return false; +} +},iextend:function(lst,_1c9){ +if(MochiKit.Base.isArrayLike(_1c9)){ +for(var i=0;i<_1c9.length;i++){ +lst.push(_1c9[i]); +} +}else{ +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +_1c9=self.iter(_1c9); +try{ +while(true){ +lst.push(; +} +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=self.StopIteration){ +throw e; +} +} +} +return lst; +},groupby:function(_1cc,_1cd){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +if(arguments.length<2){ +_1cd=m.operator.identity; +} +_1cc=self.iter(_1cc); +var pk=undefined; +var k=undefined; +var v; +function fetch(){; +k=_1cd(v); +} +function eat(){ +var ret=v; +v=undefined; +return ret; +} +var _1d4=true; +var; +return {repr:function(){ +return "groupby(...)"; +},next:function(){ +while(_1d5(k,pk)===0){ +fetch(); +if(_1d4){ +_1d4=false; +break; +} +} +pk=k; +return [k,{next:function(){ +if(v==undefined){ +fetch(); +} +if(_1d5(k,pk)!==0){ +throw self.StopIteration; +} +return eat(); +}}]; +}}; +},groupby_as_array:function(_1d6,_1d7){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var self=MochiKit.Iter; +if(arguments.length<2){ +_1d7=m.operator.identity; +} +_1d6=self.iter(_1d6); +var _1da=[]; +var _1db=true; +var _1dc; +var; +while(true){ +try{ +var; +var key=_1d7(_1de); +} +catch(e){ +if(e==self.StopIteration){ +break; +} +throw e; +} +if(_1db||_1dd(key,_1dc)!==0){ +var _1e0=[]; +_1da.push([key,_1e0]); +} +_1e0.push(_1de); +_1db=false; +_1dc=key; +} +return _1da; +},arrayLikeIter:function(_1e1){ +var i=0; +return {repr:function(){ +return "arrayLikeIter(...)"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +if(i>=_1e1.length){ +throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; +} +return _1e1[i++]; +}}; +},hasIterateNext:function(_1e3){ +return (_1e3&&typeof (_1e3.iterateNext)=="function"); +},iterateNextIter:function(_1e4){ +return {repr:function(){ +return "iterateNextIter(...)"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr"),next:function(){ +var rval=_1e4.iterateNext(); +if(rval===null||rval===undefined){ +throw MochiKit.Iter.StopIteration; +} +return rval; +}}; +}}); +MochiKit.Iter.EXPORT_OK=["iteratorRegistry","arrayLikeIter","hasIterateNext","iterateNextIter",]; +MochiKit.Iter.EXPORT=["StopIteration","registerIteratorFactory","iter","count","cycle","repeat","next","izip","ifilter","ifilterfalse","islice","imap","applymap","chain","takewhile","dropwhile","tee","list","reduce","range","sum","exhaust","forEach","every","sorted","reversed","some","iextend","groupby","groupby_as_array"]; +MochiKit.Iter.__new__=function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(typeof (StopIteration)!="undefined"){ +this.StopIteration=StopIteration; +}else{ +this.StopIteration=new m.NamedError("StopIteration"); +} +this.iteratorRegistry=new m.AdapterRegistry(); +this.registerIteratorFactory("arrayLike",m.isArrayLike,this.arrayLikeIter); +this.registerIteratorFactory("iterateNext",this.hasIterateNext,this.iterateNextIter); +this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; +m.nameFunctions(this); +}; +MochiKit.Iter.__new__(); +if(MochiKit.__export__){ +reduce=MochiKit.Iter.reduce; +} +MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Iter); +if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ +dojo.provide("MochiKit.Logging"); +dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); +} +if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ +JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); +} +try{ +if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ +throw ""; +} +} +catch(e){ +throw "MochiKit.Logging depends on MochiKit.Base!"; +} +if(typeof (MochiKit.Logging)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit.Logging={}; +} +MochiKit.Logging.NAME="MochiKit.Logging"; +MochiKit.Logging.VERSION="1.4"; +MochiKit.Logging.__repr__=function(){ +return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; +}; +MochiKit.Logging.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.Logging.EXPORT=["LogLevel","LogMessage","Logger","alertListener","logger","log","logError","logDebug","logFatal","logWarning"]; +MochiKit.Logging.EXPORT_OK=["logLevelAtLeast","isLogMessage","compareLogMessage"]; +MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage=function(num,_1e8,info){ +this.num=num; +this.level=_1e8;; +this.timestamp=new Date(); +}; +MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage.prototype={repr:function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +return "LogMessage(",[this.num,this.level,]).join(", ")+")"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Logging,{logLevelAtLeast:function(_1eb){ +var self=MochiKit.Logging; +if(typeof (_1eb)=="string"){ +_1eb=self.LogLevel[_1eb]; +} +return function(msg){ +var _1ee=msg.level; +if(typeof (_1ee)=="string"){ +_1ee=self.LogLevel[_1ee]; +} +return _1ee>=_1eb; +}; +},isLogMessage:function(){ +var _1ef=MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage; +for(var i=0;i=0&&this._messages.length>this.maxSize){ +this._messages.shift(); +} +},getMessages:function(_201){ +var _202=0; +if(!(typeof (_201)=="undefined"||_201===null)){ +_202=Math.max(0,this._messages.length-_201); +} +return this._messages.slice(_202); +},getMessageText:function(_203){ +if(typeof (_203)=="undefined"||_203===null){ +_203=30; +} +var _204=this.getMessages(_203); +if(_204.length){ +var lst=map(function(m){ +return "\n ["+m.num+"] "+m.level+": "" "); +},_204); +lst.unshift("LAST "+_204.length+" MESSAGES:"); +return lst.join(""); +} +return ""; +},debuggingBookmarklet:function(_207){ +if(typeof (MochiKit.LoggingPane)=="undefined"){ +alert(this.getMessageText()); +}else{ +MochiKit.LoggingPane.createLoggingPane(_207||false); +} +}}; +MochiKit.Logging.__new__=function(){ +this.LogLevel={ERROR:40,FATAL:50,WARNING:30,INFO:20,DEBUG:10}; +var m=MochiKit.Base; +m.registerComparator("LogMessage",this.isLogMessage,this.compareLogMessage); +var _209=m.partial; +var _20a=this.Logger; +var _20b=_20a.prototype.baseLog; +m.update(this.Logger.prototype,{debug:_209(_20b,"DEBUG"),log:_209(_20b,"INFO"),error:_209(_20b,"ERROR"),fatal:_209(_20b,"FATAL"),warning:_209(_20b,"WARNING")}); +var self=this; +var _20d=function(name){ +return function(){ +self.logger[name].apply(self.logger,arguments); +}; +}; +this.log=_20d("log"); +this.logError=_20d("error"); +this.logDebug=_20d("debug"); +this.logFatal=_20d("fatal"); +this.logWarning=_20d("warning"); +this.logger=new _20a(); +this.logger.useNativeConsole=true; +this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; +m.nameFunctions(this); +}; +if(typeof (printfire)=="undefined"&&typeof (document)!="undefined"&&document.createEvent&&typeof (dispatchEvent)!="undefined"){ +printfire=function(){ +printfire.args=arguments; +var ev=document.createEvent("Events"); +ev.initEvent("printfire",false,true); +dispatchEvent(ev); +}; +} +MochiKit.Logging.__new__(); +MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Logging); +if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ +dojo.provide("MochiKit.DateTime"); +} +if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit={}; +} +if(typeof (MochiKit.DateTime)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit.DateTime={}; +} +MochiKit.DateTime.NAME="MochiKit.DateTime"; +MochiKit.DateTime.VERSION="1.4"; +MochiKit.DateTime.__repr__=function(){ +return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; +}; +MochiKit.DateTime.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.DateTime.isoDate=function(str){ +str=str+""; +if(typeof (str)!="string"||str.length===0){ +return null; +} +var iso=str.split("-"); +if(iso.length===0){ +return null; +} +return new Date(iso[0],iso[1]-1,iso[2]); +}; +MochiKit.DateTime._isoRegexp=/(\d{4,})(?:-(\d{1,2})(?:-(\d{1,2})(?:[T ](\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2})(?:\.(\d+))?)?(?:(Z)|([+-])(\d{1,2})(?::(\d{1,2}))?)?)?)?)?/; +MochiKit.DateTime.isoTimestamp=function(str){ +str=str+""; +if(typeof (str)!="string"||str.length===0){ +return null; +} +var res=str.match(MochiKit.DateTime._isoRegexp); +if(typeof (res)=="undefined"||res===null){ +return null; 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+} +var hh=date.getHours(); +var mm=date.getMinutes(); +var ss=date.getSeconds(); +var lst=[((_21d&&(hh<10))?"0"+hh:hh),((mm<10)?"0"+mm:mm),((ss<10)?"0"+ss:ss)]; +return lst.join(":"); +}; +MochiKit.DateTime.toISOTimestamp=function(date,_223){ +if(typeof (date)=="undefined"||date===null){ +return null; +} +var sep=_223?"T":" "; +var foot=_223?"Z":""; +if(_223){ +date=new Date(date.getTime()+(date.getTimezoneOffset()*60000)); +} +return MochiKit.DateTime.toISODate(date)+sep+MochiKit.DateTime.toISOTime(date,_223)+foot; +}; +MochiKit.DateTime.toISODate=function(date){ +if(typeof (date)=="undefined"||date===null){ +return null; +} +var _227=MochiKit.DateTime._padTwo; +return [date.getFullYear(),_227(date.getMonth()+1),_227(date.getDate())].join("-"); +}; +MochiKit.DateTime.americanDate=function(d){ +d=d+""; +if(typeof (d)!="string"||d.length===0){ +return null; +} +var a=d.split("/"); +return new Date(a[2],a[0]-1,a[1]); +}; +MochiKit.DateTime._padTwo=function(n){ +return (n>9)?n:"0"+n; +}; 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+o.NAME=base+"LOCALE."+k; +} +} +for(k in this){ +o=this[k]; +if(typeof (o)=="function"&&typeof (o.NAME)=="undefined"){ +try{ +o.NAME=base+k; +} +catch(e){ +} +} +} +}; +MochiKit.Format.__new__(); +if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)!="undefined"){ +MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Format); +}else{ +(function(_275,_276){ +if((typeof (JSAN)=="undefined"&&typeof (dojo)=="undefined")||(MochiKit.__export__===false)){ +var all=_276.EXPORT_TAGS[":all"]; +for(var i=0;i1){ +fn=MochiKit.Base.partial.apply(null,arguments); +} +return this.addCallbacks(fn,fn); +},addCallback:function(fn){ +if(arguments.length>1){ +fn=MochiKit.Base.partial.apply(null,arguments); +} +return this.addCallbacks(fn,null); +},addErrback:function(fn){ +if(arguments.length>1){ +fn=MochiKit.Base.partial.apply(null,arguments); +} +return this.addCallbacks(null,fn); +},addCallbacks:function(cb,eb){ +if(this.chained){ +throw new Error("Chained Deferreds can not be re-used"); +} +this.chain.push([cb,eb]); +if(this.fired>=0){ +this._fire(); +} +return this; +},_fire:function(){ +var _285=this.chain; +var _286=this.fired; +var res=this.results[_286]; +var self=this; +var cb=null; +while(_285.length>0&&this.paused===0){ +var pair=_285.shift(); +var f=pair[_286]; +if(f===null){ +continue; +} +try{ +res=f(res); +_286=((res instanceof Error)?1:0); +if(res instanceof MochiKit.Async.Deferred){ +cb=function(res){ +self._resback(res); +self.paused--; +if((self.paused===0)&&(self.fired>=0)){ +self._fire(); +} +}; +this.paused++; +} +} +catch(err){ +_286=1; +if(!(err instanceof Error)){ +err=new MochiKit.Async.GenericError(err); +} +res=err; +} +} +this.fired=_286; +this.results[_286]=res; +if(cb&&this.paused){ +res.addBoth(cb); +res.chained=true; +} +}}; +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Async,{evalJSONRequest:function(req){ +return MochiKit.Base.evalJSON(req.responseText); +},succeed:function(_28e){ +var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); +d.callback.apply(d,arguments); +return d; +},fail:function(_290){ +var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); +d.errback.apply(d,arguments); +return d; +},getXMLHttpRequest:function(){ +var self=arguments.callee; +if(!self.XMLHttpRequest){ +var _293=[function(){ +return new XMLHttpRequest(); +},function(){ +return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); +},function(){ +return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); +},function(){ +return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0"); +},function(){ +throw new MochiKit.Async.BrowserComplianceError("Browser does not support XMLHttpRequest"); +}]; +for(var i=0;i<_293.length;i++){ +var func=_293[i]; +try{ +self.XMLHttpRequest=func; +return func(); +} +catch(e){ +} +} +} +return self.XMLHttpRequest(); +},_xhr_onreadystatechange:function(d){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(this.readyState==4){ +try{ +this.onreadystatechange=null; +} +catch(e){ +try{ +this.onreadystatechange=m.noop; +} +catch(e){ +} +} +var _298=null; +try{ +_298=this.status; +if(!_298&&m.isNotEmpty(this.responseText)){ +_298=304; +} +} +catch(e){ +} +if(_298==200||_298==201||_298==204||_298==304||_298==1223){ +d.callback(this); +}else{ +var err=new MochiKit.Async.XMLHttpRequestError(this,"Request failed"); +if(err.number){ +d.errback(err); +}else{ +d.errback(err); +} +} +} +},_xhr_canceller:function(req){ +try{ +req.onreadystatechange=null; +} +catch(e){ +try{ +req.onreadystatechange=MochiKit.Base.noop; +} +catch(e){ +} +} +req.abort(); +},sendXMLHttpRequest:function(req,_29c){ +if(typeof (_29c)=="undefined"||_29c===null){ +_29c=""; +} +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var self=MochiKit.Async; +var d=new self.Deferred(m.partial(self._xhr_canceller,req)); +try{ +req.onreadystatechange=m.bind(self._xhr_onreadystatechange,req,d); +req.send(_29c); +} +catch(e){ +try{ +req.onreadystatechange=null; +} +catch(ignore){ +} +d.errback(e); +} +return d; +},doXHR:function(url,opts){ +var self=MochiKit.Async; +return self.callLater(0,self._doXHR,url,opts); +},_doXHR:function(url,opts){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +opts=m.update({method:"GET",sendContent:""},opts); +var self=MochiKit.Async; +var req=self.getXMLHttpRequest(); +if(opts.queryString){ +var qs=m.queryString(opts.queryString); 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+return d; +},wait:function(_2b6,_2b7){ +var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(typeof (_2b7)!="undefined"){ +d.addCallback(function(){ +return _2b7; +}); +} +var _2ba=setTimeout(m.bind("callback",d),Math.floor(_2b6*1000)); +d.canceller=function(){ +try{ +clearTimeout(_2ba); +} +catch(e){ +} +}; +return d; +},callLater:function(_2bb,func){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +var _2be=m.partial.apply(m,m.extend(null,arguments,1)); +return MochiKit.Async.wait(_2bb).addCallback(function(res){ +return _2be(); +}); +}}); +MochiKit.Async.DeferredLock=function(){ +this.waiting=[]; +this.locked=false;; +}; +MochiKit.Async.DeferredLock.prototype={__class__:MochiKit.Async.DeferredLock,acquire:function(){ +var d=new MochiKit.Async.Deferred(); +if(this.locked){ +this.waiting.push(d); +}else{ +this.locked=true; +d.callback(this); +} +return d; +},release:function(){ +if(!this.locked){ +throw TypeError("Tried to release an unlocked DeferredLock"); +} +this.locked=false; +if(this.waiting.length>0){ +this.locked=true; +this.waiting.shift().callback(this); +} +},_nextId:MochiKit.Base.counter(),repr:function(){ +var _2c1; +if(this.locked){ +_2c1="locked, "+this.waiting.length+" waiting"; +}else{ +_2c1="unlocked"; +} +return "DeferredLock("", "+_2c1+")"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; +MochiKit.Async.DeferredList=function(list,_2c3,_2c4,_2c5,_2c6){ +MochiKit.Async.Deferred.apply(this,[_2c6]); +this.list=list; +var _2c7=[]; +this.resultList=_2c7; +this.finishedCount=0; +this.fireOnOneCallback=_2c3; +this.fireOnOneErrback=_2c4; +this.consumeErrors=_2c5; +var cb=MochiKit.Base.bind(this._cbDeferred,this); +for(var i=0;i=0){ +var opt=elem.options[elem.selectedIndex]; +var v=opt.value; +if(!v){ +var h=opt.outerHTML; +if(h&&!h.match(/^[^>]+\svalue\s*=/i)){ +v=opt.text; +} +} +_2e6.push(name); +_2e7.push(v); +return null; +} +_2e6.push(name); +_2e7.push(""); +return null; +}else{ +var opts=elem.options; +if(!opts.length){ +_2e6.push(name); +_2e7.push(""); +return null; +} +for(var i=0;i]+\svalue\s*=/i)){ +v=opt.text; 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+} +if(typeof (node.nodeType)!="undefined"&&node.nodeType>0){ +return node; +} +if(typeof (node)=="number"||typeof (node)=="boolean"){ +node=node.toString(); +} +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +return self._document.createTextNode(node); +} +if(typeof (node.__dom__)=="function"){ +node=node.__dom__(ctx); +continue; +} +if(typeof (node.dom)=="function"){ +node=node.dom(ctx); +continue; +} +if(typeof (node)=="function"){ +node=node.apply(ctx,[ctx]); +continue; +} +if(im){ +var _306=null; +try{ +_306=iter(node); +} +catch(e){ +} +if(_306){ +return map(_304,_306,_301(ctx)); +} +} +try{ +node=_303.match(node,ctx); +continue; +} +catch(e){ +if(e!=_305){ +throw e; +} +} +return self._document.createTextNode(node.toString()); +} +return undefined; +},isChildNode:function(node,_308){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +node=self.getElement(node); +} +if(typeof (_308)=="string"){ +_308=self.getElement(_308); +} +if(node===_308){ +return true; +} +while(node&&node.tagName.toUpperCase()!="BODY"){ +node=node.parentNode; +if(node===_308){ +return true; +} +} +return false; +},setNodeAttribute:function(node,attr,_30c){ +var o={}; +o[attr]=_30c; +try{ +return MochiKit.DOM.updateNodeAttributes(node,o); +} +catch(e){ +} +return null; +},getNodeAttribute:function(node,attr){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +var _311=self.attributeArray.renames[attr]; +node=self.getElement(node); +try{ +if(_311){ +return node[_311]; +} +return node.getAttribute(attr); +} +catch(e){ +} +return null; +},removeNodeAttribute:function(node,attr){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +var _315=self.attributeArray.renames[attr]; +node=self.getElement(node); +try{ +if(_315){ +return node[_315]; +} +return node.removeAttribute(attr); +} +catch(e){ +} +return null; +},updateNodeAttributes:function(node,_317){ +var elem=node; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +elem=self.getElement(node); +} +if(_317){ +var _31a=MochiKit.Base.updatetree; +if(self.attributeArray.compliant){ +for(var k in _317){ +var v=_317[k]; +if(typeof (v)=="object"&&typeof (elem[k])=="object"){ +if(k=="style"&&MochiKit.Style){ +MochiKit.Style.setStyle(elem,v); +}else{ +_31a(elem[k],v); +} +}else{ +if(k.substring(0,2)=="on"){ +if(typeof (v)=="string"){ +v=new Function(v); +} +elem[k]=v; +}else{ +elem.setAttribute(k,v); +} +} +} +}else{ +var _31d=self.attributeArray.renames; +for(var k in _317){ +v=_317[k]; +var _31e=_31d[k]; +if(k=="style"&&typeof (v)=="string"){; +}else{ +if(typeof (_31e)=="string"){ +elem[_31e]=v; +}else{ +if(typeof (elem[k])=="object"&&typeof (v)=="object"){ +if(k=="style"&&MochiKit.Style){ +MochiKit.Style.setStyle(elem,v); +}else{ +_31a(elem[k],v); +} +}else{ +if(k.substring(0,2)=="on"){ +if(typeof (v)=="string"){ +v=new Function(v); +} +elem[k]=v; +}else{ +elem.setAttribute(k,v); +} +} +} +} +} +} +} +return elem; +},appendChildNodes:function(node){ +var elem=node; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +elem=self.getElement(node); +} +var _322=[self.coerceToDOM(MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,1),elem)]; +var _323=MochiKit.Base.concat; +while(_322.length){ +var n=_322.shift(); +if(typeof (n)=="undefined"||n===null){ +}else{ +if(typeof (n.nodeType)=="number"){ +elem.appendChild(n); +}else{ +_322=_323(n,_322); +} +} +} +return elem; +},insertSiblingNodesBefore:function(node){ +var elem=node; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +elem=self.getElement(node); +} +var _328=[self.coerceToDOM(MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,1),elem)]; +var _329=elem.parentNode; +var _32a=MochiKit.Base.concat; +while(_328.length){ +var n=_328.shift(); +if(typeof (n)=="undefined"||n===null){ +}else{ +if(typeof (n.nodeType)=="number"){ +_329.insertBefore(n,elem); +}else{ +_328=_32a(n,_328); +} +} +} +return _329; +},insertSiblingNodesAfter:function(node){ +var elem=node; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +elem=self.getElement(node); +} +var _32f=[self.coerceToDOM(MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,1),elem)]; +if(elem.nextSibling){ +return self.insertSiblingNodesBefore(elem.nextSibling,_32f); +}else{ +return self.appendChildNodes(elem.parentNode,_32f); +} +},replaceChildNodes:function(node){ +var elem=node; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (node)=="string"){ +elem=self.getElement(node); +arguments[0]=elem; +} +var _333; +while((_333=elem.firstChild)){ +elem.removeChild(_333); +} +if(arguments.length<2){ +return elem; +}else{ +return self.appendChildNodes.apply(this,arguments); +} +},createDOM:function(name,_335){ +var elem; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +var m=MochiKit.Base; +if(typeof (_335)=="string"||typeof (_335)=="number"){ +var args=m.extend([name,null],arguments,1); +return arguments.callee.apply(this,args); +} +if(typeof (name)=="string"){ +var _33a=self._xhtml; +if(_335&&!self.attributeArray.compliant){ +var _33b=""; +if("name" in _335){ +_33b+=" name=\""+self.escapeHTML("\""; +} +if(name=="input"&&"type" in _335){ +_33b+=" type=\""+self.escapeHTML(_335.type)+"\""; +} +if(_33b){ +name="<"+name+_33b+">"; +_33a=false; +} +} +var d=self._document; +if(_33a&&d===document){ +elem=d.createElementNS("",name); +}else{ +elem=d.createElement(name); +} +}else{ +elem=name; +} +if(_335){ +self.updateNodeAttributes(elem,_335); +} +if(arguments.length<=2){ +return elem; +}else{ +var args=m.extend([elem],arguments,2); +return self.appendChildNodes.apply(this,args); +} +},createDOMFunc:function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +return m.partial.apply(this,m.extend([MochiKit.DOM.createDOM],arguments)); +},removeElement:function(elem){ +var e=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem); +e.parentNode.removeChild(e); +return e; +},swapDOM:function(dest,src){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +dest=self.getElement(dest); +var _343=dest.parentNode; +if(src){ +src=self.getElement(src); +_343.replaceChild(src,dest); +}else{ +_343.removeChild(dest); +} +return src; +},getElement:function(id){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(arguments.length==1){ +return ((typeof (id)=="string")?self._document.getElementById(id):id); +}else{ +return,arguments); +} +},getElementsByTagAndClassName:function(_346,_347,_348){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +if(typeof (_346)=="undefined"||_346===null){ +_346="*"; +} +if(typeof (_348)=="undefined"||_348===null){ +_348=self._document; +} +_348=self.getElement(_348); +var _34a=(_348.getElementsByTagName(_346)||self._document.all); +if(typeof (_347)=="undefined"||_347===null){ +return MochiKit.Base.extend(null,_34a); +} +var _34b=[]; +for(var i=0;i<_34a.length;i++){ +var _34d=_34a[i]; +var cls=_34d.className; +if(!cls){ +continue; +} +var _34f=cls.split(" "); +for(var j=0;j<_34f.length;j++){ +if(_34f[j]==_347){ +_34b.push(_34d); +break; +} +} +} +return _34b; +},_newCallStack:function(path,once){ +var rval=function(){ +var _354=arguments.callee.callStack; +for(var i=0;i<_354.length;i++){ +if(_354[i].apply(this,arguments)===false){ +break; +} +} +if(once){ +try{ +this[path]=null; +} +catch(e){ +} +} +}; +rval.callStack=[]; +return rval; +},addToCallStack:function(_356,path,func,once){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +var _35b=_356[path]; +var _35c=_35b; +if(!(typeof (_35b)=="function"&&typeof (_35b.callStack)=="object"&&_35b.callStack!==null)){ +_35c=self._newCallStack(path,once); +if(typeof (_35b)=="function"){ +_35c.callStack.push(_35b); +} +_356[path]=_35c; +} +_35c.callStack.push(func); +},addLoadEvent:function(func){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +self.addToCallStack(self._window,"onload",func,true); +},focusOnLoad:function(_35f){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +self.addLoadEvent(function(){ +_35f=self.getElement(_35f); +if(_35f){ +_35f.focus(); +} +}); +},setElementClass:function(_361,_362){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +var obj=self.getElement(_361); +if(self.attributeArray.compliant){ +obj.setAttribute("class",_362); +}else{ +obj.setAttribute("className",_362); +} +},toggleElementClass:function(_365){ +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +for(var i=1;i/g,">"); +},toHTML:function(dom){ +return MochiKit.DOM.emitHTML(dom).join(""); +},emitHTML:function(dom,lst){ +if(typeof (lst)=="undefined"||lst===null){ +lst=[]; +} +var _388=[dom]; +var self=MochiKit.DOM; +var _38a=self.escapeHTML; +var _38b=self.attributeArray; +while(_388.length){ +dom=_388.pop(); +if(typeof (dom)=="string"){ +lst.push(dom); +}else{ +if(dom.nodeType==1){ +lst.push("<"+dom.tagName.toLowerCase()); +var _38c=[]; +var _38d=_38b(dom); +for(var i=0;i<_38d.length;i++){ +var a=_38d[i]; +_38c.push([" ",,"=\"",_38a(a.value),"\""]); +} +_38c.sort(); +for(i=0;i<_38c.length;i++){ +var _390=_38c[i]; +for(var j=0;j<_390.length;j++){ +lst.push(_390[j]); +} +} +if(dom.hasChildNodes()){ +lst.push(">"); +_388.push(""); +var _392=dom.childNodes; +for(i=_392.length-1;i>=0;i--){ +_388.push(_392[i]); +} +}else{ +lst.push("/>"); +} +}else{ +if(dom.nodeType==3){ +lst.push(_38a(dom.nodeValue)); +} +} +} +} +return lst; +},scrapeText:function(node,_394){ +var rval=[]; +(function(node){ +var cn=node.childNodes; +if(cn){ +for(var i=0;i0){ +var _3bb=m.filter; +_3ba=function(node){ +return _3bb(_3ba.ignoreAttrFilter,node.attributes); +}; +_3ba.ignoreAttr={}; +var _3bd=_3b9.attributes; +var _3be=_3ba.ignoreAttr; +for(var i=0;i<_3bd.length;i++){ +var a=_3bd[i]; +_3be[]=a.value; +} +_3ba.ignoreAttrFilter=function(a){ +return (_3ba.ignoreAttr[]!=a.value); +}; +_3ba.compliant=false; +_3ba.renames={"class":"className","checked":"defaultChecked","usemap":"useMap","for":"htmlFor","readonly":"readOnly","colspan":"colSpan","bgcolor":"bgColor","cellspacing":"cellSpacing","cellpadding":"cellPadding"}; +}else{ +_3ba=function(node){ +return node.attributes; +}; +_3ba.compliant=true; +_3ba.renames={}; +} +this.attributeArray=_3ba; +var _3c3=function(_3c4,arr){ +var _3c6=arr[1].split("."); +var str=""; +var obj={}; +str+="if (!MochiKit."+_3c6[1]+") { throw new Error(\""; +str+="This function has been deprecated and depends on MochiKit."; +str+=_3c6[1]+".\");}"; +str+="return MochiKit."+_3c6[1]+"."+arr[0]; +str+=".apply(this, arguments);"; +obj[_3c6[2]]=new Function(str); +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit[_3c4],obj); +}; +for(var i;i0){ +abort(repr(expr)); +} +},buildMatchExpression:function(){ +var repr=MochiKit.Base.repr; +var _3d4=this.params; +var _3d5=[]; +var _3d6,i; +function childElements(_3d8){ +return "MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) { return node.nodeType == 1; }, "+_3d8+".childNodes)"; +} +if(_3d4.wildcard){ +_3d5.push("true"); +} +if({ +_3d5.push(" == "+repr(_3d6)); +} +if(_3d6=_3d4.tagName){ +_3d5.push("element.tagName.toUpperCase() == "+repr(_3d6)); +} +if((_3d6=_3d4.classNames).length>0){ +for(i=0;i<_3d6.length;i++){ +_3d5.push("MochiKit.DOM.hasElementClass(element, "+repr(_3d6[i])+")"); +} +} +if((_3d6=_3d4.pseudoClassNames).length>0){ +for(i=0;i<_3d6.length;i++){ +var _3d9=_3d6[i].match(/^([^(]+)(?:\((.*)\))?$/); +var _3da=_3d9[1]; +var _3db=_3d9[2]; +switch(_3da){ +case "root": +_3d5.push("element.nodeType == 9 || element === element.ownerDocument.documentElement"); +break; +case "nth-child": +case "nth-last-child": +case "nth-of-type": +case "nth-last-of-type": +_3d9=_3db.match(/^((?:(\d+)n\+)?(\d+)|odd|even)$/); +if(!_3d9){ +throw "Invalid argument to pseudo element nth-child: "+_3db; +} +var a,b; +if(_3d9[0]=="odd"){ +a=2; +b=1; +}else{ +if(_3d9[0]=="even"){ +a=2; +b=0; +}else{ +a=_3d9[2]&&parseInt(_3d9)||null; +b=parseInt(_3d9[3]); +} +} +_3d5.push("this.nthChild(element,"+a+","+b+","+!!_3da.match("^nth-last")+","+!!_3da.match("of-type$")+")"); +break; +case "first-child": +_3d5.push("this.nthChild(element, null, 1)"); +break; +case "last-child": +_3d5.push("this.nthChild(element, null, 1, true)"); +break; +case "first-of-type": +_3d5.push("this.nthChild(element, null, 1, false, true)"); +break; +case "last-of-type": +_3d5.push("this.nthChild(element, null, 1, true, true)"); +break; +case "only-child": +_3d5.push(childElements("element.parentNode")+".length == 1"); +break; +case "only-of-type": +_3d5.push("MochiKit.Base.filter(function (node) { return node.tagName == element.tagName; }, "+childElements("element.parentNode")+").length == 1"); +break; +case "empty": +_3d5.push("element.childNodes.length == 0"); +break; +case "enabled": +_3d5.push("(this.isUIElement(element) && element.disabled === false)"); +break; +case "disabled": +_3d5.push("(this.isUIElement(element) && element.disabled === true)"); +break; +case "checked": +_3d5.push("(this.isUIElement(element) && element.checked === true)"); +break; +case "not": +var _3de=new MochiKit.Selector.Selector(_3db); +_3d5.push("!( "+_3de.buildMatchExpression()+")"); +break; +} +} +} +if(_3d6=_3d4.attributes){{ +var _3e0="MochiKit.DOM.getNodeAttribute(element, "+repr(")"; +var _3e1=function(_3e2){ +return _3e0+".split("+repr(_3e2)+")"; +}; +switch(_3df.operator){ +case "=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+" == "+repr(_3df.value)); +break; +case "~=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+" && MochiKit.Base.findValue("+_3e1(" ")+", "+repr(_3df.value)+") > -1"); +break; +case "^=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+".substring(0, "+_3df.value.length+") == "+repr(_3df.value)); +break; +case "$=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+".substring("+_3e0+".length - "+_3df.value.length+") == "+repr(_3df.value)); +break; +case "*=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+".match("+repr(_3df.value)+")"); +break; +case "|=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+" && "+_3e1("-")+"[0].toUpperCase() == "+repr(_3df.value.toUpperCase())); +break; +case "!=": +_3d5.push(_3e0+" != "+repr(_3df.value)); +break; +case "": +case undefined: +_3d5.push(_3e0+" != null"); +break; +default: +throw "Unknown operator "+_3df.operator+" in selector"; +} +},_3d6); +} +return _3d5.join(" && "); +},compileMatcher:function(){ +this.match=new Function("element","if (!element.tagName) return false; return "+this.buildMatchExpression()); +},nthChild:function(_3e3,a,b,_3e6,_3e7){ +var _3e8=MochiKit.Base.filter(function(node){ +return node.nodeType==1; +},_3e3.parentNode.childNodes); +if(_3e7){ +_3e8=MochiKit.Base.filter(function(node){ +return node.tagName==_3e3.tagName; +},_3e8); +} +if(_3e6){ +_3e8=MochiKit.Iter.reversed(_3e8); +} +if(a){ +var _3eb=MochiKit.Base.findIdentical(_3e8,_3e3); +return ((_3eb+1-b)/a)%1==0; +}else{ +return b==MochiKit.Base.findIdentical(_3e8,_3e3)+1; +} +},isUIElement:function(_3ec){ +return MochiKit.Base.findValue(["input","button","select","option","textarea","object"],_3ec.tagName.toLowerCase())>-1; +},findElements:function(_3ed,axis){ +var _3ef; +if(axis==undefined){ +axis=""; +} +function inScope(_3f0,_3f1){ +if(axis==""){ +return MochiKit.DOM.isChildNode(_3f0,_3f1); +}else{ +if(axis==">"){ +return _3f0.parentNode==_3f1; +}else{ +if(axis=="+"){ +return _3f0==nextSiblingElement(_3f1); +}else{ +if(axis=="~"){ +var _3f2=_3f1; +while(_3f2=nextSiblingElement(_3f2)){ +if(_3f0==_3f2){ +return true; +} +} +return false; +}else{ +throw "Invalid axis: "+axis; +} +} +} +} +} +if(_3ef=MochiKit.DOM.getElement({ +if(this.match(_3ef)){ +if(!_3ed||inScope(_3ef,_3ed)){ +return [_3ef]; +} +} +} +function nextSiblingElement(node){ +node=node.nextSibling; +while(node&&node.nodeType!=1){ +node=node.nextSibling; +} +return node; +} +if(axis==""){ +_3ed=(_3ed||MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument()).getElementsByTagName(this.params.tagName||"*"); +}else{ +if(axis==">"){ +if(!_3ed){ +throw "> combinator not allowed without preceeding expression"; +} +_3ed=MochiKit.Base.filter(function(node){ +return node.nodeType==1; +},_3ed.childNodes); +}else{ +if(axis=="+"){ +if(!_3ed){ +throw "+ combinator not allowed without preceeding expression"; +} +_3ed=nextSiblingElement(_3ed)&&[nextSiblingElement(_3ed)]; +}else{ +if(axis=="~"){ +if(!_3ed){ +throw "~ combinator not allowed without preceeding expression"; +} +var _3f5=[]; +while(nextSiblingElement(_3ed)){ +_3ed=nextSiblingElement(_3ed); +_3f5.push(_3ed); +} +_3ed=_3f5; +} +} +} +} +if(!_3ed){ +return []; +} +var _3f6=MochiKit.Base.filter(MochiKit.Base.bind(function(_3f7){ +return this.match(_3f7); +},this),_3ed); +return _3f6; +},repr:function(){ +return "Selector("+this.expression+")"; +},toString:MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr")}; +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Selector,{findChildElements:function(_3f8,_3f9){ +return MochiKit.Base.flattenArray({ +var _3fb=""; +return MochiKit.Iter.reduce(function(_3fc,expr){ +if(match=expr.match(/^[>+~]$/)){ +_3fb=match[0]; +return _3fc; +}else{ +var _3fe=new MochiKit.Selector.Selector(expr); +var _3ff=MochiKit.Iter.reduce(function(_400,_401){ +return MochiKit.Base.extend(_400,_3fe.findElements(_401||_3f8,_3fb)); +},_3fc,[]); +_3fb=""; +return _3ff; +} +},_3fa.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,"").split(/\s+/),[null]); +},_3f9)); +},findDocElements:function(){ +return MochiKit.Selector.findChildElements(MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument(),arguments); +},__new__:function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +this.$$=this.findDocElements; +this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; +m.nameFunctions(this); +}}); +MochiKit.Selector.__new__(); +MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Selector); +if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ +dojo.provide("MochiKit.Style"); +dojo.require("MochiKit.Base"); +dojo.require("MochiKit.DOM"); +} +if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ +JSAN.use("MochiKit.Base",[]); +JSAN.use("MochiKit.DOM",[]); +} +try{ +if(typeof (MochiKit.Base)=="undefined"){ +throw ""; +} +} +catch(e){ +throw "MochiKit.Style depends on MochiKit.Base!"; +} +try{ +if(typeof (MochiKit.DOM)=="undefined"){ +throw ""; +} +} +catch(e){ +throw "MochiKit.Style depends on MochiKit.DOM!"; +} +if(typeof (MochiKit.Style)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit.Style={}; +} +MochiKit.Style.NAME="MochiKit.Style"; +MochiKit.Style.VERSION="1.4"; +MochiKit.Style.__repr__=function(){ +return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; +}; +MochiKit.Style.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.Style.EXPORT_OK=[]; +MochiKit.Style.EXPORT=["setStyle","setOpacity","getStyle","getElementDimensions","elementDimensions","setElementDimensions","getElementPosition","elementPosition","setElementPosition","setDisplayForElement","hideElement","showElement","getViewportDimensions","getViewportPosition","Dimensions","Coordinates"]; +MochiKit.Style.Dimensions=function(w,h){ +this.w=w; +this.h=h; +}; +MochiKit.Style.Dimensions.prototype.__repr__=function(){ +var repr=MochiKit.Base.repr; +return "{w: "+repr(this.w)+", h: "+repr(this.h)+"}"; +}; +MochiKit.Style.Dimensions.prototype.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.Style.Coordinates=function(x,y){ +this.x=x; +this.y=y; +}; +MochiKit.Style.Coordinates.prototype.__repr__=function(){ +var repr=MochiKit.Base.repr; +return "{x: "+repr(this.x)+", y: "+repr(this.y)+"}"; +}; +MochiKit.Style.Coordinates.prototype.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Style,{getStyle:function(elem,_40a){ +var dom=MochiKit.DOM; +var d=dom._document; +elem=dom.getElement(elem); +_40a=MochiKit.Base.camelize(_40a); +if(!elem||elem==d){ +return undefined; +} +if(_40a=="opacity"&&elem.filters){ +var _40d=(MochiKit.Style.getStyle(elem,"filter")||"").match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/); +if(_40d&&_40d[1]){ +return parseFloat(_40d[1])/100; +} +return 1; +} +var[_40a]:null; +if(!_40e){ +if(d.defaultView&&d.defaultView.getComputedStyle){ +var css=d.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null); +_40a=_40a.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase(); +_40e=css?css.getPropertyValue(_40a):null; +}else{ +if(elem.currentStyle){ +_40e=elem.currentStyle[_40a]; +} +} +} +if(_40a=="opacity"){ +_40e=parseFloat(_40e); +} +if(/Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(MochiKit.Base.find(["left","top","right","bottom"],_40a)!=-1)){ +if(MochiKit.Style.getStyle(elem,"position")=="static"){ +_40e="auto"; +} +} +return _40e=="auto"?null:_40e; +},setStyle:function(elem,_411){ +elem=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem); +for(var name in _411){ +if(name=="opacity"){ +MochiKit.Style.setOpacity(elem,_411[name]); +}else{[MochiKit.Base.camelize(name)]=_411[name]; +} +} +},setOpacity:function(elem,o){ +elem=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(elem); +var self=MochiKit.Style; +if(o==1){ +var _416=/Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&!(/Konqueror|AppleWebKit|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent));["opacity"]=_416?0.999999:1; 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+}; +MochiKit.Color.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.Color.Color=function(red,_47c,blue,_47e){ +if(typeof (_47e)=="undefined"||_47e===null){ +_47e=1; +} +this.rgb={r:red,g:_47c,b:blue,a:_47e}; +}; +MochiKit.Color.Color.prototype={__class__:MochiKit.Color.Color,colorWithAlpha:function(_47f){ +var rgb=this.rgb; +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromRGB(rgb.r,rgb.g,rgb.b,_47f); +},colorWithHue:function(hue){ +var hsl=this.asHSL(); +hsl.h=hue; +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); +},colorWithSaturation:function(_485){ +var hsl=this.asHSL(); +hsl.s=_485; +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); +},colorWithLightness:function(_488){ +var hsl=this.asHSL(); +hsl.l=_488; +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); +},darkerColorWithLevel:function(_48b){ +var hsl=this.asHSL(); +hsl.l=Math.max(hsl.l-_48b,0); +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); +},lighterColorWithLevel:function(_48e){ +var hsl=this.asHSL(); +hsl.l=Math.min(hsl.l+_48e,1); +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromHSL(hsl); +},blendedColor:function(_491,_492){ +if(typeof (_492)=="undefined"||_492===null){ +_492=0.5; +} +var sf=1-_492; +var s=this.rgb; +var d=_491.rgb; +var df=_492; +return MochiKit.Color.Color.fromRGB((s.r*sf)+(d.r*df),(s.g*sf)+(d.g*df),(s.b*sf)+(d.b*df),(s.a*sf)+(d.a*df)); +},compareRGB:function(_497){ +var a=this.asRGB(); +var b=_497.asRGB(); +return[a.r,a.g,a.b,a.a],[b.r,b.g,b.b,b.a]); +},isLight:function(){ +return this.asHSL().b>0.5; +},isDark:function(){ +return (!this.isLight()); +},toHSLString:function(){ +var c=this.asHSL(); +var ccc=MochiKit.Color.clampColorComponent; +var rval=this._hslString; +if(!rval){ +var mid=(ccc(c.h,360).toFixed(0)+","+ccc(c.s,100).toPrecision(4)+"%"+","+ccc(c.l,100).toPrecision(4)+"%"); +var a=c.a; +if(a>=1){ +a=1; +rval="hsl("+mid+")"; +}else{ +if(a<=0){ +a=0; +} +rval="hsla("+mid+","+a+")"; +} +this._hslString=rval; +} +return rval; +},toRGBString:function(){ +var c=this.rgb; +var ccc=MochiKit.Color.clampColorComponent; +var rval=this._rgbString; +if(!rval){ +var mid=(ccc(c.r,255).toFixed(0)+","+ccc(c.g,255).toFixed(0)+","+ccc(c.b,255).toFixed(0)); +if(c.a!=1){ +rval="rgba("+mid+","+c.a+")"; +}else{ +rval="rgb("+mid+")"; +} +this._rgbString=rval; +} +return rval; +},asRGB:function(){ +return MochiKit.Base.clone(this.rgb); +},toHexString:function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Color; +var c=this.rgb; +var ccc=MochiKit.Color.clampColorComponent; +var rval=this._hexString; +if(!rval){ +rval=("#"+m.toColorPart(ccc(c.r,255))+m.toColorPart(ccc(c.g,255))+m.toColorPart(ccc(c.b,255))); +this._hexString=rval; +} +return rval; +},asHSV:function(){ +var hsv=this.hsv; +var c=this.rgb; +if(typeof (hsv)=="undefined"||hsv===null){ +hsv=MochiKit.Color.rgbToHSV(this.rgb); +this.hsv=hsv; +} +return MochiKit.Base.clone(hsv); +},asHSL:function(){ +var hsl=this.hsl; +var c=this.rgb; +if(typeof (hsl)=="undefined"||hsl===null){ +hsl=MochiKit.Color.rgbToHSL(this.rgb); +this.hsl=hsl; +} +return MochiKit.Base.clone(hsl); +},toString:function(){ +return this.toRGBString(); +},repr:function(){ +var c=this.rgb; +var col=[c.r,c.g,c.b,c.a]; +return this.__class__.NAME+"("+col.join(", ")+")"; +}}; +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Color.Color,{fromRGB:function(red,_4ae,blue,_4b0){ +var _4b1=MochiKit.Color.Color; +if(arguments.length==1){ +var rgb=red; +red=rgb.r; +_4ae=rgb.g; +blue=rgb.b; +if(typeof (rgb.a)=="undefined"){ +_4b0=undefined; +}else{ +_4b0=rgb.a; +} +} +return new _4b1(red,_4ae,blue,_4b0); +},fromHSL:function(hue,_4b4,_4b5,_4b6){ +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromRGB(m.hslToRGB.apply(m,arguments)); +},fromHSV:function(hue,_4b9,_4ba,_4bb){ +var m=MochiKit.Color; +return m.Color.fromRGB(m.hsvToRGB.apply(m,arguments)); +},fromName:function(name){ +var _4be=MochiKit.Color.Color; +if(name.charAt(0)=="\""){ +name=name.substr(1,name.length-2); +} +var _4bf=_4be._namedColors[name.toLowerCase()]; +if(typeof (_4bf)=="string"){ +return _4be.fromHexString(_4bf); +}else{ +if(name=="transparent"){ +return _4be.transparentColor(); +} +} +return null; +},fromString:function(_4c0){ +var self=MochiKit.Color.Color; +var _4c2=_4c0.substr(0,3); +if(_4c2=="rgb"){ +return self.fromRGBString(_4c0); +}else{ +if(_4c2=="hsl"){ +return self.fromHSLString(_4c0); +}else{ +if(_4c0.charAt(0)=="#"){ +return self.fromHexString(_4c0); +} +} +} +return self.fromName(_4c0); +},fromHexString:function(_4c3){ +if(_4c3.charAt(0)=="#"){ +_4c3=_4c3.substring(1); +} +var _4c4=[]; +var i,hex; +if(_4c3.length==3){ +for(i=0;i<3;i++){ +hex=_4c3.substr(i,1); +_4c4.push(parseInt(hex+hex,16)/255); +} +}else{ +for(i=0;i<6;i+=2){ +hex=_4c3.substr(i,2); +_4c4.push(parseInt(hex,16)/255); +} +} +var _4c7=MochiKit.Color.Color; +return _4c7.fromRGB.apply(_4c7,_4c4); +},_fromColorString:function(pre,_4c9,_4ca,_4cb){ +if(_4cb.indexOf(pre)===0){ +_4cb=_4cb.substring(_4cb.indexOf("(",3)+1,_4cb.length-1); +} +var _4cc=_4cb.split(/\s*,\s*/); +var _4cd=[]; +for(var i=0;i<_4cc.length;i++){ +var c=_4cc[i]; +var val; +var _4d1=c.substring(c.length-3); +if(c.charAt(c.length-1)=="%"){ +val=0.01*parseFloat(c.substring(0,c.length-1)); +}else{ +if(_4d1=="deg"){ +val=parseFloat(c)/360; +}else{ +if(_4d1=="rad"){ +val=parseFloat(c)/(Math.PI*2); +}else{ +val=_4ca[i]*parseFloat(c); +} +} +} +_4cd.push(val); +} +return this[_4c9].apply(this,_4cd); +},fromComputedStyle:function(elem,_4d3){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var cls=MochiKit.Color.Color; +for(elem=d.getElement(elem);elem;elem=elem.parentNode){ +var _4d6=MochiKit.Style.getStyle.apply(d,arguments); +if(!_4d6){ +continue; +} +var _4d7=cls.fromString(_4d6); +if(!_4d7){ +break; +} +if(_4d7.asRGB().a>0){ +return _4d7; +} +} +return null; +},fromBackground:function(elem){ +var cls=MochiKit.Color.Color; +return cls.fromComputedStyle(elem,"backgroundColor","background-color")||cls.whiteColor(); +},fromText:function(elem){ +var cls=MochiKit.Color.Color; +return cls.fromComputedStyle(elem,"color","color")||cls.blackColor(); +},namedColors:function(){ +return MochiKit.Base.clone(MochiKit.Color.Color._namedColors); +}}); +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Color,{clampColorComponent:function(v,_4dd){ +v*=_4dd; +if(v<0){ +return 0; +}else{ +if(v>_4dd){ +return _4dd; +}else{ +return v; +} +} +},_hslValue:function(n1,n2,hue){ +if(hue>6){ +hue-=6; +}else{ +if(hue<0){ +hue+=6; +} +} +var val; +if(hue<1){ +val=n1+(n2-n1)*hue; +}else{ +if(hue<3){ +val=n2; +}else{ +if(hue<4){ +val=n1+(n2-n1)*(4-hue); +}else{ +val=n1; +} +} +} +return val; +},hsvToRGB:function(hue,_4e3,_4e4,_4e5){ +if(arguments.length==1){ +var hsv=hue; +hue=hsv.h; +_4e3=hsv.s; +_4e4=hsv.v; +_4e5=hsv.a; +} +var red; +var _4e8; +var blue; +if(_4e3===0){ +red=_4e4; +_4e8=_4e4; +blue=_4e4; +}else{ +var i=Math.floor(hue*6); +var f=(hue*6)-i; +var p=_4e4*(1-_4e3); +var q=_4e4*(1-(_4e3*f)); +var t=_4e4*(1-(_4e3*(1-f))); +switch(i){ +case 1: +red=q; +_4e8=_4e4; +blue=p; +break; +case 2: +red=p; +_4e8=_4e4; +blue=t; +break; +case 3: +red=p; +_4e8=q; +blue=_4e4; +break; +case 4: +red=t; +_4e8=p; +blue=_4e4; +break; +case 5: +red=_4e4; +_4e8=p; +blue=q; +break; +case 6: +case 0: +red=_4e4; +_4e8=t; +blue=p; +break; +} +} +return {r:red,g:_4e8,b:blue,a:_4e5}; +},hslToRGB:function(hue,_4f0,_4f1,_4f2){ +if(arguments.length==1){ +var hsl=hue; +hue=hsl.h; +_4f0=hsl.s; +_4f1=hsl.l; +_4f2=hsl.a; +} +var red; +var _4f5; +var blue; +if(_4f0===0){ +red=_4f1; +_4f5=_4f1; +blue=_4f1; +}else{ +var m2; +if(_4f1<=0.5){ +m2=_4f1*(1+_4f0); +}else{ +m2=_4f1+_4f0-(_4f1*_4f0); +} +var m1=(2*_4f1)-m2; +var f=MochiKit.Color._hslValue; +var h6=hue*6; +red=f(m1,m2,h6+2); +_4f5=f(m1,m2,h6); +blue=f(m1,m2,h6-2); +} +return {r:red,g:_4f5,b:blue,a:_4f2}; +},rgbToHSV:function(red,_4fc,blue,_4fe){ +if(arguments.length==1){ +var rgb=red; +red=rgb.r; +_4fc=rgb.g; +blue=rgb.b; +_4fe=rgb.a; +} +var max=Math.max(Math.max(red,_4fc),blue); +var min=Math.min(Math.min(red,_4fc),blue); +var hue; +var _503; +var _504=max; +if(min==max){ +hue=0; +_503=0; +}else{ +var _505=(max-min); +_503=_505/max; +if(red==max){ +hue=(_4fc-blue)/_505; +}else{ +if(_4fc==max){ +hue=2+((blue-red)/_505); +}else{ +hue=4+((red-_4fc)/_505); +} +} +hue/=6; +if(hue<0){ +hue+=1; +} +if(hue>1){ +hue-=1; +} +} +return {h:hue,s:_503,v:_504,a:_4fe}; +},rgbToHSL:function(red,_507,blue,_509){ +if(arguments.length==1){ +var rgb=red; +red=rgb.r; +_507=rgb.g; +blue=rgb.b; +_509=rgb.a; +} +var max=Math.max(red,Math.max(_507,blue)); +var min=Math.min(red,Math.min(_507,blue)); +var hue; +var _50e; +var _50f=(max+min)/2; +var _510=max-min; +if(_510===0){ +hue=0; +_50e=0; +}else{ +if(_50f<=0.5){ +_50e=_510/(max+min); +}else{ +_50e=_510/(2-max-min); +} +if(red==max){ +hue=(_507-blue)/_510; +}else{ +if(_507==max){ +hue=2+((blue-red)/_510); +}else{ +hue=4+((red-_507)/_510); +} +} +hue/=6; +if(hue<0){ +hue+=1; +} +if(hue>1){ +hue-=1; +} +} +return {h:hue,s:_50e,l:_50f,a:_509}; +},toColorPart:function(num){ +num=Math.round(num); +var _512=num.toString(16); +if(num<16){ +return "0"+_512; +} +return _512; +},__new__:function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +this.Color.fromRGBString=m.bind(this.Color._fromColorString,this.Color,"rgb","fromRGB",[1/255,1/255,1/255,1]); +this.Color.fromHSLString=m.bind(this.Color._fromColorString,this.Color,"hsl","fromHSL",[1/360,0.01,0.01,1]); +var _514=1/3; +var _515={black:[0,0,0],blue:[0,0,1],brown:[0.6,0.4,0.2],cyan:[0,1,1],darkGray:[_514,_514,_514],gray:[0.5,0.5,0.5],green:[0,1,0],lightGray:[2*_514,2*_514,2*_514],magenta:[1,0,1],orange:[1,0.5,0],purple:[0.5,0,0.5],red:[1,0,0],transparent:[0,0,0,0],white:[1,1,1],yellow:[1,1,0]}; 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+var _583=self._observers; +src=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(src); +var args=MochiKit.Base.extend(null,arguments,2); +var _585=[]; +self._lock=true; +for(var i=0;i<_583.length;i++){ +var _587=_583[i]; +if(_587.source===src&&_587.signal===sig&&_587.connected){ +try{ +_587.listener.apply(src,args); +} +catch(e){ +_585.push(e); +} +} +} +self._lock=false; +if(self._dirty){ +self._dirty=false; +for(var i=_583.length-1;i>=0;i--){ +if(!_583[i].connected){ +_583.splice(i,1); +} +} +} +if(_585.length==1){ +throw _585[0]; +}else{ +if(_585.length>1){ +var e=new Error("Multiple errors thrown in handling 'sig', see errors property"); +e.errors=_585; +throw e; +} +} +}}); +MochiKit.Signal.EXPORT_OK=[]; +MochiKit.Signal.EXPORT=["connect","disconnect","signal","disconnectAll","disconnectAllTo"]; +MochiKit.Signal.__new__=function(win){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +this._document=document; +this._window=win; +this._lock=false; +this._dirty=false; +try{ +this.connect(window,"onunload",this._unloadCache); +} +catch(e){ +} +this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; 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+}; +MochiKit.Position.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.Position.EXPORT_OK=[]; +MochiKit.Position.EXPORT=[]; +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Position,{includeScrollOffsets:false,prepare:function(){ +var _58b=window.pageXOffset||document.documentElement.scrollLeft||document.body.scrollLeft||0; +var _58c=window.pageYOffset||document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop||0; +this.windowOffset=new MochiKit.Style.Coordinates(_58b,_58c); +},cumulativeOffset:function(_58d){ +var _58e=0; +var _58f=0; +do{ +_58e+=_58d.offsetTop||0; +_58f+=_58d.offsetLeft||0; +_58d=_58d.offsetParent; +}while(_58d); +return new MochiKit.Style.Coordinates(_58f,_58e); +},realOffset:function(_590){ +var _591=0; +var _592=0; +do{ +_591+=_590.scrollTop||0; +_592+=_590.scrollLeft||0; +_590=_590.parentNode; +}while(_590); +return new MochiKit.Style.Coordinates(_592,_591); +},within:function(_593,x,y){ +if(this.includeScrollOffsets){ +return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(_593,x,y); 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+p.prepare(); +window.scrollTo(p.windowOffset.x,this.scrollStart+(_674*; +}}); +MochiKit.Visual.CSS_LENGTH=/^(([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|\%))|0$/; +MochiKit.Visual.Morph=function(_676,_677){ +var cls=arguments.callee; +if(!(this instanceof cls)){ +return new cls(_676,_677); +} +this.__init__(_676,_677); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.Morph.prototype=new MochiKit.Visual.Base(); +MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Visual.Morph.prototype,{__class__:MochiKit.Visual.Morph,__init__:function(_679,_67a){ +this.element=MochiKit.DOM.getElement(_679); +this.start(_67a||{}); +},setup:function(){ +var b=MochiKit.Base; +var; +this.styleStart={}; +this.styleEnd={}; +this.units={}; +var _67d,unit; +for(var s in _67c){ +_67d=_67c[s]; +s=b.camelize(s); +if(MochiKit.Visual.CSS_LENGTH.test(_67d)){ +var _680=_67d.match(/^([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(.*)$/); +_67d=parseFloat(_680[1]); +unit=(_680.length==3)?_680[2]:null; +this.styleEnd[s]=_67d; +this.units[s]=unit; +_67d=MochiKit.Style.getStyle(this.element,s); +_680=_67d.match(/^([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(.*)$/); +_67d=parseFloat(_680[1]); +this.styleStart[s]=_67d; +}else{ +var c=MochiKit.Color.Color; +_67d=c.fromString(_67d); +if(_67d){ +this.units[s]="color"; +this.styleEnd[s]=_67d.toHexString(); +_67d=MochiKit.Style.getStyle(this.element,s); +this.styleStart[s]=c.fromString(_67d).toHexString(); +this.styleStart[s]{ +return parseInt(this.styleStart[s].slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16); +},this),[0,1,2]); +this.styleEnd[s]{ +return parseInt(this.styleEnd[s].slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16); +},this),[0,1,2]); +} +} +} +},update:function(_684){ +var _685; +for(var s in this.styleStart){ +if(this.units[s]=="color"){ +var m="#"; +var _688=this.styleStart[s]; +var end=this.styleEnd[s];{ +m+=MochiKit.Color.toColorPart(Math.round(_688[i]+(end[i]-_688[i])*_684)); +},this),[0,1,2]);[s]=m; +}else{ +_685=this.styleStart[s]+Math.round((this.styleEnd[s]-this.styleStart[s])*_684*1000)/1000+this.units[s];[s]=_685; +} +} +}}); +MochiKit.Visual.fade=function(_68b,_68c){ +var s=MochiKit.Style; +var _68e=s.getStyle(_68b,"opacity"); 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+},afterFinishInternal:function(_69c){ +s.hideElement(_69c.effects[0].element); +s.setStyle(_69c.effects[0].element,_69a); +},scaleContent:true,scaleFromCenter:true},_697||{}); +return new v.Parallel([new v.Scale(_696,200,{sync:true,scaleFromCenter:_697.scaleFromCenter,scaleContent:_697.scaleContent,restoreAfterFinish:true}),new v.Opacity(_696,{sync:true,to:0})],_697); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.blindUp=function(_69d,_69e){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +_69d=d.getElement(_69d); +var _6a0=d.makeClipping(_69d); +_69e=MochiKit.Base.update({scaleContent:false,scaleX:false,restoreAfterFinish:true,afterFinishInternal:function(_6a1){ +MochiKit.Style.hideElement(_6a1.element); +d.undoClipping(_6a1.element,_6a0); +}},_69e||{}); +return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(_69d,0,_69e); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.blindDown=function(_6a2,_6a3){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6a2=d.getElement(_6a2); +var _6a6=s.getElementDimensions(_6a2); +var _6a7; +_6a3=MochiKit.Base.update({scaleContent:false,scaleX:false,scaleFrom:0,scaleMode:{originalHeight:_6a6.h,originalWidth:_6a6.w},restoreAfterFinish:true,afterSetupInternal:function(_6a8){ +_6a7=d.makeClipping(_6a8.element); +s.setStyle(_6a8.element,{height:"0px"}); +s.showElement(_6a8.element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6a9){ +d.undoClipping(_6a9.element,_6a7); +}},_6a3||{}); +return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(_6a2,100,_6a3); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.switchOff=function(_6aa,_6ab){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +_6aa=d.getElement(_6aa); +var _6ad=MochiKit.Style.getStyle(_6aa,"opacity"); +var _6ae; +_6ab=MochiKit.Base.update({duration:0.3,scaleFromCenter:true,scaleX:false,scaleContent:false,restoreAfterFinish:true,beforeSetupInternal:function(_6af){ +d.makePositioned(_6af.element); +_6ae=d.makeClipping(_6af.element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6b0){ +MochiKit.Style.hideElement(_6b0.element); +d.undoClipping(_6b0.element,_6ae); +d.undoPositioned(_6b0.element); +MochiKit.Style.setStyle(_6b0.element,{"opacity":_6ad}); +}},_6ab||{}); +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +return new v.appear(_6aa,{duration:0.4,from:0,transition:v.Transitions.flicker,afterFinishInternal:function(_6b2){ +new v.Scale(_6b2.element,1,_6ab); +}}); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.dropOut=function(_6b3,_6b4){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6b3=d.getElement(_6b3); +var _6b7={top:s.getStyle(_6b3,"top"),left:s.getStyle(_6b3,"left"),opacity:s.getStyle(_6b3,"opacity")}; +_6b4=MochiKit.Base.update({duration:0.5,distance:100,beforeSetupInternal:function(_6b8){ +d.makePositioned(_6b8.effects[0].element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6b9){ +s.hideElement(_6b9.effects[0].element); +d.undoPositioned(_6b9.effects[0].element); +s.setStyle(_6b9.effects[0].element,_6b7); +}},_6b4||{}); +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +return new v.Parallel([new v.Move(_6b3,{x:0,y:_6b4.distance,sync:true}),new v.Opacity(_6b3,{sync:true,to:0})],_6b4); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.shake=function(_6bb,_6bc){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6bb=d.getElement(_6bb); +_6bc=MochiKit.Base.update({x:-20,y:0,duration:0.05,afterFinishInternal:function(_6c0){ +d.undoPositioned(_6c0.element); +s.setStyle(_6c0.element,_6c1); +}},_6bc||{}); +var _6c1={top:s.getStyle(_6bb,"top"),left:s.getStyle(_6bb,"left")}; +return new v.Move(_6bb,{x:20,y:0,duration:0.05,afterFinishInternal:function(_6c2){ +new v.Move(_6c2.element,{x:-40,y:0,duration:0.1,afterFinishInternal:function(_6c3){ +new v.Move(_6c3.element,{x:40,y:0,duration:0.1,afterFinishInternal:function(_6c4){ +new v.Move(_6c4.element,{x:-40,y:0,duration:0.1,afterFinishInternal:function(_6c5){ +new v.Move(_6c5.element,{x:40,y:0,duration:0.1,afterFinishInternal:function(_6c6){ +new v.Move(_6c6.element,_6bc); +}}); +}}); +}}); +}}); +}}); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.slideDown=function(_6c7,_6c8){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var b=MochiKit.Base; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6c7=d.getElement(_6c7); +if(!_6c7.firstChild){ +throw "MochiKit.Visual.slideDown must be used on a element with a child"; +} +d.removeEmptyTextNodes(_6c7); +var _6cc=s.getStyle(_6c7.firstChild,"bottom")||0; +var _6cd=s.getElementDimensions(_6c7); +var _6ce; +_6c8=b.update({scaleContent:false,scaleX:false,scaleFrom:0,scaleMode:{originalHeight:_6cd.h,originalWidth:_6cd.w},restoreAfterFinish:true,afterSetupInternal:function(_6cf){ +d.makePositioned(_6cf.element); +d.makePositioned(_6cf.element.firstChild); +if(/Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ +s.setStyle(_6cf.element,{top:""}); +} +_6ce=d.makeClipping(_6cf.element); +s.setStyle(_6cf.element,{height:"0px"}); +s.showElement(_6cf.element); +},afterUpdateInternal:function(_6d0){ +s.setStyle(_6d0.element.firstChild,{bottom:(_6d0.dims[0]-_6d0.element.clientHeight)+"px"}); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6d1){ +d.undoClipping(_6d1.element,_6ce); +if(/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ +d.undoPositioned(_6d1.element); +d.undoPositioned(_6d1.element.firstChild); +}else{ +d.undoPositioned(_6d1.element.firstChild); +d.undoPositioned(_6d1.element); +} +s.setStyle(_6d1.element.firstChild,{bottom:_6cc}); +}},_6c8||{}); +return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(_6c7,100,_6c8); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.slideUp=function(_6d2,_6d3){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var b=MochiKit.Base; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6d2=d.getElement(_6d2); +if(!_6d2.firstChild){ +throw "MochiKit.Visual.slideUp must be used on a element with a child"; +} +d.removeEmptyTextNodes(_6d2); +var _6d7=s.getStyle(_6d2.firstChild,"bottom"); +var _6d8; +_6d3=b.update({scaleContent:false,scaleX:false,scaleMode:"box",scaleFrom:100,restoreAfterFinish:true,beforeStartInternal:function(_6d9){ +d.makePositioned(_6d9.element); +d.makePositioned(_6d9.element.firstChild); +if(/Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ +s.setStyle(_6d9.element,{top:""}); +} +_6d8=d.makeClipping(_6d9.element); +s.showElement(_6d9.element); +},afterUpdateInternal:function(_6da){ +s.setStyle(_6da.element.firstChild,{bottom:(_6da.dims[0]-_6da.element.clientHeight)+"px"}); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6db){ +s.hideElement(_6db.element); +d.undoClipping(_6db.element,_6d8); +d.undoPositioned(_6db.element.firstChild); +d.undoPositioned(_6db.element); +s.setStyle(_6db.element.firstChild,{bottom:_6d7}); +}},_6d3||{}); +return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(_6d2,0,_6d3); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.squish=function(_6dc,_6dd){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var b=MochiKit.Base; +var _6e0; +_6dd=b.update({restoreAfterFinish:true,beforeSetupInternal:function(_6e1){ +_6e0=d.makeClipping(_6e1.element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6e2){ +MochiKit.Style.hideElement(_6e2.element); +d.undoClipping(_6e2.element,_6e0); +}},_6dd||{}); +return new MochiKit.Visual.Scale(_6dc,/Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)?1:0,_6dd); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.grow=function(_6e3,_6e4){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6e3=d.getElement(_6e3); +_6e4=MochiKit.Base.update({direction:"center",moveTransition:v.Transitions.sinoidal,scaleTransition:v.Transitions.sinoidal,opacityTransition:v.Transitions.full,scaleContent:true,scaleFromCenter:false},_6e4||{}); +var _6e8={,,,,opacity:s.getStyle(_6e3,"opacity")}; +var dims=s.getElementDimensions(_6e3); +var _6ea,_6eb; +var _6ec,_6ed; +switch(_6e4.direction){ +case "top-left": +_6ea=_6eb=_6ec=_6ed=0; +break; +case "top-right": +_6ea=dims.w; +_6eb=_6ed=0; +_6ec=-dims.w; +break; +case "bottom-left": +_6ea=_6ec=0; +_6eb=dims.h; +_6ed=-dims.h; +break; +case "bottom-right": +_6ea=dims.w; +_6eb=dims.h; +_6ec=-dims.w; +_6ed=-dims.h; +break; +case "center": +_6ea=dims.w/2; +_6eb=dims.h/2; +_6ec=-dims.w/2; +_6ed=-dims.h/2; +break; +} +var _6ee=MochiKit.Base.update({beforeSetupInternal:function(_6ef){ +s.setStyle(_6ef.effects[0].element,{height:"0px"}); +s.showElement(_6ef.effects[0].element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6f0){ +d.undoClipping(_6f0.effects[0].element); +d.undoPositioned(_6f0.effects[0].element); +s.setStyle(_6f0.effects[0].element,_6e8); +}},_6e4||{}); +return new v.Move(_6e3,{x:_6ea,y:_6eb,duration:0.01,beforeSetupInternal:function(_6f1){ +s.hideElement(_6f1.element); +d.makeClipping(_6f1.element); +d.makePositioned(_6f1.element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6f2){ +new v.Parallel([new v.Opacity(_6f2.element,{sync:true,to:1,from:0,transition:_6e4.opacityTransition}),new v.Move(_6f2.element,{x:_6ec,y:_6ed,sync:true,transition:_6e4.moveTransition}),new v.Scale(_6f2.element,100,{scaleMode:{originalHeight:dims.h,originalWidth:dims.w},sync:true,scaleFrom:/Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)?1:0,transition:_6e4.scaleTransition,scaleContent:_6e4.scaleContent,scaleFromCenter:_6e4.scaleFromCenter,restoreAfterFinish:true})],_6ee); +}}); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.shrink=function(_6f3,_6f4){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_6f3=d.getElement(_6f3); +_6f4=MochiKit.Base.update({direction:"center",moveTransition:v.Transitions.sinoidal,scaleTransition:v.Transitions.sinoidal,opacityTransition:v.Transitions.none,scaleContent:true,scaleFromCenter:false},_6f4||{}); +var _6f8={,,,,opacity:s.getStyle(_6f3,"opacity")}; +var dims=s.getElementDimensions(_6f3); +var _6fa,_6fb; +switch(_6f4.direction){ +case "top-left": +_6fa=_6fb=0; +break; +case "top-right": +_6fa=dims.w; +_6fb=0; +break; +case "bottom-left": +_6fa=0; +_6fb=dims.h; +break; +case "bottom-right": +_6fa=dims.w; +_6fb=dims.h; +break; +case "center": +_6fa=dims.w/2; +_6fb=dims.h/2; +break; +} +var _6fc; +var _6fd=MochiKit.Base.update({beforeStartInternal:function(_6fe){ +_6fc=d.makePositioned(_6fe.effects[0].element); +d.makeClipping(_6fe.effects[0].element); +},afterFinishInternal:function(_6ff){ +s.hideElement(_6ff.effects[0].element); +d.undoClipping(_6ff.effects[0].element,_6fc); +d.undoPositioned(_6ff.effects[0].element); +s.setStyle(_6ff.effects[0].element,_6f8); +}},_6f4||{}); +return new v.Parallel([new v.Opacity(_6f3,{sync:true,to:0,from:1,transition:_6f4.opacityTransition}),new v.Scale(_6f3,/Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)?1:0,{sync:true,transition:_6f4.scaleTransition,scaleContent:_6f4.scaleContent,scaleFromCenter:_6f4.scaleFromCenter,restoreAfterFinish:true}),new v.Move(_6f3,{x:_6fa,y:_6fb,sync:true,transition:_6f4.moveTransition})],_6fd); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.pulsate=function(_700,_701){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +var b=MochiKit.Base; +var _705=MochiKit.Style.getStyle(_700,"opacity"); +_701=b.update({duration:3,from:0,afterFinishInternal:function(_706){ +MochiKit.Style.setStyle(_706.element,{"opacity":_705}); +}},_701||{}); +var _707=_701.transition||v.Transitions.sinoidal; +var _708=b.bind(function(pos){ +return _707(1-v.Transitions.pulse(pos,_701.pulses)); +},_707); +b.bind(_708,_707); +return new v.Opacity(_700,b.update({transition:_708},_701)); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.fold=function(_70a,_70b){ +var d=MochiKit.DOM; +var v=MochiKit.Visual; +var s=MochiKit.Style; +_70a=d.getElement(_70a); +var _70f={,,,}; +var _710=d.makeClipping(_70a); +_70b=MochiKit.Base.update({scaleContent:false,scaleX:false,afterFinishInternal:function(_711){ +new v.Scale(_70a,1,{scaleContent:false,scaleY:false,afterFinishInternal:function(_712){ +s.hideElement(_712.element); +d.undoClipping(_712.element,_710); +s.setStyle(_712.element,_70f); +}}); +}},_70b||{}); +return new v.Scale(_70a,5,_70b); +}; +MochiKit.Visual.Color=MochiKit.Color.Color; +MochiKit.Visual.getElementsComputedStyle=MochiKit.DOM.computedStyle; +MochiKit.Visual.__new__=function(){ +var m=MochiKit.Base; +m.nameFunctions(this); +this.EXPORT_TAGS={":common":this.EXPORT,":all":m.concat(this.EXPORT,this.EXPORT_OK)}; +}; +MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT=["roundElement","roundClass","tagifyText","multiple","toggle","Parallel","Opacity","Move","Scale","Highlight","ScrollTo","Morph","fade","appear","puff","blindUp","blindDown","switchOff","dropOut","shake","slideDown","slideUp","squish","grow","shrink","pulsate","fold"]; +MochiKit.Visual.EXPORT_OK=["Base","PAIRS"]; +MochiKit.Visual.__new__(); +MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this,MochiKit.Visual); +if(typeof (MochiKit)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit={}; +} +if(typeof (MochiKit.MochiKit)=="undefined"){ +MochiKit.MochiKit={}; +} +MochiKit.MochiKit.NAME="MochiKit.MochiKit"; +MochiKit.MochiKit.VERSION="1.4"; +MochiKit.MochiKit.__repr__=function(){ +return "["+this.NAME+" "+this.VERSION+"]"; +}; +MochiKit.MochiKit.toString=function(){ +return this.__repr__(); +}; +MochiKit.MochiKit.SUBMODULES=["Base","Iter","Logging","DateTime","Format","Async","DOM","Selector","Style","LoggingPane","Color","Signal","Position","Visual"]; +if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"||typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ +if(typeof (dojo)!="undefined"){ +dojo.provide("MochiKit.MochiKit"); +dojo.require("MochiKit.*"); +} +if(typeof (JSAN)!="undefined"){ +(function(lst){ +for(var i=0;i"); +} +} +})(); +} + + diff --git a/static/js/MochiKit_LICENSE b/static/js/MochiKit_LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d0065b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/js/MochiKit_LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +MochiKit is dual-licensed software. It is available under the terms of the +MIT License, or the Academic Free License version 2.1. The full text of +each license is included below. + +MIT License +=========== + +Copyright (c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights reserved. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + + +Academic Free License v. 2.1 +============================ + +Copyright (c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights reserved. + +This Academic Free License (the "License") applies to any original work of authorship (the "Original Work") whose owner (the "Licensor") has placed the following notice immediately following the copyright notice for the Original Work: + +Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 + +1) Grant of Copyright License. Licensor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, sublicenseable license to do the following: + +a) to reproduce the Original Work in copies; + +b) to prepare derivative works ("Derivative Works") based upon the Original Work; + +c) to distribute copies of the Original Work and Derivative Works to the public; + +d) to perform the Original Work publicly; and + +e) to display the Original Work publicly. + +2) Grant of Patent License. Licensor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, sublicenseable license, under patent claims owned or controlled by the Licensor that are embodied in the Original Work as furnished by the Licensor, to make, use, sell and offer for sale the Original Work and Derivative Works. + +3) Grant of Source Code License. The term "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Original Work for making modifications to it and all available documentation describing how to modify the Original Work. Licensor hereby agrees to provide a machine-readable copy of the Source Code of the Original Work along with each copy of the Original Work that Licensor distributes. Licensor reserves the right to satisfy this obligation by placing a machine-readable copy of the Source Code in an information repository reasonably calculated to permit inexpensive and convenient access by You for as long as Licensor continues to distribute the Original Work, and by publishing the address of that information repository in a notice immediately following the copyright notice that applies to the Original Work. + +4) Exclusions From License Grant. Neither the names of Licensor, nor the names of any contributors to the Original Work, nor any of their trademarks or service marks, may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Original Work without express prior written permission of the Licensor. Nothing in this License shall be deemed to grant any rights to trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets or any other intellectual property of Licensor except as expressly stated herein. No patent license is granted to make, use, sell or offer to sell embodiments of any patent claims other than the licensed claims defined in Section 2. No right is granted to the trademarks of Licensor even if such marks are included in the Original Work. Nothing in this License shall be interpreted to prohibit Licensor from licensing under different terms from this License any Original Work that Licensor otherwise would have a right to license. + +5) This section intentionally omitted. + +6) Attribution Rights. You must retain, in the Source Code of any Derivative Works that You create, all copyright, patent or trademark notices from the Source Code of the Original Work, as well as any notices of licensing and any descriptive text identified therein as an "Attribution Notice." You must cause the Source Code for any Derivative Works that You create to carry a prominent Attribution Notice reasonably calculated to inform recipients that You have modified the Original Work. + +7) Warranty of Provenance and Disclaimer of Warranty. Licensor warrants that the copyright in and to the Original Work and the patent rights granted herein by Licensor are owned by the Licensor or are sublicensed to You under the terms of this License with the permission of the contributor(s) of those copyrights and patent rights. Except as expressly stated in the immediately proceeding sentence, the Original Work is provided under this License on an "AS IS" BASIS and WITHOUT WARRANTY, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL WORK IS WITH YOU. This DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY constitutes an essential part of this License. No license to Original Work is granted hereunder except under this disclaimer. + +8) Limitation of Liability. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall the Licensor be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or the use of the Original Work including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses. This limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from Licensor's negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not apply to You. + +9) Acceptance and Termination. If You distribute copies of the Original Work or a Derivative Work, You must make a reasonable effort under the circumstances to obtain the express assent of recipients to the terms of this License. Nothing else but this License (or another written agreement between Licensor and You) grants You permission to create Derivative Works based upon the Original Work or to exercise any of the rights granted in Section 1 herein, and any attempt to do so except under the terms of this License (or another written agreement between Licensor and You) is expressly prohibited by U.S. copyright law, the equivalent laws of other countries, and by international treaty. Therefore, by exercising any of the rights granted to You in Section 1 herein, You indicate Your acceptance of this License and all of its terms and conditions. + +10) Termination for Patent Action. This License shall terminate automatically and You may no longer exercise any of the rights granted to You by this License as of the date You commence an action, including a cross-claim or counterclaim, against Licensor or any licensee alleging that the Original Work infringes a patent. This termination provision shall not apply for an action alleging patent infringement by combinations of the Original Work with other software or hardware. + +11) Jurisdiction, Venue and Governing Law. Any action or suit relating to this License may be brought only in the courts of a jurisdiction wherein the Licensor resides or in which Licensor conducts its primary business, and under the laws of that jurisdiction excluding its conflict-of-law provisions. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any use of the Original Work outside the scope of this License or after its termination shall be subject to the requirements and penalties of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. ยง 101 et seq., the equivalent laws of other countries, and international treaty. This section shall survive the termination of this License. + +12) Attorneys Fees. In any action to enforce the terms of this License or seeking damages relating thereto, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection with such action, including any appeal of such action. This section shall survive the termination of this License. + +13) Miscellaneous. This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. + +14) Definition of "You" in This License. "You" throughout this License, whether in upper or lower case, means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with you. For purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + +15) Right to Use. You may use the Original Work in all ways not otherwise restricted or conditioned by this License or by law, and Licensor promises not to interfere with or be responsible for such uses by You. + +This license is Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Lawrence E. Rosen. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this license without modification. This license may not be modified without the express written permission of its copyright owner. + + + diff --git a/static/js/Wiki.js b/static/js/Wiki.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..244af6c --- /dev/null +++ b/static/js/Wiki.js @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ +function Wiki() { + this.next_id = null; + this.focused_editor = null; + this.blank_editor_id = null; + this.notebook = null; + this.notebook_id = getElement( "notebook_id" ).value; + this.read_write = false; + this.startup_entries = new Array(); // map of startup entries: entry id to bool + this.invoker = new Invoker(); + + connect( this.invoker, "error_message", this, "display_message" ); + connect( "search_form", "onsubmit", this, "search" ); + + // get info on the requested notebook (if any) + var self = this; + if ( this.notebook_id ) { + this.invoker.invoke( + "/notebooks/contents", "GET", { + "notebook_id": this.notebook_id + }, + function( result ) { self.populate( result ); } + ); + } + + // get info on the current user (logged-in or anonymous) + this.invoker.invoke( "/users/current", "GET", null, + function( result ) { self.display_user( result ); } + ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.update_next_id = function ( result ) { + this.next_id = result.next_id; +} + +Wiki.prototype.display_user = function ( result ) { + // if no notebook id was requested, then just display the user's default notebook + if ( !this.notebook_id ) { + this.notebook_id = result.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id; + this.populate( { "notebook" : result.notebooks[ 0 ] } ); + } + + if ( result.user.username == "anonymous" ) + return; + + // display links for current notebook a list of other notebooks that the user has access to + var span = createDOM( "span" ); + replaceChildNodes( "notebook_area", span ); + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id, "id": "recent_entries_link" }, "recent entries" ) ); + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "br" ) ); + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/download_html/" + this.notebook_id, "id": "download_html_link" }, "download as html" ) ); + + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "h3", "other notebooks" ) ); + for ( var i in result.notebooks ) { + var notebook = result.notebooks[ i ]; + if ( notebook.object_id != this.notebook_id ) { + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "a", { + "href": ( == "Limited Medium" ) ? "/" : "/notebooks/" + notebook.object_id, + "id": "notebook_" + notebook.object_id + }, ) ); + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "br" ) ); + } + } + + // display the name of the logged in user and a logout link + span = createDOM( "span" ); + replaceChildNodes( "user_area", span ); + appendChildNodes( span, "logged in as " + result.user.username ); + appendChildNodes( span, " | " ); + appendChildNodes( span, createDOM( "a", { "href": "/", "id": "logout_link" }, "logout" ) ); + + var self = this; + connect( "recent_entries_link", "onclick", function ( event ) { + self.invoker.invoke( + "/notebooks/recent_entries", "GET", { "notebook_id": self.notebook_id }, + function( result ) { self.display_search_results( result ); } + ); + event.stop(); + } ); + + + connect( "download_html_link", "onclick", function ( event ) { + self.save_editor( null, true ); + } ); + + connect( "logout_link", "onclick", function ( event ) { + self.save_editor( null, true ); + self.invoker.invoke( "/users/logout", "POST" ); + event.stop(); + } ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.populate = function ( result ) { + this.notebook = result.notebook; + var self = this; + + if ( != "Limited Medium" ) + replaceChildNodes( "notebook_name", createDOM( "h3", ) ); + + if ( this.notebook.read_write ) { + this.read_write = true; + removeElementClass( "toolbar", "undisplayed" ); + + connect( window, "onunload", function ( event ) { self.editor_focused( null, true ); } ); + connect( "bold", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "bold" ); } ); + connect( "italic", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "italic" ); } ); + connect( "title", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "title", "h3" ); } ); + connect( "insertUnorderedList", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "insertUnorderedList" ); } ); + connect( "insertOrderedList", "onclick", function ( event ) { self.toggle_button( event, "insertOrderedList" ); } ); + connect( "createLink", "onclick", this, "toggle_link_button" ); + connect( "newEntry", "onclick", this, "create_blank_editor" ); + connect( "html", "onclick", this, "background_clicked" ); + + // grab the next available object id + this.invoker.invoke( "/next_id", "POST", null, + function( result ) { self.update_next_id( result ); } + ); + } + + // create an editor for each startup entry in the received notebook, focusing the first one + for ( var i in this.notebook.startup_entries ) { + var entry = this.notebook.startup_entries[ i ]; + if ( !entry ) continue; + this.startup_entries[ entry.object_id ] = true; + var focus = ( i == 0 ); + this.create_editor( entry.object_id, entry.contents, undefined, undefined, false, focus ); + } +} + +Wiki.prototype.background_clicked = function ( event ) { + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + // unless a background div was clicked, bail + var node_name =; + if ( node_name != "div" && node_name != "html" ) + return; + + this.create_blank_editor( event ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.create_blank_editor = function ( event ) { + if ( event ) event.stop(); + + // if there is already a blank editor, then highlight it and bail + if ( this.blank_editor_id != null ) { + var blank_iframe_id = "entry_" + this.blank_editor_id; + var iframe = getElement( blank_iframe_id ); + if ( iframe && iframe.editor.empty() ) { + iframe.editor.highlight(); + return; + } + } + + this.blank_editor_id = this.create_editor( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.load_editor = function ( entry_title, insert_after_iframe_id, entry_id ) { + var self = this; + + this.invoker.invoke( + "/notebooks/load_entry", "GET", { + "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, + "entry_id": entry_id + }, + function ( result ) { self.parse_loaded_editor( result, insert_after_iframe_id, entry_title ); } + ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.load_editor_by_title = function ( entry_title, insert_after_iframe_id ) { + var self = this; + + this.invoker.invoke( + "/notebooks/load_entry_by_title", "GET", { + "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, + "entry_title": entry_title + }, + function ( result ) { self.parse_loaded_editor( result, insert_after_iframe_id, entry_title ); } + ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.parse_loaded_editor = function ( result, insert_after_iframe_id, entry_title ) { + if ( result.entry ) { + var id = result.entry.object_id + var entry_text = result.entry.contents; + } else { + var id = null; + var entry_text = "

" + entry_title; + } + + this.create_editor( id, entry_text, insert_after_iframe_id, entry_title, true, false ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.create_editor = function ( id, entry_text, insert_after_iframe_id, entry_title, highlight, focus ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + var self = this; + if ( isUndefinedOrNull( id ) ) { + if ( this.read_write ) { + id = this.next_id; + this.invoker.invoke( "/next_id", "POST", null, + function( result ) { self.update_next_id( result ); } + ); + } else { + id = 0; + } + } + + // update any matching links in insert_after_iframe_id with the id of this new editor + if ( insert_after_iframe_id ) { + var links = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "a", null, getElement( insert_after_iframe_id ).editor.document ); + for ( var i in links ) { + // a link matches if its contained text is the same as this entry's title + if ( scrapeText( links[ i ] ) == entry_title ) + links[ i ].href = "/entries/" + id; + } + } + + // if an iframe has been given to insert this new editor after, then hide all subsequent non-startup editors + if ( insert_after_iframe_id ) { + var sibling = getElement( insert_after_iframe_id ).nextSibling; + while ( sibling ) { + var nextSibling = sibling.nextSibling; + + if ( sibling.editor && ( this.read_write || !sibling.editor.startup ) ) + sibling.editor.shutdown(); + + sibling = nextSibling; + } + } + + var startup = this.startup_entries[ id ]; + var editor = new Editor( id, entry_text, undefined, this.read_write, startup, highlight, focus ); + + if ( this.read_write ) { + connect( editor, "state_changed", this, "editor_state_changed" ); + connect( editor, "key_pressed", this, "editor_key_pressed" ); + connect( editor, "delete_clicked", function ( event ) { self.delete_editor( event, editor ) } ); + connect( editor, "options_clicked", function ( event ) { self.toggle_editor_options( event, editor ) } ); + connect( editor, "focused", this, "editor_focused" ); + } + + connect( editor, "load_editor", this, "load_editor" ); + connect( editor, "load_editor_by_title", this, "load_editor_by_title" ); + connect( editor, "hide_clicked", function ( event ) { self.hide_editor( event, editor ) } ); + connect( editor, "submit_form", function ( url, form ) { + self.invoker.invoke( url, "POST", null, null, form ); + } ); + + return id; +} + +Wiki.prototype.editor_state_changed = function ( editor ) { + this.update_toolbar(); +} + +Wiki.prototype.editor_focused = function ( editor, fire_and_forget ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + if ( editor ) + addElementClass( editor.iframe, "focused_entry_frame" ); + + if ( this.focused_editor && this.focused_editor != editor ) { + removeElementClass( this.focused_editor.iframe, "focused_entry_frame" ); + + // if the formerly focused editor is completely empty, then remove it as the user leaves it and switches to this editor + if ( this.focused_editor.empty() ) { + this.focused_editor.shutdown(); + } else { + // when switching editors, save the one being left + this.save_editor( null, fire_and_forget ); + } + } + + this.focused_editor = editor; +} + +Wiki.prototype.editor_key_pressed = function ( editor, event ) { + var code = event.key().code; + if ( event.modifier().ctrl ) { + // ctrl-backtick: alert with frame HTML contents (temporary for debugging) + if ( code == 192 || code == 96 ) { + alert( editor.document.body.innerHTML ); + event.stop(); + // ctrl-b: bold + } else if ( code == 66 ) { + this.toggle_button( event, "bold" ); + // ctrl-i: italic + } else if ( code == 73 ) { + this.toggle_button( event, "italic" ); + // ctrl-t: title + } else if ( code == 84 ) { + this.toggle_button( event, "title", "h3" ); + // ctrl-l: unordered list + } else if ( code == 76 ) { + this.toggle_button( event, "insertUnorderedList" ); + // ctrl-n: ordered list + } else if ( code == 49 ) { + this.toggle_button( event, "insertOrderedList" ); + // ctrl-e: make an entry link + } else if ( code == 69 ) { + this.toggle_link_button( event ); + // ctrl-n: new entry + } else if ( code == 78 ) { + this.create_blank_editor( event ); + // ctrl-h: hide entry + } else if ( code == 72 ) { + this.hide_editor( event ); + // ctrl-d: delete entry + } else if ( code == 68 ) { + this.delete_editor( event ); + } + // IE: hitting space or tab while making a link shouldn't end the link + } else if ( ( code == 32 || code == 9 ) && editor.document.selection && editor.state_enabled( "createLink" ) ) { + var range = editor.document.selection.createRange(); + var text = range.parentElement().firstChild; + text.nodeValue += " "; + event.stop(); + } +} + +Wiki.prototype.toggle_button = function ( event, button_id, state_name ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + if ( this.focused_editor ) { + this.focused_editor.focus(); + this.focused_editor.exec_command( state_name || button_id ); + this.focused_editor.resize(); + this.update_button( button_id, state_name ); + } + + event.stop(); +} + +Wiki.prototype.update_button = function ( button_id, state_name ) { + if ( this.focused_editor.state_enabled( state_name || button_id ) ) + addElementClass( button_id, "button_down" ); + else + removeElementClass( button_id, "button_down" ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.update_toolbar = function() { + if ( this.focused_editor ) { + this.update_button( "bold" ); + this.update_button( "italic" ); + this.update_button( "title", "h3" ); + this.update_button( "insertUnorderedList" ); + this.update_button( "insertOrderedList" ); + this.update_button( "createLink" ); + } +} + +Wiki.prototype.toggle_link_button = function ( event ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + if ( this.focused_editor ) { + this.focused_editor.focus(); + toggleElementClass( "button_down", "createLink" ); + if ( hasElementClass( "createLink", "button_down" ) ) + this.focused_editor.start_link(); + else + this.focused_editor.end_link(); + } + + event.stop(); +} + +Wiki.prototype.hide_editor = function ( event, editor ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + if ( !editor ) { + editor = this.focused_editor; + this.focused_editor = null; + } + + if ( editor ) { + // before hiding an editor, save it + if ( this.read_write ) + this.save_editor( editor ); + + editor.shutdown(); + } + + event.stop(); +} + +Wiki.prototype.delete_editor = function ( event, editor ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + if ( !editor ) { + editor = this.focused_editor; + this.focused_editor = null; + } + + if ( editor ) { + if ( this.startup_entries[ ] ) + delete this.startup_entries[ ]; + + if ( this.read_write ) { + this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/delete_entry", "POST", { + "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, + "entry_id": + } ); + } + + if ( editor == this.focused_editor ) + this.focused_editor = null; + + editor.shutdown(); + } + + event.stop(); +} + +Wiki.prototype.save_editor = function ( editor, fire_and_forget ) { + if ( !editor ) + editor = this.focused_editor; + + if ( editor && !editor.empty() ) { + // TODO: do something with the result other than just ignoring it + this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/save_entry", "POST", { + "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, + "entry_id":, + "contents": editor.contents(), + "startup": editor.startup + }, null, null, fire_and_forget ); + } +} + = function ( event ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + var self = this; + this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/search", "GET", { "notebook_id": this.notebook_id }, + function( result ) { self.display_search_results( result ); }, + "search_form" + ); + + event.stop(); +} + +Wiki.prototype.display_search_results = function ( result ) { + // before displaying the search results, save the current focused editor + this.save_editor(); + + // TODO: somehow highlight the search term within the search results? + // make a map of entry object id to entry + var entries = {}; + for ( var i in result.entries ) { + var entry = result.entries[ i ]; + entries[ entry.object_id ] = entry; + } + + // hide all existing editors except those for startup entries or search results + var iframes = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "iframe", "entry_frame" ); + for ( var i in iframes ) { + var iframe = iframes[ i ]; + + // don't hide an existing entry if it's in the search results + if ( entries[ ] ) { + iframe.editor.highlight( false ); + delete entries[ ]; + continue; + } + + // don't hide an existing entry if it's a read-only startup entry + if ( iframe.editor.startup && !iframe.editor.read_write ) + continue; + + iframe.editor.shutdown(); + } + + // if there are no search results, indicate that and bail + if ( result.entries.length == 0 ) { + this.display_message( "No matching entries." ); + return; + } + + // create an editor for each entry search result, focusing the first one + var i = 0; + for ( var id in entries ) { + var entry = entries[ id ]; + var focus = ( i == 0 ); + this.create_editor( id, entry.contents, undefined, undefined, false, focus ); + i += 1; + } +} + +Wiki.prototype.display_message = function ( text ) { + this.clear_messages(); + this.clear_pulldowns(); + + var inner_div = DIV( { "class": "message_inner" }, text ); + var div = DIV( { "class": "message" }, inner_div ); + appendChildNodes( "entries", div ); + ScrollTo( div ); +} + +Wiki.prototype.clear_messages = function () { + var results = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "message" ); + + for ( var i in results ) { + var result = results[ i ]; + blindUp( result, options = { "duration": 0.5, afterFinish: function () { + try { + removeElement( result ); + } catch ( e ) { } + } } ); + } +} + +Wiki.prototype.clear_pulldowns = function () { + var results = getElementsByTagAndClassName( "div", "pulldown" ); + + for ( var i in results ) { + var result = results[ i ]; + result.pulldown.shutdown(); + } +} + +Wiki.prototype.toggle_editor_options = function ( event, editor ) { + new Pulldown( this.notebook_id, this.invoker, editor ); + event.stop(); +} + +connect( window, "onload", function ( event ) { new Wiki(); } ); + + +function Pulldown( notebook_id, invoker, editor ) { + // if the pulldown is already open, then just close it + var existing_div = getElement( "options_" + ); + if ( existing_div ) { + existing_div.pulldown.shutdown(); + return; + } + + this.notebook_id = notebook_id; + this.invoker = invoker; + this.editor = editor; + this.div = createDOM( "div", { "id": "options_" +, "class": "pulldown" } ); + this.div.pulldown = this; + addElementClass( this.div, "invisible" ); + + this.close_button = createDOM( "input", { "type": "button", "value": " x ", "class": "pulldown_button" } ); + this.startup_checkbox = createDOM( "input", { "type": "checkbox" } ); + this.startup_toggle = createDOM( "span", { "class": "pulldown_toggle" }, + this.startup_checkbox, + "show on startup" + ); + + appendChildNodes( this.div, this.close_button ); + appendChildNodes( this.div, this.startup_toggle ); + appendChildNodes( document.body, this.div ); + this.startup_checkbox.checked = editor.startup; + + var self = this; + connect( this.startup_toggle, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.startup_clicked( event ); event.stop(); } ); + connect( this.close_button, "onclick", function ( event ) { self.shutdown(); event.stop(); } ); + + // position the options pulldown under the options button + var position = getElementPosition( editor.options_button ); + var options_dimensions = getElementDimensions( editor.options_button ); + var div_dimensions = getElementDimensions( this.div ); + position.x -= div_dimensions.w - options_dimensions.w; + position.y += options_dimensions.h; + setElementPosition( this.div, position ); + + removeElementClass( this.div, "invisible" ); +} + +Pulldown.prototype.startup_clicked = function ( event ) { + if ( != this.startup_checkbox ) + this.startup_checkbox.checked = this.startup_checkbox.checked ? false : true; + this.editor.startup = this.startup_checkbox.checked; + + // if this entry isn't empty, save it along with its startup status + if ( !this.editor.empty() ) { + this.invoker.invoke( "/notebooks/save_entry", "POST", { + "notebook_id": this.notebook_id, + "entry_id":, + "contents": this.editor.contents(), + "startup": this.editor.startup + } ); + } +} + +Pulldown.prototype.shutdown = function () { + disconnectAll( this.close_button ); + disconnectAll( this.startup_toggle ); + removeElement( this.div ); +} diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fea6730 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python2.4 + +import os +import os.path +from controller.Database import Database +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler + + +class Dumper( object ): + def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): + self.scheduler = scheduler + self.database = database + + thread = self.dump_database() + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) + + def dump_database( self ): + for key in self.database._Database__db.keys(): + self.database.load( key, self.scheduler.thread ) + value = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + print "%s: %s" % ( key, value ) + + yield None + + +def main(): + scheduler = Scheduler() + database = Database( scheduler, "data.db" ) + initializer = Dumper( scheduler, database ) + scheduler.wait_until_idle() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edddd6d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/ @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python2.4 + +import os +import os.path +from controller.Database import Database +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from model.Notebook import Notebook +from model.Read_only_notebook import Read_only_notebook +from model.Entry import Entry +from model.User import User + + +class Initializer( object ): + HTML_PATH = u"static/html" + ENTRY_FILES = [ # the second element of the tuple is whether to show the entry on startup + ( u"navigation.html", True ), + ( u"about.html", True ), + ( u"features.html", True ), + ( u"take a tour.html", False ), + ( u"try it out.html", False ), + ( u"login.html", False ), + ( u"password reset.html", False ), + ( u"supported browsers.html", False ), + ( u"advanced browser features.html", False ), + ] + + def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): + self.scheduler = scheduler + self.database = database + self.main_notebook = None + self.read_only_main_notebook = None + self.user_notebook = None + self.user = None + self.anonymous = None + + threads = ( + self.create_main_notebook(), + self.create_anonymous_user(), + self.create_user_notebook(), + self.create_user(), + ) + + for thread in threads: + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) + + def create_main_notebook( self ): + # create the main notebook and all of its entries + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + main_notebook_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + self.main_notebook = Notebook( main_notebook_id, u"Limited Medium" ) + + for ( filename, startup ) in self.ENTRY_FILES: + full_filename = os.path.join( self.HTML_PATH, filename ) + contents = file( full_filename ).read() + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + entry_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + + entry = Entry( entry_id, contents ) + self.main_notebook.add_entry( entry ) + + if startup: + self.main_notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) + + self.main_notebook ) + + # create the read-only view of the main notebook + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + read_only_main_notebook_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + self.read_only_main_notebook = Read_only_notebook( read_only_main_notebook_id, self.main_notebook ) + self.read_only_main_notebook ) + + def create_anonymous_user( self ): + # create the anonymous user + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + anonymous_user_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + notebooks = [ self.read_only_main_notebook ] + self.anonymous = User( anonymous_user_id, u"anonymous", None, None, notebooks ) + self.anonymous ) + + def create_user_notebook( self ): + # create the user notebook along with a startup entry + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + user_notebook_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + self.user_notebook = Notebook( user_notebook_id, u"my notebook" ) + + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + entry_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + entry = Entry( entry_id, u"

" ) + self.user_notebook.add_entry( entry ) + self.user_notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) + + self.user_notebook ) + + def create_user( self ): + # create the user + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + user_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + notebooks = [ self.user_notebook ] + self.user = User( user_id, u"witten", u"dev", u"", notebooks ) + + self.user ) + + +def main(): + if os.path.exists( "data.db" ): + os.remove( "data.db" ) + + scheduler = Scheduler() + database = Database( scheduler, "data.db" ) + initializer = Initializer( scheduler, database ) + scheduler.wait_until_idle() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..319598c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/ @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#!/usr/bin/python2.4 + +import os +import os.path +from controller.Database import Database +from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler +from model.Entry import Entry + + +class Initializer( object ): + HTML_PATH = u"static/html" + ENTRY_FILES = [ # the second element of the tuple is whether to show the entry on startup + #( u"navigation.html", True ), # skip for now, since the navigtaion entry doesn't have a title + ( u"about.html", True ), + ( u"features.html", True ), + ( u"take a tour.html", False ), + ( u"try it out.html", False ), + ( u"login.html", False ), + ( u"password reset.html", False ), + ( u"supported browsers.html", False ), + ( u"advanced browser features.html", False ), + ] + + def __init__( self, scheduler, database ): + self.scheduler = scheduler + self.database = database + + threads = ( + self.update_main_notebook(), + ) + + for thread in threads: + self.scheduler.add( thread ) + self.scheduler.wait_for( thread ) + + def update_main_notebook( self ): + self.database.load( u"anonymous", self.scheduler.thread ) + anonymous = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + main_notebook = anonymous.notebooks[ 0 ]._Read_only_notebook__wrapped + startup_entries = [] + + # update all of the entries in the main notebook + for ( filename, startup ) in self.ENTRY_FILES: + full_filename = os.path.join( self.HTML_PATH, filename ) + contents = file( full_filename ).read() + + title = filename.replace( u".html", u"" ) + entry = main_notebook.lookup_entry_by_title( title ) + + if entry: + main_notebook.update_entry( entry, contents ) + # if for some reason the entry isn't present, create it + else: + self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread ) + entry_id = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ) + entry = Entry( entry_id, contents ) + main_notebook.add_entry( entry ) + + main_notebook.remove_startup_entry( entry ) + if startup: + startup_entries.append( entry ) + + for entry in startup_entries: + main_notebook.add_startup_entry( entry ) + + main_notebook ) + + +def main(): + scheduler = Scheduler() + database = Database( scheduler, "data.db" ) + initializer = Initializer( scheduler, database ) + scheduler.wait_until_idle() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e2028f --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +from Tags import Html, Head, Link, Script, Meta, Body + + +class Entry_page( Html ): + def __init__( self, id ): + Html.__init__( + self, + Head( + Link( rel = u"stylesheet", type = u"text/css", href = u"/static/css/entry.css" ), + Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/MochiKit.js" ), + Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Invoker.js" ), + Meta( content = u"text/html; charset=UTF-8", http_equiv = u"content-type" ), + ), + Body( + onload = u"parent.editor_loaded( '%s' );" % id, + ), + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8072138 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +from Page import Page +from Tags import Div, H2, P, A, Ul, Li, Strong + + +class Error_page( Page ): + def __init__( self ): + title = u"uh oh" + + Page.__init__( + self, + title, + Div( + H2( title ), + P( + u"Something went wrong! If you care, please", + A( "let us know about it.", href = "/about/contact" ), + u"Be sure to include the following information:", + ), + Ul( + Li( u"the series of steps you took to produce this error" ), + Li( u"the time of the error" ), + Li( u"the name of your web browser and its version" ), + Li( u"any other information that you think is relevant" ), + ), + P( + u"Thanks!", + ), + P( + Strong( u"P.S." ), + u""" + If Javascript isn't enabled in your browser, please enable it. + """, + ), + class_ = u"box", + ), + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c749323 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import re +import cherrypy +from Tags import Html, Head, Title, Style, Meta, Body, H1, Div, Span, Hr, A + + +class Html_file( Html ): + ENTRY_LINK_PATTERN = re.compile( u'', re.IGNORECASE ) + + def __init__( self, notebook_name, entries ): + relinked_entries = {} # map from entry id to relinked entry contents + + # relink all entry links so they point to named anchors within the page + for entry in entries: + contents = self.ENTRY_LINK_PATTERN.sub( r'', entry.contents ) + relinked_entries[ entry.object_id ] = contents + + cherrypy.response.headerMap[ u"Content-Disposition" ] = u"attachment; filename=wiki.html" + + Html.__init__( + self, + Head( + Style( file( u"static/css/download.css" ).read(), type = u"text/css" ), + Meta( content = u"text/html; charset=UTF-8", http_equiv = u"content-type" ), + Title( notebook_name ), + ), + Body( + Div( + H1( notebook_name ), + [ Span( + A( name = u"entry_%s" % entry.object_id ), + Div( + relinked_entries[ entry.object_id ], + class_ = u"entry_frame", + ), + ) for entry in entries ], + id = u"center_area", + ), + ), + A( "Limited Medium", href = "" ), + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..160bb74 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +from simplejson import JSONEncoder +from datetime import datetime, date + + +class Json( JSONEncoder ): + def __init__( self, **kwargs ): + JSONEncoder.__init__( self ) + self.__kwargs = kwargs + + def __str__( self ): + return self.encode( self.__kwargs ) + + def default( self, obj ): + """ + Invoked by JSONEncoder.encode() for types that it doesn't know how to encode. + """ + if isinstance( obj, datetime ) or isinstance( obj, date ): + return unicode( obj ) + + if hasattr( obj, "to_dict" ): + return obj.to_dict() + + raise TypeError diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fd767a --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +from Tags import Div, H3, A + + +class Link_area( Div ): + def __init__( self, notebook_id ): + Div.__init__( + self, + Div( + id = u"notebook_name", + ), + Div( + id = u"notebook_area", + ), + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a17386 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +from Page import Page +from Tags import Input, Div, H2, H4, A +from Search_form import Search_form +from Link_area import Link_area +from Toolbar import Toolbar + + +class Main_page( Page ): + def __init__( self, notebook_id = None ): + title = None + + Page.__init__( + self, + title, + Input( type = u"hidden", name = u"notebook_id", id = u"notebook_id", value = notebook_id or "" ), + Div( + id = u"status_area", + ), + Div( + Link_area( notebook_id ), + id = u"link_area", + ), + Div( + Toolbar(), + Div( + Div( + Div( + Div( + id = u"user_area", + ), + Div( + Search_form(), + id = u"search_area", + ), + id = u"search_and_user_area", + ), + Div( + H2( A( u"Limited Medium", href = "/" ), class_ = "page_title" ), + H4( A( u"personal wiki notebook", href = "/" ), class_ = u"page_title" ), + id = u"title_area", + ), + id = u"top_area", + ), + Div( + id = u"entries", + ), + id = u"center_area", + ), + id = u"center_and_toolbar_area", + ), + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba9c000 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +class Node( object ): + """ + An HTML node, consisting of an opening and closing HTML tag, potentially with stuff in between + and attributes on the opening tag. + """ + + tag = None # the name of the HTML tag to use for this node + + def __init__( self, *children, **attrs ): + self.__attrs = attrs + self.__children = [] + + if "separator" in attrs: + self.__separator = attrs[ "separator" ] + del( attrs[ "separator" ] ) + else: + self.__separator = u"\n" + + if "prefix" in attrs: + self.__prefix = attrs[ "prefix" ] + del( attrs[ "prefix" ] ) + else: + self.__prefix = u"" + + # flatten any lists contained within the children list. + # so [ [ a, b ], [ c, d ] ] becomes just [ a, b, c, d ] + for child in children: + if child is None: continue + + if type( child ) == list: + self.__children.extend( child ) + else: + self.__children.append( child ) + + children = property( lambda self: self.__children ) + attrs = property( lambda self: self.__attrs ) + + def __str__( self ): + # render this node's children + rendered_children = self.__separator.join( [ unicode( child ) for child in self.__children ] ) + + # if there is no tag, just return the children by themself + if self.tag is None: + return self.__prefix + rendered_children + + # render attributes in the open tag + if len( self.__attrs ) == 0: + open_tag = u"<%s>" % self.tag + else: + rendered_attrs = u" ".join( [ '%s="%s"' % ( Node.transform_name( name ), value ) + for ( name, value ) in self.__attrs.items() if value is not None ] ) + open_tag = u"<%s %s>" % ( self.tag, rendered_attrs ) + + close_tag = u"" % self.tag + + # return the rendered node + if len( self.__children ) == 0: + return self.__prefix + u"%s%s" % ( open_tag, close_tag ) + elif len( self.__children ) == 1 and len( rendered_children ) < 80: + separator = u"" + else: + separator = self.__separator + + return self.__prefix + separator.join( [ open_tag, rendered_children, close_tag ] ) + + @staticmethod + def transform_name( name ): + # since u"class" is a Python keyword, allow u"class_" instead + if name == u"class_": + return u"class" + + if name.endswith( u"_dc" ): + # since Python identifiers can't contain colons, replace underscores with colons + return name.replace( u"_", u":" ) + else: + # since Python identifiers can't contain dashes, replace underscores with dashes + return name.replace( u"_", u"-" ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64eb3a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +from Page import Page +from Tags import Div, H2, P, A + + +class Not_found_page( Page ): + def __init__( self ): + title = u"404" + + Page.__init__( + self, + title, + Div( + H2( title ), + P( + u"This is not the page you're looking for. If you care, please", + A( "let us know about it.", href = "/about/contact" ), + ), + P( + u"Thanks!", + ), + class_ = u"box", + ), + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de71153 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +from Tags import Html, Head, Link, Script, Meta, Title, Body, Div, A, H1 + + +class Page( Html ): + def __init__( self, title, *children, **attrs ): + head_types = ( Link, Script, Meta ) # node types to move to the Head section + app_name = u"Limited Medium" + + if "id" not in attrs: + attrs[ "id" ] = u"content" + + # move certain types of children from the body to the head + Html.__init__( + self, + Head( + Link( rel = u"stylesheet", type = u"text/css", href = u"/static/css/style.css" ), + Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/MochiKit.js" ), + Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Invoker.js" ), + Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Editor.js" ), + Script( type = u"text/javascript", src = u"/static/js/Wiki.js" ), + Meta( content = u"text/html; charset=UTF-8", http_equiv = u"content-type" ), + [ child for child in children if type( child ) in head_types ], + Title( title and u"%s: %s" % ( app_name, title ) or app_name ), + """""", + ), + Body( + Div( + *[ child for child in children if type( child ) not in head_types ], + **attrs + ), + ), + id = "html", + xmlns = u"", + prefix = u'\n' + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19212d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +from Tags import Form, Strong, Input + + +class Search_form( Form ): + def __init__( self ): + title = None + + Form.__init__( + self, + Strong( u"search: " ), + Input( type = u"text", name = u"search_text", id = u"search_text", size = 30, maxlength = 100 ), + id = u"search_form", + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fd56e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +from Node import Node + + +class Html( Node ): tag = u"html" +class Title( Node ): tag = u"title" +class Head( Node ): tag = u"head" +class Body( Node ): tag = u"body" +class H1( Node ): tag = u"h1" +class H2( Node ): tag = u"h2" +class H3( Node ): tag = u"h3" +class H4( Node ): tag = u"h4" +class H5( Node ): tag = u"h5" +class H6( Node ): tag = u"h6" +class Div( Node ): tag = u"div" +class Span( Node ): tag = u"span" +class Blockquote( Node ): tag = u"blockquote" +class Q( Node ): tag = u"q" +class Em( Node ): tag = u"em" +class Strong( Node ): tag = u"strong" +class Cite( Node ): tag = u"cite" +class Code( Node ): tag = u"code" +class Samp( Node ): tag = u"samp" +class Kbd( Node ): tag = u"kbd" +class Var( Node ): tag = u"var" +class Dfn( Node ): tag = u"dfn" +class Address( Node ): tag = u"address" +class Big( Node ): tag = u"big" +class Small( Node ): tag = u"small" +class Ins( Node ): tag = u"ins" +class Del( Node ): tag = u"del" +class Acronym( Node ): tag = u"acronym" +class Abbr( Node ): tag = u"abbr" +class B( Node ): tag = u"b" +class I( Node ): tag = u"i" +class U( Node ): tag = u"i" +class Strike( Node ): tag = u"strike" +class S( Node ): tag = u"s" +class Sub( Node ): tag = u"sub" +class Sup( Node ): tag = u"sup" +class Tt( Node ): tag = u"tt" +class Pre( Node ): tag = u"pre" +class Center( Node ): tag = u"center" +class Blink( Node ): tag = u"blink" +class Font( Node ): tag = u"font" +class Basefont( Node ): tag = u"basefont" +class Marquee( Node ): tag = u"marquee" +class Multicol( Node ): tag = u"multicol" +class Spacer( Node ): tag = u"spacer" +class Layer( Node ): tag = u"layer" +class Ilayer( Node ): tag = u"ilayer" +class Nolayer( Node ): tag = u"nolayer" +class A( Node ): tag = u"a" +class Img( Node ): tag = u"img" +class Bgsound( Node ): tag = u"bgsound" +class Map( Node ): tag = u"map" +class Area( Node ): tag = u"area" +class Meta( Node ): tag = u"meta" +class Object( Node ): tag = u"object" +class Param( Node ): tag = u"param" +class P( Node ): tag = u"p" +class Br( Node ): tag = u"br" +class Hr( Node ): tag = u"hr" +class Nobr( Node ): tag = u"nobr" +class Wbr( Node ): tag = u"wbr" +class Ul( Node ): tag = u"ul" +class Ol( Node ): tag = u"ol" +class Li( Node ): tag = u"li" +class Dl( Node ): tag = u"dl" +class Dt( Node ): tag = u"dt" +class Dd( Node ): tag = u"dd" +class Menu( Node ): tag = u"menu" +class Dir( Node ): tag = u"dir" +class Body( Node ): tag = u"body" +class Form( Node ): tag = u"form" +class Input( Node ): tag = u"input" +class Button( Node ): tag = u"button" +class Label( Node ): tag = u"label" +class Select( Node ): tag = u"select" +class Option( Node ): tag = u"option" +class Optgroup( Node ): tag = u"optgroup" +class Textarea( Node ): tag = u"textarea" +class Fieldset( Node ): tag = u"fieldset" +class Legend( Node ): tag = u"legend" +class Table( Node ): tag = u"table" +class Tr( Node ): tag = u"tr" +class Td( Node ): tag = u"td" +class Th( Node ): tag = u"th" +class Tbody( Node ): tag = u"tbody" +class Tfoot( Node ): tag = u"tfoot" +class Thead( Node ): tag = u"thead" +class Caption( Node ): tag = u"caption" +class Col( Node ): tag = u"col" +class Colgroup( Node ): tag = u"colgroup" +class Frameset( Node ): tag = u"frameset" +class Frame( Node ): tag = u"frame" +class Noframes( Node ): tag = u"noframes" +class Iframe( Node ): tag = u"iframe" +class Script( Node ): tag = u"script" +class Noscript( Node ): tag = u"noscript" +class Applet( Node ): tag = u"appet" +class Server( Node ): tag = u"server" +class Isindex( Node ): tag = u"isindex" +class Base( Node ): tag = u"base" +class Link( Node ): tag = u"link" +class Meta( Node ): tag = u"meta" +class Style( Node ): tag = u"style" +class Bdo( Node ): tag = u"bdo" diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61fe152 --- /dev/null +++ b/view/ @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +from Tags import Div, Ul, Li, A, Input + + +class Toolbar( Div ): + def __init__( self ): + Div.__init__( + self, + Ul( + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"B", id = u"bold", title = u"bold [ctrl-B]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"I", id = u"italic", title = u"italic [ctrl-I]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"T", id = u"title", title = u"title [ctrl-T]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"•", id = u"insertUnorderedList", title = u"list [ctrl-L]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"1.", id = u"insertOrderedList", title = u"numbered list [ctrl-1]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"→", id = u"createLink", title = u"entry link [ctrl-E]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + Li( Input( type = u"button", value = u"+", id = u"newEntry", title = u"new entry [ctrl-N]", class_ = u"button" ) ), + ), + id = u"toolbar", + class_ = u"undisplayed", # start out as hidden, and then shown in the browser if the current notebook is read-write + ) diff --git a/view/ b/view/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29